It Was All A Dream : Part 3 o...

By DDlolx2

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MB and the girls come closer and closer everyday. They are all in Paris starting a new life going to a new sc... More

It Was All A Dream : Part 3 of When I Saw Him ( MindlessBehavior story )
My little seceret
Make a good Choice
why did you remind me ?
Just when I told her I didn't I really did it this time
here we go again ...
I am that nija type tho !!! ^.^
baby where are you ?
not another heart breaker for her
Boy code or Girl code ??
lost my trust
stop trying
you ain't going anywhere
a deal is a deal LIVE WITH IT !!
your just like posion
time to say goodbye
you are forever dead to me
Can you be my new love ?
I think your mine again
I think your mine again part 2
you are slowly coming to a end
This is REAL


12.6K 294 276
By DDlolx2

                 ****** SOOOO I hope you Enjoy !!! ***** 


Prince : who's this ? 

Ariana : *mummbles* well damn ...

Isiaha : hey Princeton my name is Isiaha 

Princeton : hello ...

Roc : *runs to Briana and hugs her form behinde and looks at the bags in her hands* is that for tonight ?

Briana : *smiles* maybe 

Roc : let me see !!! 

Briana : nope ! tonight you will *smiles* 

Roc : *makes a sad face* okayyyy 

RayRay : Alyssa !!! 

Prodigy : Alyssa ? *turns around and sees Alyssa * oh hey Alyssa welcome back ! 

Alyssa : *laughs* thanks !

RayRay : *runs up to Alyssa and holds out his arms to hug her but then he stops himself* 

Alyssa : Ray you can hug me *smiles* 

RayRay : just making sure *hugs Alyssa tightly and Alyssa hug back* 

Ariana : well Isiaiah since you met everybody wanna go hang in my room ? 

Princeton : ummm that's not floating on my boat 

Roc : Prince don't .. 

Ariana :  what are you talking about ? 

Princeton : you guys can hang out right here 

Ariana : your not my father so I can do whatever the fuck I want 

Isiaha : look if it's a prob for me to be here then i'll just go 

Princeton : please do 

Ariana : don't listen to him Isiaha 

Isiaha : I have to go anyways .. it was really fun hanging with you we will talk later *leaves the house* 

Ariana : really Prince ? what is up with you ? *walks away* 

Briana : not again .. 

Roc : well I got to get going 

Briana : where you going 

Roc : *winks at her and leaves the house* 

Katelyn : time to get your little ass ready ! 

Briana : it's still early 

Katelyn : who cares ! *grabs her hand and brings her to her room* 

Alyssa : *goes to the kitchen to make herself a sandwhich* 

RayRay : so we gotta talk ?

Princeton :  about ... 

Prodigy : about what happened today 

Princeton : *sighs* 

RayRay :  what you gonna end up doing ?

Alyssa : *finishes making her sandwhich bites into her sandwhich and sits next to Prodigy on the couch and turns on the tv not really paying any attetion to the boys*

Princeton : Imma wait till after her party to tell her that I kissed Kawena 

Alyssa : *spits out her left over food in her mouth and begins coughing *

Prodigy : you okay ? 

Princeton : ( P.O.V. : fuck !!! ) 


Princeton : shhhh !!!!! 

RayRay : just great .. 

Alyssa :  don't shush me !! you better tell her right now !!! 

Princeton : I can't she will hate me even more 

Alyssa : Princeton you are no putting me in this position ! she is my best friend and you really asking me to not tell my BEST friend that her boyfriend cheated on her ! when I know ! 

Princeton : uhhh ! I know and im sorry ! 

Alyssa : your like my brother so I don't want to hurt you either but you have to think of something fast 

Princeton : I  know your right , well looks we are having the party very soon 

RayRay : what do you mean ?

Princeton : I want the party to start tomorrow 

Alyssa : tomorrow ?! 

Princeton : yea 

Prodigy : then you have a lot of work to do man 

Princeton : i need your guys help though *smiles* 

                                    11 at night 

*Briana finished getting ready and she went to the living room where Ariana was watching tv*

Ariana : Briana ?! is that you ?? 

Briana : *laughs* Yes silly !!! 

Ariana : Oh my god !!! you look Beautiful !!!! 

Briana : *laughs* thank you !! 

Ariana : *hugs Briana* You need a picture give me your phone !!! 

