Silent Ones Voodoo Pri...

By sorrowfullsweetness

516 51 28

Black Water Realm has hit a devastating low. If Mimi is to survive she will have to step up to the plate. Tho... More

Wake Up
Come Find Me
Interrogation Part 1
Interrogation Part 2
Why Me?
Learning New Things
Silent Ones
He's Coming

Where to begin

51 5 2
By sorrowfullsweetness

Chapter 2

To see one self in a place unimaginable.

Is experience a pleasure that is usually unfed.

Risking all for a taste of such sweet nectar.

Looking thru blinded eyes as the world slow twirls.

Will the Gods allow such bliss to take place?

Or shall the Devil's demons rise up and take hold?

Who will stand between temptation?

Is it worth the pain that could gather up and rip the very fabric of one's being?

Could you only live with half a soul?

Forever to be incomplete with no way to fill such void.

Take walk and enjoy the breeze or beware hell's company.

Finally reaching the edge of town I felt the growing tension getting more taunting the closer we drew near to the portal. Seemed things were going about as any other day though something in the back of my mind told me otherwise. It wanted me to run and get the hell out of here. Yet, something also said I needed to get to the portal as quickly as I could without drawing to much attention to myself. I quickened my pace to a power walk and hoped my fear didn't show on my face. I noticed Kenya was almost in a sprint seemingly growing more paranoid the closer we got. The look on her face read many things and none of them seemed to pin point as to what maybe taken place. Worry, sadness, and horror were flashing thru her hazel eyes. Finally, I give in and make a mad dash for the portal like a bat out of hell. I didn't bother looking back because I could here the thud of Kenya as she also ran as if her life was the one in danger. I just prayed Gram was not in the crossfire.

Finally reaching with portal after what felt like an eternity. I noticed how there seemed to be a lot of others waiting here also. Then I saw it, this couldn't be happening there was no way all this could be real. Slowly people began to turn an look our way. I got an eye full of what was laying just yards in front of me. At first it looked like just a pile of freshly ground meet. Upon further inspection I started seeing the medallions and beautiful rings glittered on the ground next to it. Pieces of cloth lay savagely ripped and scattered everywhere.

Slowly the realization of what I was looking at when my older sister let out a blood curtailing scream. Time had stopped there on the ground lay a heap of flesh that was my Grams. How could this be, how could someone over power the most powerful Voodoo Queen? Yes my Gram's was, is the queen or high priestess. Queen Eroza, to me she was just Gram's. Now here she lay in a mass of rotting flesh and intestines. Who ever did this took their time.

Pain surged thru me as I thought about how her last days or moments had past by. She had been called away for Society reasons. She had only taken one bodyguard with her because the hunters would also be at this meeting. We only knew when the meeting was being held so we would know when she was coming home. The meeting was supposed to be yesterday and she wasn't to arrive until late this afternoon it was barely eleven o'clock. Which means something went horribly wrong. Who would do this to her? We had no enemies or other creatures out for us. We did not practice the dark parts of Voodoo.

My Grams committed herself to helping others not tearing them down. That is the reason I could still feel the power radiating off her body. Someone had tried to still her powers and already skinned her. In the process though I knew that Grams has a way of protecting her power. The thing is with our family our powers are protected by an enchantment. When it is our time to pass we can either give it to the spirit world or to other living relatives of direct decent. Apparently my Gram's had made her choice.

As me and my sister hurtled towards the gruesome sight, it seemed so far away. Reaching the place where what use to be my grams laid. I heard someone in the background mumbling about how she was spit out of the portal looking like this. Meaning someone was either stupid or declaring war. It didn't matter to me because I knew the hunters would be coming soon and all this would be over, or so I hoped.
Then that tiny voice in the back of my mind told me that I was praying for a miracle that won't be happening anywhere in my near future. Kenya seemed to be crumbling right before my eyes. I didn't know what to, I knew we had to be strong and not allow anyone near our Gram's until what need to be done was done. Drawing closer I could feel the power that was feeling the air. All to quickly a blue flame burst from my Gram's and a split into two glowing bright figures. One seemed to glow a brilliant blue with hints of purple flames erupting from it's core. The other held a suffocating red glow also with it's own orange golden flames. Both figures took their places in front of me and Kenya as if asking if we accept what has been offered to us. Not taking my eyes of such wonder and beauty I see Kenya nod her head just slightly. I in turn accept the gifts my grams has left me.

