Avengers One Shots and Imagin...

By Haylie_Marie_

409K 6.9K 4.1K

Just a collection of Avengers One shots and Imagines. Avengers x Female Reader. I do my best to keep from ma... More

Before I start
Can I sit with you? (Tony Stark x Reader)
Wet and flustered? (Clint x Reader)
Author's Note
Journey to Midgard (Thor x Loki x Sister Reader)
Lab Assistant? (Bruce x Reader)
Surprise (Steve x Reader)
My Gospel (Tony x Reader)
Can You Help Me? (Pietro x Reader)
My Queen (Loki x Broken Reader)
Is that you?! (Clint x HS Best Friend Reader)
Will You Leave Me? (Tony x Pregnant Reader)
Why Me? (Thor x Reader)
Where were you? (Bucky x Reader)
I Have Feelings for You (Thor x Jealous Reader)
I'm a Monster (Loki x Reader)
I Will Not Allow It (Phil x Loki x Avengers x Reader)
You've Changed Me (Steve x Reader)
You're Such A (Grant Ward x Reader)
You're Such A pt. 2 (Grant x Reader)
Flashlight (Bucky x Reader)
Break Up In A Small Tower (Tony x Pietro x Reader)
See You Again (Steve x Reader)
Love In The Dark (Bucky x Reader)
Scary Good Time (Chris Evans x Reader)
Love in the Dark Pt. 2 (Bucky x Reader)
Unraveling (Wanda x Carter!Reader)
Perfect (Tony x Reader)
Lock Screen Tag
Mah Home Screen
Trying the update
Camera Roll
Camera Roll 2
Camera Roll 3
Sharing some of my fave pictures
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Marvelous Tag!
6k Reads!
Important A/N
New Book!

Prom Night Disaster? (Clint x Daughter Reader)

7.7K 178 193
By Haylie_Marie_

Reader's POV

I was walking the hallways with my best friend Allie. We were talking about prom. I was hoping my crush Justin would ask me, but I knew it wouldn't happen. He likes the most popular girl in school, Lindsey.

"Earth to (Y/N)." Allie said waving her hand in my face.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" I asked her.

"Look, Justin is looking at you." She said smiling.

I glanced over and noticed that Justin was in fact, looking at me. I blushed a little and looked down. The bell rang signaling the start of sixth period, the last of the day. Allie and I hurriedly walked to our math class. Once we got to the classroom, we sat down in our seats and took out our notes and homework.

"So for class today, you will be working in pairs and you guys will be working on some problems from your book." Our teacher said.

Allie and I moved our desks together and started working on the problems. We finished early so we turned in our work and our teacher said we could just sit and talk.

"Have you thought of what color dress you're going to get for prom?" Allie asked me.

"I don't know. Whatever looks good on me, but I would love a deep purple or a (F/C) dress." I answered.

"I think I want a navy blue colored dress. " Allie said to me.

"A navy blue one would look amazing on you." I said. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Justin smiling at me.

"Oh hi Justin." I said getting nervous.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked.

"Uh, sure." I said trying to hide my nerves. Pushing my seat back, I stood up and followed Justin. We walked outside of the classroom. He stopped by the lockers next to the classroom.

"So, prom is coming up. I was wondering if you would want to go to prom with me?" He asked seeming nervous.

"I would love to go to prom with you." I smiled. He smiled at my answer.

"Great! I'll text you?" He said.

"Sounds good." I smiled before walking back into the classroom.

The rest of class Allie and I talked about how both of our crushes asked us to prom. I got a weird feeling about Justin asking me to prom, but my excitement overpowered any ill feelings.

Justin's POV

I was sitting in math class with Lindsey talking about prom. I asked Lindsey a couple days ago to prom and of course she said yes.

"Justin, you should ask (Y/N) to prom as a joke. When she shows up she will be so embarrassed. It's the perfect plan." Lindsey said to me.

"I like it." I smiled deviously.

I stood up and walked over to where (Y/N) and Allie were sitting. I tapped (Y/N)'s shoulder and she looked up at me.

*Time Skip brought to you by the popular kids being jerks*

Reader's POV

When I got home, I told my parent about Justin asking me to prom. My mom was really happy for me. My father, also known as Clint Barton, was being the typical protective father.
My dad took me and Allie prom dress shopping that night though. He wanted to make sure that we both got out dream dress.

Once at the shop, Allie and I practically ran in and looked around. My eyes were immediately drawn to a beautiful (F/C) one. I walked over to it happily and tried it on. After I put it on, I walked out of the dressing room to show Allie and my dad. Allie was waiting for me to come out, already in her pick. She had on a beautiful navy blue one.

