Married For Money- A Pokeship...

By JasonHibiki

21.2K 673 179

Misty Waterflower is a 17 year old girl who is living the hard life in Sinnoh. Her mom is dead, her dad is a... More

Finally Here
Songs and Hotels
Mystery and More Mystery
Blush and Mallets
Worrys and An Old Guy
Won't Say It
Thing For You
Love You


1.5K 55 28
By JasonHibiki

Misty's P.O.V

I pulled at my knee-length, cerulean blue dress one more time before I walked into Chez Platypus.

I looked around in awe. It truly was a sight that you had to check out in Kanto.

Cocky Ash Ketchum. It was 8:00. Where was he?

"Looking for someone?" I turned around and my mouth dropped open.

Ash had really taken my words to heart. He had a full-on black suit that was pressed and primped. He extended his hand to me and I saw a blue rose in his hand.

"Come here." He said.

He pushed some of my hair that wasn't in my side ponytail and put the blue rose in my hair. He held up his phone camera and I almost cried. The soft blue of my dress and the rose looked absolutely gorgeous against my bright flame orange hair. I wished my family could see me right now.

I heard a click and saw that my smiling face had been saved to his phone.

"Hey! Why'd you do that?" I asked.
"You wanted a picture, right? I could tell. Also, you clean up pretty nicely." He said and held out his arm.
"Shall we?" He asked.

I scoffed but took his arm. We walked to the waiter and the podium and smiled. Ash gave him the coupon ticket thing and waited while the waiter checked it over.

"Right this way, Sir and Madam." The waiter nodded and we followed him to a booth table surrounded by gold curtains.
"This is fancy, all right." Ash whistled.
"Be quiet." I whispered and sat down.
"Would you like something to drink?" The waiter asked.
"I'll have water, please." I told him.
"Two waters, please." Ash said.

The waiter nodded and then walked away.

"So...since this is a date, guess I have to learn about you?" Ash said.
"Ok, fine I'll humor you. What do you want to know?" I asked.
"What's your favorite color?" He asked.
"Really? That's your first question?" I rolled my eyes.
"Just answer the question." He said.
"Ok fine. I like blue. Blue is my favorite color. You?" I replied.
"I like red. Ok, next question-"
"Wait. Are we doing a twenty questions thing?"
"Why not? Ok. What do you like to do for fun?"
"I like to swim. And fish. Basically anything that has to do with water."
"You're really living up your name, huh, Waterflower?"
"Shut up. I just like water. What about you?"
"I like going outside. I like hiking and going for walks. I also like to hang out with little kids."
"Planning on having any?"
"Ah, ah, ah. Sneaky. Not your turn yet. What do you want to do as a career?"
"Fine. Um, I think I want to be a swimming instructor. Now tell me, do you want kids and how many?"
"Only on our first date and you want to know if I want kids? Desperate, much?"
"Just answer the question."
"Ok, I would like kids. Maybe two because I was an only child. You?"
"I want four..."
"Four?! What do you need that many kids for?!"
"So I can convince myself that...that I'll be just as good as a mother as my mom."

When I said that, Ash didn't say anything. I looked up and saw him staring at me.

"W-What?" I blushed.
"I just...didn't think a dumb redhead like you would have an actual dream." He said, covering his mouth like he was moved to tears.
"Shut up!" I shouted, ready to pull out my mallet.

"Ma'am, Sir. Here are your waters. Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked, coming back with our drinks.

I sat back down and Ash and I went back to acting like a fancy and respectful couple.

"Uh yes, please. I'd like the special sirloin steak. Medium rare." Ash ordered.
"Good choice, Sir. And you, ma'am?"
"I'll take this seafood special." I said.
"But of course. I'll be back with your orders." He said and scurried away.

"Steak?" I asked.
"Seafood special?" He shot back.
"Ok whatever. Tell me. What kind of girl do you like?" I asked.
"So you can become the perfect wifey?" He teased,
"As if. Who'd want to be your wife?" I scoffed.
"Ouch. That hurt, Mist." He clutched his chest where his heart was.
"Don't call me Mist." I said.

He looked like he was going to retort with something but then the waiter appeared with two plates.

"Medium rare sirloin steak for the gentleman." He said, placing Ash's plate in front of him.
"And a seafood special for the lady." He said and put my plate in front of me.
"Please enjoy." He bowed and walked away.

"That was fast." Ash said and dug into his food.
"Jeez, Ash. We're at a fancy restaurant and you're eating like a pig." I scoffed and gently picked up a piece of shrimp and popped it into my mouth.

Ash rolled his eyes and then sat up straight. He wiped his mouth and cut his steak like a perfect little gentleman.

