Romeo and Juliet (Book 1) - S...

By Semantrick

431K 13.8K 11.1K

*Featured in Wattpad @Fanfic Recommendations* Severus Snape could not possibly be more focused on his tasks n... More

Prologue / Chapter 1 - Leaving The Past
Chapter 2 - Welcome To Hogwarts
Chapter 3 - First Day Counts
Chapter 4 - Triwizard Heat
Chapter 6 - Saved By The Snape
Chapter 7 - Exploding Bonbon
Chapter 8 - A Muggle Love Story
Chapter 9 - Ups And Downs
Chapter 10 - The Last Dance
Chapter 11 - What Is Yet To Come
Chapter 12 - Reveal and Forgive
Chapter 13 - Special Guests
announcement! lol
Chapter 16 - Black Forest
Chapter 17 - Abduction By Waters
Chapter 18 - Confessions and Confusion
Chapter 19 - Considerable Thoughts
Chapter 20 - Of All People
Chapter 21 - Clarice
Chapter 22 - The Same Mistake
Chapter 23 - Tortured Hearts
Chapter 24 - Apples And Acromantulitis
Chapter 25 - Obstinate Recovery
Chapter 26 - All for you
Chapter 27 - To Love And Linger
Chapter 28 - The Heiress Of Slytherin
Chapter 29 - Do Not Fear

Chapter 5 - Coffee For The Sleepy

15.9K 581 532
By Semantrick




(Important) AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, here's the story: Back when I first wrote this fanfiction, the story's POV had been in first person, and Snape did not have a POV. After chapter 15, I decided that I wanted to write in third person instead and I added Snape's POV. I managed to add his POV in the first four chapters of this book, but unfortunately:

***Snape's POV will be absent from chapter 5 - 15***

as changing the POVs PLUS writing Book 2 and Book 3 of this series takes up an awful lot of time. Don't worry, his POV will be back starting Chapter 16 and onwards!

I hope that made sense! Holy shit, I'm such a scatterbrain.



"Not stepping o'er the bounds of modesty."

- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 4.2


CHAPTER 5 - Coffee For The Sleepy

  ~ R ~

The day of the first Triwizard task finally arrived. Renee got up so early that she immediately regretted waking up when she looked at the clock and found out that it was two in the morning. She sighed in defeat as she couldn't go back to sleep and went out of her dorm, leaving her peaceful roommates asleep, to take a nice, warm bath.

After dressing up casually for the tournament, Renee went to the Slytherin common room, satisfied that she had it all to herself. She brought with her the really rather informative (and bulky) professional potions book that Snape had borrowed for her and continued to read from where she left off.

She read about the Wolfsbane Potion and the existing debates about its disastrous side effects. Apparently, when used excessively by a werewolf, noxious constituents could linger inside the body and cause fatal damages within. Remus just recently started to take the potion, so she was really concerned about him, not wanting to lose the only family she had. She was doing everything she could to learn how it would be possible to diminish the side effects, but it was so difficult because the potion was extremely intricate to make. It was not allowed to be incorrectly concocted; a mere drop of aconite solution, the potion's main ingredient, was lethal enough to cause irreparable damage.

It suddenly occurred to Renee that the only way that she could possibly learn more about that potion was through her Head of House, Potions professor and Alchemy mentor, Snape. Maybe it's in our curriculum, Renee hopefully thought. Her mind began to drift, thinking about his unexpected and unconventional hospitality. Over the past few days, she grew to actually like him enough to think that he was actually a rather nice man, though still a jerk. Or maybe it was just because of the fact that she was a Slytherin which makes him fractionally more reasonable with her than the rest of the student body. She really didn't know.

Snape. Severus bloody Snape. Renee couldn't stop thinking about him; his voice, his smirk, hell-- even his black robes were so damn attractive. She knew she ought not to think about him in that manner, but she just couldn't stop.

"Ever so keen, are we, Ms. Capulet?" A deep, velvety voice questioningly said from behind Renee, making her heart jump. Startled, she turned around to look and saw the black-haired, black-cloaked, pale-skinned, man, who was most likely patrolling the corridors. At that precise moment, she wanted to ask Merlin why is it that whenever she envisages anything Snape-related, the man himself appears out of nowhere.

Recovering from shock, Renee managed to reply, "I just found this book really interesting. Good morning, professor." Renee said pleasantly, although her voice was hoarse from having just woken up. She looked up at his intimidating obsidian eyes.

