Deadly Vows**PUBLISHED**

By haleyinez

1.7M 7.7K 1.5K

This is just a sample. The book has been completed and published and is available in print and in ebook on iT... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Deadly Vows

Chapter 3

69.8K 2.5K 510
By haleyinez


My father keeps a photo of my parent's wedding day in the living room. It's a large photograph that sits over the fireplace. My mother looks stunning in it, and my father looks confident. What I could never shake was the haunted look in my mother's eyes. She doesn't have a smile on her lips like brides usually do on their wedding days. She looks terrified, her eyes wide with terror. And as I look at myself in the mirror, I finally recognize the emotion she wore on her face that day. It was fear.

My dress is long, and sleek, clinging to my body in all the right places with a train that drags at least six feet behind me. My hair has been pulled into an intricate updo with loose curls tickling either side of my face, and a large diamond necklace courtesy of my husband to accent the gown and my ring. It all looks so beautiful and perfect. I look beautiful. But on the inside, I am screaming. This isn't what I wanted. This isn't what I dreamed about. No part of my wedding did I even choose. It was all chosen for me, as was my life.

I tense as the bells above the church ring, signifying the time.

My vision blurs slightly as tears form in my eyes. But I can't let them fall. To cry is to smear not only my father's name but my family's. This is my family's salvation. Marrying into the Pasquino family is their golden ticket. They will now have more opportunities and better protection, and they will be known among the territories. My family will be untouchable from today onward. But not me. After today, I am his. I am the sacrifice for their gain.

A light knock sounds at the door before it is opened. My aunt stands in the doorway, a scowl on her face as she looks me up and down.

"It's time."

As we make our way through the halls, I can't help but feel an emptiness inside. Being born into this world is a lonely existence. I could never have friends outside of my family. I don't even have bridesmaids to accompany me down the aisle. I've only ever had my family; my family that willingly sold me to the highest bid. Luca has plagued my nightmares all week. His words were so out of place, and yet he sounded natural in saying them to me. He won't hesitate to put me in my place. He is a man who expects obedience.

The depressing chords of the organ slowly echo into the hall as we approach the chapel. It does nothing to drown out the heavy throb of my heart. And seeing my father waiting for me, his expression unchanged as he takes me in, makes my heart sink even further. He holds his arm out for me, and I place my hand in the crook of his elbow as we turn to face the aisle that will forever change my life.

"You're doing us proud."

My breath catches in my throat. In all my life, my father has never expressed how he feels. And now, on the day he gives me away to a man we both know is not to be trusted, he speaks of the pride of the family over my feelings. He hasn't expressed concern about this drastic change. He hasn't spoken with me about what to expect, nor has he expressed empathy over the situation. He is happy to trade me for power.

Before I can fully digest how I'm feeling, the music beyond the doors changes as they fly open. The music spills into the hall washing over me as my eyes focus upon my groom. Luca stands at the head of the church with his hands crossed in front of him. He looks devilishly handsome, his dark hair pushed away from his face. He's wearing a perfectly tailored tux, a grin on his lips as he takes me in. If I weren't so bogged down by my own fears, I might've been able to appreciate my husband's good looks.

He holds his hand out to me, the gesture meaning more than what it seems on the outside. My father passes me off, placing my hand in Luca's ridding himself of me once and for all. I notice the warmth of Luca's hand as he holds me, his piercing gaze studying me intensely as the priest begins his sermon. I can't focus on the words he's saying, not while Luca watches me like a wild animal. His gaze never falters, not even when I repeat my vows.

His interest in me is that of a new shiny toy that he can't wait to play with. Or rather, see how rough he can be with it before it breaks. He may be smiling now, but I remember this same smile at our engagement party when he threatened to break my jaw. I remember the cruel grin when he was seconds from blowing that woman's brains out.

Silence falls over the church as the priest repeats his question to me, asking if I am willing to love this man for better or for worse. I don't know him well enough to answer that truthfully. And I pray that God can see into my heart as I utter the lie before both of our families.

