Eternal Damnation Bleach fanf...

By Goddessofthenightnyx

5K 60 15

She is a triumphant warrior with no mercy. He is a warrior under Aizen's rule. One day the two hot heads meet... More

Las Noches, Sosuke Aizen and resurrection process

Eternal Damnation Bleach fanfic Grimmjow x oc

3.5K 30 2
By Goddessofthenightnyx

"Please, if you spare my life I will make you my bride and anything you desire will be yours and more just please don't kill me!" Screamed my fallen opponent as me kissed the ground before me. An animalistic grin found its way to my lips and my eyes had a look of pure evil and a glint of wickedness was hidden in the red irises.

"It's a good offer honestly but I don't plan on becoming anyone's wife," I said as I drove my sword through his heart or where his heart was supposed to be. Blood splattered my face and clothes when I ripped my sword out of his now limp body then before my eyes he dissolved into the air of huceo mundo. I licked my sword clean and returned it to its sheath. I began to walk away until I heard a husky male voice call me.

"Arrancar Emiliana Yosei, lets make a deal," the voice said confidently. I rolled my eyes and turned to face my challenger. He was a handsome man with light blue hair spikes in some places and blue eyes. His mask was long gone and only a jaw on the right side of his face remained. He was fairly tall and had a hole that resided just above his hips and had an extremely toned body. I don't know why but I felt attracted to him.

"State your identity challenger," I stated strongly, yet he merely laughed

"Grimmjow Jagerjaques seis espada," he said. The look in his eyes matched mine, full of bloodlust and rage.

"Challenge accepted Seis espada but might I just give you a fair warning, I have battled espadas before you and each one never made it out alive. Shop, what are the conditions of this 'deal'?" I asked slightly intrigued.

"If I win, you must be prisoner under lord Aizen-sama's rule," he said.

"Alright and if I win you pay with your life. Fair enough, Grimmjow?" I said with a teasing purr as his name rolled off my tongue. We both grabbed hold of our swords at the same time and I chuckled softly. He has no idea what he got into.

"Burn in the flames of hell, let your spirit flow from within, attack, Jigokunohi," I said raising my zanpakuto pointing the deathly sharp blade at him. Black smoke started seeping through the sword and the handle glowed red. The smoke found Grimmjow and turned into black fire that was racing towards him. He tried to use his cero to block the attack but the fire quickly turned into razor sharp needles and one skewered his hand. His smile then faded and a horrible scowl took it's place. He raised his other hand and once again tried to defeat me with a cero. I half way panicked because I cant block a cero attack but the damage I take from one usually isn't that severe. I stood my ground and took his attack head on. It burned my stomach and felt like I swallowed fire. The smell of burnt flesh filled my senses and I was slightly blinded from the light. Looking down, I saw that I had a huge wound starting from under my left breast and ending at my right hip bone.

"Now now Grimmjow you shouldn't upset me. I'm not nice when i'm angry," I snarled as I charged at him with full force. Having my cero at the ready. When I got within arms reach of him he caught hols of my wrist. The impact was so strong the sound echoes throughout the land. We both smiled our twisted psychotic smiles and looked directly into eachothers eyes. I found myself getting lost in them and in my vulnerable state he grabbed me by my throat and I felt my air supply diminishing. I clawed at his hands and kicked my long legs in a attempt to wriggle free but to no avail. His grip only got tighter the more I moved.

"Looks like you can't get out of this one Emiliana, Guess I win eh?" He asked and laughed. I took one last chance at escape and squeezed his wrist as much as my strength allowed me to and I heard a loud snap and blood was runnimg down his and my arm, I snapped his hand almost off. He howled and dropped my weak body to the ground. My hand immediatly clasped my throat and felt the bruised, tender flesh that healed itself in a metter of minutes. My strength quickly re-generated and my blurred vison became clear. Standing back to my feet I met face to face with a fuming Grimmjow. 

"You wretch, I'll destroy you!" He yelled. 

"I don't think so Grimmjow this stops now," said a tall pale man with silver hair and a close eyed smile. He had his zanpakuto in hand and was ready if we were to attack.

"Oh come on Gin I was just messing with the wretch. Can't I have a little fun?" Grimmjow asked innocently, his arm stretched behind him as he scratched the back of his head. I could tell that he had ni respect for this Gin figure.

"Fun is one think but nearly killing her is another. Aizen would surely send ya to your demise if she would've died before she got to 'im. He wants 'er alive remember that and remember your place," Gin stated. The authority in his voice was almost intimidating, just enough to make me bat a eye.

"Ok alright but shes not gonna go to Aizen on her own free will," The striking Grimmjow imformed his superior. Gin took a step towards me and I took a large long-legged step back. Then he suddenly appeared before me before I could even blink.

"Damn flash step," I muttered. Gintired my hands behind my back and Grimmjow threw me over his shoulder and they began walking back to wherever they came from.

"Grimmjow let me go before I beat the living daylights outta you!" I screamed while kicking my legs and banging my fists on his firm back.

"Fiesty one she is huh Grimm?" Gin joked. Hatred found it's way into Grimmjow's icy glare at his nickname.

"Don't call me Grimm. She'll calm down once we get Las Noches and she finds out whats in store for her," Grimmjow repplied with a bitter chuckle. He must've gotten tired of me yelling because all I remember after that was a punch in the temple and complete darkness.

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