"Bit too early for a 'good morning', don't you think? And what makes you think you have the right to skulk about in here at this hour?" Snape calmly yet terrifyingly asked.

"I thought our own common room isn't off limits, sir," Renee said weakly, trying to avoid thinking about all forms of punishment that he could give her.

"Technically, it isn't, but given our schedule, I recall telling you that we should meet up at five in the morning for the completion of our assignments for the first task. How will you be able to brew or even hold your wand if you're half-awake?" Snape whispered menacingly.

"I'm alright, sir. I promise I won't fall asleep," Renee vowed innocently, until she got this idea in her head. "But since we're both awake, why don't we start with the solutions now... sir?" she hopefully asked.

Raising an eyebrow, Snape eyed Renee dubiously, making her stiffen.

"A truly certifiable yet productive idea. Very well. Come along," he said in annoyance, turning his back on her and walking to exit the common room, his cloak billowing behind him. Immediately, she closed the book, carried it with her and followed him.

They entered his office and spent a good twenty minutes instilling the additional touches in the vials of solutions. Finishing up, Renee stood there and leaned on a wall, not knowing what to do next. She didn't want to leave just yet; she was too... comfortable there.

"We shall be adding the final ingredients in about four hours. That would be six thirty in the morning. What would you like to do? I cannot allow you to roam around the castle at this hour. If you prefer to go back to your dormitory, you may do so." Snape said dismissively.

Renee pretended to think about it. "May I stay here, sir? You might need my help with... other stuff," she asked innocently.

Snape snappily whipped his head like an animal wanting devour its prey, his eyes filled with unyielding indignation. "Do not think for one moment that just because the headmaster asked you to be my assistant, I am incapacitated. Now, off with you."

Renee felt so ridiculously horrified with what she said. Deep down, she knew that his reprimand wasn't warranted, but her reasoning was progressively becoming unreliable. "I don't mean it that way, sir. Please, I'm sorry."

Snape did not reply so Renee didn't know what to do. The girl didn't know why she did not want to leave after his outburst. If it was true that she's going mad because of the professor, it might be too late to restore her sanity.

Finally getting a hold of reality, Renee forced herself to take her dignified leave, when all of a sudden she heard a calm yet irked baritone reprimanding her, but somehow reigning her back in.

"I detest students who think that they are exceedingly better than everyone else. Your behaviour might be welcome in your previous institution, but I cannot say the same for this school. You of all people should know that I do not tolerate arrogance."

"Alright, sir. I'm sorry."

"Sit, Capulet." Snape ordered, pointing at a chair beside him. Much to Renee's extreme embarrassment, her stomach growled quite loudly, making her bite her lip. She looked onto the floor for sympathy, blushing in disgrace.

"Something to eat, perhaps?"

That was unexpected, I thought he was going to make some gnarly remark about the ruckus my stomach just made.

"I, um, It's quite-"

"Some pancakes then." he said, annoyed, as he rolled his eyes. Renee stifled a laugh, making him raise an arched eyebrow, which did not stop her from grinning helplessly.

"What? You think that simply because I prioritise discipline, I am automatically inhumane? How insolent, just like your dunderhead schoolmates."

"Oh no, sir. I was just amazed at how you knew that I was craving for pancakes. Makes me think that you can read my mind or something."

"I assure you that it was a smart guess. What would you like to drink?"

"Anything, Sir."

"I haven't got time for your dithering, just tell me what the bloody hell you want now."

"Any-- Oh alright. Pumpkin juice." Renee relented.

Snape tapped a stone post twice with his wand and very slowly, the walls separated and revealed a small kitchen and a bar.

"Well done, sir." Renee said to him and stood up to observe the place.

"Nonsense, Capulet. It's elementary." he backfired.

She ignored his retort. "I never knew someone who's so gifted at Potions, Alchemy and I presume, Defense that is also very much adept to wizarding architecture." she complimented. Snape snorted.

"You must be really good at cooking, sir, since, well, you're a potions master, so it only makes sense..."

"Capulet, do shut up." he said as he prepared their impeccably timed breakfast.

"Ok." Merlin, he's a hopeless case!

Snape finished cooking the pancakes and they settled on his small round table, just big enough for the two of them, and started to eat. Renee took a bite, and Merlin's beard, it the most delectable thing she's ever eaten since the treacle tarts of the Start-of-term feast.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"This is so good, professor. Even better than the ones the Hogwarts elves make." she said in appreciation. The wizard merely grunted, but displayed a rarely seen smirk. For a moment, they ate in silence, but Renee quickly decided to break the ice.

