The Original

By FantasyLuvr96

19.9K 380 28

Forced to serve as a rag doll since she was young, innocent and sweet Maisie has to tear her powerful Alpha m... More

The Original

19.9K 380 28
By FantasyLuvr96

A Mature Werewolf Love story


The man brought so much fear inside me. His scars on his face, and massive body weren't even half of it, but instead the evil inside him. I've known him since I was a little girl because of my accident. I had just turned that day six, and was angry at my grandparents who were my legal guardians after my mom left-dad was never in the picture-so I grabbed my bike and rode for hours. Getting lost was never something I thought about at six years old. I only knew of being given away by mom, which was the reason for my anger toward my Grandma and Grandpa. It was too dark to see anything , and I felt panic-y. My six year old self thought that if I just stay put then Grandpa would find me.

But it wasn't Grandpa who found me. Instead it was Greer. I remember how weird it was that a man with such amazing golden eyes, and a huge smile made me feel so uncomfortable.

He brought me home -something to do this day I couldn't figure out how he knew. For the next twelve years he visited me on my birthday, when I turned thirteen he introduced himself.

My grandparents were in an accident, their car wrapped around a tree in the middle of a huge thunderstorm while they were going out to get my birthday cake. Our house was in the middle of nowhere in upstate New York. There were only trees and the nearest neighbor let alone hospital was ten miles away.

I saw the fire about a quarter mile down a road, and ran to it.

Within an hour the fire was gone, my grandparents were resting in their bedroom with no memory of the accident and without even a scratch. Greer had me wrapped up in a blanket in the living room with a cup of tea.

We were just finishing up our deal of my life for my grandparents.

" I gave your only living family life. You owe your love."

I was too distraught to ask him about my mother, or too even speak. This man was demon...he wasn't human.

But my next birthday I asked more questions, and even more after that. By my eighteenth birthday Greer told me it all.

He told me I was human female that belonged to one of the five Original Alpha Werewolves. He knew since the moment he met my mother when she was pregnant with me, apparently he had a 'key eye' for this sort of thing.

He first told me he's been protecting my grandparents, and even my mother, but I learned what he really meant. He controlled their lives, end it just as easily as he gave it to them. For my mother, he said she thought she was in hiding, that she thought I was safe from him, and thought that he couldn't never find me-her daughter.

By my eighteenth birthday I knew that if I didn't do everything he asked he would kill my only three family members.

And this thousand year old werewolf that I was suppose to be 'destined' for meant nothing to me? I've never even met him, and if he was looking for me I'm sure he could break through Greer's wall and find me.

Which is why I promised Greer I'd reject this Alpha when I meet him. I would deny him myself.

" Why would I mean so much to this -this original powerful werewolf!" I questioned, and fustrated.

" A simple mating bond between regular werewolf is deep, " Greer told me smirking. " But the five originals- the five, thousand year old friends with the ability to shift into the most powerful being in the world have the deepest bond with their mates. And your wolf is the only one with out a mate- making it such an easy way to find his biggest weakness."


" Maisie!" I heard my name being called angrily from the car, and couldnt help but laugh at my friends temper.

After high school graduation I was moving to Northern California, a medium sized town where Greer had found me a nursing job in the local hospital. I had taken college classes through out high school so I didn't have to attend nursing school.

Although Greer wouldn't be kind enough to just find me a job in a nice little town, instead this town was home of who the so called Alpha lived in.

I brought my friends along with me for the move, and all grand four of us had stopped at a resturaunt to eat before going to my apartment.

Fixing my sweater over my white crop top and high waisted jeans I grabbed my blonde friends hand and followed Tori and Kim inside.

" You know whats going to happen here.." Lola whispered to me in my ear as we entered the diner.

" What?" I asked

" You're gonna find a big hottie to shag." She winked playfully at me, causing me to laugh out right and roll my eyes.

" You are crazy!"

The air was a warmer than the chill of late september inside the diner. I was too busy bickering playfully with Lola to see anybody, but I felt a change in the room that made me go silent as I slid in the both beside Kim.

"Hey, you okay?" Kim soothed my black hair back, and curiously looked at me.

" Yes! Its just nerves.." It wasn't a total lie, but I couldn't tell anyone anything about was part of the deal.

Plus, I doubt any one would believe me about supernatural things.

"Hey!" I said changing the subject and putting on a smile. " Let's see if the bartenders in this town forget to check I.D's. "

Bouncing up and giving one last smirk at my friends, I swung my hips up to the filled bar. I wasn't a flirt, nor had any boyfriends in high school. I was a virgin willingly, but found it easy to get dates to prom, and homecoming.

Though everything young girl always had female persuasion on her side.

" Four beers. Tap." I called to the bar tender, leaning over the bar.

" I.D little lady. " He called from the other side.

" Awe come on.." I smiled. " I left it at home. "

"What," he grinned, " with your newly signed high school diploma."

I couldn't help but laugh at him, he was cute not much older than me.

" I'll keep it a secret." I promised.

" Beers on me Greg. " His voice was like a rough deep sex driven predator. As he approached behind, I sensed his huge broad stature hovering over me.

" Of course Sir. " Greg, the bartender said then looked at me, " Lucked out Babe. "

" You dont have to pay for..." I trailed off as I turned around and saw how close he was.

He stood no shorter than 6'5 , wearing jeans, work boots and a black tight shirt that hugged his flat, toned stomach and thick biceps.

His face was beautiful yet rugged with one scar that ran under his eye. He didn't smile or show much emotion besides his dark green eyes running across my body.

His power, the attraction...everything about him. He was the Alpha that I belonged too.

I felt my body quiver at the thought of belonging to him, his hands meant to be on my body. His eyes only meant for my naked breasts and thighs.

Greers threat never strayed though as I forced my self to turn back around, trying hard to ignore his voice say, "Don't worry about it. "

I grabbed the drinks from Greg as soon as he placed them down, pushing passed him and feeling his body brush against mine.

"Whoa... " Lola huffed, " I didn't think you'd find one so soon. "

"I dont know what youre talking about.." I mumbled, taking a sip of my drink.

" Oh come on!" Kim pitched.

" Yea... that walking piece of sex looked like he was going to take you right then and there!" Tori

" You guys are already drunk." I glared, feeling frustrated.

My mind was completely drilled with his face, body , voice. Never have I wanted to kiss a man so badly, or felt so sensitive between my legs.

"I call love at first sight. " Lola giggled.

" Guys can we just forget about it. He bought us beer, let's not question it." I told them, my emotions making me snappy.

" Alright, alright." Lola hushed down, but not before giving me an odd look.

I was closest to Lola, a few times during our friend ship I almost told her about Greer and everything he wanted me to do.

I never did though, I couldn't ever put her in danger.

"I cannot believe we aren't going to see each other every day anymore.." Kim pouted. " I'll be off at NYU and Tori's living on her in at Community... and Lola.."

