From Street Dancer to Ballari...

By Cookies_and_cream52

10K 142 23

Kara is a street dancer, who is always in trouuble with the police . As a compromise instead of going to juvy... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five - Part One
Chapter Five - Part Two

From Street Dancer to Ballarina

4.3K 36 3
By Cookies_and_cream52

Chapter One

Please give my book a chance.

I quickly adjust my shoelaces pulling the tight. “Hey you ready?” Anna asks standing in front of me peering through a curtain, looking nervous. I stand up and give her a huge confident smile. “Now why would I be nervous were only dancing for a couple of hundred people.” I say Anna and couple of other girls behind me giggle nervously. I didn’t feel their nervousness only excitement I couldn’t wait for what was about to happen.

I heard someone screaming in a microphone I could barely make out the words but I knew what he was saying he was yelling out our names. “Ready?” Someone shouted behind. A few mumbled back as we lined up beside the curtain ready to make our entrance now I was nervous but I brushed it off tonight was my big night my first time with a solo, Anna gave me a quick grin as the music started pounding on the forth beat everyone around me pushed through the curtain each giving me small little smiles, in a couple minutes I would make my big entrance and hopefully the crowd would go wild, hopefully.

Jayden’s POV

“What the hell are we doing here?” Nick asked besides me looking nervously around as we walked towards the empty looking warehouse, but hey looks could deceiving.

“Having some fun you don know what the word fun means right?” I snicker, Nick was all about the dancing. This earns me shove, which doesn’t even make me move. Nick isn’t a fighter that is one of the things I like about him.

“So really were the hell are we going?” Nick asks.

“A place where I used to hang out”

Nick gives me a weird look he knows what I used to do. “Come on let’s just go, I have homework to do.” He says looking nervous.

“Come on man it’ll be fun.” I say pushing him through the first door we are immediately confronted by two tall guys standing by another door, I recognize one strait away.

“James how you doing?” I ask walking up to him and giving him a hug.

“Damn Jay haven’t seen you here for awhile I was scared you’d gone twinkle toes.” He said hugging me back.

“Nah man, so who’s on tonight?” I ask while Nick stands behind me sizing up the other guy who hasn’t moved.

“The usual, a group joined after you left they are good, but you ever know.” James says shrugging.

“So can we go in?” I ask.

“Yeah man, but don’t start any fights I don’t want to throw you out again.” James says looking behind me at Nick.

“Nah I don’t start fights no more.” I state.

“Damn they changed you.” James says smiling.

“No they didn’t.” I say walking past motioning Nick to follow, I hated it when people assumed.

Once we passed through the heavy metal door our senses were overloaded we could hear the thumping of loud music ringing through our ears, we could smell the sweat coming from the crowd of people we saw hundreds of people and at the front a huge stage, we could also ear someone screaming over a microphone probably introducing the next group I look over my shoulder to see Nick staring at everything in wonder from the outside this warehouse looked abandoned but really it was vibrating with life. Nick was pretty low key kind of guy so this must have been overloading.

Nick finally turned back to me and shouted over the music. “What is this place?” the whole time smiling.

“You’ll see.” I said grinning I knew he would love it I signaled with my hand for Nick to follow me as I pushed my way through the crowd trying to reach the front where my old mates were.

Once they saw me they started shouting I guess they missed me. “Jay what’s up man where have you bee?” Said Rick a guy that I used to hangout with shouted shaking my hand. The others just nodded they weren’t as friendly.

“This is Nick.” I said pulling him in front of me the others nodded at him and he gave an awkward nod back making me laugh. Rick being the friendly one shook his hand and introduced him self while I looked over the crowd searching for the next girl.

Dylan another mate of mine came up to me “Group of hot girls 3 o’clock.” He stated making me look in that direction he was right there was a group of three blonds standing around giggling flipping their hair over their shoulders, wearing slutty dresses.

Both Dylan and I looked at each other and at the same time in union we said. “Easy.” With that we both walked off in the girls’ direction they soon saw that we were heading in their direction and started looking us up and down. “I want the one in the black miniskirt.” Dylan whispered in my ear talking about the girl who was furiously flicking her hair in Dylan’s direction.

“Okay I get the one in the tight white tank top.” I whispered back she stood at the front of the group and she looked desperate easy game.

“Damn I didn’t see her.” Dylan whispered but before we could reach them I saw the stage come to life.

A group of nine girls and nine guys came out on either side of the stage they wore cargo pants and bright red hoodies that cut off just above the ribs. Each making moves that fascinated me they had layers in the way they danced, levels some made moves standing their height others were doing somersaults in the air and others were on the floor spinning and locking hands and legs.

All of a sudden the dancers stood up on stage and stood stone still their heads bowed covered in shadow by the hoods. That was when a guy and girl from each side of the stage walked to the center weaving through the now frozen bodies. The guy walked nervously, the girl strangely confident as if she did this all the time. They walked right up to each other and just before their bodies would have touched they both did back flips towards the center of the stage and that’s when the whole stage came alive the guys and girls who had stood behind them like statues now came to life throwing back the hoods showing their faces to the crowd as the front girl and guy stood stone still.