The world around stood watching only a handful of on lookers probably knew what was going on. As the figures drew closer I could fill the power growing inside me. Slowly the figures enter our bodies as adsorbed them. A great burning feeling entered my head and I couldn't help but let out a horrific scream. Beside me Kenya was on her knees shaking with such ferociousness that I was afraid she was in terrible pain. The burning grew through out my body and I had no choice but to give in. The pain that filled my lungs was worse that of any I had ever felt. My body curled up around it self as I hit the ground. With every burst of pain I felt that I would combust into a hail of blue flames. My body arched up one last time a the pain gave one last triumphant blaze from head to toe. I felt my self gasping for air and finally feeling the power flow through me. It was the most blissful feeling I had ever had. I didn't fear what was happening to us anymore but just embraced it.

As power flows down the branches of a family tree it can either get stronger or weaker depending on how it is used. The ones who use their powers for selfish, spiteful, and cruel reasoning will eventually dull out the family power. You have to scarifice some part of your humanity and that of your bloodline. Our family prided themselves on keeping with old tradition. It seems Grams was no different, she gave us her powers that which only mingled with our already existing powers just making us that much stronger. She knew what she was doing by passing her powers to each of us.

Which is a scary thought because this isn't a split second decision. There are steps that have to be taken for you to pass down powers. The realization that she knew something grave was about to happen sent chills up my shine. Did she fear for her life? Had she already seen what was coming for her? There were so many questions running through my mind but I didn't have time to worry about that.

Kenya lay by side me wide eyed and panting. I could see that she too could feel the power that now was part of us. Watching as the same thoughts seemed to play out in her mind. Knowing all to well what had been done was planned by my Gram's all a long. We sat up and looked at the place where what was left of my grams had laid. Now there sat a great rose bush that held magnificent purple roses. Not only did she give us powers she had also sent some back to nature. Grams would now join the spirit world and help protect the realms from being discovered by normies.

"She knew someone or thing was after her," my sister had finally spoken. Her hazel eyes were no longer filled with life but a dull aching rested in them now.

"Why would she hide this from us? She was a Society Head who would be so insane to do such a thing," I just couldn't believe what had happen to be true. I knew as soon as the Society got this information there would be a lock down of our portals only hunters will be able to pass thru.

"We need to get back home it still isn't safe here. Who ever did this is still here and they won't be able to leave. The hunters will arrive soon and there is much we need to talk about."

I had a feeling Grams left my sister some information that was also given to her at the same time as her powers. Grams had been a busy woman here lately. Now I know what she was up too. I nodded at my sister in agreement because I could feel the presence of an invisible force baring down on me. Though as I looked around I could see that we were alone. The other creatures had left us alone because they knew when we finished we would not need help just time alone to say our good byes.

Looking down on the beauty that my grandmother left behind me and Kenya stood in silence both saying our goodbyes and hoping she could hear us. Just as a single tear fell down my cheek a breeze blew over us. This was not normal autumn breeze that now filled the bayou but a warm refreshing breeze. It made me feel safe and comforted. With a sigh all my pain and sorrow seemed to wash away. I knew it was Grams way of telling us she was still here and would be by our side with our other ancestors.

Kenya seemed to relax beside me and with heavy hearts we turned and began our walk back to the manor. It was hard to tear myself away from the site that held my Grams so near. I didn't know what all this meant but I would find out who had taken her from us and I would make them pay for their grievances on my family.

"I know what your thinking and it will do you no good to dwell on what you couldn't have stop," my sister spoke knowingly of my thoughts. I didn't believe had tell them play across my mind meaning she had the same feeling and images running thru her mind.

"Grams would not have left us this power if she thought for one second we would us it for ill will such as revenge." She seemed to be trying not to convince me but her own self.

"There is no reason why I couldn't entertain the thought for a second. They should pay for what they have done to her."

"And they will in due time. The hunters will arrive soon and will need a place to stay. Seeing as we are now the leaders of this realm as Grams has left us both in charge." I couldn't believe what my sister was saying.

How did she know that Grams had chosen both of us to rule the Black Water Bayou Realm? Our Realm was the biggest in the United States Though to normies it only seemed to be a small piece of the swamp that shouldn't enter for reasons they didn't know and to scared to attempt to find out. Our Realm lay home to many different creatures. If you can imagine it then it resides here. For such an honor to be given to us both means Grams was trying to be fair and not wanting to pick who would be the best ruler. We both had our flaws and our imperfections, but we came from a strong blood line.