" is going to be traveling in her new Jeep looking for a home." Lola finished, a smile growing on her face. Lola was in foster care her whole life, never really having a good home.

" Then there is you Miss Lucky Duck." Kim continued, " The perfect job, town, home..."

" Trust me babies. " I whispered. " Nothings perfect."


We finished our food, and were sent a second round of drinks by 'him'. It was almost eight o'clock by the time we were heading out.

Lola was up at the bar , flirting with Greg and Kim and Tori went out to the car. I was paying for the check when I felt him slide into the booth across from him.

I forced myself not to look at him , but my damn hand couldnt stop shaking. Suddenly his own hand covered mine, and all shaking stopped. Something overwhelmed me and I closed my eyes gasping at the pleasure that swelled my heart, and as embarrassingly it is I felt the wetness between my legs grow.

"Let me help.." He murmured, and slowly took the tab from under my hands.

I got up right then, wanting to run but his hand grabbed mine before I could go much further. A growl escaped his lips lowly , and he brought my body right up against his.

" Don't deny it..." He whispered to me, pressing his face to mine.

I closed my eyes, as he breathed in my scent, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck. " I know your body isn't."

" I have too. " I breathed and with all I had I tore away , grabbing Lola's hand on the way out.

The entire drive to my apartment I ignored Lola's complaints, angry that she couldn't talk more with Greg.

Finally moving up boxes of my stuff, and hanging up my art on the walls helped with calming my mind.

" We're gonna need to get going if we have to be home by tomorrow night." Kim sighed, going in for a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you. " Tori whispered.

After Kim and Tori were gone , Lola sat with me on the couch. She had decided she wanted to stay with me for a while, telling me she thinks something's going on. Part of me knew Greer wouldn't like this, but everything else was glad she was here with me. I hated being alone.

We both fell asleep not long after we started a movie. I shouldn't of been surprised when Greer woke me up at three in the morning. He made me follow him outside, looking no different than he did the day I was six.

" You didn't tell me that I'd feel this way about him." I cried, not wanting to look at him in fear that he knew I'd want to cry.

" I see you've met him.." Greer grinned, filled with pride that was disgusting.

" Yea.. Surprised you didn't know this yet."

He chuckled. " Love, You aren't the only thing that puts this plan together...although " He reached forward to touch me. "You are the most important. "

" Don't touch me! And stop calling me Love!" I cried. " I can't believe you are doing this to me. "

" I could just end it..." He stalked away, keeping eye contact with me as he disappeared in the shadows. " Starting with your lovely Grandfather-oh how protective he is of you."

"NO!" I yelled and quickly toned it down to a whisper. " No, please. I'll do whatever. "

" Good. Now how about you get close to your wolf, even allow your self to love him for all I care, but when I come back for you, we're going to start the real torture. "

" What did he do to you?" I shakily asked, horrified with how much he hated this man.

" Just remember love, your loved ones lives are in your hands."

I stared at the empty space where he once stood. For the first time all of this really hit me. And it hit hard. I wanted to die and crumble up in a pit of nothing.

"Maisie?" Lola's droggy voice interrupted the loud silence in my head. " What are you doing up?"

" Just needed fresh air." I lied

" Oh my goodness..You're crying sweetie."

I let her wrap me up in a hug, and we sat together on the couch, her soothing my sobs. " Will you stay here with me Lola...please."

"Yes. Of course." She rushed, her voice asking all the questions she held in.

The next day, Lola knew better than to ask me about last night. Instead we filled the day with old records of the Beatles and finished up the rooms. In about a week Lola was gonna go back up home to fetch her things.

" Where you think I should work?" Lola asked, flopping herself down on our bed in only a towel. She just got out of the shower after our long day.

" Well.. you were talking up that bartender last night. I say you ask him , maybe he'll have a waitress opening. "

" Hm." Lola grinned, her beautiful face lighting up at the mention of Greg. " I would like to see him more. "

Suddenly I watched her pop up , going straight to the closet. " Can I borrow something for my uh.. upcoming job interview?"

Actually laughing I stood up and grabbed a blue dress and threw it at her. "There. Go sexy your way into Greg's pants...I mean bar."

" You are such a little -"


Lola texted me hours later telling me that hottie Greg gave her the job and said she could start working tonight.

I decided I wanted to get out, so I changed out of my pajamas and tugged on my jeans and knee length white shirt. My hair was pulled up in a pony tail and I brushed my lashes with a bit of mascara.

" My apartment was right in town , so I didn't need my car to bring me anywhere. I checked out the shops for about an hour, and when I got to the bar it was already time to eat and be ready to walk home with Lola.

The place was busy, but nothing from crowded.

Fixing my bandana on my head, I looked around, smiling at Lola bouncing around the tables, giving me a wink after a once over.

But apparently she wasn't the only one. The nasty breath of a older man swarmed in front of me. I felt his hand slid up my leg, and he slurred a few incoherent words but before I could back away he was gone.

The casual chatter around the room came to stop after a loud bang the broken chair hitting the ground.

" Touch her again Miles." His throaty voice growled, as he pressed the mans face painfully against the wall. His threat was enough for me stumble back.

I took in his powerful stance and yet after I realized I wasn't in danger I found myself wishing that I was the one pressed against the wall and he had is arms wound tight around me. I wanted his lips on my skin and to feel everything of his against me.

"Miles! Why dont you go home.." Torn out of my fantasy I watched Greg take the older man out of the bar, stumbling over himself. " No more drinks for the next week either bud."

The chatter resettled itself, and I watched as he- or what Greer calls him, My Alpha walked passed me. He strutted powerfully, in jeans and loose white shirt. The veins in his arm from his poweful rush of adreline , lead me to see his tattoo on the underside of his forearm. The design was of a dagger, but I wanted to see it closer to read the writing. Telling myself that this was an excuse to go up to him, I ran up and grabbed his arm, pulling myself to his side.


He looked down at me , looking like handsome twenty five year old but his eyes were filled with centuries. They made me want to tell him everything, to absorb the protection I knew he'd be willing to give.

So I started what Greer wanted me to do . Give in to him. Fall in love with him.

" I didn't catch your name?" I smiled, hugging his arms closer to me.

" Christian." He stated, his fingers finding their way through the loop of my jeans.

"You wanna join me Christian?" I asked shyly, my heart beat rapid as I waited for his answer. " I don't really wanna eat alone."

"Pick a booth." He told me, his eyes on my own.

I pulled him to a booth in the back, and we sat across from each other.

" Thanks for helping me with that guy.." I said

" He's a drunk and a pervert. Happens almost every week."

" You always the one to save the girl?"

A smile formed on his lips, and I felt my heart jump. He was so memorizing and I didn't think once about Greer.

"Just you."