"I do."

And with those words, we are joined as one. Luca pulls me into him, his hand pressing against the small of my back as he leans into me, placing his lips over mine. His lips move expertly over mine; possessive as he claims me in front of everyone we know.

* * * * *

The reception is one fit for royalty. The top floor of the hotel has been closed off for our wedding. The glass walls and ceilings are covered in a plethora of flowers with a large fountain in the center and a crystal chandelier. I don't know how they had time, but there's a large photograph of Luca and me a few days ago at our engagement party hanging overhead. It's a grand celebration that I wish I could enjoy more.

Applause erupts over the room as Luca and I enter hand in hand. I see the faces of people I know and people I don't. And to my shock, I recognize some important figureheads in society in attendance as well. The Pasquinos truly are a powerful family. Luca pulls me to the center of the room as the spotlight shines on us and the music begins. Everyone watches with smiles as we dance as a couple for the first time.

"Are you enjoying your wedding day?"

I tense, lifting my head to look at him. For once, he isn't smiling as he looks at me trying to figure me out.

"Of course," I whisper earning a laugh.

"Really? Because you look like a frightened deer," he says smiling down at me. My cheeks burn from his joke and I remain silent.

"Don't fret, Elise. All I ask is that you obey. And we will get along just fine."

His words are accompanied by a chilling expression. His eyes are almost crazed as he looks down at me, his possession of me already forming. The crowd slowly begins to join us as the song ends, and Luca leads me to our table at the head of the room to enjoy the night of festivities. And as I look out at the faces who are enjoying themselves at my expense, I feel a heavy sense of dread wash over me.

The night passes in a blur. I go through everything as I should, politely smiling and responding when needed. I make sure I don't give away how I'm truly feeling. Not when Luca has already called me on it. Luca, however, has made it very clear how he feels about this arrangement. The entire night his eyes followed me, and he uses moments like exchanging cake to tease me sexually. He wants to devour me and he's made that very clear more than once. Which makes it all the more frightening when the clock strikes twelve, and it is time for us to depart and do our "marital duties".

"Are you ready?" I feel a tug on my hand and look to see Luca watching me with that terrifying expression. Everything about his sentence suggests it as a question, but it sounds anything but. I nod in response, earning a grin from my husband as he pulls my hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of it.


Once again, the crowd follows us, their applause deafening as they wish us well. Our closest friends and family all stand around us as we make our exit, our immediate family standing at the end. I fight my terror as Luca's father approaches with a smile on his lips. He and Luca share few features making me wonder if Luca took more after his mother. He pulls his son in an embrace, murmuring something in his ear before turning to me.

"Welcome to the family, nuora."

I lower my head slightly in respect.

"Thank you."

He continues to study me, his expression eerie and unreadable as he does so. Something about him makes me feel uncomfortable. But I don't have time to dwell on it. Luca gently places his hand against the small of my back, leading me toward my father but I falter. As I look at him, I finally feel something other than the desire to be loved. I feel resentment.

"No. I don't want to see him," I say under my breath. But Luca hears me. His hand remains on my back as we exit the reception hall, walking past my father without a word. We're barely in the hall when I feel a rough pull on my arm, yanking me back and away from Luca. My father's face is angry as he speaks to me under his breath.

"Have you lost your mind? What the hell are you thinking disrespecting me like that in front of-"

He is cut off as Luca comes to my side, all of his charm gone. "As of nine hours ago, Elise is now my wife. And I don't appreciate anyone touching what is mine."

My father immediately releases me, taking a step back but Luca isn't finished. His expression darkens as he steps into my father's space. "Do it again, and I will sever your fingers."

My blood runs cold at Luca's words. His eyes are distant almost as if he is imagining what he would do to my father. My father's face grows red, but he knows better than to mess with Luca. He is the future head of the Pasquino family. And no matter if I married him, he will always be above my father. I give him one last look as Luca remains next to me, his presence fueling my confidence to speak.

"Goodbye, Papa."