Briana : alright ! *hands Ariana her phone* 

Ariana : *takes Birana a picture and she posted the picture on her instagram* there ya go !!! 

Briana : thanks ! *takes her phone*  by the way have you seen Roc ?

Ariana : *smiles and hands Briana a peice of paper* read it 

Briana : *openes the Paper and it said* 

      Hello my love .. tonight I am going to make this night special for you .. so there is two steps you have to do to get to me ;) and this is your first step ... go down stairs and when you get outside there will be a limo wating for you .. go inside and your second step will be waititng for you ~Roc 

Briana : oh my god !! he is so cute i can't !! 

Ariana : *laughs* go do what you have to do girl ! have fun ! 

Briana : I will !! *she hugs Ariana and goes outside and there was a limo there with a guys opeing the door for Briana , Briana goes in the limo and sits down and looks around* wow is really pretty in here !!! 

Man : *hands her a peice of paper and closes the door* 

Briana : *openes the papaer and reads it* 

      hello my love ! ... you are one more step away to getting to me ! now the limo is taking you to me to where i am and once you arive at the destantion go outside and look at the floor and follow the tracks and that will lead you to me :)  ~Roc 

 *She was in the limo for about 20 min and when she got there she was standing in frount of the entrence of the effile tower * 

Briana : Am i really here right now ?! *she looks at the floor and sees a track of rose peatles leading her somewhere and she begings to folow them up stairs , the the rose peatles stop and there was a rose on the floor , she picked it up and help it in her hands  and standing in frount of her was Roc wearing a tux and everything * Roc ! *she hugs him and kisses him for a long time* 

Roc : mission complete *smiles* you look Beautiful Briana 

Briana : thank you *smiles* you look handsome babe 

Roc : thank you *smiles and takes her hand and leads her to a small table that was decorated romanticly and you could see the view of most of Paris , they both sit down* 

Briana : Roc this is so beautiful *smiles and looks at the view of Paris* 

Roc :  like you 

Briana : *looks at Roc * I love you so much 

Roc : I love you even more 

     * the rest of the night was all romantic* 


{ MB's house } 

*Ariana is watching tv  and Princeton comes in lookng for Roc* 

Princeton : have you seen Roc ?

Ariana : he went on a date with Briana 

Princeton : this damn kid .. and hey you actually talked to me ! 

Ariana : no shit *rolles her eyes* .. can you sit next to me ? 

Princeton : ok *sits down next to her * 

Ariana : thank you .. 

Princeton : for ? 

Ariana : for being a good boyfriend 

Princeton : { P.O.V. : she did not just drop this on me } really ?

Ariana : yes .. I had time to think and i relized what I had and i don't want to lose it .. I love you a lot and I am sorry for being a total bitch but it's just because of my past with another boys .. I bet Briana already told you 

Princeton : yea she did .. and I love you too *smiles* 

Ariana : *hugs Princeton and he hugs back* I am sor-

Princeton : *he smashed his lips into Ariana's and began making out with her* ( P.O.V. : i am so dead but I can't help myself I love her to much ) 

Ariana : *begins kissing him back* 

Princeton : I missed you 

Ariana : *smiles* I missed you too 

Prodigy : *comes in * hey did Roc do it yet ?

Ariana : do what ?

Princeton : I doubt it he is on a date 

Prodigy : want me to do it then ? 

Princeton  yes thank you 

Prodigy : alright *takes out his phone and walks away to his room* 

Princeton : *looks at Ariana* nada *smiles and kisses her again* 

           { Prodigy's room }

Prodigy : *goes on twitter and tweets * 

Wasup guys ! party tomorrow for Ariana one of our best friends in the whole world !! tell all your friends to come and get ready to party ! MB will be looking for their Ms. Right ;) the Party if from 7pm-1am and the age you haave to be to able to enter the club are 14-17 that's what the club owner told us. The club is at roseland place Paris be there and help support Ariana on her special day thank you !!! 

Katelyn : *takes out her phone and goes on twitter not knowing Prodigy already was on it and she saw what Prodigy wrote .. she looked at him and made a stright face * 

Prodigy : what i do ?

Katelyn : *shows him her phone * looking for your  Ms. right ? 

Prodigy : *laughs* I just said that so the fans still think I am single .. I already found my Ms. right , *he winks at Katelyn and kisses her* 

Katelyn : *smiles and kisses back* so you got something for Ariana's birthday ? 