I bit my lip, and blushed. " You haven't even asked me my name, and youre saving me form creepy guys."

" It's Maisie." He said.

" How'd you know that?" I asked, a giggle behind my words.

" I asked Lola." He nodded

" You wanna know what I know about you?" I asked, getting up from the booth only to slide beside him. He watched me intently, like he didn't know what I was doing. Like I wasn't something he could predict.

" Tell me." His voice was rough, and I could detect a low growl once again.

I knew I looked vulnerable, and so innocent to him, but gosh I craved him. I never thought a feeling like this could ever happen, especially to me.

I fitted myself against his side, curling my small leg onto his. " Your one of the five original Alphas...and I'm your mate."

Like a sudden spark , he grabbed my face, bearing sharp canines. His eyes darkening in color, and grip on me tightening made me freeze.

" Watch your mouth ..." He growled lowly. " My wolf is hard to stop right now, and it won't help if you give yourself to me."

" What if I want to... I mean aren't I suppose to belong to you." I couldn't make eye contact, feeling innocent and vulnerable as I let myself talk.

In the back of my mind, I knew this was all stupid. This is what Greer wanted, and all in all this is what I wanted.


He left soon after, he didn't answer me or even say goodbye when a man came up and said there was something urgent.

I felt a little upset, but couldn't dwell. I had my first shift at the hospital tonight, from 8 to midnight. After dressing in my blue scrubs I had took the car to the ER. The night was slow, and I got to meet a few of the other nurses. It was such a small hospital that there wasn't much of us.

"Want any coffee?" Matt asked,

"Please." I smiled. Matt was the first one I met here, he was about twenty two and just graduated from the local community college up north.

" So how long you've been here?" Matt asked handing me a cup.

" Barely two days. My best friend -uh actually decided to stay down here with me."

" That's cool, a lot better than being alone right?"

" Yes." I agreed.

"Guys! We got a young women, hit in the head and a few minor cuts on the guys that brought them in!" The other nurse said as she came rushing in.

Standing up fast, we entered the lobby and I gasped at the scene in front of me. A girl around my age layed in the arms of the guy I recognized from earlier to took Christian away. I watched a doctor take the two away, and I scanned the rest of the room.

" Christian." I ran over to him, blood prints across his face chest. " Are you okay?"

I ran my hands over him, stopping when he hissed. " Come here." I pulled him gently in a patients room that wasn't occupied. " Take off your shirt." I directed, putting my gloves on.

When I turned around I took in his lined muscular sides, and thick stomach. A pulse between my legs made me want to have him strip completely. I made myself focus, and look over his chest.

"Its just the one on my rib, its too deep to heal on its own. " He told me.

" Heal on its own?" I asked, my voice filled with panic.

" Im an original werewolf. Takes a lot to kill me. "

Gulping I stepped between his spread legs, leaning down to pinch his wounded skin together. " A few stitches and you should be fine."

He must of sensed that I was bothered by him leaving earlier today at the bar because before I could began cleaning his cut, his hands were running up from the back of my thighs, over my bum till he lifted me onto his knee.

" I need to fix you...I-I" I began

"Shh..." Christian's eye shut half way, a rough hum in the back of his throat. " It's not stitches I need... "

" What do you need then?" I breathed.

" I've been waiting for you for over a thousand years... you can only guess what I crave." His voice made me close my eyes and squeeze my thighs together.

"Youre making me-" I tried to speak but he shifted me off his knee and said,

"I'd work on my stitches now.."

Suddenly Matt entered the room. " Your friend, the women who you brought in is fine. She needs to stay over night , and we're allowing her boyfriend to stay as well.... he didnt give us much say in the matter though."

" Thanks." Christian said gruffly.

" And Maisie? " Matt addressed me.

" Hmm?"

" I'll meet you back in the coffee room."

"See you there."

Once the door closed, I looked back up at Christian.

" He eyes you in a way I do not like."

" He is harmless. . I dont even know him." I told him, finishing up the stitches.

" Don't get to." He warned.

" Possessive?" I questioned, though as I smiled and looked up at him beneath my eyelashes it told him I liked his possessiveness.

" Youre mine." He hissed. " From you head to your toes. I do not share nor will I be shared." His voice changed a bit, like an old accent seeping through because of his anger.

" I promise you...I'm yours. " I kissed his fingers one by one.

" And I'm yours."

Sadly though. Only one of the confessions were true.


The next morning I woke up just after nine. I quickly dressed in a simple grey dress and boots, feeling the urge to find something to do today. Greer hadn't contacted me and I enjoyed it. My dreams werent night mares , but instead filled with the face, ,body and voice of -


He stood outside my door, looking good as the last time Ive seen him.

" Hey.."

" Hey..." My voice slurred as I closed the distance between us. Maybe I could sneak one kiss...

" You look beautiful.."

" Just for you."

" I think this is my favorite dress on you."

His back was pressed to the wall, as I leaned against him.

" Youre wild, baby.." He commented, running his hands under my skirt.

" Oh.." I suddenly gasped, my cheeks red and filled with embarrassment. " I swear Im not like this.. just with you. Gosh..."

" Don't apologize. Youre bodies sensitive because of the bond. " He pushed a strand of curled hair back, while the other slid right under my core , over my panties.

" Feel this, your so hot and wet because your bodies ready for mine. Back when I was young, the men would take their mates right then and there. Some enjoyed claiming their women in front of others, while others fucked their mates in private.. though most of the screams filled villages. "

" If you found me back then ..." I asked, " What would you do to me?"

He chuckled, " Trust me. It's better that you dont know, and thank me for my adapted self control. "

"Ms. Cole?"

My land ladies voice drew our attention quickly and I backed up, hoping she didnt hear or see much.

" Yes ma'am?"

" I was just wondering how you stay here is so far? Your room alright sweetie."

"Yes! It's perfect. Thank you for asking. "

" Of course, of course. And just to remind you , your friend Greer paid for the next three months rent. "


"No. " I screamed. " No.No.No."



Lola leaped across the booth, but I downed the rest of her martini before she could. Its been a week since I've moved her and we came to the bar like every other night this week. It was a Friday so we allowed our self to take advantage of the giving bartender.

" You suck." She pouted as she fell back against the seat.

"And youre drunk."

" So are you.." She argued.

" Yea..but not like you. I just pried you off of Greg. I swear you were gonna take your pants off right then and there. "

" Not like he'd mind.. He woves me body." She shimmied her sexiest shimmy but I could only laugh at her failed attempt.

" So classy honey." I teased.

" Im just the sluttiest virgin out there."

"Better be a virgin. " Greg's voice cut through the empty bar as he cleaned off the tables and put the stools up.

" I'd have to kill the guy who touched my mate."

" Oh...the big bad wolf." Lola grinned, and barked before spurting into a fit of giggles.

" Mate!" I said surprised.

