...But Am I His Jane? ( COMP...

Af wwepurplevixen

52.5K 1.9K 234

It seemed that everything was going great for Roman and Mia but with her past slowly haunting her , her insec... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
The End of Aaron
Chapter 57

Chapter 21

881 28 0
Af wwepurplevixen

Dedicated to @KALEAREIGNS and @kenreid for their frequent votes and comments :)

Thank you to everyone else as well hope you like the long chapter :)


" Sorry you lost baby girl!"

Roman pulled me into a hug as I got to our locker.

"Its fine , I will get my title back soon enough..." I smiled and he held my cheek gently.

"I trust that you will Mi... You need to get done cause my match is after John's" he sighed. I nodded and headed to the bathroom to have a quick shower.

"So can we talk about the invitation because the last thing I want is you distracted when you're meant to be kicking some ass!"

I sat next to Roman on the couch as I heard the arena fill with John's music due to his entrance.

I had on a black jeans and Roman's merch tee but diva style and my hair in a high ponytail.

"Well if you mean by talk, you'll explain then yeah."

"I didn't see him, it came in the mail. Look like I told you before, Joe and Sofia are extremely happy together and this proves that. Ever since we broke up he has never been a threat to you and I know deep down you never thought he was. You just hated that he changed me but he changed me for the better. I mean my dad loved that for those few months I wasn't partying and shit. But here I am now and I am me so it wasn't permanent. I went through a phase of thinking I could be with someone and become someone else but that doesn't work out. I think I know why him and Dave are the ones you have never hung out with or wont even try to have a conversation with..."

"Because they had you and I didn't, as simple as that"

I was caught off guard as that wasn't my reason and he noticed.
"I loved you then Mia and they were the two guys you were with before me..." he shrugged.

"And unlike when you were with Randy, when you were with them we hardly spent anytime together for the rest of that year. You would either be doing house shows in LA and doing promoting there since that's where he would be occasionally. With Dave we would be on different city tour dates because you were with him and for some weird reason Dave was always in a different city for live shows than The Shield. I felt like they took you away from me Mi.."

He stood up and slipped on his vest as Alberto Del Rio's music filled the arena and I realized that John lost. I guess it wasn't a good night for our gang, as Nikki and I lost as well.

"Come on, we need to get going" he reached out his hand and I took it and stood up. I knew I had to avoid that conversation for now as my attempt to not distract him did the opposite and made him take a trip down memory lane.

We walked in silence up the never ending stairs and down the hallways until we were behind the curtain.

The fans which were situated backstage so that they could get front row seats, basically to seeing Roman before he went out, were blasting.

I remembered then that this was my first time accompanying him out and walking through the crowds at PPV ever since my return and with Aaron saying he would be watching I was worried .

I unintentionally squeezed Roman's hand and he turned to me as we heard Bray's music fill the arena.

I could see he was still upset by what happened earlier but he had concern on his face as well as he probably noticed the hesitant look on my face.

"You okay?" he asked.

I shook my head and he turned completely so that he stood in front of me.

"I'll be holding your hand the entire walk down okay? Don't worry if any guy gets too friendly, just slap my ass as a signal and I'll knock him out" he winked and I couldn't help but smile.

"So you would knock out a paying fan for me? How noble of you Tarzan!" I smirked and he had an amused look on his face.

"When Jane gets attacked by the lion in Tarzan's jungle did he stand down just because the lion was a resident in his jungle?"

"I don't think that's..."

"You get my point!" he shook his head and rolled his eyes as he smiled.

"I wonder what would happen if another buttcheek bandit were to appear, then two fans would get hurt"

"How do you..."

"When you're injured and recovering while your fiancé is in a different city and by yourself you tend to miss him" I blushed at confessing my stalking of him on YouTube .

"We'll talk about your creepy stalking later but now I have a creepy guy to face"

I heard Roman's music start up.

"Just hold my hand" he winked and kissed me gently on my lips and I heard the fans in the hallway cheering. With that they opened the curtains and we walked out and I saw thousands of fans in front of me and below. I followed Roman as he began walking down.

