♨ rivals, nalu

By peachmochiii

132K 4.5K 4K

**currently editing "She was smart and beautiful. Everyone loves her and she was at the top. Well... until he... More

❀第1章 ❀
❀第2章 ❀
❀第3章 ❀
❀ 第05章 ❀
❀ 第06章 ❀
❀ 第07章 ❀
❀ 第08章 ❀
Chapter 9 What's Going On?!
Chapter 10 Natsu Is Hanging Out With Lisanna?!
Chapter 11 Nali?! What's Nali?!
Chapter 12 No Way!!!!
Chapter 13 The Things That I Never Expected
Chapter 14 This Class Is...Weird
Chapter 15 Like I Care
Chapter 16 My First Date With Mr.FireBreath
Chapter 17 What Was That About?
Chapter 18 You Two Are Dating?!
Chapter 19 The Truth Is Now Told, Well Most Of It
Chapter 20 Liars Are Just Liars
Chapter 21 The Past
Chapter 22 Visiting The Cemetery
Chapter 23 Never Trust Anyone Ever Again
Chapter 24 Locked In
Chapter 25 The Person Behind It All
Chapter 26 JUST-KIDDING-!!
Chapter 27 The Secret's Behind The Door (Pt.1)
Chapter 28 The Secret's Behind The Door (pt.2)
Chapter 29 Your A Good For Nothing Brother!
Chapter 30 Friends?
Chapter 31 Dinner With The Dragneels & The New Student?!
Chapter 32 Romantic Feelings Or NOT?!
Chapter 33 Catching Juliet
Chapter 34 Do You Like Me?
Chapter 35 A New Love Starts To Blossom
Author's Note~!
The Big Announcement~! Yay~!

❀ 第4章 ❀

4.4K 165 188
By peachmochiii


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*04*:・゚✧*:・゚✧



This is it. It is today... The science exam! I'm gonna get 100% on this test for sure! " Okay class! The exam has been handed out to you. Remember, no cheating and don't look at someone's paper. Ans if you do, you will have detention for a week cleaning both the ladies and mans washroom! You may now begin! " Miss.V said as I flipped the paper around.This test is super easy. I know that I will ace this test! I'm so glad I studied.

❀ - ❀

~Lunch Break~


We all decided to eat on the school's roof again. This time, Levy was here. " Say, what do guys think you got on your test? " Jellal asked. " Um... Average...? " Mirajane replied. " Pfft! ... I probably got lower than average! " Gray said. " I don't know... I'm pretty sure I got a few questions wrong... " Erza stated, staring up at the sky.

" I studied really hard and if I end up getting a bad result then I don't know what I'll do anymore! " Levy replied in a sad tone. " I think I did very well! " I replied, in a very happy tone. " Haha! Same! " Natsu said. " What about you Jellal? What grade did you think you will get? " Erza asked Jellal.

" Um... I think I did- " He got cut off as the bell rang, indicating that it was time for us to head back to class. Then we took all our lunches and we got up and we headed to class. Miss.V was still there.

" Before you all leave to go to your next class, here are your exam results. I already marked them. Gray! " Then she gave Gray the exam results.

" Mira! " Miss.V yelled.
" Here! "
" Erza! "
" Here! "
" Jellal! "
" Here! "
" Levy! "
" Here! "
" Lucy! "
" Here! " Then I grabbed the exam from Miss.V. Yes, straight A's!!!
" Lucy, what did you get? " Levy asked me.
"Straight A's!" I replied.
" Really?! Me too! " Then I gave Levy a high-five.
I looked around to see where Natsu is. Then I saw him, so I ran up to him.
" What did you get Natsu? " I asked.
" All of them are A's but the teacher gave me a extra 5%  because I did so well.  What about you? What did you get? " He asked.

Wait, did you just say that he got 105%?! That's impossible!!! No one can beat me! No one can! This can't be happening! This is all a dream, right?!

" Lucy, is everything alright? " Natsu asked.

" Um, yeah. I'm fine. I got straight A's... " I said.

" Awesome! You just got 5% less than me! That's not that bad. At least you didn't fail. " Then he left.

That's the first time anyone has beaten me. That was my first lost. This isn't real! I know it's not!

❀ - ❀

~After School~


I was walking with Levy and Natsu. I didn't say a word to Natsu after we got our exams back.I never wanna speak to him again!

" Hey Big brother!!! Me and dad came to pick you up again! " Wendy said, smiling.

❀ - ❀



" Oh, hi Wendy? Is dad waiting in the car? " I asked, as she nodded." Hi Lucy! See ya tomorrow! " She said, smiling and waving good bye at me." Bye! " Lucy smiled. "See ya tomorrow Lucy!" I said, as I waved goodbye to her. Her smile disappeared and she quickly left. Did I do something wrong? 

❀ - ❀


" Levy, your mom and dad aren't gonna pick you up today, right? " I asked.
" Yeah, why? " I asked.
" Can we eat at McDonald's. I need to tell you something. " I said.

❀ - ❀

~At McDonald's~


Me and Levy ordered our food and we found an empty table and so, we sat there. "So Lucy, what do you have to tell me? Is it something about your dad? " Levy asked, worriedly.
" No, it's not about my dad. " I replied.
" Then what is it about? " Levy asked.
" It's about Natsu. " I replied.
" Natsu, huh? What about him? " She said, taking a bite from her burger.
" You know how we got our tests back? After I asked you, I went up to Natsu to ask him what he got. And he got 5% higher then me. Can you believe that?! This was my first lost! " I said.
" Really?! That's not true! I know that your lying to me. " Levy said, pointing at me with a frie(s).
" I'm not lying Levy. Your my best friend. And I would never lie to you. " I said.
" True. So wait, he got 5% higher then you? So he got...105%? " Levy asked as I nodded and took a sip of my drink.

" No wonder they say that he's really smart. But, I know that your smarter. No one can beat you, Lu~chan! " Levy said, smiling.
" Thanks Levy! That's really nice of you! " I said, smiling.
" I have an idea! Think if it, as your first win to lose. " Levy said.
" What? " I asked, puzzled.
" Your winning to lose. "
" I still don't get it. " I said.
" Oh, never mind! Just pretend that you didn't lose. Okay, Lu~chan? " Levy asked.
" Yeah, okay. " Then I took a bite of my burger.

That's the first time I ever lost to someone. And now, he's my RIVAL!!!!!

~Chapter 5 - Not Talking To Him Anymore! - Preview~

I decided to never speak to Natsu, since he is now my rival. It was my first lost and it means so much to me. I have never lost in my entire life. This is a dream, right?

Again, we were eating at the school's roof and Natsu was sitting beside me. He tried to talk to me, but I didn't answer. Everyone left early and I was about to leave too. Because I don't wanna be alone with Natsu.

" Wait, Lucy! Tell me! Why aren't you talking to me?! What did I do wrong?! If I did something to upset you, then I'm s- "

" Just leave me alone! " I yelled.

I regret doing this to Natsu...but...I have to. He's now...my....rival....


Editor Sophie☆彡: as i am trying to edit this, i began to realize how bad my writing was... i'm really sorry to those who have read this really bad writing... i hope my writing has improved now...

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