Prodigy : already ahead of you babe 

Katelyn : what you get her ? 

Prodigy : don't worry about it *smiles and kisses Katelyn again* 

Katelyn : well I am tired im going to sleep 

Prodigy : no your night 

Katelyn : what you mean ? 

Prodigy : we are going for a midnight dip in the pool 

Katelyn : yay ! *jumps out of her bed and dances* I always wanted to do that ! 

Prodigy : *laughs* well go get your bathing suite 

Katelyn : okayyy * gets her bathing suite and chnages in the bathroom and Prodigy does the same*


 { In the living room }

Ariana : *ywans* Prince imma go to sleep I am so tired

Princeton : alright my love i'll see you in the morning

Ariana : okay *kisses Princeton and begins to walk away*

Princeton : sleep in my bed tonight please ?

Ariana : *smiles* alright *walks the other way to Princeton's room*

Princeton : *he takes out his phone and calls Penny *  

                               [ phone convo ]

Penny : hello ?

Princeton : hey Penny ! 

Penny : Princeton ? 

Princeton : yesss 

Penny : fuck you want ?! 

Princeton : ayyee what you curssing about 

Penny : I Know what you did to Ariana and it ain't gonna float on my boat ! 

Princeton : ( P.O.V. : why do we all say that ?? ) Penny I didn't cheat on her .. 

Penny : oh really ?! 

Princeton : she thinks i did 

Penny : then who was that girl you were texting ?! 

Princeton : well I am throwing a surprise party for Ariana tomorrow and the girl Jamey that I was texting .. her mother let use a party room that can fit thousands of people at the same time and I wanted to have her party there .. so I was texting Jamey about it and stuff that's all it was and Ariana thought it was something else 

Penny : ohh .. are you sure that's all that was .. 

Princeton : swear to everything 

Penny : oh okay I see and you called me because ..

Princeton : *laughs* harsh .. but the party would be no fun if you weren't there .. so another surprise for Ariana is you came down for a week and helped Ariana celebreate her birthday 

Penny : OMG !! i would love to go !! 

Princeton : great because i already bought your ticket and send it to your mom 

Penny : ahh !! thank you Prince ! your soo sweet ! 

Princeton : I know 

Penny : what about Diggy ? 

Princeton : him too .... *rolles his eyes* plus check your twitter he also talked about Ariana's birthday party 

Penny : I haven't been on my twitter for ages *laughs* 

Princeton : *laughs* that's fine ... so start packing your things and get you ass down here with diggy !

Penny : *laughs* alright see you tomorrow !!! by the way I love you bestie your a good person Ariana is lucky to have you 

Princeton : ( P.O.V. : awwww fuck ! she dropped the bomb on me to ! )  love ya two bestie and thank you 

Penny : well see ya tomrrow 

Princeton : alright ! tomorrow  RayRay and Roc will pick you and Diggy up from the air port 

Penny : with what car ?

Princeton : Walter's 

Penny : Walter better be driving that car 

Princeton : ummm ... no he's not .. RayRay will be driving 

Penny : you must be out of your mind if you think imma get in a car while RAYRAY is driving.  He  has no drvivng lessons or anything why can't you at least pick Prodigy to drive ... no you wanna pick the two dummies out of the whole crew to drive a fucking car ! 

Princeton : well you jus went in .. and i would but Prodigy will be helping me set up the party room and stuff 

Penny : what about the girls ?

Princeton : they are taking Ariana to the mall 

Penny : Walter or Keshia ? 

Princeton : they are picking up the food an dj and there is a whole bunch of food they need to get

Penny : *sighs* your lucky Ariana is my cousin 

Princeton : *laughs* well imma let you go i'll see you tomorrow 

Penny : bye see ya tomorrow ! and if i die imma come up from the dead and cut all your hair off ! 

Princeton : well damn ! 

                                              [ End Of Phone Convo ]

                            THE NEXT DAY ... 

               { Ariana's room }

Katelyn : *runs in Ariana's room and jumps ontop of her* 

Ariana : OWWWW !!!!!! 

Katelyn : heheh my bad 

Ariana : Katelyn what are you doing ???

Katelyn : time for you to get up !

Ariana : um why ? 

Katelyn : we have to go shopping 

Ariana : why ? 

Katelyn : because us girls are taking you out to eat tonight and you have to look your best because that place is really nice !!! 

Ariana : you couldn't have told me this like yesterday or something ?? 