"Happy, wifey?" He asked.
"Who're you calling wifey? Because that's not me." I said.
"You'll be Ms. Misty Ketchum soon, remember?" He said
"Only for my visa." I reminded him.
"Yea, yea." He said and popped a piece of steak in his mouth.

I can't believe this is they guy I'm falling for. What a little kid.

My phone started ringing and I blushed as the Pokemon theme song started playing. People were glancing over at us and I quickly picked up my phone.

"Ms. Johanna?" I said.
"Misty, dear! Dawnie told me that you went on that date with Ash! I'm so glad!" Ms. Johanna said.
"Uh y-yea. Um why did you call?" I asked.
"Oh I just wanted to check on how things were!" Her chirpy voice said.

I heard Dawn whisper something to her and she gasped.

"Oh that's right! I wanted to tell you that Tracey is coming tonight!" She exclaimed.
"What?!" I shouted a little too loudly.
"Isn't it great? Anyways, don't stay out too late! Bye bye now!" She said and hung up.

"Hypocrite much? Shouting like we were the only ones here." Ash smirked.
"Tracey is coming here." I announced.
"What?!" Ash shouted just as loudly as me, almost choking on his steak.

"Is everything all right?" The waiter came back and asked.
"Oh sorry. W-We're fine." I said.
"Ok. Please keep it down. Others are trying to enjoy a peaceful dinner." He said and bowed.

We nodded, sweat dropping, and he rushed away.

"Tracey is coming?! When?" Ash asked.
"Tonight." I whispered.

Suddenly, I didn't care for my tantalizing seafood special. Tracey had probably heard about me getting married to Ash and was trying to stop me. But I thought he understood that I broke up with him...

"I'm not hungry anymore. Wanna just take a walk or something before heading home?" Ash asked.
"Um yes." I said.

Ash called for the check and I pulled out my wallet from my purse.

"Whoa, whoa. What are you doing?" Ash asked.
"Paying for food. What do you think?"

The waiter came with the check and waited by the table. Ash pulled out a wad of cash and signed the check.

"Have a good night." The waiter said and took the check.

"Hey! You didn't have to do that. I had money. I could've payed for my part." I protested
"Yea, right. Like I'm going to let a girl pay on her first date." He said.
"Are you being sexist?" I glared.
"No. I just wanted to pay, ok? Mom told me to never let the girl pay if I wanted to be a gentleman. You wanted a gentleman tonight, right? You can pay on the next one if you want. Let's go." He said.

He got up and I felt my heart beat faster. It was pounding. Jeez, Ash Ketchum. You're already pulling at my heartstrings? You're good...

I followed him out into the cold night and I shivered. He looked over and sighed.

"Do you want my jacket? I'm not really cold." He offered.
"Oh no you don't have to do that." I said.
"I want to." He said and took off his jacket.

My face went red as he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders.

"Ohoho! Am I pulling at your heartstrings? Are you falling for me yet?" He smirked.
" if!" I exclaimed and turned away.

He laughed softly and I felt him take my free hand and held it tightly.

"What are you doing?" I asked, hiding my blush.
"My hand is cold. You have my jacket. The least you can do is make sure my hand is warm." He said.

Doki doki went my heart. It was like I was running on his sweetness and I never wanted to stop.

I almost cried when I realized that we had arrived at Aunt Johanna's apartment. Judging from Ash's face, he was surprised, too.

"Oh...we're here..." He said.
"Yea..." I said.
"Uh I'll just walk you up, ok?" He said and I nodded.

I swear we both tried hard to make that one minute that it took to climb up the stairs last longer. I felt like the snow that was falling down had already frozen my hair when we reached the door.

"Um so thanks...for taking me out..." I said.
" problem..." He said.

He rang the doorbell and we waited for someone to answer. Before someone came, I felt a surge of confidence and I leapt on my tiptoes and was about to plant a kiss on his cheek. Right as my kiss landed on his cheek, Tracey opened the door.

"Misty! You're-..." Tracey paused and I pulled away.

All of our faces were red but Tracey's was red for a different reason.

"Hey, Ash..." Tracey growled.
"Wha...uh h-hey, Tracey..." Ash whispered.

I saw a small smile pull at his mouth and I grinned, softly.

"Hey, guys! Come inside! It's cold!" Dawn said, coming up behind Tracey.

She opened the door wider and we stepped inside.

"Oh here's your jacket, Ash." I said, taking off his jacket.
"Thanks, Mist." He said and took it from me.
"Mist? You can't call her that. Only her family calls her that." Tracey said.
"Oh uh I don't mind. It's fine." I said.
"But you hated when I called you that!" Tracey whined.