" Maisie, I thought you were the smartest girl in our class. My man is wolf. . and youre man is also a wolf. They have tails."

"Yea.." I raised my eyebrows, never not amused by my best friend.

" Why didn't you tell me Greg was a werewolf?" I asked Christian, standing up on my seat so I could reach eye level with him as I approached.

"Not my place to tell." He stated, fixing my sweater so it didn't' t fall off my shoulder.

" Bulllll-crap." I glared. " Secrets are no fun." Taking another swig from my beer I fell into the arms of my heart captor.

" And just remember Greg- you are giving alcohol to underage , slutty virgin teenage girls. "

" Oh Maisie.. you and your empty threats." He swatted me with his dish towel before fixing up our table.

" Im just scary aren't I ?" I asked Christian.

" Terrifying. "

" And a little drunk. " I told him. " So take advantage of me all you want baby.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear,

" And I am not wearing a bra.."

"Alright.. Lets get them back to the house." Christian directed as he threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey. Cover my butt! Im wearing a dress." I scolded Christian.

" Sexy view!" Lola called behind us.


"Come on..." He urged, sitting at the edge of the tub. " you gotta wash up before we go to bed."

" Can you help me outta this?" I asked , dragging my feet towards him.

He nodded, reaching for me. Only touching the zipper, her released me from the dress.

" Youre a gentlemen." I told him, feeling more sober as the alcohol drained through my system.

He smiled, standing up and taking the sleeves to pull down the rest of my dress. His eyes strayed on my open breasts, yet as he leaned down his thumbs hooked onto my underwear to pull them down as well.

"Let's go..." He helped me in gently, the water and bubbles surrounding me ti'll he could only see my head.

" Feels good.." I told him, and found myself purposely holding his hand close to my heated core, resting right below my stomach. " The waters so warm."

" You are a tease , and you don't even know it." He said

I hid my face by turning my shoulders. " I can't help it.."

" Don't... I enjoy it. " He growled sexually, leaning over to kiss my lips harshly. " You'll just get my teasing later."

Twenty minutes passed, and I began lulling off. He helped me get out , wrapping me up in the thickest towel.

" Can we cuddle? " I murmured.

" Anything you want." He said, entering his bedroom and placing him on his bed.

"Raise you arms. " He directed, and after I did what he said , he slipped a black long sleeve shirt over me.

" Aren't you going to get dressed for bed?" I questioned.

He turned to look at me, almost as if he was taking my appearance in . Finally he tore his shirt off, free of all scars. Next he unbuttons his jeans ,letting them drop. He wore tight black jockeys, the large bulge noticeable.

He climbed into the bed, pulling me between his legs, and pulling the blankets around us. As we sat there, I felt my heart begin to race. I knew that within only a week I was completely and utterly in love with my mate. My thousand year old Alpha Male. He didn't speak much , yet everything from his looks, the attention he gave me, his love, predator and possessive character had me wanting to do anything for him.

But I've known Greer for twelve years, this revenge he wanted on Christian would not be stopped for anything. He was ruthless.

And I couldn't let my Grandparents die, or my mother.

" Baby. What's wrong?"

I sighed, struggling with not telling him.

" Can you kiss me for a while?" I asked. " Just kiss me.."


"Hello?" I answered into the phone. I was just getting into bed after my shift a few days after the sleepover with Christian.

" Hi Maisie." His voice rumbled through the phone.

I curled into bed, happy that Lola fell asleep at Gregs.

" Christian.."

" You in bed?"

"Yes... where are you?"

"Just leaving the bar. "

" Oh. "

Besides our silence there was soft breathing until I spoke up.

" You miss me?"

He groaned, so deep throaty I closed my eyes tight, fantasizing over his face .

" Yes..."

" Is it normal for me to keep thinking about you? Are all mates like this?"


His voice sounded pained, and rough. Husky enough to be described as sexual.

" You thinking of me too?"

"Yes." His heavy breathing quickened.

" How are you thinking of me?" I asked, swallowing my nerves.

" Your body... if you wear clothes to bed or not. If you touch yourself..."

Biting my lips I answered slowly, " I dont know how.."

" Just slide you hands down ..."


" Take your finger and slide it between your folds...Tell me what it feels like baby."

" Soft... Im picturing your fingers.." I moaned.

" Do you feel your nub.. rub your thighs together when you pressure it....yeah..keep it like that. Keep moaning."

The sound of car speeding was barely registered before I felt a rise in my pussy.

" Take your other hand... lick your fingers and touch your breasts... think of it as my tongue. " He directed.

"Oh!" I called out. " Christian... keep going.."

" Go faster with your other finger, add another baby..." He growled out loud. "Scream my name. Roll your hips. "

" I want you....I need you near me. In me!"

My body shook violently , and as I came down I found it hard to find my voice. " Christian ...are you almost here?"

" Unlock the door."

I rushed to the front of the apartment, opening the door to be grabbed by his strong hands.

" Take your clothes off!" I cried.

" You first.." He growled back, tearing at my robe till it layed at our feet. By the time we reached my bed room, his jeans were falling down and the only thing that stood between us were his boxers.

He pressed me down onto the bed, sitting himself between spread legs.

" Your scent.." He growled. " Its so sweet."

" Christian... I love you." I moaned as he moved forward, pulling down his boxers to relieve his thick throbbing shaft.

" I love you more." He whispered, kissing my lips as he slid his member into my slick tight hole.

The pain subsided as I got use to him, his slow and steady thrusts pleasuring me over and over as the night went on .


The next two weeks were wonderful. I had been switched to earlier shifts which allowed me to hang out with Christian more.

He didn't work besides running the entire werewolf community with the four other original werewolves. They were spread out through out the world, one in Central America, another in Russia , a third that traveled through out western Europe and lastly Australia. I had yet to meet them, and found myself really wanting to . They were the only people that have known him for as long as he's been alive.

The other day I asked Christian all about them.

" Vix is the wisest of all of us. His mother single handedly raised him, which is tough considering our abilities. " Christian began

" Can you tell me about their mates?"

" Her names Lily-Ann. Vix met her when she was just sixteen during the civil war. She was nursing the freed slaves when Vix's wolf sought her out. "

"She's still alive!"

Christian , wearing only his jockeys sat up and leaned is elbows on his knees as he sat on the couch in his large bed room.

" The original Alphas are the only wolves that are immortal and when we claim our mates there bodies become immortal as well. "

" We don't become-"

" No. You aren't a wolf, just immortal."

I breathed in, wrapping my arms around myself and curling up in his bed. My jeans and sweater seemed to lack in warmth. Greer would make me die from old age while Christian would keep as stone.

"Can you continue telling me about the others.." I asked, dodging the subject.


"Oh my god." Lolas voice squealed

"What!" I ran out in only underwear and white shirt, afraid to death that it was Greer.

Please dont be...

"Oh my god."