Everybody agreed that these dresses were the ones for us. We walked to the cash register and my dad payed for both of them. Allie promised that she would pay him back, but my dad said that he didn't want her to.

While walking out Allie noticed Lindsey and Justin holding hands walking out from a restaurant holding a bag from the prom dress shop.

"(Y/N) look!" Allie said pointing over to them. I looked where she was pointing and my heart broke a little bit. My dad noticed.

"What's wrong my little bird?" He asked putting a comforting hand on my back.

"That's Justin. The one who asked me to prom. He's with Lindsey, the most popular girl in school. Did he ask me to prom as a joke?" I asked nobody in particular.

We got in my dad's car and he drove us to my house. I got out and my mom greeted us happily.

"Did you find something? (Y/N)." My mother asked.

"Yeah." I said smiling and going to the bathroom to try on my dress again. I walked out of the bathroom and my mom smiled at me.

"It's beautiful." She said smiling.

After that, Allie and I went up to my room to do our homework and talk about our days.

"(Y/N), you're going to want to look at this." Allie said showing me her phone. It was a picture of Lindsey at the prom dress shop we went to, in the very same dress I bought.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said starting to tear up.

"I found their conversation, and they all wanted Justin to ask you to prom as a joke, so you show up to prom, and get embarrassed." Allie told me. I started crying.

"Why me?!" I yelled tears flowing from my eyes. My dad burst into my room upon hearing the commotion. His eyes became saddened when he noticed me crying.

"What's wrong my little bird?" He asked walking over to me and enveloping me into a hug.

"He did ask me to prom as a joke! And that girl Lindsey, she got the same prom dress as me! They want to embarrass me!" I said burying my head in his chest and crying.

"Aww sweetie. We can get you a new dress, a better dress. And you knew what. I'll take you to prom. I can have some of my friends come as well. Then they'll be the ones embarrassed." He smiled down at me. I looked up at him.

"You would do that?" I asked him starting to smile.

"Of course I would!" He said smiling.

*Time Skip brought to you by (Y/N), Clint, Steve, Bruce, Tony, Loki, Pietro and Bucky getting ready for prom.*

It was the night of prom, and almost all of my dad's friends wanted to go. Natasha was the only one who didn't want to go, she said she would stay with my mom and help out because my mom is pregnant.

Natasha and my mother helped get my hair and makeup done for prom though. After they did my hair and makeup, I put on my dress, jewelry and shoes. My dad took me back to the prom dress store a couple days after we got the first one. My dad returned the first one and started asking swoons looking at dresses until he found a beautiful deep purple one that matched the purple in his suit.

I walked downstairs holding my dress up so I didn't trip and saw everyone waiting for me. Turns out Allie's crush was part of the joke too, so my dad said that we will both get to dance with each one of the him and his friends. Allie was already downstairs wearing her beautiful floor length navy blue dress. When they heard me walking down the stairs hey all looked over. I saw that my dad's eyes were watering a little bit. Everyone smiled at me.

"You look beautiful my little bird." My dad said walking over to me.

"Thanks dad." I said hugging him.

We took pictures and then piled into the limo that Tony had gotten for the night. It was the best limo money could buy. Tony really wanted to rub it in their faces and embarrass them. Nobody has seen my dad yet because he was always on missions for parent events, but that makes this night better because they will be so embarrassed.

We arrived at the venue and Allie and I got out first, followed by everyone else. My dad put an arm around my waist and escorted me into the venue.

When we got inside, Justin, Lindsey, and their crew were standing in the center with people crowding around having their phones out ready to record what they thought was my embarrassment.

When everybody saw that Allie and I had the Avengers with us, their jaws dropped.

"The Avengers!" Justin said shocked. I walked up to him and Lindsey, with Allie and with my dad and the other Avengers behind you.

"Yeah, I heard about your little plan. I saw you and Lindsey walking out of a restaurant near the prom dress shop, and I saw your little girlfriend's post about buying the same dress I was looking at, and I also found your little conversation about asking Allie and I to prom on a joke. You guys have no life if you were going to try and embarrass us tonight. Now you guys are the ones embarrassed. Yeah, done mess with me or Allie ever again or you will have to deal with The Avengers. My dad also happens to me Hawkeye, the best archer alive so you'll have to deal with that." I said before turning on my heel and walking towards my dad for the first slow dance.

Prom went really well. I am so thankful for my dad and his friends. They made my senior prom the best night of my life. Everybody was so amazed at the fact that I ended up having The Avengers with me and Justin, Lindsey and their crew were at the sidelines the whole time.
I hope you like this chapter! This idea came to me a few weeks ago and I've been excited to write about it. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks for being amazing you guys!

P.S. I found this picture on Pinterest. Let me know if you want me to do a prom series with the others, I have some for them as well.

~Haylie ❤️

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