"Oh, Tracey! Stop being a baby and let the couple in." Ms. Johanna said and Ash and I blushed.

Was this whole night going to be filled with us blushing?!

"No way! Misty is my girlfriend!" Tracey said. He grabbed the hand that had been holding Ash's and pulled me closer to him.

My hand instantly felt colder. I hadn't realized that I had still been holding Ash's hand up till then. My hand felt cold and lonely without Ash's touch.

"Trace, you broke up, remember?" Ash said.
"You just want her for yourself!" Tracey shouted.
"So what if he does?" Dawn jumped in.
"What?!" Ash and I exclaimed.
"What? You both like each other. It's obvious." Dawn said.
"N-No it's not! I don't like him! He's such a little kid! He's practically a human pig!" I yelled.
"And she's such a hypocrite! Who'd want to marry a girl with fire for hair? Might as well burn my house down myself if she's around!" Ash shouted.

I flinched and I saw him cringe. Did...did he really think that of me? I've had other people diss my natural flame red hair but if kinda hurt when he said that.

"See, Misty? My cousin is such an idiot! You shouldn't go out with him! Go out with me!" Tracey exclaimed, grabbing my hands,
"Ouch! Tracey, let go! You're hurting me!" I yelped and tried to pull away.
"Please, Misty! Go out with me! I love you!" Tracey said and his grip got tighter.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around my waist and I felt myself being pulled away from Tracey. Tracey's eyes widened as he realized what happened.

I looked up and saw Ash's eyes burning.

"She said let go, didn't she?" Ash growled.

My god...he looked so cool as he protected me. Wait, was that what he was doing?

"She not yours..." Tracey said.
"She's not yours either." Ash said, and he wrapped me in a hug.

"Actually, she will be yours in a week or so. Remember? You're getting married!" Dawn exclaimed.
"I won't let you!" Tracey shouted.
"It's not your choice, dummy!" Dawn said and hit him on the head.
"Dawn! Ugh, wait till I tell your family!" Tracey said.

My face got pale. Crap, I forgot about them. Oh no. They're not going to approve...what am I going to do?

"Don't worry, Misty. I'll help you." Ash whispered.

"Oh crap. Misty, doesn't your dad believe marriage is sacred or something?" Dawn asked.
"Yea..." I moaned.
"No need to worry! He'll agree once he finds out why! Besides, by then, you two will have already fallen in love!" Ms. Johanna said.
"Fallen in love, my butt! No way am I letting Misty get married to him!" Tracey exclaimed.
"I said it's not your choice!" Dawn said, hitting Tracey again.

"Ok, kids! Go get some sleep. Ash, there's a blizzard outside so I set up a sleeping bag for you and Tracey in the living room." Ms. Johanna said.
"Where are Misty and Dawn sleeping?" Tracey asked and I shivered.
"In there! Away from you." Dawn pointed to our room and Tracey sighed.
"Don't get any ideas!" Ash smacked Tracey's head.
"I could've sworn Dawn was my sister, not yours..." Tracey grumbled, running his head.

"I'll make sure he doesn't get into your room." Ash whispered.
"Thanks, Ash." I sighed.
"Oh, yea. That was some kiss earlier." He smirked.
"Sh-shut up!" I blushed and pulled Dawn into our room.

A few hours later, the whole apartment was silent. The blizzard was blowing really hard and I would've said that was the most noisiest thing here but Dawn has proved me wrong.

She'd fallen off the bed an hour ago so now her snores were being amplified from the floor.

I heard a knock and I stiffened.

"Tracey, go away!" I hissed.
"It's not's me."

I heard Ash's voice and I rushed to open the door. I opened the door and almost fell back as Ash fell on me.

"Ash? What are you doing?" I asked, holding him up.
"Can I sleep here? Tracey is too noisy..." Ash asked, his voice slurred with half-sleep.

I peeked behind him and smiled as I saw Tracey by a chair. Like sister, like brother.

"Ok fine. For a few minutes. But then you leave." Ash nodded and I placed him gently on my bed.
"Ok, get some re-" Ash pulled me next to him and wrapped his arms around me, tight.
"Ash, what are you doing?!" I asked.
"Hugging you." He replied.
"Get off, dummy. You're sleep walking." I said.
"No I'm not. Why can't I hug you?" He asked.
"Because you're not awake and you don't know what you're doing." I answered.
"Yes I do. I'm hugging you." He said.
"Ok fine. Whatever. But if Tracey yells at you, it's not my fault."

He grunted but smiled and he hugged me tighter and pulled me closer.

"Jeez, Ash. Pulling my heartstrings every chance you get, huh?" I sighed.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, he said, "I love you, Misty..."

I swear I died of embarrassment.

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