My jaw was dropped identically as Lolas. We stared at the t.v screen in front of us, the moans and screams filling the room.

"Why is this on!" I asked, covering my eyes but peaking from curiosity.

" I don't know! I thought it was a romance movie on paper view! It said something about being similar to Pretty Woman!" Lola cried.

" You bought Porn!" I began laughing hysterically

" I have never seen porn before." Lola laughed, pulling me down on the couch beside her.

" Oh my god." I stated. " Look it how fast he is going..."

" Wait- that's not in the right hole is it?"

" Lola..." I stated. " Have you and Greg?"

" Yes..but not like this. Gregs so gentle.." She didn't seem disgusted by the scenes infront of us, but neither was I.

I dont think either of us were turned on my the movie but instead our curiosity was getting the better of us.

" Christian is the same.. it's like he's scared he'd hurt me. Which I mean he feels good no matter what but that chick on the screen -"

Lola finished for me, " She's enjoying that-whatever that is."

" Gosh.. we're sex driven." I sighed. " All I can think about is touching him..and him touching me."

" Has he marked you?" Lola asked.

Last week she had shown me her mark, on the base of her neck. She was very accepting of this new world, and Im so happy she was brought in it. Finally there was someone who would do anything for her, and give her everything.

" No." I answered, wishing I could tell her that he can't. I'm not really Christians..

"We should turn this off. . the guys are coming." I told her, laughing at her fail movie choice.

" I wonder if they'd think its hot." Lola grinned devilishly.

" Oh God." I groaned, rolling my eyes. " You are not gonna let them know we were watching this are you!"

But as the door clicked, and Gregs voice called through out the apartment. " We got the pizza girls.."

Just as the girl on the screen was having the best moment of her life.

" Grab the remote!" Lola hissed, backing out of her plan.

" Where is it!" Stumbling off the couch I fell on my butt.

"This is all your fault."

A clearing of the throat made me freeze. " A little too Kinky girls?"

Greg stood behind the couch, the controller in one hand, and a tall, equally pissy looking Christian by his side.

" Uh.. I thought it was a romance movie I swear. " Lola rushed, " We weren't even looking at the guy.. or the girl. "

" Oh man.." I whispered nervously. Would this qualify as cheating?

" Turn it off." Christian ordered.

The screen went blank and embarrassment flooded mine and Lolas cheeks.

" I am one thousand years old. " Christian growled. " And call me old fashioned but I feel it's wrong for a mate to be looking at another man!"

Backing up as he approached I shook my head, " I wasn't looking at him like that!"

He roared, " Am I not enough for you!"

" Dont say that!" I cried, reaching out for him.

" Is our love making not important to you?"

" How dare you! Like in your thousand years youve never brought a women to bed!"

There was no answer and it made my blood boil with jealousy , anger, sadness. " Ive only ever been with you." I spat.

Before he could grab me, I shoved him roughly only to run out the door. I knew it wasn't really him I was mad at. Greer brought me into this mess leaving me no way out. I loved my Alpha and I loved my family.

He grabbed me as soon I left the apartment, disappearing both of us until we were in the middle of the forest.

"Greer." I yelled.

" Love, love, love."

" What do you want."

" Oh have you forgotten? The easy part of the deal is done. " He leaned against a tree, tapping his foot lightly to the dirt ground.

"What do I have to do?" I breathed, tears streaming down my face.

"That boy Matt, at your work seems to be eyeing you? " Greer grinned. " I say its time for a new boyfriend."

"No." I whisper, horrified. " Dont make me."

" Then say goodbye to your mother!" He growled. He looked so threatening, enough for me to shake.

The air was chilly, and I wouldnt be surprised if I started to rain.

" OK! Ok!" I sobbed, " I promise I will."

" Now there's rules with this." Greer said, pacing back and forth.

" You must make it believable. I dont want you being all sappy to your Alpha. You will tell him that you are just simply over him. obviously cannot forget to tease him. Go to your special bar with your new boyfriend. Flirt. Let him touch you, kiss you.... " Greer turned and looked at me, such an evil smirk on his face. "I'll be watching ."

"Make your precious lover want to die." He spoke the last word with so much venom, drawing it out until I fell to my knees unable to find air.


It had been two days since that night I met with Greer or even talked with Christian. I took an extra shift at the hospital, and stayed in an extra bed when I needed rest.

I was procrastinating, and finally I drew in a breath to talk with Matt.

" Uh, Matt?" I came up behind him, sliding my hand around his waist to look at him.

" Hey Maisie." He smiled, his boyish hair and face cute but nothing compared to my lovely Christian. My heart pained at the thought of my betrayal towards him.

Just got on with it damn it! I cursed myself.

" Can I ask you something.." I attempted to avert my eyes.

" Shoot!"

" If I say, told you I liked you what would you say?"

"Well," He looked taken back for a second, but it disappeared when he chuckled. " I'd say I like you too. A lot actually."

Shiver of disgust rolled up my spine and it took all I had just to push it away. " Then maybe we can go to the bar at the end of our shift? You could buy me a drink."

"Deal." He said quickly. " I'd so like that-but I swear I thought you were dating-"

I cut him off before he could say his name, " No. It wasn't anything. "

'' Alright then. I'll meet you in twenty."

I dreaded that whole twenty minutes and every minute after that. I faked it all, and I swear I faked it all so well I felt like I lost myself .

"I am starving!" I exclaimed as we entered the bar. I grabbed his hand and swung it childishly." I say we get nachos."

"Oooh. Sounds amazing."

I scanned the room, knowing I needed to catch sight of Christian. He was at a table surrounded by some members of his pack. Beer filled the table and a it looked like they were playing cards.

"Lets sit over there!" I dragged Matt to the booth in front of Christians table, knowing we'd be in direct eye sight of him.

"Oh-alright." He awkwardly followed me, but before we could sit down I was being pulled back onto a solid lap.

" Maisie." Christians voice rumbled in my ear. " What are you doing?"

It felt like my deciding moment right here. I could give in to Christian and be swallowed by his love or save my parents and do what Greer wanted me to do.

" Christian." I broke from his hug, and stood up facing him. " I am on a date. So if you would please leave me alone-"

" A date." He stood up, towering over me. His power was enough to make his pack stand up as well.

" Yes. One of many."

Pushing past him, ignoring the piercing eyes of everyone in the bar I slid into the booth across from Matt.

" I thought you two were over?" Matt asked.

" We are. It is just taking him time to realize that."

" I hope he isn't causing you trouble."

"Oh Matt." I smiled " Don't worry about it!"

" Um, Maisie?" Lola approached our table, her waitress pad in her hand. " What can I get you?" Her voice was skeptical and I knew she gonna ask a million questions once we were alone.

" Nachos." Matt spoke, " We'll get a large and share."

Forcing a giggle, I winked a Matt trying out my flirtatious skills.

