The Angel Taking Care of His...

By PostponingPanda

30.5K 1.4K 311

Dean goes blind while on a hunting trip. Dean is trying to cope with losing his sight and his job. He tries... More

Dean Loses His Sight
Back Home
Time Passing By
Forgetting Faces
Out of The Bunker, Into a Motel
Practice Makes Perfect
Reason's Out
The King of Hell
Fight, Hunt & Love
"The nightmare. It was about you.."
A Little Break
"Goodbye, Castiel...I love you."
Dean's In Hell...Again
The Search Goes On..
It's Dean! ^_^
Surprise Back At The Bunker
Making Him Stay
Crossroads Deal
Giving Up
Final Chapter - Deal With The Darkness

Fighting Blind

1.4K 69 22
By PostponingPanda

Third Person's P.O.V.

    Dean walks out into the library with Castiel. Their fingers intertwined with each others.

    Castiel had asked if he wanted it to be a secret. Dean asked why, since he knew Sam would accept it. Castiel said he didn't really know why he felt like Dean would want to hide it. Dean said that he didn't care if people knew about their relationship. Castiel smiled and nodded.

    Dean sits on a chair at one of the tables. Castiel leans down and presses his lips against Dean's.

          "Finally!!" Sam says, startling both of them. Castiel feels his cheeks warm up.

         "Yeah, Sammy, you happy now?" Dean asks.

         "Very." Sam says, and sits down across from Dean. "Just... save all that stuff for the bedroom."

    Dean chuckles. Castiel blushes more and looks down, then takes a seat next to Dean.

          "Did you sleep last night? You sound tired." Dean says. Sam sighs and shakes his head. After a second he realizes what he did and mentally facepalms.

          "He shook his head." Castiel informs Dean.

          "Sorry, Dean, I-"

          "Sam, it's fine, but you need to get some sleep." Dean says.

          "I'm fine, Dean."

          "No. Go get some rest. You need it." Dean tells him, his voice firm, like a kid telling their child to do somethimg.

         "I've gone longer without sleep."

         "I will get Cas to kick your ass if you don't go to your room and get some sleep."

          "He won't do that."

          "Just, go get some rest. Please?" Dean says, Sam sighs.

           "Fine." Sam says and gets up. He walks down to his room.

           "Cas, is his laptop over here?"

           "Yes, it's on the other table. Why?"

           "'Cause then I know he isn't doing research in his room." Dean says, "Have you guys found anything yet?"

    There's a moment of silence until Castiel answers with a simple, "No."

          "You're a terrible liar, Cas." Dean states, Castiel sighs.

          "What'd you guys find out?" Dean asks.

          "Well, I found out that it was most likely a crossroads deal. So we have to wait ten years, or find a way to break the deal. That would most likely lead to another deal.." Castiel says, Dean takes a few seconds to decide which question, out of the million he has, to ask first.

          "Does Sam know about this?"

          "No, I haven't told him. I'm afraid he'd give his soul for it."

          "Good, don't tell him." Dean says, "Why would anyone want to take my sight? It doesn't make sense, why not just kill me?"

         "I don't know, but I'm glad they didn't kill you." Castiel says, "You can still be a hunter like this."

          "What? Cas, no, I can't. I need to be able to see the thing I'm hunting."

          "Not necessarily. You can hear them, Dean. Find out where they're at by sound." Castiel says, he stands up and grabs Dean's hand. "Come with me."

    Castiel pulls Dean up from his seat.

          "Cas, what are you doing?"

          "You'll find out." Castiel went down the the dungeon, where there's a plenty of space.

          "Cas, what are we doing here?"

    Castiel takes a deep breath before swinging at Dean, hitting him right on the jaw. Dean stumbles back.

          "What the hell?!"

           "You are going to learn how to fight, without the use of sight."

        "Cas, I'm not gonna-" Another swing hits his jaw again, and then another.

    Dean swings and hits Castiel's cheek.

          "Good." Castiel says. He takes out a regular blade and places it in Dean's hand. "Now you have to try and stab me in the heart."


         "Yes. I won't die from it, it'll be good practice for you, and I could heal both of us after." Castiel says.

    Dean sighs and twirls the knife in his hand. He's not going to admit it, but if feels good having a knife in his hand again. He nods.

    Castiel punches him again. Dean punches him, the knife in his hand, a few times before Castiel reaches a wall. Castiel knees him and punches him again.

    Dean groans, stumbling back a few steps. He put the blade through a space between his pants and belt.

    Dean feels another punch. More hit him, some he could block and gets some punches of his own in.

    He was definitely loosing though.

    Castiel walks up to him, about to throw another punch, when he's elbowed his stomach.

    Dean punches him, grabs him by his trenchcoat and throws him onto the ground. He straddles him, throws another punch, grabs the blade that he places in between jeans and belt, and stabs him.

    Both Castiel and Dean are panting and bleeding.

          "Did I stab your heart?" Dean asks through pants.

          "Not quite, but with practice, you'll get there." Castiel says, looking down at the knife in his chest, Dean groans and falls next to Castiel.

    Castiel pulls the knife out of his chest and heals himself. Then, he grabs Dean's hands and heals him. Dean yawns, he hasn't fought in a while, it made him tired.

          "Are you tired?" Castiel asks, Dean nods.

          "Yeah, fighting takes it outta ya." Dean says with a chuckle and pulls himself up from the floor. Castiel follows his movement and gets up. They go into Dean's room, closing the door behind them.

    Dean kicks his shoes off and climbs under the sheets on his bed. Castiel takes off his trenchcoat and shoes along with his blue tie. He climbs in bed with his hunter.

     Dean wraps his arms around Castiel, pulling his closer. Castiel feels his cheeks heat up. He learned that it's called "blushing".

     He looks up at Dean a places a kiss on his jaw before comfortably letting his head rest down on a pillow. He listens as Dean's breathing slows down and becomes steady.

     He now gets to be in his arms. He gets to kiss him whenever he wants. To hold him whenever. To tell Dean he loves him.

     Dean would smile at him, when he said those three words and press his lips somewhere on his face. He would aim for his lips, but miss. Dean would let out an embarrassed laugh and Castiel would press his lips against his. Castiel know Dean loves him, he doesn't need to say it. It would be nice to hear it though.

    Castiel sighs contently, looking at the peaceful hunter. Ready to comfort him if he has another nightmare.

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