
By Gallagher_Girl_20

2.5K 83 5

I'm the witch that is always disappointing her Muggle parents. I'm Dylan Rivers and my real parents didn't wa... More

chapter 1.
chapter 2
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.

chapter 9.

137 5 0
By Gallagher_Girl_20

Blaise's pov

12 years later

Dylan and I are married and have a son his name is Lucius Blaise Black- Zapini. He's 10 years old  and starting his first year at hogwarts where his mom works as the headmistress.

Come on buddy your mom will make sure your first year is good. I said walking to the train.

Potter good to see you. I said and we shook hands.

Ginny how are you? I asked and hugged her.

I'm great hows work going minister? She asked and I smiled.
It's alright stressful but it's alright. I said and they smiled.

Lucius it's good seeing you buddy. They said and he hugged them and said the same.

You got everything Lucius? I asked and he nodded yes and hugged me and got on the train.

I'll come visit this weekend. I called out to him and he yelled okay and waved.

Well I better get back to work. I said and hugged Ginny and shook Potters hand. I apparated back to my office and got to work.

Lucius Blaise Black-Zapini's pov

I got a compartment and sat down after putting my stuff up top.

Can we sit with you Zapini? I heard Potter's voice.

Sure Potter. I said and Potters, Weasley's walked in and put there stuff up top.

I wonder what housing we will be sorted into. They said and I smirked.

I want to be in the Slytheren house like my mum and dad but I also want to be in RavenClaw,hufflepuff and Gryffindor. I said and they smiled and said they want to be in Gryffindor like their parents. We talked the whole ride there and soon the train stopped. We grabbed our stuff and went out and someone grabbed our bags and we got in. I saw Malfoy and he nodded at me. He can be mean sometimes but he's nice when's he's not. We got to hogwarts and I saw my mum she winked at me and I laughed.

Why she wink at you? Some students asked and I smirked proudly.

That's the master of pranks at this school, the headmistress and my mum. I said and proudly and they all laughed.

What kind of pranks did she pull here? They asked and I smirked.

She pranked a teacher and all of the housings and they had green and sliver hair for a week straight and would also prank my uncle Draco Malfoy. She pranked him with the Weasley twins Fred and Georgie. I said and they laughed. Mum did the sorting and I was last.

Lucias Black-Zapini. She called and I got up and sat down. She put the hat on me.

Ah a Zapini and a Black I see. Wants to be in all housing. You belong to..... all housing. he yelled and everyone cheered.

You'll be bunking with the Slytherens but in a private room. Your password is you last names. Mum said and I nodded okay. I went to the Gryffindore table and they all cheered for me. I saw mum stand in front of her seat.

Let the feast begin. She said and food appeared we ate and chat.

Alright quiet down. Mum said and even one got quiet.

This year the forbidden forest is closed off and the third floor of hogwarts is forbidden if you are wondering around hogwarts you are to have a group with you at all times and now your perfects will take you to your common room. So get were you should be and get a good night sleep classes start in the morning. She said and I got up and went to the Slytheren table and our perfect took us to our common room.

Dylan's pov

Professor Black-Zapini your needed at the ministry of magic. My bird said and I apparate to the ministry of magic.

Professor he's in his office go right on in. His assistant said and I nodded and walked in.

Hey love how'd it go? He asked and kissed me.

It went great Blaise, he's in all of the houses and is bunking in the Slytherens dormitory in his own room and you should have seen his face when the hat said it. I said and smiled.

I heard him telling some students about our pranks back in the day. I said and he laughed and kissed me.

I must get back you come to my room tonight okay. I said and he nodded and I kissed him. It turned into a snogging session. We pulled apart smiling. I than said bye and apparated back to my office. I sat down and started writing too my aunt Sue.

Dear Aunt Sue,

It's been so long me and Lucias will come see you and Brittany this weekend. And I have a present for Brittany it's her letter for hogwarts for second year. I know it's late but it is now or never. I hope your doing great I'll see you soon.

With all my love Dylan.

I gave it to my owl and sent it to aunt Sue's house. I waited and waited soon my owl came.

Dear cousin,

Mum passed this morning I tried sending a letter but I was too depressed. And my letter for hogwarts? I'm a muggle Dylan I don't belong. I hope to see you soon Dylan.

With my love cousin Brittany.

I stood and apparated to Aunt Sue's house. I popped outside and it was dark. I knocked on the door and Dan's brother answered it.

Bill oh gosh where is she? I asked and he said her room. I ran to her room and knocked. She opened it crying.

Come here sweetie. I said and she lunged at me and hugged my waist.

Shh it's alright sweetie. Come into your room. I said and pulled her in and sat her on the bed.

Sweetie I have something to tell you. Your mum and dad didn't want me to tell you till you got older so I had promised I wouldn't. You know how I can do magic with out a wand? Well you have that gift too. You started showing signs when you were just 6 years old. Your mum asked me too hide them so I did. I'll talk to Bill and everything if you want to go to hogwarts this year. I said and she hugged me tight.

Please. She said and I nodded okay.

You get some rest alright I'll be back to tomorrow to for you to go get your wand and books and robes okay. I said and she nodded okay and I kissed her head and tucked her. I walked out and shut the door.

She's not going. He said when I walked into the kitchen.

The bloody hell she ain't Bill Sue and Dan left me in charge of her if something had happened to them. You haven't been in her life since she was a baby so you have no say Bill. I snapped at him and he looked down in shame.

Dylan you told me what happened when you were a 4th year she's not going. He said and I scoffed.

That's not going to happened he-who-should-not-be-named is gone for good. Harry Potter killed him for good. I said softly.

She's going that's the end of this discussion. Now try not to provoke her cause the spell I used on her is wearing off her and she won't have control of her magic. I'll be back tomorrow. Have her ready in the morning. I said and he hugged me bye and I apparated to HogWarts. I went to Hagrid's and knocked.

Professor what can I do for you? He asked and let me.

I'm going to pick up Brittany tomorrow can I trust you can handle breakfast tomorrow? I asked and he smiled.

Yes I can do it what do you want me to tell Lucius? He asked and I sighed.

Tell him I'm in a meeting. He can't know just yet. I said with a smirk.

Okay professor I can do that. He said and I shook his hand and went back into the castle.

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