* * * * *

Our honeymoon suite is the penthouse suite. The walls are made up of windows, giving me a panoramic view of the entire city. It's strange to see it under these new circumstances. The Pasquinos own all of it. Unlike my father, they have legitimate business fronts. But it doesn't hurt having people willing to get their hands dirty in your back pocket, and that's where people like my father come in. This entire city is at my husband's fingertips.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Luca asks as he steps up next to me. He doesn't seem nervous in the least. And why would he be? I'm sure he's done this plenty of times before, hence the woman crashing our engagement party. I, however, am terrified. Ari has explained to me a few times what sex feels like. She's even goaded me into watching porn. But it doesn't compare to having a man ready and willing to penetrate you for the first time. It feels like nothing could have prepared me for this.

"Yes, it is," I whisper.

Luca steps closer pulling my attention. He has a lazy grin on his lips as he brings a glass of a deep gold liquid to his lips. He silently holds it out to me, his amusement growing when I take it from him. I study the liquid and I notice it's quaking in the glass thanks to me.

"It's whiskey. It will help with the nerves."

My eyes widen slightly as I bring it to my lips. My father never allowed me to drink whiskey. He said it was a man's drink. I quickly sip it down, my chest and throat burning from the strength of the alcohol. My cough fills the room and I hunch over, trying to breathe the heat from my throat.

"Have you never even had a drink?" Luca chuckles watching me. I shake my head, but I quickly see what he meant by the drink calming my nerves. My body feels warm from the remnants of the whiskey.

"You are too innocent, Elise," he laughs as he leads me into the bedroom. I'm thankful that the curtains are drawn. The lights cast a warm glow over the room, the bed covered in expensive sheets.

"Are you scared?"

Luca walks behind me, pouring himself another drink before sitting in the chair across from the bed. He watches me silently, using his free hand to loosen the top of his collar as he takes another sip of his drink. I bring my hands in close once again fiddling with my thumbs as he watches me with an intensity that makes me tremble.

"I've never done this before," I whisper. Luca's expression darkens, a smile crawling onto his lips as he stands.

"I know," he says. His steps are slow and deliberate as he approaches. He must know what it feels like for someone to be at the mercy of his gaze. His gray eyes remain lined to mine as he hands me the glass.

"Slow," he says. I slowly bring the glass to my lips, sipping like I saw him do. The liquid tingles my lips, making my mouth warm. It's vaguely sweet as it travels down my throat, settling in my stomach. Luca reaches around my hair, his fingers pulling at the pins that hold it in place until my hair falls around my waist. He gently takes the glass from me, spinning me so that my back is to him and I feel him working at the thick string of my gown. He continues to pull at it until it loosens around my shoulders, and his warm fingers slip under the fabric, pulling it so that it falls around my feet.

I gasp as his fingers drift around my waist, pulling me into him.

"Don't be nervous. I will make sure you feel good your first time."

He accompanies his words with a gentle kiss on my throat, his free hand closing around my breast before he turns me to face him. His eyes are dilated in the dim light as they roam over my body, lingering on my breasts. He then grabs my hand, pulling me with him to the bed. He spins us, lifting me with ease before placing me on the soft sheets. His eyes never leave mine as he strips, revealing solid muscle beneath the fabric of his tux. His skin is smooth albeit the jagged scars that have formed on his chest and over his ribcage. I also notice the rippled skin where bullets have gone through.

Not only does Luca bring death, but it looks like he's been close to it a few times.

He crawls over me, pushing me back on the bed. His lips descend on mine, this kiss much more possessive than at our wedding. I gasp when I feel his hand gripping my breast, his thumb gently flicking my nipple. His tongue traces my bottom lip before pushing into my mouth. He tastes sweet like the whiskey he was drinking. His hands expertly ignite pleasure within me, the heat traveling between my legs as I slowly become aroused for him.

