MoonWalker (A Gaara Love Stor...

By ticklesvickles

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She was born, different. With a brother who knows not of her existence and a man she would give her life for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors Note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Another Authors Note!

Chapter 6

198 7 2
By ticklesvickles

It has been a while since we came here and I am enjoying it. Temari and I are best friends and Kankuro is like my other brother. Gaara has been difficult but I think he is warming up to me.

My time spent with him would be me staying up until like three in the morning doing errands for him, passing out, him carrying me to bed, I wake up, and it all starts again. I think I'm liking this a little much though.

I smile at the thought and wait for another errand from Gaara. This can be so boring. He stood up without a word but motioned for me to follow. We walked into a huge library where he preceded to look at books until he finally found one.

I sat next to him on the couch and sighed. I don't feel like reading right now. I inched closer to Gaara and started playing with his shaggy hair. I ran my hands through it and smiled as he did the same. I never really seen him smile before, it looks good I think he should wear that look more often. He turns a little and slouches so that he could lay his back against my chest.

I played with his hair a little more and I couldn't help but laugh as his head slowly bobbed up and down. He's tried, anyone with no brain could tell and yet he still remains awake. Finally he gives up the fight and allows the sleep to overthrow his body. I can't help but fall asleep to, with him in my arms.

I squint my eyes open to see Gaara. I was in his lap, curled up in a tight comfortable ball that I normally slept in. He was reading and I was suprised to see what he had chosen. It was one out of the many in the collection but it was about my clan.

I yawned and stretched my arms as I sat up and looked sleepily at him. I guess being around him isn't that hard anymore but I just can't say his name. He looks at me and then wordlessly at his book. Man, I wish he would just talk for once without orders. I looked around and smiled before jumping off his lap. I started looking at the different titles he had and when I turned around I saw he was back in his study. I walked over to him and smiled.

I was about to speak but he sat up and walked towards the door motioning for me to follow. We walked through Suna towards a tore down area where people were busy working on the contruction. I waved at Naruto and when he saw me he dropped everything and ran over.



We hugged and I smiled at him. He had multiple bruises and cuts on his body. Sweat decorated his forhead and he seemed exahusted.

"How's work?"

He just shrugged and looked around. I bet he is wondering where Sai is at the moment. I scanned the croud of busy men and found the black haired, pale faced person we all know so well.


He looked up as I waved him over. Gaara seemed busy looking around. I bet he is checking out construction, or just wanting a break but I don't see why he wanted me to come. I got a sudden sick feeling over my body but I shook it away only causing myself to get dizzy. I felt my forhead for a second and I could feel the agarvated emotion come to me. Why now, on a mission do I need to get a fever?

"Hello Naruto, Ahari."

I bowed my head a little and a little while later Gaara dragged me back to his room where he sat down and continued working on paper work. Over the past few weeks I have been making great friends with important people such as Kages and Jonins like Kakashi Hatake and Kurenai Yuhi. Stood in the corner of the room and waited for him to direct me into doing something. It was only eight in the morning so I am guessing he is going to ask alot of me still.

I felt my legs go wobbly and I silently prayed that my fever wouldn't hinder anything. I guess I have been pushing myself to hard if my body is getting sick from it. I collapsed on the ground but was cought by Gaara's sand before I hit the floor. I guess this is normal for him now but usually not this early. We rushed over to my shaking body and I felt his warm soft hand on my forhead.

"You have a fever, you should take it easy."

I shook my head insisting that I didn't need any help but when I stood I just fell back down again. Sweat droplets stuck to my forhead and I quickly felt my health decline. I was brought to his room where I was layed down and he gave a warm smile. In his monotone voice he looked over at me hand still pressed on my head.

"I'll summon Temari and Kankuro to get you comfortable."

With that he left. I'm still waiting for him to return but my body needs the rest and pretty soon I was lulled into sleep. Gaara's beautiful eyes appeared in my head as I felt the hours pass but the sound of glass breaking pushed me out of my sleep. I shot up in my bed just to be pressed down again my forveful hands.


I looked over to see three people dressed in all black. They wore no forhead protecters anywhere so I don't know who or where they came from. The girl was standing in the window and the two men lifted my kicking body off the bed. I felt one sling me over his shoulder giving me the chance to scream.