Katelyn : it was a last min thing 

Ariana : ughh fine .. what time we leaving ? 

Katelyn : a hour so hurry up 

Ariana : alright   *she takes a shower and does all the other morning rutines puts on jeans and a baggy shirt and puts her hair into a messy bun , then she goes into Briana's room who was strighting her hair * sooo how was it last night !!!! 

Briana : omg it was pretty !! he took me out to eat on top of the effile tower and there such a pretty view I loved it ! he was so romantic about it !! 

Ariana : aww that's so sweet ! your one lucky girl *smiles* 

Briana : *smirks* so are you 

Alyssa : sooo you guys ready ? 

Briana : we still have to wait for Katelyn 

Alyssa : she is always the last one *laughs* 

Katelyn : *comes in the room* I heard that 

Alyssa : *covers her mouth* 

Briana : *turns off her stright iron and puts it away* lets goo !! 

  *They begin to walk out the room and they bump into Princeton and Prodigy *

Ariana :  morning guys .. what you guys doing up so early 

Prodigy : had to go to work 

Ariana : so wheres Ray and Roc 

Princeton : photo shoot 

Ariana : alright well we are going to the mall see ya later *kisses Princeton* 

Briana : awww you guys made up finally ! 

Alyssa : yea just don't mess it up again *glares at Princeton and Princeton glares right back at her * 

Ariana : ( P.O.V. : ?? ) 

Prodigy : babe come back soon okay ? 

Katelyn : I promise i will *kisses Prodigy * 


{ At the air port in Paris }

Diggy : what the hell is taking them so long .. we have been sitting in this air port for like a hour already ! 

Penny : RayRay is driving and Roc is in the car .. does that answer your question 

Diggy : hmm makes sense 

Penny : I am so excited about tonight ! 

Diggy : yea me too .. you can meet all my fans *smiles* 

Penny : your fans gonna  be there ?

Diggy : yea it's a opened party that's why Princeton got such a big party room 

Penny : ohh I see .. so TM is also gonna be there 

Diggy : yuuppp and it's gonna be wild better believe it 

Penny : oh lord 

RayRay : WE MADE IT !!!! 

Penny : RayRay !! *gets up and hugs him * 

Roc : we didn't get in a accident yet ! 

Penny : Roc !! *hugs him * 

Diggy : wasup guys *gives dap to Ray and Roc * 

Roc : leggo !!! 

      *they put there stuff in the trunk of the car RayRay goes in the driver seat , Roc goes in the passenger seat and Diggy and Penny are in the back , penny begins putting on her set belt but RayRay starts the car and he begins speeding* 

Diggy : we are going to die 

Penny : Ray !!!! 

RayRay : what ?! 

Penny : why did you start the car like that ! 

RayRay : my bad you know i don't know how to drive 

Diggy : excuse me ?! 

Penny : then why the fuck you drivivng a car ?! 

RayRay : it's fun ! *speeds the car* 

Roc : WOOOOHOOOO *puts both is hands in the air like he is on a roller coaster*

Penny : *grabs on to Diggys hand and squeezes it but Diggy didn't even notice because he was just as scared*


{ At the mall }

* they go into some random store and they look around for about a hour and they don't find anything* 

Ariana : how come i can't just wear something that i have at home ? 

Alyssa : you need to wear something different 

Ariana : *sighs* well imma go to the food court im starving 

Briana : okay but hurry 

Ariana : I will *goes down to the food court and gets on the pizza line , there was this boy standing in frount of her and next to him was this girl who looked about 12 years old .. all of a sudden he turned around and when he saw me he smiled* 

Isiaha : hey Ariana what are you doing here ?

Ariana : hey .. My friends wanted to take me shopping because we are going to dinner at a fancey place 

??? : you are ? 

Isiaha : oh um Ariana this is my little sister Jenny 

Ariana : hi Jenny 

Jenny : hello *smiles* 

Ariana : I hear you are a huge Mb fan 

Jenny : OMG !!!! I LOVE THEM !!! I would do anything to meet them 

Ariana : hmm your just in luck *smiles* 

Jenny : what do you mean ? 

Ariana : I just happen to be very close with them and I know they will be happy to meet on of their fans 

Jenny : OMG REALLY !!!! 

Ariana : yup ! so when ever you want tell your brother to give me a call and we can work something out 

Jenny : ahh !! thank you ! 