"You think Harry's going to make it today, sir? I mean, those are actual fire-breathing dragons. Isn't that a little too much for a fourteen year old?" Renee said with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Snape rolled his eyes. "Personally, I couldn't care less if Potter succeeds or not. He'll still be the same arrogant dunderhead regardless of his fate. But with luck and a little bit of common sense, just as he always relies upon, he might... make it." he said, with obvious Gryffindor prejudice. "Let's not talk about that brat." he spat, and she nodded with understanding. He really hated the kid.

"If you're going to be my... assistant," Snape said. "I should probably bother to know your full name. What is it?" he said in a bored tone.

She felt a little bit down at his mean way of asking, but she told him anyway. "Renee Juliet Capulet." she responded.


"Now I know why they say Hogwarts is the best wizarding school. It's very much different from Beauxbatons, professor." Renee randomly told him.

"How so?" Snape asked inattentively, not even bothering to look at her.

"Well for instance, in potions, you let us do everything by ourselves. We nearly always got help and guidance there. Students never get the chance to learn properly and independently. It annoys me, really."

Snape grimaced and put his fork down on his plate. "It does not seen like you're having a hard time, though. Are you bragging, Capulet? Because I do not allow false humility from a stuck-up newcomer." he spat.

Renee's heart sank. "It wasn't my intention to brag, sir. I was merely appreciating Hogwarts. I'm sorry." she apologised with the faintest of voices. This was beyond humiliating; she stopped eating, but even though he was a being dick, it was strange that she still had no intention of leaving at all.

"Eat." Snape said as he pushed the plate filled with pancakes.

"I'm good, professor." Renee refused.

"You ate one bloody pancake. We have a long day to go." He interjected.

Why is he being stubborn? "Really Sir, I'm-"

"That wasn't a request, it's an order. Now eat and don't waste food." he commanded. Renee sighed in defeat as she grumpily put one more pancake on her plate, eating it very slowly.

"I thought you thought it was 'good'.

"I did, Sir. It's just that I get full easily."

"That's besides the point."

Silence ensued, the two unable to sustain any sensible conversation until the man decided to break the ice. "How do you find... your stay here so far?" he asked like he had to but didn't exactly want to. Renee wasn't expecting him to even care about such matters anyway.

"Highly enjoyable, Sir. I've got great classes and brilliant Professors. Couldn't ask for more." Renee said, smiling genuinely.

"And... who accompanies you?"

"Most of the time, the Weasley twins and Luna Lovegood. But I still prefer being alone during my free period." she answered, to which he returned a stiff nod.

Renee decided to shift their conversation to academic-related crap once again to prevent any further arguments from both parties. As soon as they finished, Snape stood up immediately, and Renee got the feeling that the professor was aching to remove himself from her presence.

"I need to accomplish certain tasks with the headmaster. As for you, if you're going to stay here, DO NOT touch anything except for the books which you may be needing. I advice you to do some advanced studying; we'll attempt to improve the Wolfsbane Potion next." Snape said to her. Renee wondered if it was because he saw her reading about it, but regardless of what might be his reasons, she was still glad that they were going to be embarking on something that could help Remus.

"You shall expect nothing less from me, Professor." Renee replied, giving him a smile and a thumbs up, feeling lame.

"I have high expectations for you, Ms. Capulet." Snape stated seriously.

"I won't let you down." she replied, staring at the man as he walked out of his office.

Renee settled onto his huge, round, study table and began to read. Realising that she forgot to bring a parchment and a quill for her notes, she borrowed Snape's and prayed silently to the heavens that he wouldn't mind.

She read for a whole hour straight, completely focused, but eventually felt her heavy eyelids fighting to remain open. Looking at her pocket watch, she saw that it was half past three in the morning and wondered when Snape would come back. She surrendered to take a very short nap, determined to wake up after about fifteen minutes. Wearily, she rested her head onto her arms on his desk, laying peacefully, immobile. Before she knew it, ended up dozed off.

A sensation of tripping occurred in her subconscious, causing her body to jerk. Her eyes opened, her heart beating rapidly. It was only a dream, she thought.

Renee panicked instantly, remembering that she should have woken up earlier, and snatched her pocket watch, only to find out that it was half-past seven in the morning. The tournament was scheduled at seven, and the vials that had been prepared hours ago were gone, which only meant one thing.

