Silver Dawn

By m_oonshot

2.5K 102 42

Hermione Granger used to be in favor of interhouse activities. She loved connecting to other students of her... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter One

473 18 6
By m_oonshot

The snow started dripping into her boots the moment she got out of the car and soon her feet were barely visible in the ankle-deep wetness.

Hermione reached over the backseat to grab her bag at the other window and pulled the heavy duffel closer. Halfway it got stuck on one of the seat belts and she swore under her breath. The driver shot her a questioning glance, but she ignored him. Under different circumstances she would have apologized. Normally, she wouldn't have sworn in the first place. Today was different. Today was possibly the worst a day could get and according to the grey color of the sky it was about to get even better.

"Do you need any help, miss?"

"I'm fine", she grunted unconvincingly before giving another pull. It didn't give way. Another attempt gave the same result.

"Oh, for heaven's sake!" she cried out in frustration. She climbed into the car and separated the bag from the buckle with a lot more force than necessary. Her cheeks were flushed by the time she'd gotten all of her things out of the car. She wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck and walked up to the driver's window. The automatic window rolled down.

"Are you sure you have the right address, miss?"

Hermione nodded distractedly and gave him the money she'd brought for this exact purpose. The man looked concerned as if he considered taking her back to London.

She gave him an attempt at a reassuring smile.

"I'll be fine. Thank you for the ride."

"You're absolutely sure?"

She nodded. The driver took the money from her hand and cast a last look at the neighbourhood before slowly rolling his window back up. Hermione took a step back to let the car pass and watched as the tale lights slowly moved away until they could no longer be seen in the distance. Then she reluctantly turned around and faced her destination for the first time. Her heart sank.

Hermione didn't know what environment the driver had seen, but she was pretty sure this wasn't it. Based on the driver's worried behaviour she'd say the building was under the protection of anti-muggle spells, but those didn't work on her so there was no way to tell if she was right. Instead she saw a building so enormous it might have filled her with awe under different circumstances. Right now, however, the dread and nausea prevented her from feeling any kind of admiration. With a resigned sigh she heaved her bag over her shoulder and felt with her free hand for the reassurance of the wand in her pocket. She couldn't do any magic – she was months away from turning seventeen – but the wand was part of her and holding it had a way of calming her nerves. 

Her feet carried her to the intimidating black gate in front of the long driveway. It spontaneously opened when she came closer. They were expecting her. Slowly she went through, stepping onto the endless cobblestone path that was magically modified to stay clear of snow. Entering the pathway that led to the property behind felt wrong on so many different levels but she didn't have a choice. She drew a heavy breath and stepped forward. Another step. Until she was halfway down the driveway and the first raindrops started dripping down on her. Professor Trelawny would have called it a sign. Hermione knew it was just bad luck with a hint of murphy's law. She'd suffered a lot of that lately. It was the reason she was stuck in the now pouring rain outside a manor she really didn't want to have anything to do with.

It had all begun with a small message on the board in the common room a couple of weeks ago. The staff had come up with a new way to improve the relations between houses. They had started a program that obliged every sixth year student at Hogwarts to spend the Christmas holidays with a fellow student from another house. Back then the idea had excited Hermione even though she always loved going home for Christmas. She had always felt there was too much competition and bad blood between the houses and this had seemed like a great way to overcome the prejudices. And since she got along rather well with the other witches and wizards of her year, chances were she was going to enjoy herself a lot. Yes, the idea had seemed a lot of fun at the time. Her friends had thought differently of course. Ron had been wary and Harry had been downright sceptical about the idea as he had been sure he was going to get paired with his lifelong nemesis. Which she had convinced him was not going to happen. Because of all the people in their year, what were the odds that Harry would be paired with Draco Malfoy?

She sighed. Well at least she'd gotten that right. The irony.

By the time she reached the front door she was soaked from head to toes. She rang the bell once and waited. Her eyes fell on a white peacock peaking around the high hedge, seemingly oblivious to the freezing cold and the rain. It looked at her with cold, distant eyes. As if the bird knew exactly how unwelcome everything about her was. Or maybe she was just seeing things. Either way, she had a lot of time to observe the white animal because it took ages for the front door to be opened. The owners of the mansion were probably making fun of her at this very moment, letting her stay in the soaking rain for as long as possible. But she was determined not to let it bother her. That was the main rule she'd set for herself before coming here. Whatever they threw at her, she was going to handle it with dignity. They were not going to break her down.

