Elastic Heart:

By sassy-sophie

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Would it really be so bad to fall in love with your brothers best friend? ❌ I am currently editing this book... More



228 5 0
By sassy-sophie

I felt anxious, which seemed ridiculous because I had been to Mason's house countless times. I sat on the arm of the couch, waiting for Mason to pull up. I tapped my foot on the ground as I waited. "Vanna?" Bea calls my name. "Huh?" I stop tapping my foot. "Are you okay?" She asks. "Eh, yeah. Just fine." I say. I turn my attention back out the window. Relief rushes through me when Mason's car pulls up. "Gotta go," I announce, running out of the house.

Mason grins at me as I run towards the car. I climb into the passenger seat. I gave him a quick kiss. "You look beautiful." He compliments me. I smile at him. He laces his fingers with mine. I could feel how clammy my hand was in his. He must have noticed because he glances at me. "You nervous?" He asks. I shake my head. "Is there something going on between you and Olivia?" I blurt out. A panicked look appears on his face. He looks over at me wide-eyed. "What?" He asks, surprised. "I see the way she looks at you, Mason. Don't make me feel like I'm crazy." I say. He slows down to a stop in front of his house. "You're not crazy. I just never realized it...I guess." He admits. "So nothing is going on between you?" I ask. He shakes his head no. "I promise, we're just lab partners." He reassures me.

A rush of relief passes through me. "But if it makes you uncomfortable, I'll talk to her. I promise. There is nothing between us. Even if she wants there to be." He says. I smile at him. He leans and presses his lips to mine. "Now, come on." He says. I open the car door and climb out. Mason walks around and grabs my hand. I follow behind him as we approach the front door. He opens the door and steps inside, with me following behind him. He pauses in the foyer when his mother's voice calls out. "Mas, are you home?" She asks. I couldn't understand why Mason looked confused as she entered the foyer. Yet her expression mirrored his when her eyes fell on me. "I thought you and Dad were going to be at the country club," Mason's voice sounded strange. "Dad wasn't feeling up to it today, so we stayed home," Terri answers. Her voice still holds uncertainty. I was missing something here.

"Savannah," She opens her arms. I step into them and hug her. She chuckles and steps back. "You just keep getting lovelier and lovelier, sweetheart. You're parents must be proud." She compliments me. I smile at her. "Thank you," I reply. She winks at me as her husband steps into the room. "Savannah, always a pleasure." He gives me a small hug then steps back. Mason stands awkwardly beside me. "Well, dinner is almost done. Savannah, would you like to help set the table while we speak with Mason?" Terri asks. I nod and glance back at Mason, who avoids my gaze.

I tried hard to eavesdrop, but they spoke in a hushed town. My heart was thumping in my chest, and my gut was telling me something was wrong. I nearly jump out of my skin when Terri appears in the dining room.

"Sorry, sweetheart, we weren't expecting to host today." Terri apologized for helping me finish the table. "So, I heard that Brandon's friend is living with you," Terri states. "Oh, yeah," I confirm. She nods glancing at me. "It's so nice of your parents to help that boy." She remarks. She smiles handing me a stack of plates and silver wear. "Is he nice?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders. "He's alright. It's just like having another Brandon in the house." I say. She laughs lightly. "I bet. Follow me." She orders. I follow her into the kitchen. "When will you're parents be back?" She asks. "In a few weeks," I reply. She looks at me sympathetically. "Well, I bet you're excited to see them." She says. I smile in agreement. Silently, I helped her bring the food out.

"Dinners done, boys!" she calls, then turns her attention to me. "Thank you," she says. I nod my head. Mason steps into the room, giving me a small smile. He takes a seat beside me at the table. His parents are across from us. I couldn't help but notice the look on their faces as they sat silently staring at Mason.

"So, Savannah, have you chosen any collages you want to attend in the fall?" Ronald asks, cutting the silence. I swallow the water in my mouth. "Yes, sir," I say. He smiles at my reply. "Well, I hope that you get everything you've ever wanted. Even if that means leaving home," Ronald replies, gesturing towards Mason. I glance between them awkwardly. "Of course," I say after a moment. "What are you planning to go for dear?" Terri asks. "Uh, education. I think I wanna be a teacher." I say. His parents both smile at me. I take a few more bites of my food as I listen to them tell us about their collage experiences.

"So, proms are coming up soon," Terri states. I nod glancing at Mason. "Mom, you know I'm going to ask her." Mason remarks. Terri glares at him.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," Terri suddenly said. My chest felt tight as her eyes burned into mine. "Savannah, you are a great girl with a bright future ahead of you," Terri started.

"Mom," Mason cuts in, but she waves him off.

"No, I cannot and will not support this. This relationship is not healthy. We do not support you being together, and I think it'd be best if you just left," Terri announced. I stared at her in disbelief, my eyes traveling to Mason, who had his eyes locked on his plate.

"Please, go," Terri speaks again forcefully. I clear my throat, pushing my chair back. Mason stood following me out of the house. I felt myself cry as his hand touched the small of my back. "I don't understand," I sob. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a hug. "She's just having a rough few weeks, Sav. Give her time to cool off. She still loves you, I promise." Mason tried to reassure me.

"Come on, let's get you home," Mason whispers, pulling away from me. I nodded, wiping my tears and getting into the car. I didn't understand the sudden change from his parents. They had always been so welcoming when I had visited in the past. Suddenly, I felt a little tired from the endless thoughts in my head. I wanted to get home and relax. Mason starts the car and heads back to my house. It seems like in no time he's pulling up to my drive way. "I'll text you later?" He asks. I nod. I lean in, pressing my lips to his. He grabs the side of my face deepening the kiss. After a few minutes I pull back. "Alright, I'll see you later," I say.

I climb out of the car and close the door behind me. Mason waits until I'm inside to leave. I close the front door behind me. "I'm home," I call. I walk into the living room to see Layla and Colton making out on the couch. "Gross. You have a room, you know." I remark. Colton pulls away from Layla. "I like the couch better," Colton says. I roll my eyes. "Great. Now we're going to have to burn a perfectly good couch." I say. Before he gets the chance to reply, I take this as my chance to leave the room and head upstairs.

I dialed Bea number, needing to talk to someone about what had just happened. After the second dial tone, she answered. "Hey, Sav, can I call you back? I am in the middle of something." She answered breathlessly. "Sure," I answered before hanging up. I hardly see Bea anymore since she started spending more time with Brandon. I was truly happy for her, but I missed my best friend, especially now.

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