Just as I saw the door open I was carried out the window.

"Help me!"

I felt the tears well in my eyes like little needles pressing against my eyes. I was carried over the rooftops and to my surpise the streets were empty. Kazakage appeared behind my kidnappers and I smiled. The other two in the squad stood infront of me as they dragged me away.

"Wait! Gaara! Don't leave me!"

He's not going to make it in time. I watched as they battled against his sand and pretty soon he was past them and running towards me. Another group showed up holding Gaara back as I cried for him. By now Kakashi and the rest of my team was with him but the other people wouldn't let them get to me.

"Please! Naruto! Gaara! Help me!"

I was pulled away from them and a thin needle pressed itself inot my side not allowing me to move or speak. I only watch as my friends, family, protectors faded. Whoever these people are really wanted me, but why? What did I do or not to do deserve this? Maybe I know someone or something that I should or shouldn't.

Gaara's pov

I heard the glass break in my room and I rushed over to hear Ahari scream my name. I rushed into the room and saw she was dragged out, but by who was my question. I ran after then and everytime I got close to them someone from there squad also stopped me. I won't let them take her away, no one. Finally her team showed up but it's to late. Her terrified screams get distant and soon I can't see or hear her.


That's the first time I have ever really said her name before. Naruto was also upset but I wonder why us? Out of everyone trying to save her she said mine and Naruto's name. They do have a simulari in appearence except a few different features, are they related? I turn towards Kakashi and I can see he aslo doesn't want to belive she was just dragged away.

"I want a search squad for her at once."

I walked off but a a strong hand on my shoulder caused me to stop.

"Where do you think your going?"

I look over to see Naruto's pale face and angered eyes. He really cares for her doesn't he. But why, she isn't special or anything. Just a less then average shinobi who came to help.

"To get my siblings."

My voice was on auto piolet and so was my body. I don't know where I am going but I do know it is away from here. Here eyes keep epearing in my head, haunting me from the promise I couldn't keep. I don't think she remebers though, despite her polite behavior and maners she can be really ditzy sometimes and not really care of her stature.

Three Days Before

I looked over at her as she started to poke the sand that was on the floor. I was lazy and deiced not to put it back in my gourd but really I just wanted to see what she would do. She seemed intrested in my abilities and she lacked anything special at all which made it more amusing. She can barley walk on her own and running is a huge task which takes alot on energy so she rathers not move much. I tried sensing any chakra within her but I cam eup lank. Either she has barley any or she is good at hiding her presence.

She took and handful of it and started focusing on the little grains. It was a sight to see but I was more locked on her eyes, or what was around her right one. A large scar that was in the shape of a moon outlined the right eye. It really reminds of someone I use to know but I can't put my tongue on it. Everytime I see her she reminds me of someone.

I focused on the sand infront of her causing it to form and shift like a little string. She laughed and I smiled. She was beautiful when she was smiling but aslo as she slept she was even prettier. I saw her eyes slowly close and before she fell to the ground I caught her in my arms. She is always pushing herself to the limit and from what Kakashi told me this is her first mission as a ninja.

I carried her to my bed and when I layed her down I couldn't help but watch her. White strands of hair flowed around the pillow and her face rested calmly.

"I promise that I won't let anything happen to you."

I ment it to. A quiet promise that was to be kept until the end. Unknown by the one who is being protected and yet the protecter doesn't know why. She rested peacfuly but I couldn't help but turn away. She is stunning, I see why her teamates like having her around.

Present Time

I sat down on a bench in the street and watched the moon rise. Even though she was always sleeping at this time whenever she did stay away she would always tell me stories that her family told her. Her clan lived under the starry skys and the moon was there ultimate power source. I remember her telling me about how she loved nightime before falling fast asleep. She said something about how whenever it is the full moon is when she felt most powerful and she would always his in the room whenever it was full moon.

I checked on her one night during the moon to see her curled in the corner with a sketch pad drawing. When she fell asleep I looked through the pencil marks and was suprised. Her works of art is amazing, almost pictures if you didn't look for the strokes of the steady pencil. I remember one in particular.