Our great grandmother was a powerful Voodoo Priestess and held high respect from those even people who had never met her. Our great grandfather was one of the strongest hunter to have grace the Society with his strength and power. Though he was still a human he was stronger, faster, and all his senses were heightened. They pasted this down to us. It was a known fact that when hunters came to the Black Realm they stayed at our manor. For years now they had not had a reason to come to here. Since our mother's brutal attack and murder they had not returned.

When I was 4yrs old my mother had promised me that on my 5th birthday she would start teaching some of her craft. Two weeks before my birthday my mother was attacked again after coming through the portal from visiting another realm. She was a Voodoo healer as we all are.

She had to go and tend to another creature that had caught a sickness that cause their insides to burn with such high fevers it drove them mad while slowly killing them. She was due to return so that we could start to prepare for the lessons that were a head. She was supposed to be back no later than dusk two weeks before the Harvest moon. They found her body beaten and battered, she had been raped multiple times. Before the man who killed her slit her throat. The hunters came and tracked down the beast who did this it was a rogue wolf-shifter, a rougaru. They say he didn't feel any remorse for what he had done and the hunter took him back before the Great Ones for punishment. I don't know what them did to him but I hope death didn't find him to quickly.

Now we would be entertaining the hunters as we should. We needed to hurry and get home so instead of walking we got two horses from the near by stable and hurried on our way. We don't have use for much modern technology. We do have some of the conveniences of the human world such as phones, some tv, and internet. Though most prefer to keep to their old roots I don't mind as much. I don't spend time using them unless I have to.

Me and Kenya have cell phones but only because we have to be able to stay in touch without depending solely on our powers. Cars don't do much good in the part of the bayou we stay. The ground was to soft and they would surely get stuck. Everyone still pretty much used the ole horse and buggy method.

"So we will need to prepare the spare bedrooms and check to make sure the cupboards are full as well as the ice box." My sister had interrupted my train of thought again.

I didn't feel like talking about the arrival of the hunters just yet. I want to miss my Grams and hold on to her presence for as long as possible before we had to assume our roles as Voodoo Priestess of the Black Water Bayou. Though one of us at a time will be allowed to attend The Society meetings. Which I have no problem giving that job to my sister. I just wished I had spent less time complaining and more time listening to what my Grams was teaching me. Now I would have to teach myself and listen to my sister. Even if she shared the same title she is still my elder and I will have to follow her until I can stand alone. I will not forget what she has taught me and I will show her, she is has nothing to worry about.

"Earth to Mimi, get it together. I know this isn't the easiest of situations and it won't get easier. I need you right now, the realm needs us. I can't stand alone, not right now anyways." This was the first time in a long time that my sister has seemed vulnerable, and it played out in her voice.

"I'm sorry, it's just not everyday you lose your grandmother on the anniversary of your mother's death. Can we have just one day to come back from what's happened." I watched as the pain played out across her face.

"Yes we can give our selves this one day but tomorrow I'm sure the hunters will arrive and they will want to talk to us."

"They were already coming here before Grams death weren't they?" I questioned my sister, "Does this also have to do with Mr. Taje's death?"

"I'm afraid so little sister." worried filled her eyes and her expression. I knew now that we were in over our heads with what was going on and no doubt we will be entertaining the hunters for awhile. The horns sounded through the realm clearly allowing us to know the portal would be closed, now only the hunter can come in and out. The one who killed Grams and Mr. Taje were still here and no one had a clue as to whom it was.

Finally arriving back at the house me and my sister just nodded to each other as the shock of the day started to wear off. I need a hot bath and my sister headed for the wine cellar. I would give her the space she needs and take some time to just clear my mind. The scenes from the days earlier events wouldn't stop running thru my head like and endless marathon. I began to make my way to my room slowly.

The house felt more empty and I thought would it ever be the same. Our home was a three story manor with seven bedrooms, four baths, a dining room, living room, entertainment room, and a spacious kitchen that I loved working in. My room was on the far right side of the house. I loved my room it was large though no way as big as Grams old room and Kenya's. But it was mine and large enough to accommodate me. It had a small balcony that would allow me and what small group of friends I did have to sit out side and enjoy the breezes in spring and fall and the sunshine on beautiful summer days. My king size black oak canopy bed seemed to barely take up any room. I love my closet it was a large walk in closet big enough to fit a small recliner and sofa on the inside. When I wanted to hide I would lock myself in here with a good book. My bathroom was joined to my room but it also was joined to be room next door. Though I didn't have to worry about intruders because only the maids came to this part of the manor.