Snape finished all the potions by himself.

Holy shit.

Hadn't I just told him I won't let him down?

Her attention was caught by a pleasant smell of a hot coffee that was placed right in front of her. She looked in the mug and saw that it had marshmallows, then finally took a sip. Saying that it was the best coffee Renee had ever tasted was most definitely an understatement. There was a small piece of parchment beneath the mug, torn out of the one she had 'borrowed' from Snape, and she immediately recognised the familiar handwriting.

It helps.

Renee couldn't help but smile at his thoughtful gesture. She found Snape to be incredibly bipolar; one minute he was complete a jerk, another minute he was so... sweet. Regardless of his inconsistencies, she was determined to prove to him that she was a faithful assistant.

Or did I want more than that?

Shaking her head in utter incredulity, Renee gathered her bearings. They had a scheduled meeting later that night and she vowed to herself that she would make it up to him in whatever way she could. Feeling guilty, she made sure to let him know that she greatly regretted her negligence by mimicking him, tearing up a small peace of parchment to write him a note.

Professor Snape,

I apologize for having neglected my duties. I didn't mean to. I promise it won't happen again.


P.S. Thank you so much for the coffee, Sir. It really did help. You're amazing.

Renee placed the note beneath an idle book of his then made sure to Scourgify all of the unwashed dishes, cauldrons and glass containers. She arranged everything there was to arrange and cleaned up his whole office, leaving it spotless, before heading out to spectate the first task. She was rejuvenated, though one question remained unanswered.

Why the hell didn't he just wake me up?


"Bloody hell, Renee! I've been looking all over for you. Where've you been?" Fred asked worriedly.

"I overslept, Fred." Renee told him, which was actually true. She sat beside him along with his twin and Luna, then began to scan the crowd in search for Snape, focusing her gaze on the man when she finally saw him sitting with the professors, watching the tournament intently.

The audience watched the Triwizard winners as they struggled to get their eggs. Renee knew what was in it and it wasn't pleasant, and she silently wished them good luck. Harry's turn was most painful to watch, although she did snicker when she saw Snape and McGonagall duck down abruptly to save their heads from getting hit by the boy's broom. Harry had been tossed, hit and almost burnt by the vicious Hungarian Horntail before finally summoning his Firebolt. The crowd waited anxiously for him as he disappeared, being chased by the dragon. Soon enough he returned and flew to the center to get the egg, making the crowd cheer in relief and joy.


Later that night, Fred invited Renee to the Gryffindor common room for Harry's victory party. She knew better than to expect more than just a couple of hateful glares and whispers about why a slimy Slytherin and kiss-arse newcomer crashed their party, so she politely refused.

Instead, Renee headed towards the dungeons as scheduled. Knowing that she had some unfinished business with the professor, she nervously knocked on the doors of the Potions classroom and opened it, finding Snape checking stacks of essays.

"Good evening, Professor." Renee greeted him, letting out all the confidence she had left.

Snape gave the girl a furious glare. "We're done for today, Capulet. I suggest you sleep early tonight." he said forcefully and resumed with his papers.

"Would you like me to help you grade those papers?" she asked thoughtfully.

He scowled at her. "Whatever for?"

"I'm your assistant." she shrugged.

"Do you think I'm incapable of finishing my duties, Capulet? I'm not like you." Snape said smoothly. Renee was taken aback, but she kept her stance.

"Of course not. You simply look tired, Professor. You seem to not have enough time to rest. And think of this as... me making it up to you. Please?" Renee asked.

"And why do you concern yourself with such matters?" he asked sceptically.

"I... just do. Please let me make it up to you." she begged.

Snape seemed unsatisfied with that. "And what about your rest, Capulet? You and I both know you need it more than I do." he spat bitterly.

"I took a nap this afternoon. That's enough, Sir." Renee replied.

He glared at her again before finally giving in. "Very well." he said, and got her a stack of parchment, then tossed her a quill and some red ink. She took a seat beside him and both of them graded the poorly done, worth 'Dreadful' and even 'Troll', essays in silence.

After an hour, they finished almost at the same time, and it was time for Renee to go.

"Well, good night, Professor." she said, earning a single nod from Snape. She walked towards the door, then suddenly looked back.

"Oh and Sir," she called, making him glower at her with his obsidian eyes. "I'm really sorry for oversleeping and not being able to assist you this morning," she told him, and quickly went out of the room to avoid any further contemplation on the matter.

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