Avengers One Shots and Imagin...

By Haylie_Marie_

409K 6.9K 4.1K

Just a collection of Avengers One shots and Imagines. Avengers x Female Reader. I do my best to keep from ma... More

Before I start
Can I sit with you? (Tony Stark x Reader)
Wet and flustered? (Clint x Reader)
Author's Note
Journey to Midgard (Thor x Loki x Sister Reader)
Lab Assistant? (Bruce x Reader)
Surprise (Steve x Reader)
My Gospel (Tony x Reader)
Can You Help Me? (Pietro x Reader)
My Queen (Loki x Broken Reader)
Is that you?! (Clint x HS Best Friend Reader)
Will You Leave Me? (Tony x Pregnant Reader)
Where were you? (Bucky x Reader)
I Have Feelings for You (Thor x Jealous Reader)
I'm a Monster (Loki x Reader)
I Will Not Allow It (Phil x Loki x Avengers x Reader)
Prom Night Disaster? (Clint x Daughter Reader)
You've Changed Me (Steve x Reader)
You're Such A (Grant Ward x Reader)
You're Such A pt. 2 (Grant x Reader)
Flashlight (Bucky x Reader)
Break Up In A Small Tower (Tony x Pietro x Reader)
See You Again (Steve x Reader)
Love In The Dark (Bucky x Reader)
Scary Good Time (Chris Evans x Reader)
Love in the Dark Pt. 2 (Bucky x Reader)
Unraveling (Wanda x Carter!Reader)
Perfect (Tony x Reader)
Lock Screen Tag
Mah Home Screen
Trying the update
Camera Roll
Camera Roll 2
Camera Roll 3
Sharing some of my fave pictures
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Marvelous Tag!
6k Reads!
Important A/N
New Book!

Why Me? (Thor x Reader)

10.2K 205 74
By Haylie_Marie_

Reader's POV

I was on the train in Great Britain. I'm studying abroad here for a couple of my college classes. At one of the stops, a man with long blonde hair and dressed in battle armor and a red cape, who I recognized to be Thor, was standing on the platform.

"How do I get to Greenwich?" He asked.

"You take this train, three stops." I told him. He got on the train and stood next to me. When the train started moving I almost fell, but I bumped into Thor.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered embarrassed. I looked up at him and he just smiled down at me, making me blush.

*Time skip brought to you by Myuh Myuh flying past Darcy to Thor*

Walking the streets to the library, some weird alien creature all of a sudden appeared in front of me. The creature looked at me and started walking towards me. My eyes widened as I turned around and ran away. The footsteps behind me quickened causing me to panic more. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going because I was watching the alien, making sure that it was far away from me. All of a sudden, I bumped into something hard, falling on my butt.

"Do you need help fair maiden?" I heard, causing me to look up. Thor was standing above me.

"T-thank you." I said blushing while he helped me stand up.

"Get behind me fair maiden." He said moving me behind him. He threw his hammer and hit the alien that was scaring me square in the face knocking it down.

"T-thank you Thor." I smiled at him.

"My pleasure fair maiden. May I ask your name?" He replied.

"I'm (Y/N)." I said.

"Lady (Y/N)." He said while kissing the top of my hand.

"Thank you again Thor." I smiled.

"Come here Lady (Y/N)." He said. He took a step closer to me and picked me up bridal style. He ran over to a safe zone.

"Please stay here, I will come back for you." He smiled at me.

*Time skip brought to you by Thor defeating Malekieth*

I saw Thor walking towards me making me smile. He stayed true to his word. I wonder why he would pick me, I'm not complaining though, but I wonder.

"Lady (Y/N)." He said picking up my hand and kissing my knuckles causing me to blush.

"Thor." I said.

"Lady (Y/N), would you like to accompany me for coffee?" He asked smiling. He's so adorable, he's like a big teddy bear.

"I would love to Thor." I said causing him to smile ear to ear.

*Time skip brought to you by Darcy being awesome*

Thor and I have been dating for almost a year now. He has taken me to Asgard a couple times, I was so afraid that his parents wouldn't like me, but they both love me. They're so happy that Thor found someone that makes him really happy.

Recently there have been a lot of magazines saying things about me, like that I don't deserve Thor, and why would he pick me. It really hurt. Though I have wondered the same thing, I'm terrified of losing him. He's made me the happiest I have ever been in a relationship, and I can't lose him. I don't know what I would do without him.

I walked into the living room to see Thor sitting on the couch completely engrossed in watching Harry Potter. He was amazed by the magic and everything about it. I giggled because he is so adorable when he is watching movies. Careful not to get in his way, I walked over to the couch and sat on his lap, snuggling up to him earning a smile and a chuckle. I buried my face in his chest and felt his strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me close.

"This Midgardian movie is fascinating." Thor said. I looked up and met his blue eyes.

"It is. This movie is really a great movie. Maybe I can show you some of my favorite movies for a date." I smiled up at him.

"I would love that very much my love." He smiled at me. He brought his lips to mine in a sweet, loving kiss.

"I love you Thor." I said pecking his lips once more.

"I love you too Lady (Y/N)." He said smiling at me.

"Thor?" I asked, he looked at me.

"Yes my love?" He asked curiously.

"Why did you pick me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Why did you pick to date me? Like why not someone else? Someone prettier, skinnier, better." I asked.

"Lady (Y/N). There is no other maiden better than you. You are the most beautiful maiden of all the Nine Realms. You are brave, strong, caring, and so much more. I am lucky to have you. I love you so much, I will love you forever my love." He said kissing me.

"I love you too Thor. I was afraid that I might lose you. The papers keep saying that I don't deserve you, and they always wonder why you picked me. I can't lose you Thor, I don't know what I would do without you Thor. This is the happiest I have ever been in a relationship. You have made me the happiest I have ever been." I said tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

"My love, you will never lose me. You have also made me the happiest I have ever been." He said wiping the tears away before softly pecking my lips.

"I love you so much Thor." I smiled at him.

"I love you too my love." He smiled at me. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes, listening to the steady beating of his heart. I felt him kiss the top of my head. I soon fell asleep to the sound of Thor's beating heart.
I hope you like this chapter! So as of now, I'm not scheduled to work anymore this week, but I will have to go in, if they need me. So I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I don't have to work and try and binge write a few parts of each story.
Sorry if this isn't that good, I had some writer's block. Thank you for almost 500 reads on this book and almost 400 on my Avengers preferences book! Y'all are amazing!

~Haylie ❤️

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