Grabbing some under wear and a tank top and shorts pajama set. I headed to the bathroom lighting candles of vanilla and jasmine for relaxation. Getting the water as hot as possible to the point of almost scolding my skin which felt numb as the rest of me. Adding the cleansing oils from my cabinet next to the sink and pouring just enough in to help relax and ease my tense muscles. I allowed my self to sink down and close my eyes now maybe I can pretend that nothing is wrong and allow the water and scents of vanilla and jasmine take hold of me even if I know it won't last.

* * * *

I don't know what time it is but the sky had grew pitch black as the beginning of a storm started to make it's presence known. The thunderous sounds as lightening lite up the bathroom the candles had long since burned out and the water was now cold. I hurried and grabbed my towel climbing out the massive tub and switched on the light. I was not one who was fond of the storms we got here in the bayou. They could be very threatening and intimidating.

People were known to get lost in the swamp during these storms an never found. Some say it is the way of the spirits to lure those selected few out in the swamp and take them. They become one with the spirits and some even welcome it. I for one was not about to venture out into the storm for no reason. The energy the storms let out was not always the most pleasant especially if it was here to claim someone.

As I made my way out of the bathroom I could hear the faint beating of the large oak doors. I wondered who could be calling on us in the weather and if so what could be so important to disturb us during our time of grieving. I threw on my clothes and a pair of sweats remember that I barely had anything on. Walking down the corridor I realized that Kenya who was closer than I was had not bothered to get the door.

I'm sure by the time I get one of the maids would have already answered the thrumming knocks by the time I made it there. As expected Maraget our head house keeper and was standing in our hallway leading to the front doors and living room with two men. They were standing with their backs to me. I paused listening to the conversation that was being held just below me.

"We're here at the request of the Great Ones. Queen Eroza should be expecting us," the one that spoke had a gentle smile on his face but still help an air of seriousness.

"Yes, I understand what you are saying but Queen Eroza is not with us any longer. She must have run into some trouble when getting ready to pass thru the portal earlier today," I could hear how nervous they were making her.

"What do mean trouble? And why were we not informed? We see that the portal is not allowing anyone to leave, who gave this order and where are they?" the other man now that I could get a good look at him was tall well above 6ft an had a body that would set any woman's pulse racing. I could see just how well toned is body was from the wet clothes he wore. He had lite brown hair highlight with hints of golden blonde streaks. His voice sent shivers of want down my spine. From the view I had I could make out only a little from his side profile. His lips were full but not in an unmasculine way, his jaw line strong and his eyes were blue like that of the ocean. His skin had a crisp golden tan to it which meant he rarely wore a shirt or so I hoped. I found myself thinking of the things I could do to this man.

"Sir, her granddaughters were not expecting you until this morning and taking this day to grieve for their grandmother." I could see Maraget slightly cower as their gazes fell upon her.

"You mean to tell me Queen Eroza is dead." The other gentleman seemed not to believe what he was hearing. While I had the chance I sized him up. He was not human but from this far that's all I could tell. He was just if not bigger that the sex god standing next to him. Yet, he was just as good to look at as well. He had piercing brown eyes that seemed to be hiding something behind them. A smooth face that would lead any woman astray. He skin a deep chocolate brown. He was also well built as his wet clothes hung to body as well. Still he was nothing compared to the man standing next to him.

"The girls didn't tell me much just that the hunters would be here soon and that the manor was now in a state of grievance. They closed the portal to anyone but the hunters. I believe they are hoping to have kept the killer here." Maraget didn't like the way these hunters had interrupted our time alone and her voice didn't hide any annoyance this time.

"Now if you don't mind I will see if I can't find one of them for you to talk to though I doubt they will have much for you." With that I saw her head towards the stairs but before she could walk away she turned back around to them, "May I ask your names gentlemen so I will be able to properly introduce you to them."

"I'm Micheal Gray and this is my partner Devin Crest," Gray motioned between himself and Devin, whom seemed to be having an internal conversation with his self. Once again Maraget head toward the stairs and that's when I decided to make myself known, I had spied enough.

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