"Right." Lola nodded, " I'll uh be at Gregs tonight so dont wait up." She shook her head and eyed me once more before leaving.

I used my exhaustion as an excuse to end the date, and said goodbye to Matt. It was just passed nine thirty when I got back to my apartment.

As soon as I was safe inside my walls I let myself come down. I hugged my cold body and leaned against the window.

" If you play another stunt like that again.." His voice was rough inside my bedroom walls. He began untying my scrub pants and lifting my shirt over my shoulders. " I could easily kill that boy and feel no remorse." He continued.

His fingers slid inside my panties and tugged them down while at the same time he unhooked my bra. " For you to hide from me is one thing, but bring another man?"

"Aren't you gonna speak?" His lips trialed up my naked back

I couldn't. Right now I couldnt say no and I couldnt say yes.

" How long do I have to fuck you till you know that you are mine?" His jean covered erection pressed against my ass, grinding against me.

I let him push me onto the bed, so I layed on my side. He didn't even fully take his pants off before he entered my pussy, grinding so hard and slow I reached my climax multiple times before he let himself go. He kept whispering such sexy and possessive things in my ear I couldnt get myself to think about anything else but his touch.

"If you forgive me for my temper the other night baby, I can forgive you." He hummed, stroking my inner thigh, his cock hardening once more against my entrance.

It sounded so promising , I whimpered at how badly I wanted to agree.

I had to hurt him, and it was the last thing I wanted, but I could ever let my grandparents or mother be harmed.

" Don't cry baby." He suddenly had me up against the head bored, straddling me and looking over my face with worried eyes. " Did I hurt you?"

I shook my head, clenching my jaw. I hated Greer. I hated him with all I had. I wanted to kill and torture him!

" I just want you to go." I lied through my teeth.

" I wont." Christian said back. " Not until you tell me whats wrong."

" You know..." I began bitterly. My voice so foreign. " I pictured Matt pounding me in from behind. For awhile I even wanted to pretend it Ryan Gosling or Channing Tatum. Gosh.... even Greg looks like he'd be a good fucker."

" Take that back." He growled, bearing his teeth, and darkening his eyes.

" Maybe we should ask him to join us next time." I pressed my face against his, faking a sexual moan as I gripped his dick. " Matt.. youre so hard for me baby. "

In seconds he was off me, and across the room. His chest was breathing heavily, and he was shaking. His wolf was begging to come out, and I knew he wanted to lick, suck and bite every part of me till I submitted.

" My wolf is not happy with you." He growled.

" Is that what it is?" I stood up, strutting over to the bed. " Whenever your eyes go black its your wolf character? " I smiled, wanting my throat to close and for my words to go away. But all I could think about was my grandparents. How Greer could so easily kill them. So I ignored the tear in my heart and bile rising in my mouth and continued, " Hm.. so technically we already were having a three some."

It was barely seconds before I watched him in a blur leave the apartment , his werewolf speed knocking me back on the bed.

I sat there , along and naked wrapped in only a sheet before I felt the sickness crawl back up. I ran to the bathroom, throwing up ti'll I dry heaved.

The sound of heavy clapping made me rise my head from the toilet.

" That was brilliant." Greer said.

My facial expression must of gave him my degree of disgust because he said next.

" Oh dont worry. I wouldnt watch you in bed , especially with a wolf. Although at first I almost thought of how I was going to kill you Grandpa when I thought you were lovin on the Alpha, but God Damn.. you really got him with the Ryan Gosling."

"Thanks." I spat sarcastically.

"And-" He continued , ignoring my snarky comment. " Youre smart. I didn't think you would get it on your own. "

" What are you talking about?" I asked annoyed

" The fact that he is two in one. The most powerful yet weakest part of being an Original. The human part is not formed within wolf like the new generation wolves. Took me the hard way to figure it out.. " He laughed, " When they let their wolf take over their human body they are real bastards. "

" You're the bastard." I mumbled.

" Oh shush, youre just being over dramatic. Although, I really can't wait till you tell me all about youre first encounter with him."

" Wont you be watching?" I growled.

" Well that's what I wanted to tell you... I'll be gone on more important business for a while. So just keep this up. Let him close and then just tear it away. " He chuckled as he began leaving. "And remember" He called " I have eyes everywhere!"


"What the hell is wrong with you?" Lola jogged up next to me.

We were on a run so I could let off some steam.

"Dont know what you are talking about." I huffed , sprinting up the hill.

Unfortunately Lola was the track star for all four years of high school so she easily caught up.

" You know exactly what I am talking about and we are in a trail in the woods missy so you cannot even scream."

Stopping abruptly I turned and glared at her. " Fine. Let whatever you have stuck in your mouth out."

She huffed, " Thank you. Now, why aren't you with Christian. Your soul mate?"

"I'm over him. I like Matt." I stated.

" That's a load of shit. "

" Leave it alone Lola." I groaned.

" No I wont. Have you seen Christian! I asked Greg.. and he said it's his wolf side and he's been like that since two nights ago."

I shivered at what she told me. If Greer was right about the wolf side of an original I dont know how I was going to deny him. I belong to him, and I'm sure he isn't going to like my denials.

"Christians wolf is in control?" I whispered.

"Yeah. It's a bit scary Maisie. And I -I kind of wanna stay at Gregs until you figure it all out. "

" Wow." I laughed humorlessly. " Your bravery astounds me."

" Come on Mai! Whatever is wrong you can talk to me about it. You can talk to Christian!"

I could my breath and feel the frustration grow as I felt the hopelessness in my heart.

" Lola." I said as gently as I could. " Nothings wrong. I just wanna date a different guy. So can we just please continue our run, in silence?"

Lola looked almost as defeated as I, but thankfully she agreed.

After the run I showered and looked for an outfit to wear for my date with Matt. I drew out the grey dress, remembering how much Christian loved this one. I decided to wear it, hoping it would give me some comfort.

I had been seeing Matt at work and enjoyed his friendship, but I hate having to use him for Greers game.

Our date tonight we went to a restaurant, while the entire time he kept asking me what was wrong. I told him it was about a patient who passed at work today, which was a total lie.

He dropped me off at the bar, kissing my cheek before leaving.

Every part of me wished he wouldn't be in the bar. That he wouldnt smell Matt on me. But I knew he was, just like I knew which eyes were owned my Greers. His stupid spies and minions.

As I entered the bar there was only a few people there tonight. Music played low, and I saw Lola and Greg behind the bar, swaying together in a soft dance.

He sat in the back though. Alone and drinking what looked like his dozenth beer. His face was stubbled, and he wore only a wife beater and tan construction pants.

My heart raced as I made my way over towards him. His eyes were dark black, face emotionless. I couldnt believe the arousal it brought me to see him looking like such a predator.

I raised my self onto the table, sitting facing him while he sat below me. My legs hung on either side of him, and I kept my head down.