It was of me and Naruto. The right of my face was aligned with the left of his and I see why she thinks us the same. Same backstory, almost same features, and we act the same although I am more quieter with my emotions. Her voice erupted in my thoughts and I faintly smiled at the small phrase.

Seen yet never seen, protected yet unknown by it's protecter.

I felt the tears slid down my cheeks at the memory of that. She told me that is how she felt of Naruto when she was little. She never knew him and yet she still loved him and did everything she could through long distance to protect him. I wish I knew someone like her when I was young, my life would be so much different right now if I knew her.

I burried my head in my hands and started to cry. I never shed any tears in forever and a loving hand placed on my shoulder signified that I wasn't alone. I looked up to see Kankuro standing above my cried figure. Sorrow was in his eyes but he was trying to give me a hopeful look instead.

"We'll find her."

He sat next to me and I could feel all my emotions threatining to explode. I never felt like this since, I don't remember exactly but I killed someone close to me. She was a few years younger and was my only friend but I killed her. I aloud the tears to spill as I clutched onto  Kankuros chest and let my sobs muffle in his suit. Whatever pain she is going through is my fault, usually I watched over her until I knew she was going to wake up but tonight I didn't.

I saw a few eyes land on me and stop but I didn't care. Ahari once asked me why I never show any emotion and I didn't know how to anser. I guess I just never needed to but that was before she told me about how letting your feelings go and help someone mentally. Minutes passed before my eyes were dried. I pushed myself away from Kankuro and turned over to see Naruto and his team all waiting for me along with Temari. Out of all of us I think Naruto and I have it worse. We were the closest to her but Naruto seemed more beatup over it than I am.

Naruto's pov

I walk with Kakashi Sensei and everyone else towards where Kankuro and Temari said Gaara was last seen. Kakashi wants to ask him if we could go on a rescue mission but I am unsure. I can't think right now, I can't belive I let myself let her get kidnapped. Gaara looks upset to now that I see him, wait is he crying? His face is burried in Kankuro's chest and he is sobbing.

I wonder how close he was to Ahari? Finally he was able to get himself back to normal and he just looked at us. Kakashi finally spoke out but I didn't really care about what he was saying. I just want her home, I can tell Sakura was happy she is gone because they never really liked eachother but now she seems guitly.

"You can go, just please bring her back."

I look up to see that Gaara was now infront of me looking in my eyes. From the look I can tell that he truly loves her, even more than I do. I never knew that was possible. We ran out of the village and started on our jurney in the direction she was dragged off to. Pakkun sniffed at the soil and lead in around in circles arounf the place where forest becomes desert.

Ahari's pov

I squinted my eyes open and looked around frantically.

"Gaara! Naruto! Anyone!"

Where am I, and who were those people. I saw a man who was sitting at the othe end of the room staring at me. Making a few handsigns he spoke is a raspy voice.

"Memory supression Jutsu."

I winced in pain as I felt everything arout me slowly fade. What's happening to me, why don't I remember anything. Seafoam eyes appeared infront of me for a second and I tried hanging onto it for as long as possible but they to faded. I remember nothing, not me or anyone or anything.

I stare blankely at the man but he was gone. Anyway I think there was a man there. A woman and another guy about my age was intorduced to me and I couldn't help but feel better with being around them. They told me there names were Akio and Yuki. I remember my name being Ahari but my last name stays unknown.

A few days of training past and I was dissapointed to see that Yuki had an amazing chakra control and specialized in medicle ninjutsu while Akio who has a huge amount of chakra was amazing with hand to hand and ninjutsu. Me, well I can barley throw a kunia without falling. I guess my stamina and chakra is weak compared to them but me being on there team in madatory the boss says.

I walked through the forest with my team and smiled as I took a deep breath of air. It has been stuffy underground and I am so happy I got the mission to secretly gather information about the Kazakage of Suna. I whirrled around and threw a kunia just as I heard talking and rustling in the bushes. Everyone around me got into a defensive position and we waited.

"Who threw that?"

It was the sound of a boy's voice. A few seconds past before a kids with bright blonde hair, a girl with pink hair, a man who looked like squad leader with silver hair, and an emotionless boy with black hair stepped out. They all looked at me with widend eyes and the boy with the blonde hair spoke with utter astonishment.


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