Even though he was on edge about what happened he still found a way to distract me from my nerves when he was the one that would be fighting.

As he helped me over the barricade I couldn't help but smile as I realized how much this man loved me.

He would always put me first, no matter what, and I had to start realizing that most of the time I was doing the exact opposite with him.

October 2013

"No I'm just so annoyed with everyone these days and I'm so tired as well"

I sighed as I arrived with Dave on Raw where we would be fighting in a tag match against Fandango and his latest girl.

"You can sleep and I'll drive to the next city" he pulled me closer as he had asked why I was quiet the drive over.

For the last three months I had worked non-stop and since it was the complete opposite I had been doing before then. I was doing filming for True Blood the beginning of the year and only doing house shows and promos, since then I was seriously exhausted.

I smiled and nodded, I missed my friends.. I had been on tour with Evolution's side of the tour due to them being separated from the Shield at live events for the big anticipation of the PPV.

Since I wasn't 'with' Paul or Randy anymore there was a bit of awkward tension due to me having broken up with Randy earlier in the year as he found out about Paul. I broke things off with Paul the moment I was with Dave, not that Dave knew about Paul and I .

So to sum it all up, Randy hated Paul at the moment due to him being the reason we broke up and Dave just briefly spoke to Randy as he didn't like that he was my ex. Where as things were civil and almost back to normal with myself and them.

I pretty much spent all the time I could with Dave, no one knew we were more than friends as far as everyone thought we dated briefly for a month in August and then split.

I didn't want anyone knowing about us as with Randy I felt like I always had to defend myself with my family and Paul .

With Joe I felt like I had to defend him with Paul and The Shield and I just didn't want my one with Dave to be tainted so only The Bella's, John and Bryan knew.

"Wanna head to the cafeteria?" I heard John ask as he stood at the door of The Evolution's locker. I dropped my bags and shook my head.

"You guys go ahead I need to find my girls. It's the first time I'm seeing them in like more than a fucking month!" I sighed.

"First chance she gets she wans to leave you Dave!" John smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"As long as she comes back every time I'm fine, right honey!" he kissed my cheek as he walked to John.

"And what if I don't HONEY" I smirked and he smiled.

"You'll have no Animal in your bed and we know how much you...."

John pulled his arm, "Okay okay too much fucking info man!"

I followed them out and blew Dave a kiss as I headed in the other direction.

I was skipping down the hallway as The Bella's apparently were not here yet and I didn't really feel like the cafeteria vibe.

"Baby girl.." I heard his voice echo in the hallway. I felt my heart stop as I turned and saw him walking to me in his ring gear and his hair in a bun.

He had a small smile on his face. I immediately ran to him and as soon as I reached him I jumped onto him and wrapped my legs around him.

I clung to him and I felt his arms tighten around me as he chuckled into my neck.

"I missed you too.." he whispered.

I felt him move and he set me down on an equipment box as he stood between my legs.

" I feel like crying cause its been so long, two fucking months!" I pouted and he laughed.

"You're the one who decided to be 'Evolution's ' instead of mine... I mean The Shield's"

My heart fluttered briefly at the thought of being his but I couldn't give it a second thought. He was engaged and well we just had a one night stand, no feelings for each other at least from his side.

"The Shield doesn't need a girl, the only reason I'm even in Evolution is because I brought Dave back to the company, hence our implied love storyline"

I shrugged and I saw a flash of something I didn't know in his eyes as I mentioned the storyline I had been in for the past 3 months.

"We don't need a girl, we do need a purple haired woman though" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Does this look like purple to you?" I twirled my hair.

"I still hate that you had to dye it back when you joined Evolution"

"Different chapter of my life.." I smiled.

"mmm so if you had to join The Shield what colour would it be then."

"Probably purple I usually dye my hair purple when I'm in a period of making bad decisions"

"Ouch!" He held his heart, acting hurt, "maybe blue..." he said after a bit as he hopped on and sat next to me.