His hand drifts between my legs, dipping between my folds knowingly. He finds my clit easily, rubbing in a circle with his finger as he deepens the kiss, swallowing my moan. My inner walls come alive as he continues to rub me, just as I also become wet for him. He uses the opportunity to push a finger inside of me, forcing an audible gasp from my lips as I press my against his chest, my eyes wide in shock.

"Do you like that?" he asks with a grin as he strokes me from within.

It felt strange at first, having his finger in me, but as he looks at me and continues, it feels pleasurable. My body grows more aroused by the second, my inner walls becoming slick with my arousal, and Luca notices, adding another finger. I arch my back giving him the perfect opportunity to latch onto my nipple, his tongue swirling over the sensitive flesh. He knows exactly how to bring my body to pleasurable heights.

He pulls his fingers out of me, shifting between my legs before I can protest. I immediately sit up, attempting to stop him but he has a firm grip on my thighs, holding them apart. His eyes meet mine in brief warning before he lowers himself, his tongue dipping past my folds and finding my throbbing bud. I cry out, my moans echoing off the walls as a pleasure I've never experienced before washes over me. The waves of heat all circulate to one place, building toward something even bigger as Luca continues to suckle between my legs.

"Luca! I-"

Luca pulls away from me and a noise of frustration leaves my lips as he abandons me on the edge of release. My eyes fly open and I look down, but he is no longer settled between my legs. He's above me, his fully erect cock in his hands as he looks down at me with lust in his eyes. My eyes widen as I take in the thick length of his shaft. He lightly strokes it as he continues to watch me, igniting a mixture of excitement and fear in my belly.

Luca doesn't speak as he leans over me, placing the tip at my entrance. I release a strained moan as he rubs himself against me, coating himself in my juices before slowly pushing past my opening. My eyes widen, my mouth opening as pleasure slowly shifts to pain. My hands grip Luca's arms out of instinct, pulling his attention. His steel eyes focus on mine as thrusts, fully sheathing himself inside of me.


Pain forms between my legs as my body tries to stretch to fit him, but it feels impossible. My inner walls spasm around his thick length as he fills me, leaving no room for anything else. I squeeze my eyes shut as a pained squeak leaves my lips.

"It makes me so hard knowing you've never been with any man other than me. You're all mine, Elise." Luca leans into me, his lips closing over mine. Instead of the possessiveness he held earlier, however, he is gentle this time. He slowly moves, pulling out me before thrusting back in, sheathing himself. Our bodies are flush with each other as he deepens the kiss, finding a rhythm inside of me.

His hands gently grip my breast, playing with me in the way he is fond of. It takes a moment, but the pain eventually disappears, replaced by building tension inside of me. Luca senses the change in my body, his kiss becoming a possession as he strokes every corner of my mouth with his tongue. He releases my mouth, his fingers threading through my hair to hold me steady as he latches onto my throat. My moans fill the air as his thrusts become more urgent, finally pushing me over the edge.

My orgasm hits me full force, my inner walls pulsating around him as I moan. Luca kisses me deeply, swallowing my moans. The intensity of my orgasm increases with Luca's large length thrusting into me, drawing it out. I feel his cock growing larger inside of me, his groan filling the air alongside mine. I vaguely note that he mutters curse words as he spills inside of me, the heat of his seed filling me. The sensation is unlike anything I've ever felt before, and it adds to my climax, giving me a pleasant glow in the aftermath.

We remain in each other's embrace, our breathing slowing. I tense when Luca pulls out of me, his eyes still filled with lust as he looks down at me. But he doesn't reignite the night. He leans into me, placing a gentle kiss on my lips before standing, his back to me briefly before he disappears into the bathroom. But I don't miss the words tattooed in Latin between his shoulder blades.

"How about a bath?" he calls to me just as the water turns on, but the sexual high I felt has all but worn off and been replaced with dread.

Mors Tua, Vita Mea; Your death, My Life.

It's a vicious reminder of the man I've given myself to. The man I am now married to, who owns my life. Luca is allowing me to see this gentle side of him, but it is not who he is. I fear it won't be long before I meet the true face of my husband, Luca Pasquino. 

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