"Pink." He stated.

I gasped at his voice, it was deeper, raspier, and animalistic. Nothing like Christian before.

" What?" I whispered shakily.

" You panties. There soaked pink."

I snapped my head up looking into his dark eyes, my heart pounding hard against my chest.

" At least I know you only become aroused around me. " He said, " Christian had doubts."

" I don't know what youre talking about. " I whispered again.

" You. A few nights ago, thinking it was okay to want to bring another man in our love making. Pissed me off little mate, even with me knowing you were lying."

"I wasn't lying." I stated.

" Get this right. " He growled, grabbing my thighs and pulling down onto his lap. " Christian gave me control of his body. You are as much as mine as you are his. Only difference is I can take you any where I want and not feel guilty. "

" Then do it."

" Don't tempt me. " He slid his hand closer to my core. " And stop playing you games. "

" I have no games."

He chuckled darkly, " Again with your horrible lies. Your soul is pure, and innocent. Anyone can see that.."

" Have you ever thought that maybe I just don't love you." I felt myself leaning into him, my words the only thing that was faithful to Greer.

" I dont think it's sexy to lie." He growled, rubbing his hand hard across my folds. "Apologize."

"No." I fought.

" I will punish you."

I felt a tear slid down my cheek. He was so harsh yet my body and mind screamed for him. For a few moments I wished to be one of those tough chicks that could tell Greer to suck it, and protect her family on her own. I wanted to be able to be confident around his wolf, but instead I gave in the moment I saw him.

Is this what Greer wanted? For me to give in only to have to tear away so I can save my family.

" Are you submitting?" He asked, wiping the tear away.

I nodded, knowing I couldn't do anything for tonight.

" You want Christian?"

" No!" I cried, wiping more tears. " Please I can't face him. I want you."

The thought of facing Christian after what I did to him last night, was unbearable. And I knew that I wouldn't be able to talk to his wolf the way I talked to Christian the other night.

"Can we just go to your bed?"

He stood me up, wrapping an arm around my waist. He grabbed my bag and took us out the back door.

" Let me sit with you." I rushed before he could open the passenger door.

He allowed it, curling me on his lap as he drove. The way to his house was through a bunch of back roads.

" So everything that Christian does when he is in control you know of?"

" Yes. And vice versa."

" So when Christian and I made love the first time?"

" I was there." He answered, turning the wheel into a different road.

" Could you feel everything?"

" Yes."

I hugged him tighter, something about the badness alluring.

" Was I good ?" I said under my breath, afraid of the answer.

" You seem to not understand the bond. Your touch is the most wonderful thing that there is."

"Will Christian allow you to touch me tonight?"

He pulled his truck over roughly, bringing his face to my own. " I do not need any ones permission to touch you. Christian is I as I am Christian. But you are mine. Everything you do I must know, every thing you want I will give you. When Christian is in control he can give you space and be humane with you but I dominate you. I know exactly what and when your body needs me. So whatever is making you try and slut around it will stop and you will tell me."

I was frozen at his words. He was completely different than Christian but I couldn't complain. I would beg for his touch, his kiss and his care just like I would when Christian was in control.

" It's Greer." I sobbed. " Greer is making me do this to you."

I felt myself let go, crying completely and seeking his comfort. I curled into his warmth and he soothed my hair.

"Where is he now?" He growled, but not before repeating running his hands over my body.

" He said he needed to do something but-" I gasped for breath, my sobbing making it hard to talk. " He is going to kill my grandparents and mom."

"Shh.. I wont let them."

When I looked up I saw Christian-not the Alpha Wolfs eyes anymore.

"Baby.. how long has this been going on!"

"Since I was six. He-he wanted me to love you only to break you soon after. I'm sorry but my family!"

" Don't feel guilty. " He pulled out his cellular and directed orders sending members of his pack to protect my grandparents home secretly.

" Your mother. Focus Maisie , where does she live?"

" I dont know." I cried. " Greer said she gave me up to protect me. He's the only one who knows where she is."

"Be calm. " He kissed me, and started the car again.

He was on the phone for the rest of the ride, giving information to his pack.

" I know a witch that can help. She lives in Virginia so we will have to start now."

I couldn't answer so I just stayed laying with my head in his lap, wishing sleep to come.


I woke to the car pulling to a stop infront of a motel.

"We're stopping?" I asked.

" Just till the morning." He answered, gathering me up in his arms.

After checking in , and making sure all the doors were locked I began undressing.

"Christian?" I started shyly.

" Hm?" He was standing by the window, peaking between the blinds.

" Im so sorry. It killed me doing that to you."

" It isn't your fault. I knew that." He assured.

I shook my head. It was all my fault. I should of just trusted him in the first place. I placed my dress and shoes on a chair, leaving myself in my pink panties and bra.

" I just want my family safe, and Greer gone forever. "

" He will be." Christian took me in his arms, placing me on his lap as he sat on the chair. For a while we didn't talk, I focused on his fingers tracing circles between my thighs, and his hot breath against my lips.

" The Alpha wants to shower you." He suddenly spoke lowly.

"He does." I spoke, my enthusiasm obvious.

Christian nodded, helping me stand. " He'll meet you in there after I make a call to check on you grandparents. ''

I turned the shower on, and took off my under clothing. Testing the water, I stepped in, another body following right after me.

" Christian?" I asked turning around.

" No." His black eyes stared down at my body , taking me in and enveloping me whole.

"Alpha.." I breathed.

He grunted, pulling my hair back off my shoulders. I watched him gaze at the water droplets running down my bare body. "Sorry I had to leave so soon."

" It's -" I gulped, stepping closer. " It's okay."

I dont think I could ever get use to his body, the strength and wide shoulders. The huge stocky arms and deep tan. His tattoo sexifying it even more .

" The words on your arm, are they Latin?" I asked.

" Yes. It means For life."

I smiled up at him, liking the meaning of his words .

" You said you wanted to shower me?" I asked, running my hands over his hard pecks. I wanted so badly to drop my gaze, and look at the hard member that pressed against my stomach.

" I would." He answered, voice throaty.

" First, maybe we could try something." I asked him, trying to break free from the shyness.

" Tell me."

" Can I show you?"

I dropped to my knees, spreading his powerful thighs. His hard shaft was pulsing hot as I took it in my hands.

I could hear his chest release animalist growls as he watched me take him in my mouth, licking the tip before sucking his entire length. My throat was hit with pleasure with each thrust he gave.

"Maisie.." He groaned pulling me up. " Youre wonderful."


" Is this witch nice?" I asked Christian.

We had just pulled into a beautiful looking Victorian building after a four hour drive. Last night the Alpha laid in bed with me. It was weird, his roughness, and possessiveness aroused me continuously. He didn't hold back with telling me what he wanted or what I wanted.