The nine girls and guys walked towards each other and partnered off making sexy moves. Suddenly the guy came alive and made a complicated move then to finish it off a somersault in the air and when he landed in the center of the stage he stood still as the girl started to move throwing back her hood revealing her face she had long brown wavy hair and even from so far away I could see her intense blue eyes, small perfect mouth and tanned skin. The small hoodie which cut off right above the ribs gave me a great view of her body she had tanned flat stomach and in her belly button hanged a blue sparkling stone, as she back flipped I caught a side view of her seeing of her left side a tattoo of what looked like a black twisting, entangled vines curling up from underneath her tracksuit curling around her hips and muscles the vein reaching the top of her hoodie curling up into a curl, one single vine stretched across her stomach as if wanting to reach the other side of her body as she threw her body backwards I saw her back another vine reaching around her back trying to meet the one on her stomach but they never connected instead the vine finished directed down . She was truly beautiful.

But she was more then beautiful, she was sexy as she started moving her body flipping forwards so that she was in the exact center at the front of the stage where she started whipping her hair around and making difficult moves. “Who the hell is the hot brunette with the awesome tattoo?” I whispered in Dylan’s ear.

“That is Kara, she’s well known around here.” He whispered back.

“How come I haven’t seen her before?” I whisper not taking my eyes off her.

“She came, you left.”

“Well I’m back and I need to be introduced.” I whispered grinning.


“What?” I ask looking at Dylan as if he is crazy he never used to care which girl I used. “Why the hell not?”

 “Because you will get your ass kicked, by me and many others.” He stated looking me in the eyes.

“Man you have got to be kidding.” I whispered frustrated “Is she your girlfriend or something.”

“I wish and so do many others.” He said looking at her.

“What’s that meant to mean?”

“Kara has a whole fan group.”

While we were talking Kara and the other dances had nearly finished. Kara and the head guy were dancing close together almost touching but every time they were about they would flip backwards to the other side of the stage. There were dancers making moves behind them back flipping back and froth. The music started to speed up as Kara and the head guy started to walk towards each other this time their bodies touched as Kara jumped and was caught by the head guy they finished like that as the music hit its last beat.

Kara’s POV

I smiled out to the crowd pretending to care about what they thought about the performance while deciding what I should cook Riley tonight once I got home from having a little fun, maybe taco’s quick and easy.

“You’re invading my personal space.” I whisper in Billy’s ear making him smile and put me gently on the ground the others bowed while I just jump off the stage bowing is for people who want attention and thanks for their performance I didn’t want either. I pulled my hood back up so it covered my face in hopefully dark shadows as I made my way to the door that is until I heard someone shout my name. “Kara where the hell are you going?”

I turned around making sure my hood fell down then gave the most innocent smile I could muster. “Just going to have some fun.” I said sickly sweet making me want to gag.

“Yeah last time you had fun, you were stuck at the police station for 3 hours.” Rick said.

“Well this time I won’t get caught.” I said still acting innocent while we both knew I wasn’t.

“Please don’t tell me you’re hanging out with those asses again.” Rick said looking me in the eye.

“Okay I won’t tell you.” I said turning away.

“At least take Anna with you so that I know there is someone responsible.”

“Would ya stop worrying your gonna get wrinkles and we can’t let that happen to your gorgeous face.” I said with a wink nothing flirty only playful.

“Hey I’m Jayden.” Said someone standing off to my left behind him stood Dylan who had a pained look on his face.

I looked Jayden up and down he was hot sure but I’d seen better. He had sandy blond hair and brown eyes a slightly crooked nose and a lopsided smile. Ignored him and started talking to Dylan. “Hey Dil ya like?” I asked nudging my head in the direction of the big stage.

“I told you to stop calling me that and yeah I liked.” He said giving me a smile and stepping forward in front of Jayden. Maybe I would give him another spin.

“So you coming tonight?” I ask him.

“Nah I reckon I’ve had enough trouble with the cops.” He said with a smirk directed at the Jayden guy I had no idea why but the Jayden guy looked shocked.

“Oh come on you’ve only got 20hours community service left why don’t we have some fun.” I said stepping forward in a suggestive way I knew I wouldn’t be having sex tonight I had someone to look after but it was fun to see his reaction which served me well as he stepped closer but before he could get any closer I stepped backwards widening the space between us.

“You sure you don’t want to come it’ll be fun.” I said smirking at him.

“Can’t don’t want to get in trouble with the cops.” He said grimacing he was being serious.

“Fine suit your self.” I said with a frown everyone was turning into goody goodies. Boring.

“Kare maybe you shouldn’t go.” He said hesitantly, which just made me want to go even more. Nobody tells me what I can and can’t do.

“See ya.” I said waving over my shoulder as I quickly turned around and walked away, I was sick of people looking out for me.

“Take Anna.” I heard Rick yell.

Once I was out the first door I nodded at James and walked out the other to see Anna leaning against the entrance with two bags slung over her shoulder.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I shout. I was sick of people babysitting me I was a big girl I could take care of myself.

“Looking out for you.” She says as I walk off. Soon I can hear footsteps of her following me.

“Kara look at me.” Anna says grabbing my arm. “You have to get over this.” She says after I don’t turn around, I mean why should I.

“Get over what?” I shout turning around.

“What happened, bad things happen Kare to good people all the time but that doesn’t mean that you have to start hanging out with them.” She says.

“Anna just piss off and go home.” I whisper as I see her shocked face.

I walk off pulling my arm out of her grasp leaving her shocked and hurt I feel guilt straight away Anna has always been my best friend and lately I have been treating her like anything except. Before performances I was better I didn’t have to think about anything other then what’s about to happen. These days that is how my life is split up school, Riley, first job, second job, community service, performances and hanging out with my newest friends who everyone else hates.

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