Ariana : no prob .. how old are you ? 

Jenny : 13 

Ariana : ohh that's cool *looks back at Isiaha * I am sorry about what happened yesterday 

Isiaha : oh no really it's fine *smiles* 

Ariana : *smiles* alright * Ariana orders her Pizza , says bye to Jenny and Isiaha and meets back up with the girls* 


                                         8 hours later .. 

   *Ariana was in the house for the rest of the day .. she did find something to wear for "dinner" ..  she didn't see the boys for the rest of the day and she began to get worried , then Briana comes in her room*

Briana : start getting ready 

Ariana : where are the boys .. I texted all of them and none of them answered 

Briana : they went out 

Ariana : and Princeton didn't tell me ?

Briana : I guess he forgot 

Ariana : wow *shakes her head* 

Briana : be ready by 8:30 

Ariana : Briana I don't feel like going i'll wait till for Prince to come home 

Briana : ( P.O.V. : fuck !! ) oh come ppllleeeaasssseeeeeeee *smiles* 

Ariana : *smiles* fine i'll be ready in a few 

Briana : yay !! it's gonna be fun trust !! 

Ariana : *starts to get dressed* 



  { At the party }

    * It was crowded with people ..  Diggy , Jacob latimore , the OMG Girls , Jaden smith , Willow Smith , Zendaya Coleman , Bella thorne , lil twist , New Boyz , wonder broz , Mindless Behavior, and Madison Pettis  were there and so where there fans so the place was PACKED !!!  , Everybody was doing a performace and everybody was going wild , Once MB was doing performing Princeton went up to Penny* 

Princeton : Penny where is Ariana and the girls ?

Penny : I just called Briana and she said they were on there way

Princeton : okay good *goes back with the boys and says hi to there fans* 

    * Penny went over to the bar area and sat down and ordered a drink , then her phone vibreated and she got a text from Briana that they were about to walk in in like 2 min *

Penny : oh shit ! *runs over to Princeton who was talking to Madison Pettis * SHES COMING !!!! 

Princeton : FINALLY !! *runs on stage and grabes the mic * Hello Everybody ?? !!!!

  *Everybody stops doing what they are doing and faces Princeton* 

Princeton : well damn theres mad people here *laughs* but the birthday girl is coming in a few min so we need yall to hid now and when she comes in say SURPRISE got it ? 

Everybody : YEESSSSS !!!!! *they all hide* 

Princeton : *puts the mic down and hides behind the entrence door* 

{ Outside }

      ARIANA'S P.O.V. 

    Sooooo pretty much all of us get out of the car and we were standing in frout of this huge building and it did not look like a resturant

Ariana : *turns to Alyssa * are we in the right place ?

Alyssa : *smiles* yup !!!!

Ariana : (P.O.V. : the hell she so happy about ? )

Briana : well walk in !! 

Ariana : fine .. * openes the door and sees a huge empty club then out of nowhere thousands of people jump out of no where and scream Surprise !!!!!!!!!!! , I got so scared then I jumped back and almost fell but someone caught me , I turned around and saw Katelyn holding me and all she did was wink and smile at me , then everbody screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIANA !!!!! , then out of nowhere somebody came and began to kiss me and all I saw was a bunch of hair in my face and I knew it was Princeton so I kissed back* 

Roc : *runs on the stage and grabes the mic * LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED !!!!!!! *the DJ began to play Da way you wine and everybody started dancing and wining on boys* 

Ariana : *pulls away * Princeton  what's going on 

Princeton : *smiles* this is your  early birthday party ! 

Ariana : *mouth openes her mouth * my party ?? 

Princeton : *smiles* yeah ! 

Ariana : there are so many people here ! I don't know half of the people here ! *laughs* 

Princeton : *laughs* that's because they are fans of the famous people here 

Ariana : like who ? 

Princeton : Jacob Latimore , OMG Girls , Wonder Broz , Li- 


Princeton : *gives her a confused loo* your a fan of the wonder broz ??

Ariana : hell yeah !!!!!!!! 

Princeton : since when ?

Ariana : since forever I just never told anybody ! Princeton who planned all of this ?? 

Princeton : *smiles* me 

Ariana : you did all of this ? 

Princeton : yup ! plus i have another surprise for you 

Ariana : another one ? 

Penny : *walks next to Princeton and smiles* 

Ariana : PENNY !!!! *runs to her and hugs her and almost falls over* OMG !!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR HERE !!!!!! 