At last the door opened and a stern looking housekeeper appeared at the door. She looked down on Hermione, disdain all over her face.

"Yes?", the woman snapped, as if she didn't know exactly who she was or why she was here.

Hermione cleared her throat.

"The owners are expecting me."

The woman stared at her for an uncomfortably long time, then took a step back and reluctantly motioned for her to step inside.

"So it would seem."

Not exactly a warm welcome, but Hermione hadn't expected anything else. She heaved her heavy bag back over her shoulder and carefully stepped over the threshold. She didn't put it past this family to jinx the doorway against muggle born people, but nothing happened when she entered the manor. She almost released a sigh. Once safely inside, her eyes drift over the large room she found herself in. She hardly knew what to take in first. Everything was as white and cold as the peacock she'd seen outside, but on top of that it all looked incredibly expensive. From the curtains to the spotless carpet on the floor to the hideous bust on the windowsill. Not for the first time did she wonder just how much money the family had.

Hermione startled when the heavy front door closed behind her and before she could ask where she was supposed to go next, the housekeeper disappeared through another door across the large entrance hall. Panic started to well up inside her and she quickly made herself remember what promise she had made. She closed her eyes and managed to get a grip. She had just decided the best option was to follow the woman through the door when she heard steady footsteps on the marble staircase to her left.

"Praying, Granger?"

Hermione opened her eyes and turned towards the icy voice. Draco Malfoy was halfway down the stairs, leaning carelessly against the railing. Her gaze swept briefly over him. He looked just as he had at Hogwarts. A haughty pale ghost of a boy. She felt her anger rising, but she managed to keep her face in check.

"Not that I don't understand. I would pray day and night if I looked like you", he continued.

His eyes swept over her body and rested on her face.

"I sure do appreciate the effort of you taking a shower before coming here. I wish you'd at least made an effort of drying yourself too, but I suppose that's too much to expect from someone with your.." He slowly grinned. "heritage."

Hermione didn't give him the satisfaction of answering. Instead she remained silent and made sure her demeanour was as indifferent as possible. She had known this was coming all along and she was prepared for it. Besides, this was hardly as bad as the things he sometimes said to her at school. Maybe he was a bit uncomfortable after all. It couldn't be easy for him to have her intrude his personal life so profoundly. He'd had the choice of course. But apparently the only thing worse than accommodating a muggle born in your house, was staying in a muggle house yourself. So the choice had been easily made and as Hermione hadn't had any desire to have him stay with her family, she'd agreed to come here.

When she didn't react his grin widened and he descended the rest of the stairs although he was careful not to get too close to her. Meanwhile Hermione observed his every movement and he seemed to find that very amusing.

"What's wrong, Granger? You're remarkably quiet. No retort? Did someone finally do everyone the pleasure of cutting out your tongue?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled because she knew from experience that would unhinge him more than getting angry.

"Hello, Malfoy. Let's get a few things straight, shall we? Let me tell you how this is going to go. You're going to keep making these pathetic remarks again and again and again. I'm going to keep ignoring you – because really, what else is new? – until eventually I'll grow tired of it and it will end with you going crying to your mommy."

That wiped the smile of his face.

"Leave my mother out of this", he hissed.

Hermione laughed and adjusted the bag over her shoulder because the weight of it was really starting to bother her.

"Oh Malfoy, you're so very predictable. Now why don't you show me my room so we can both be relieved of the horror of having to spend time together?"

She saw his inner struggle plain on his face. The obvious desire to get back at her for having said what she said and the offer of each going their own way were clearly equally tempting. But it didn't take long for the resolve in his eyes to show. Without saying another word, Draco Malfoy turned around and started climbing back up the stairs. Hermione suppressed a victorious smirk and followed him, happy her wet shoes left marks wherever she put down her feet.

Note: Hi there! Thank you for giving this story a chance and for finishing this first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I should probably be honest and tell you that I started writing this story on a dare. I had never really thought about shipping Draco and Hermione before this. I feel like it wouldn't be fair to keep this from you. But before you close this window never to return, give me a chance. This could be interesting, no? I may be in new territory here, but that gives me all the more reason to explore it well. I would love for you to go on this adventure with me. Love, xx

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