The Bad Boys and The Tomboy (...

By Katyrules

2.3M 74.4K 25K

Alice Avery lives in a society where every girl must wear mini skirts and unbelievably high heels. Where girl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Four

40.8K 1.5K 570
By Katyrules

Alice's POV:

I woke up with a foggy memory. I tried to move but I couldn't, my hands were handcuffed behind my back. My eyes suddenly widened and I looked around. Everything from last night came flooding back to me. I was sitting on a cement floor which hurt my butt bone. There were bars as walls, it was exactly like a jail cell. There was no bed though, just one blanket on the floor.

"Oh my god." I breathed out.

"Ah, you're up. I'll go get Frank." A man stated. I looked through the bars and saw a chair outside of the cell that the man must have been sitting on.

"No stop! What is he going to do to me?" I asked the man frantically. The man had black hair and sleeves of tattoos.

"If this is what he usually does to people who cross him, you're in for hell. Knives, starvation, beatings, and when you finally beg for death, he will leave a knife in your stomach until blood loss or infection kills you." The man laughed. He's a sadistic freak! Get me the duck out of here! Yes, I meant duck.

"No please! Get me out of here!" I yelled as the man walked up the steps and left the room. There were no windows, I was trapped. I can't let Frank break me. The boys will find me. I know they will.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It had to be him. I sure as hell hope he takes off the handcuffs so I have a fighting chance but I'm doubtful.

"Hello Love, I apologize for what I'm about to do. If we met under different circumstances, we might have gotten along." Frank commented and snapped his fingers. Two big men descended down the stairs with bags. I know what's in the bags, torture devices.

Ryder's POV:

I looked at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. I felt completely helpless. What if Alice was being killed right now? What if I never see her again.

"Alec, you awake?" I whispered to the other side of the room where Alec was restlessly moving and lying on the other side of his body.

"Yeah." He sighed and sat up.

"I can't sleep." I stated and sat up as well. I crossed my legs and put my head in my hands.

"Neither can I. We just have to live with it tonight. She's a strong girl." Alec sighed and stood up. He opened the window in the room and grabbed his cigarettes. There was a long couch my the window where he sat as he looked out of the window. I got up and sat on the other side of the couch.

"Light one for me." I sighed and Alec grabbed another cigarette out of his pack. He lit his lighter and handed me the cigarette. I breathed in the smoke for the first time in awhile. I quit smoking about a year ago. I had severe asthma a while back and I was told if I didn't stop smoking, it would eventually kill me. I haven't smoked since because my doctor said that if I did, it could trigger me.

I exhaled the smoke and I felt calmer. It felt good to smoke again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jace sit down next to me. He couldn't sleep either.

"Hey guys." Jace commented and looked out of the window with us. I don't think many people would be able to understand the bond that the three of us have. We grew up together. Our families were friends and we all lived in the same town. Life was simple.

One night, a man named Leo went on a killing spree. He was a psychopath. Leo went to Jace's house the night he went mad. Jace was with us at the movies when it happened. Leo killed Jace's whole family. We were going to hang at Jace's house that night so when we got there, Jace found his little sister's body first. Stab wounds all over her.

Jace had no one else so he was about to go to a foster home. Alec's parents always thought of him as a son so as a favor to his late parents, they adopted him. Leo wasn't caught so understandably, Jace made it his mission to find the man at fault for killing his family. Alec and I helped Jace because his family was practically ours too. We found Leo but he got away. We weren't as skilled as we are now.

Leo decided that he would kill anyone who fought against him. The next night, Alec's parents were found burned alive in a nearby cemetery.   We wanted to be with Alec, not thinking wisely, we left my house where my parents and baby brother were. We thought Leo was just after Jace but it was all of us. After we found him together, we all had to pay.

My parents weren't found until the next morning. Their death was the worst of all. Leo skinned them alive. We all were orphans with no place to go. One thing kept us going though, the burning passion for revenge.

Frank eventually took us all in. He treated us like family. He taught us to fight, use weapons, and gave us a place to live. Frank killed Leo a week later. We didn't see his evil until we found out how Leo died. Leo was put into a cell in Frank's basement. He was starved, tortured, and he eventually hung himself. Leo felt that living was worse than death.

One of Frank's guards told us how Leo died. In the beginning, I couldn't care less. The bastard killed my little brother. He killed our families. We weren't aware that Frank killed all of Leo's family. His ex-wife and four year old daughter whom he hasn't talked to in years. They didn't realize that Leo was insane when they got married.

We obviously didn't leave Frank though. He was the only person we could rely on. We thought him killing Leo's family was for us, so we couldn't be angry. Years went by, once it was legal for us all to live on our own, we left. We still worked for Frank. He sent us to high school with some false records and everything was okay.

Eventually, Frank needed us for business. We sold drugs for him. We decided it was the least we could do. Sadly that wasn't enough. People were killed by our hands. After those killings, we stopped and thought about the man we worked for. He wasn't right in the head. He was as insane as Leo.

Obviously, we attempted to wit and here we are now. We are running from the man who made us who we were but we can't run any longer. If we keep running, we will loose the only sanity we have left. I would loose Alice, the only light I can see in this world of darkness.

Alice's POV:

After a few painful hours, Frank got a phone call. Everything was paused. I let out a breath of relief. I looked down to see deep cuts in my stomach. I winced at the sight.

"Send him down." Frank smiled with amusement and hung up the phone. A man came down the stairs, he had grey hair and brown eyes that terrified me. His eyes showed... insanity.

"Alice, this is my business partner, Leo."

A/N: sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. It's been a really long and dreadful week and I don't have enough time to read through it for a second time to fix things. I'll go through it soon but I wanted to post another chapter for you guys. :)

What do you think of Leo?

This chapter showed how the boys came to be who they are now. Hopefully this makes a bit of sense.

Vote and comment if you liked this chapter! ~Katyrules

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