When I asked for Christian he easily gave him to me. I enjoyed knowing both parts of Christian, the sexual need, and the perfect lover I can talk to. Both their presences helped calm me down, and keep my mind from stressing so much.

" Her names Cordelia. She uses the nature for power, and yes she is very kind." He smiled, drawing me up to his side. " You'll like her."

" She can help find my mother?" I asked him again nervously

" I hope so." He said, knocking on the green door.

It was a few long minutes before the door opened to reveal a tall women in her late years. She was dressed in heavy jewelry and a very flowey floral dress.

" Alpha Christian, what do I have the honor?" She spoke surprised.

" Cordelia." Christopher lead us inside, not releasing my hand thankfully. " I need you to help me find some one. Its important otherwise I would of called first. "

"Yes , yes. Please tell me." She sat us down in the living room, a mix of vintage and hippie style. After setting a pot of hot tea, she gestured for us to explain.

" I need you to find where my mother is. " I spoke up, my voice trembling. " I can't let her die"

The witch stared at me for awhile , before nodding.

"Come here sweetheart." She held out her hand for me, waiting.

After looking at Christian, he nodded for me to do so.

" You and your mother are blood related , yes?"

I nodded, watching as she traced the lines in my palm.

"Okay. Alpha Christian, get me the map on the table and candles."

After everything was set up, and the candles were lit, the room went dark. I could feel Christians body pressed beside mine, comforting me silently.

" Im going to chant in Latin, I need you to focus on your mother. "

" I dont know her...only pictures from when she was my age. " I admitted.

" That's okay. Focus on that."

I grabbed a memory of a photo I use to see everyday on my grandfathers desk. Her hair was perfectly curled and eyes shined right in the camera. It was her senior photo.

I faintly heard Cordelia began speaking, the language flowing fluently out of her tongue.

Im not sure how long it continued, but when she stopped, it was abrupt. The candle light broke and the wind became still.

" Oh my dear, Im so sorry." Cordelia sombered.

" What?" I panicked. " Tell me Please."

" Your mothers been long passed. She is on the other side. "

" What.." I cried, shaking as I stood. " Greer said she was alive. "

"Im so sorry sweetie. Youre mother died when you were born. The earth gives her apologies." Cordelia left the room to respectively give us space.

I let tears fall over a women that has been gone for eighteen years. I grasped for the touch of my mate, curling in his lap.

" Christian.." I whispered after I calmed down. " I can't believe he fooled me. After all these years.."

" Im sorry my baby." Christian comforted. " I swear to you Im going to get him back. It's between him and I. Its always been."

" But why?" I finally questioned.

After all this time I had been so worried for my family that I never asked the true question. Why was Greer doing this?

" Greers a warlock. Like Cordelia but male. He abused the earths power though, so is left with almost nothing."

" But why does he hate you so much?"

" Because he wasn't the only one who abused his power. His entire family did and that's why I had to kill all of them."


" Alpha." I shook him. We were resting back at the motel on the way home. We spent the day with Cordelia, explaining everything for her own protection.

When we got to the motel, although it was way past midnight, I couldn't sleep. Christian had fallen asleep beside me a while ago.

Suddenly Christians eyes opened but it wasn't him. The Alpha had control again.

"Hey." I hummed.

" Christian is asleep. Would you like me to wake him?" He asked, sitting up.

" No..Its fine. I want him rested. Ive caused him so much stress." I sighed.

" Shush my mate. You will not be at fault." Alpha growled, positioning him self above me.

Our bodies rested comfortingly together as we continued speaking. " Is it weird?" I asked after a while. " Having control of a different body besides the wolf?"

He seemed to ponder my question for a while before carefully answering. " Ive grown to it, just as Christian when takes control of the wolves body."

" What's your favorite?" I asked.

" Your body is my favorite My Mate." He replied with complete seriousness.

I grinned, wrapped my bare legs over his torso. " Tell me your favorite thing about my body."

" Well, the first few weeks when Christian made me only observe I got to watch him explore you body. Like right here,"

His fingers sliding so lightly, like a feather across my inner arm. " how right here makes you moan."

My mouth opened on its own accord, releasing a soft noise as he done so.

" Or how just the feel of my breath on your pink nipple makes it hard and ready to be...sucked."

I stared up at him, breathing heavily at how much pleasure it brought me that he knew my body.

" You know...Christian got mad at me when Lola and I accidently bought a naughty video." I rose on my elbows, pressing my forehead to his. " He never got the chance to punish me for it, do you think could?"


"Are you dressed Maisie?" Christian called from outside the bathroom." We need to go now."

" Coming!" I called, after having to wipe myself clean. Alpha gave no mercy to me, from making love to me so tender to turning me on my knees and hands.

Alpha had to leave after Christian directed me to get rest. No matter how hard I argued, Christian and the Alpha agreed on me getting a few hours of sleep before we left.

" Get in the car baby." Christian hurried. " We need to get going back to the house."

An hour into the ride back I began getting a weird feeling. It was dreadful and made me seek Christian for comfort.

" I dont feel well." I told him, hugging myself.

" What is it? Stomach, head?" He asked worried.

" No.. its just a feeling." I told him, finding it hard to explain.

Before I could even try though a loud crash due to the exploding back windshield broke all silence.

" Get down." Christian yelled, screeching the car to a stop.

I watched as Christian tore out of the car, his body convulsing so elegantly into a large powerful black wolf.

Before I could call out his name though, I felt a hand snatch itself over my face and a darkness envelope me.


" Maisie!"

I heard my name faintly, until it repeated more loudly and clearer, followed my eyes focusing on the faces around me.

" Grams?" I cried softly.

" Oh baby! We were all so worried. " Her familiar arms draped me in a plump hug.

" What-what had happened?"

" You hit your head when you went on your road trip with Christian."

"I -what.." I looked around, my grandfather kissing my cheek as Lola smiled at me from the edge of my bed.

I was back at the apartment, but couldnt remember how I got there.

"Wheres Christian!" exclaimed.

Oh goodness. He has to be okay, he just has to be.

" Don't worry. He's outside making a phone call. I'll go get him." Lola said, giving my hand a squeeze before leaving my bed room.

" Grandma, Gramps. You guys came all the way here because I hit my head?" I asked, using the cover story.

"Yes, and well..your nice friend Christian said you were a bit home sick and missing us." Gramps answered.

Smiling, I felt the tears prickle my eyes. " I do miss you guys, but I love it here too." I promised.

" Maisie."

I turned and saw my Alpha Male. Christopher rushed over, his eyes changing black before disappearing again. All of Christian was here.

" We'll be back to say goodbye soon Mai." Grams promised after leaving with Grandpa.

" Is he gone?" I asked Christian. I could feel my eye brows furrow in worry.

" He will never bother you again. " Christian promised, taking my face in his hands. " We can be together forever now. "

And we were.

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