Penny : *hugs her back* ME EITHER !!!!! I MISSED YOU 

Ariana : I MISSED YOU TOO !!!!! 

Princeton : well imma let you two catch up *smiles and begins to walk away* 

Ariana : *runs to Princeton jumps on him and wraps her legs around him and begins to make out with him and she crys a little* thank you so much Princeton I love you so much ! 

Princeton : *kisses her again * I love you even more 

Tool : you must be Ariana *smiles* 

Ariana : *turns around and sees Tool and she froze* .......

Tool : hello ?

Ariana : h-h-hi 

Tool : *laughs and hugs Ariana* 

Ariana : *hugs back* OMG !!!! 

Tool : I am guessing your a fan 

Ariana : HUGE fan ! thank you so much for coming ! 

Tool : no prob 

     *then the song wine slow came on * 

Ariana : this is my song !!! *grabes Princeton and they begin bronx wining with him *

Penny : AYYYEEEE !!!! GET IT !!!!! 

Diggy : *grabes Penny and Penny begins grinding on him * 

Tool : well I don't feel left out 

Zendaya : *comes out of nowhere and begins bronx wining with him* do you still feel left out ?? 

Tool : hell no !! 

     * After the song is done * 

Bueaty { OMG gilz } : you must be Ariana right ? 

Ariana : yeah ! your bueaty from omg girlz right ?? 

Bueaty : *smiles* yeah ! i wanted to say Happy birthday ! *hugs Aiana * 

Ariana : *hugs back* thank you ! means a lot 

Roc : ayyeee is that bueaty ?????? *laughs* 

Bueaty : ayyyeee is that Roc ??? *laughs and they hug each other* 

Roc : haven't seen you in a min cuz !!!! 

Bueaty : deadass ! 

Roc : but thanks for coming 

Bueaty : no prob !

Roc : where the other girls ?

Bueaty : they on stage making fun of your dances !! *laughs* 

Ariana : *looks on stage and sees Star and Babydoll making fun of MB's moves and laughs she runs on stage and starts making fun of MB's dance* 

Fans : LMMMFFAAAOOOOO !!!!!!!!! 

Lil twist : *goes on stage and begins dancing with Star* 

Gennis : *goes on stage and begin to dance with Ariana* 

Ariana : AAAHHHH !!! *dances with Gennis* 

Random MB fan : *grabes Prodigy and begins to dance with him and Prodigy goes along with it* 

Katelyn : *goes to Jayden smith and dances with him and he goes along with it * 

Princeton : *goes on stage and dances with Babydoll and she goes along with it* 

Jacob Laitmore : *goes up to Briana and begins to dance with her and she goes along with*

Random MB fan : *grabes Roc and begins to twerk on him* 

Roc : well she's Mindless !!! ayyyeeee 

Bueaty&Briana : LMFAAOOOO !!!!!! 

                    1 hour later ... 

Ariana : *goes around to everybody and says hi to them and thanking them for coming , then she gets to this one guy and it was Isiaha * ISIAHA !!! *hugs him* thanks for coming !!! 

Isiaha : *hugs her back* no prob ! this party is mad fun tho ! 

Ariana : *laughs* thanks to Princeton 

Isiaha : ohh so you guys made up ?

Ariana : of course .. I can't be mad at him for so long 

Isiaha : ohh I see *smiles* want to dance ? 

Ariana : sure *they go on the dance floor and begin dancing* 

Willow smith : *goes to the DJ and tells him to play Whip my hair and he does , she goes on Stage and begings wipping her hair* 

The Willow Smith Fans : YAAAASSSSS !!!!!!!!!!! * some of the fans go on stage and whip there hair and and start dancing* 

Willow Smith : *grabes the mic snd begins to sing* 

        * When the song is over , RayRay Put a chair on the stage then took Ariana's hand and took her on the stage and sat her down*

Ariana : Ray what you doin ? 

RayRay : *smiles* you will see 

   *The Dj then put on the song Scream By Michael Jackson , Princeton came out of no where oand jumped on stage and began dancing *


   * While Princeton was dancing he lifts up his shirt and all the girls go wild even Ariana* 

Briana,Penny,Alyssa,Katelyn : ewwwww !!!!! 

