Percy meets The Mortal Instru...

By enostervy

225K 5.4K 1.7K

This is a crossover between Percy Jackson and The Mortal Instruments WARNING there may be spoilers. POV stan... More

Percy meets The Mortal Instruments
Chapter 1 Clary POV An Unusual Encounter
Chapter 2 Annabeth's POV A Strange Couple of Mortals
Chapter 3 Percy POV The Most Unlikely Friend
Chapter 4 Isabelle's POV What a Day
Chapter 5 Percy's POV Shadowhunters?!!!!!!
Chapter 6 Magnus's POV Disaster and An Allie
Chapter 7 Isabelle's POV Isabelle's Peril
Chapter 8 Jace's POV Danger In Our Midst
Chapter 9 Annabeth's POV Wise Girl Has No Words
Chapter 10 Nyx's POV An Unusual Turn of Events
Chapter 11 Maryse POV I'm Scared for Isabelle
Chapter 12 Clary's POV A New Dangerous Game
Chapter 13 Gaia's POV Sebastian's First Capture
Chapter 14 Nico POV Disaster Lurks
Chapter 15 Alec's POV Alec's Shock
Chapter 16 Clary's POV A Full Dose of Adventure
Chapter 17 Annabeth's POV Into Monster Woods We Go
Chapter 18 Nico's POV The Reunion
Chapter 19 Percy's POV Ugh Meetings.
Chapter 20 Percy's POV We save a little girl
Chapter 21 Percy POV We fall into the Dark
Chapter 22 Nico's POV The Lost Family
Chapter 23 Nico's POV The Discovery
Chapter 24 Clary's POV Monsters, again....
Chapter 25 Jace POV Annabeth's concerns
Chapter 26 Clary's POV We return home (or close enough)
Chapter 27 Percy's POV The Last Battle (Hopefully)
End? (AN) and Poll
OC's ? And ANs

Poll Results!

1.6K 21 1
By enostervy

So I've decided that the sequel to Percy Meets The Mortal Instruments will be....

Drum roll please.......

Percy Jackson Meets Harry Potter!

Hopefully you guys are happy with this and I always welcome feedback!

Here's the link to Percy Jackson meets Harry Potter

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