Pixels: Light In The Dark (Po...

By Violet_Sand

645 31 4

Alyss Grey, Valkire Knight, and Bera Green are all locked in a landslide. Alyss was born to naturally hate hy... More

Pixels: Light In The Dark
Chapter 01

Chapter 02

104 11 2
By Violet_Sand

This is 2nd chappy. Oh, and I'm putting that chapters are what so that I don't forget.

Pic on side is the OTHER book cover that Akira_Misaki made. Akira_Misaki also made the book cover this is currently i use --->

T'is all here...



When we found the ball, surrounding it was a huge dent.

"Kamura, try picking this ball up?"

He looked confused, but nodded.

He couldn't.

Me and Momoshiro helped.

It wouldn't even budge.

Then, Inui cut the ball open.

What was inside, I wasn't expecting it.

There was lead and small, but heavy weights in there.

We were speechless. Most likely thinking, ' "How could a thin girl like Her even lift this ball?" '

We, unfourntually, would never find out.


Chapter 02: Unforgivable Mayhem

Oishi's POV

As we took Alyss to the hospitble, we then stood out side of the emgercy room. Eiji and I sitting, and Fuji and Inui standing. Kamura was sitting here too.

"Inui..." I murmured, he looked at me.

"...What's the percentage to that Alyss can never play tennis with her left arm again?"

He was silent for a moment.

"79%. There's also a 67% that she has been paralyzed and a 45% that she can never do any kind of sport again."

I kept my head down.

"I see." I whispered.

Fuji was leaning against the ball beside the seat we were sitting on. Inui sat with us.

Fuji suddenly tensed.

We looked over to him.

"What's wrong Fuji?"

From what I could tell, he had a look of terror or some sort of fear on his face. His bangs were blocking his eyes from view.

He tuned away from us, about to run off, but stopped and said.

"Uh...I gotta go meet somebody. She might be able to help..."

While saying this, he didn't dare look at us. Afterwards, he sprinted down the halls.

I sighed. I ignored his very strange and rare beahivor. Right now, we were held reposible for somebody's injury that can seriously hurt her to the point of never playing tennis again...Why pay attetion to something out of the ordinary when somebody's life is on the line?

Fuji's POV

I knew that I shouldn't have left...And even now i'm regretting it. But, what would you do if your wort ememy arrived back in Japan from America after so long?

When I was just standing there, I wondered about many things.

1-Alyss doesn't seem that thrilled to play tennis. Let alone with her left hand.... 

2-Today is August 22nd. 

3-...She said on the 22nd of August of when I was in my 3rd year of Seigaku she'll come back...Wait..DAMN!

After that, I ran all the way to the airport.

By the time I made it there, it was dark out.

I saw people coming off of a plane that was from America. 

My eyes widened as I saw the familar color of that cursed white hair.

'How dare she...she knows!!'

The small body was followed by that white hair. She approached me. I walked the rest of the way to her.

We stood in front of each other, me looking down because she's really short for her age, and her looking up at me.

My now open sharp blue eyes glared into her icy bule ones.

I always thought how it was strange when her eyes bored into yours. It felt as if she could she into your very soul and find all of your weaknesses. Sadly, she was able to.

She smirked. I hated that face so much.

"Hello again...Fuji-kun. I see you haven't changed."

I didn't respon. She chuckled at the frown on my face.

"Aww..is the little lion still mad about that? Well, no worries. I lied to you for when I said the reason why I would come back."

I'm sure my face held some sort of shock as I recived this information.

"If it wasn't for that, then why are you even here in the first place, you demon." 

I spat the last part at my old friend.

Her smirk faded from her face and then it was just emotioionless.

I inwardly smiled at her disapointment. There was no way I would fall for the same trick again.

When she dropped her stuff and squatted on the ground, hugging her legs, I knew something was seriously wrong. But, I didn't show that I cared. One wrong move, and I kew I would be dead.

"...They died."

I was confused.

"Who?" I said in a bored and uncaring manner.

She looked at me, her eyes were clouded and had tears in them.

"My family...everyone...they just left me in there."

I inwardly flinched. I knew what she was talking about. Before, she always told me how she was going to Germany to hone her skills in tennis and some kind of martical art.

"You mean...on the boat?"

She just nodded her head.

I then had a flashback at that day. She somehow hacked into one of the cameras and sent me the video.


She was their target from the very begining. Rage filled me as I watched this horrid video. Though she was spossed to be on a cruise ship with her family, it was all fake. The owner of the ship, and also the man tho invited them their was (AN: think of the man who invited the tennis club onto that boat scam).

He planned on killing them. Well, her and her family that is.

It soon became known to even the other people on the ship what skills she owned. She defeated all of the tennis players on the boat. Meanwhile, the man was seething in utter rage.

And, she also defeated all of his police people who knew how to fight hand-to-hand and the others.

Her family were shot while running away from her. They knew she was their target. They knew she was in danger of being killed. But, they did nothing. Her own family gave her up as if she was an offering to god.

But...then real hell started. She thrashed around in the mens' arms as she tried to brake free.

After she did so, she ran for the head of the boat. It was sinking.

After she reacked the peak, she peered down into the water. Then, foot steps came.

She spun around quickly, dodgeing the weapons thrown at her.

The man stood there.

"You bitch. You should've died a long time ago!!"

A gun shot was heard...and she fell into the water.

Flashback Over 

After that, the camera died and the video was cut short.

I nodde dmy head. She couldn't bother. She was still hugging her legs, crying into her knees.

I sighed.


I started walking away. When I didn't hear footsteps, I turned back.

She shakily got to her feet.


I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I fought hard to keep my blank facade.

"You have no where to stay. You can live with me."

She looked shock, but that quickly left her face.

"Why? I admit that I am happy that your still well..this calm but..why treat me like this?! I hurt you Fuji!"

I walked closer to her as she was talking. She didn't notice.

When I was almost up to her face, she finally took notice of me.

"W-What are you..."

I cut her off.

"Even demons who have a radient glow still need to have a will to live."

As I said this, I stared deep into her icy eyes. The walls that i've seen not even a few minutes ago were slowly melting.

She wa staring into my sharp blue eyes also.

We both uncounsily leaned forward. I didn't noticed what happen until I felt a warm feeling on my mouth. My brain finally registered what was happening.

As my eyes opened in shock, she pushed me away, just as I did the same to her.

We both landed onto the ground. Her with a soft thud and me a 'oof'.

As I held my hand with one hand, the other was upporting my weight. She was the same except she hand was to her chest, she herself blushing.

I found myself blushing at that. But I internally shook my head, feeling the reddness of my cheeks fade away.

I quickly stood up. I offered a hand to her.

She took it. As I pulled her to her feet, I realized that she weighed barely anything.

I frowned.

She looked at me.


I shook my head.

"Why aren't you eating?"

She quickly looked down, trying to look at anything but me.

I sighed. I ruffled my hair a bit.

"Whatever...let's go."

I started walking off.


I stopped. I faintly noticed the soft smile that I had on my face.

I looked back at her, the smile still there.


She smile at me when I finally said her name and smiled at her.

She nodded, and started to walk with me.

I felt like I was forgetting something....



Hm..DID Valkire and Fuji have a history together?! Will Alyss make it?!..OH MY GAWD EVEN I DON'T KNOW!!...Ok..that's a lie..I do...XD

Anyway, during this I kept thinking that Valkire had long blue hair..why the fudge I would think that, idk.

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