Katelyn : the fuck he doin all that for ?? *closes her eyes* 

Penny : he tryna impress his girl 

Briana : and he doin a pretty good ass job *points to Ariana who's mouth was wide open and she was acting like a MB fan* 

   *After he was done dancing everybody was clapping and hcering for him .. he then went up to Ariana and bent down on one knee and pulled out a ring and all the girls began screaming* 

Random OMG Girl Fan : I know this fool aint trynna marry this girl 

Princeton : this is a promise ring .. I promise to be by your side 24/7 and pick you up when you fall .. I promise to be the most caring man in the whole world , I promise I would never do anythign to hurt you .. I would do anything for you .. and most of all I promise to love you forever 

Bella Thorne : awwwww *locks arms with Zendaya and she crys* 

Princeton : *puts the ring on Ariana's finger and the girls go wild and cheering* 

Ariana : *she jumps out of her seat and hugs Princeton tightly and then she kisses him *

Random MB fan : OH HELL NOOO !!!! *but nobody hears her lol* 

Lil twist : *gets on stage and everybody goes wild*  GIVE IT UP FOR MY BOY PRINCETON AND MY GIRL ARIANA *and everybody start cheering* 

Ariana : thank you lil twist ! *hugs him and he hugs her back* 

          *Then the Dj plays club music*

Alyssa : *she walk up to RayRya who was talking to a fan .. she taps on his shoulder and he turns around* 

RayRay : *smiles* hey Alyssa 

Alyssa : *smiles* you wanna dance with me 

RayRay : *smiles* of course *grabes her hand and take sher to the dance floor and they begin dancing* 

Alyssa : *they were dancing for a good 20 min then out of no where she tap kisses RayRay quicky* 

RayRay : whoa 

Alyssa : i am so sorry *begins to walk away* 

RayRay : *pulls her back * Don't be * and he smashes is lips on Alyssa's* 

  *Everybody was doing there own thing , The OMG girls were on stage singing and dancing to there sing lover boy and there fnas were by the stage cheering and screaming , Prodigy and Katelyn were at the bar drinking , Penny was talking Gennis , Tool , jayden smith and jacob Laitmore , Digg was taking pictures with his fans , willow smith and Zendaya were doing a dance battle , Bella thorne was dancing with the New boyz and Madison Pettis and Ariana and Princeton were dancing* 

Ariana : * while she was dancing she looks to her left and sees Alyssa and RayRay making out* OHH SHITTT !!!!! 

Princeton : what ? 

Ariana : *points at Alyssa and RayRay* 

Princeton : they must be drunk *laughs* 

Ariana : *laughs* maybe .. but they are too cute !

Princeton : *smiles* not as cute as us *kisses Ariana* 

Ariana : *kisses back* how long are Penny and Diggy staying for ?

Princeton :  a whole week .. and they are going to stay in our house 

Ariana : *smiles* I am so excited ! 

Princeton : I knew you would be *smiles* 

Ariana : you know I have a surprise for you when we get home 

Princeton : you do ?

Ariana : *smiles and nods her head slowly* 

                             * it turns 1 am and everybody starts to leave .. Ariana says bye to ever single person that came to the party and that took about two hours ... then she also said bye to the OMG Girls , Lil Twist , Zendaya , Jacob Litmore , Wonder Broz , New Boyz , Bella throne , Jaden smith, Willow Smith and Madsion Petties and she exchanged numbers with them , once everybody left the whole crew went back home


{ MB's House }

Princeton : so Ariana where my surprise *smiles*

Penny : suprise ??

Roc : they gonna get it in !!!

Ariana : shut up Roc ! *takes Princeton's hand and leads him into his room , when they the get inside  she locks the door and she begins to make out with Princeton , she gently pushes him on the bed .. she get ontop of him and begings kissing him and she begins to take off her clothes and Princeton begins to take off his *

Princeton : (P.O.V. : Ohh noo .. I cna;t do this to her I chated on her) * we got under the covers and i was ontop of her * Ariana .. 

Ariana : what

Princeton : we can't do this

Ariana : Why not ? ( P.O.V. : the hell ? )

Princeton : *sighs and his eyes begin to water up* never mind *kisses her*

     We know what happenes next :o 


***** OMG !!!!! Do you think Princeton is right for having sex with Ariana and givivng her a promise ring mean while he already cheated on her ?? And what do you think is going to happen with Alyssa and RayRay ?? well read to find out !!! bye peeps !!! ***** 

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