
By saddepressing

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In which Luke was dating a girl named Daisy who had depression, he couldn't take it until he broke up with he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10 > currently editing
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 > currently editing
Chapter 13 > currently editing
Chapter 14 > currently editing
Chapter 15 > currently editing
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 > currently editing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 > currently editing
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Important !!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 9

197 27 5
By saddepressing

Daisys pov.

My heart was pounding in my throat, and I was hyperventilating as I woke up drenched in a cold sweat. 

Conversely, I had just woken up shivering and clutching my blankets whiling peering rapidly around me room just to make sure I was safe in bed.

I remembered that I had woke up at 5 and couldn't sleep so I changed and got ready then got back to bed so when that I wake back up I was already to go to school.

Troye promised me he would take me too school today, since I have no money right now to get gas. Another boring day for school.

It's so exciting cause, by the time I get my own job, I won't be having to ask people for money, and I can have enough money to pay what I own. I own alot of people money if you ask me.

I pulled myself out of bed opening my curtains causing the sun to shadow reflect my room and me to flinch from the brightness. I had to wrench open the window because of the rust covered lock. The air was very clear and the long morning shadows distinct. The birds were chirping some songs that they repeat now and then every morning.

I was finally done setting up my bed neatly that I messed up from my crazy sleeping last night, I had brushed my hair a bit once more and then headed downstairs to wait for my friend.

I was downstairs heading into the bathroom that I caught a perfume sitting on the sink counter, the perfume that Luke got me for my last year birthday. It was called "Daisy Dream" and he said he had gotten it since it was my name, he loved it on me so much and I did too. I know people would usually just throw it away if it was something from their ex, but I couldn't, it smelt so good and it was damn expensive for him to buy.

I was sitting down in the silent living room with the tv commercials on mute. I was on my phone scrolling through my feed that had nothing good in it, there was mostly Luke posting pictures with other kinds of girls I didn't even know. Why am I still following him? I thought. So I quickly clicked on his profile and pressed on unfollow. Now that's way better.

I was suddenly startled by a loud honk that I heard outside of my house, that person being a mad Troye waiting for me to get inside his car cause were late.

I had instantly shut my door from behind, locking the door and skipping inside Troyes car.

"Finally." Troye breathed, me rolling my eyes. "Sorry Troye, I was to busy on instagram."

"Instagram? You should follow me." Troye recommended while shifting his eyes from the road to my phone.

"Text me your username." He took out his phone and carelessly used one hand to drive. "Not right now are you stupid?!"
He had smirked and still hadn't listened. My phone buzzed and I read the text.



I crossed the hallway, aware of the sound of my shoes squeaking on the linoleum. How come I couldn't tread lighter? Kids surrounding me spoke in hushed tones. I could only catch snippets of conversation, but I could almost feel eyes on the back of my head. Stomach growling I hurried down the steps.

When Troye had said he needed to meet up at this office for a bit, I searched around for Alexa until I bumped into someone I didn't expect to bump into.

Upon his arrival, I felt my heart begin to race. My eyes traced his tall slender figure, from his messy blondr hair down to his worn combat boots two sizes too big. The closer he came, the better I could view him. His eyes warm, a range of soft blue colours. Reminding me of fresh ocean water. Lilac bags hung under them, ageing him quite a bit, but he couldn't be much older than me nonetheless. Seeing him stumble a bit, I relaxed. He was just as nervous as me. I took a deep breath, inhaling his overly strong cologne. Naturally, I found myself nearly gagging on the powerful scent. However, I tried turning my face away from him since remembering the time he broke my heart and left me alone.

"Luke." I gulped while taking a breathe and my eyes were stating at the floor. "Can you like...move?"

"Oh." He had stuttered while coughing a little and scratching his neck nervously, "Right sorry."

It was extremely awkward. He didn't know what to say, and so I didn't either. It's like we turned into strangers and so I will let it be, I will have to forget those 2 year memories with him somehow. We had both walked our seperate ways, taking one glance back he was doing the same thing until I hastily stared around again and caught my attention to Alexa who was standing against my locker on her phone.

"Hey Alexa." I chanted not to loudly so she can give me her attention as she finally stared up flipping her light blonde hair to the side, grinning. I had finally noticed her with a different girl I couldn't recognize, she had burgundy hair, and those green eyes that I have.

"This is Melody." Alexa points, Melody just grins at at nervously.

"Oh hi, you're new right?" I questioned, with a grin as she nodded.

"I'm Daisy." I said as she nodded awkardly. She was a classy girl, she had a long knitted burgundy cardigan, with some black leggings and beige boots that were leather cloth. She looked like one of those girls who would be scared to have a boyfriend.

"So who's your first period?" I asked as she looked down on her binder, where she kept her schedule and checked.

"Mr. Avelar." She says, as Alexa and I glanced at each other, giving each other a confused look.

"Yeah we don't know who that is but, what room is it?" Alexa asks as I agreed with her.


"Ohh." Alexa and I said in unison, finally figuring out what class was that.

"Science, right?" I said as she nodded.

"Yeah, I'll take you there, im always late for class anyways." Alexa smirked while I rolled my eyes.




When the bell rang, Alexa took Melody to her classroom, which was way farther than mine.

I was in class, waiting for one of my friends that I usually talk to in class about how we hate people and stuff. So I had barely figured out that the new girl Melody, was a girl who dated lots of boys and is an only child that can be super sassy at times.


Chapter E D I T E D.


guys, so that was the short chapter 9, lol what do you guys think of the new student? Are you guys liking her so far or nah?? Haha so like I said in the last chapter, two more short chapters and I promise im going to make it long on chapter 12 and the rest, cause thats when all the good stuff will be happening so stay tuned ily guys

Ps. Sorry for the grammar mistakes like always


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