"That's been my mood ever since I haven't seen you so it's the first colour that came to my mind" he let out a deep breath and I rested my head onto his shoulder.

"Just admit you miss my ass in the car keeping you guys entertained"

"Yeah that's the only reason" he sighed. I felt a change of atmosphere between us from when I last saw him. I wondered what was wrong and when I lifted my head I saw his eyes on me.

"Mia, there's something I need to tell you...."

"He needs to tell you that we missed you!" I heard Dean's voice and looked past Roman, they approached and hugged me tightly.

I saw him and Dean exchange looks which made me wonder what was going on with the idiots.

"Your name's Mia right!" Dean squinted his eyes and leaned in closer to look at me. I shoved his face and he burst out laughing.

"Hey you have been a stranger and you know I have a bad memory!"

I shook my head as he was the one with the best memory well at least with me as he always remembered all my embarrassing moments.

"Its been 7 weeks Dean!"

"More like 5 months or actually most of this year!" Dean rolled his eyes .

"Its true, ever since you got with that Joe guy we have hardly seen you and now Evolution. Feels like we are being replaced" Seth said as he hopped on and sat next to me on my other side.

"You guys are such babies but I appreciate your love for me though" I smiled and I felt guilty as I hadn't spent much time with them since April.

"How about we go clubbing tonight or are you still all sober Mia" Dean teased and I showed him a middle finger.

I noticed Roman had been quiet since they came here and I felt like it had to do with what he wanted to tell me.

"I cant..."

"Knew I shouldn't have bothered asking."

"Leave Mi alone man, she doesn't travel with us anymore so she cant go to a bar with us like she used to" Roman finally said something, hopped off and Dean was about to say something when I heard Dave.

"Mia we're on in 30" he smiled and nodded towards the guys.

"Yes just steal her away from us!" Seth laughed but I knew they were mad.

I hugged him and Dean as Dave began walking away and I walked over to Roman.

"What did you really want to tell me?"

"It doesn't matter Mia , I'll tell you when I see you again in the next 7 WEEKS"

He turned his back and walked off . Dean shrugged as I looked at him and I wont lie, it hurt, especially since he had never been so cold with me.

I saw him slowly acting stranger after the incident at the hotel where we kissed and I basically confessed my love for him.

I guess he was upset I over stepped a line but we never spoke of that night again either, the next morning it was as if nothing happened.

I caught up with Dave and held onto his arm.


"Did you have to be so fucken rude?" I heard Dean as Seth went to the bathroom.

"First she wants to sleep with me cause she thinks I'm Joe and then she disappears. The first time we see her after so long she cant even spare a fucking night with us" I shook my head and sat down.

"Now why cant you tell her that to her face instead of being so cold"

"I wasn't cold until you decided to fucking interrupt me.."

"I stopped you from making a mistake! You are fucking engaged!"

"I just want her to fucking know and she's single now and.."

He ran his hands over his face and sat down.

"She's not single!"

I raised my eyebrow as I knew she was single.

She told me about her and Joe breaking up which I told Dean before everyone else slowly found out and if there was anyone else she would've told me.

She told me everything.

"She's with Dave..."


I know they had a thing awhile back but she told me there was nothing serious which I was happy about.

"I was in catering well I was heading to catering when I passed John's locker room and heard Dave talking about taking her out for dinner tonight as they have been together for a month. John was saying he's so happy to see Mia so in love and happy with him and that shit. That's why I purposely asked her to go out with us tonight"

I sighed and sat next to him, "Well at least she's fucking happy and when she needs us whenever that will be, we'll be here"

"Until then I have to deal with your depressed ass" he rolled his eyes. I laughed even though I knew he was serious as I wasn't myself without her with us.

I hated that I needed her to make me happy and I hated that she was oblivious to it.

I ran from my spot at the announce table right into the ring as the ref lifted his hand in the air.

His smile became brighter as soon as he saw me. He picked me up and spun me around as he kissed me and as soon as he broke the kiss I stood next to him and raised his hand again.

After months and months of feuding he could finally end that chapter and I was extremely happy for him.

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