
By saddepressing

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In which Luke was dating a girl named Daisy who had depression, he couldn't take it until he broke up with he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 > currently editing
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 > currently editing
Chapter 13 > currently editing
Chapter 14 > currently editing
Chapter 15 > currently editing
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 > currently editing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 > currently editing
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Important !!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 7

237 27 18
By saddepressing

Daisys pov.

My eyes shot open before i crashed. I was breathing short, heavy breaths. Sweat beads ran down my face and my hands. I looked around the room, wide eyed, making sure I was back home. That was weird...

What is that noise I thought to myself dreamily as my brain told me to come out of my slumbers. Realizing that it was the alarm clock I fought the urge to hit the snooze knowing I had school this morning. Okay time  to get up and stretch and get the blood circulating I thought. No. Just a few more minutes, Please. Realizing this was not to be I slowly pulled myself out of bed. There, the hard part is over. Get dressed, eat and head to school. Wow, that closet is farther away this morning I thought. Feeling like I got ran over by a truck

I had finally got into my car, pulling the strand of my backpack onto my shoulder throwing it into the back seat, I turned on the ignition, the radio blasting into the music of Chris Brown.

I had walked inside the school building, the vibrating sound of all the students in different groups chattering and laughing too their own conversation that they thought was funny until I finally entered the hallway searching for my 2 friends. There was the group of cheerleaders in red and white outfits, the football players that seemed too think they were bad ass; but clearly not if they think that.

And until I could enter one of my classes, I meandered into someone's shoulder my books collapsing all at the same time onto the floor, me flinching as I saw Luke once again.

I feel like a lava pit and all I want to do is run the other way and never come back. I could feel my fists getting clenched together, holding my nerves back from punching him in the face too leave me alone.

"Oh Daisy I'm glad too see you." He sighed in relief, "I need too talk too you."

"For what?" I spat back, he looked up hastily staring at me while crinkling his forehead with confusion on why I was so angry. He had still been standing there, his hands crammed into his black jeans as he was staring at the floor trying too think of something which wasted my time and I could be late to class.

"Ugh." I breathed grabbing my things from the floor tightening them too my chest as I gave a glare too Luke, "Move."

"But-" and before he could finish, I was already in the distance not clear enough too listen what he needed too say. I didn't need too hear any of his bullshit anymore, I was done. I didn't even bother turning around to see if he was still chasing me, he doesn't do that anymore.

✿ ✿ ✿

3rd period.

"Okay students, we will be working on ratios, I know I know, we've already learned that but too bad we have to review." The teacher had told the class sternly while everyone else led out groans as I didn't even pay attention. But then my thoughts jumped out of my mind as someone yelled my name.

"Daisy?" My teacher yells, as I noticed everyone was staring at me confused.

"Oh uh yeah?" I responded with a little stutter with a weak smile, my face heating up feeling embarrassed.

"As I was saying, you guys will be having new science classes switched up on thursday, so be ready." She says as everyone began to chatter and gossip on what they thought of what class they were getting. As the bell rang a few minutes later, I walked through the halls searching for Alexa.As I was looking around lockers, I couldn't help but get angry, on how someone bumped into me again.

But this time it wasn't Luke, it was the boy, Calum. I looked up as he let out is big huff.

"Haven't I told you too watch where you were going last time?"

"I could now say the same thing too you." I hissed causing him too let a sneer crawl up the corner of his lip.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes continuing too walk away like nothing ever happened making me breathe in relief.

"Oh hey Daisy." Alexa had randomly came walking up too me with an excited grin, "Guess what."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow, totally ignoring the whole situation with Calum and I.

"I got some tickets for Melanie Martinez!" She excitedly jumped up and down causing me too let my eyes grow even larger.

"Melanie Martinez?" I excitedly cooed, snatching the tickets that were in her hands, three of them for Troye, her and I.

"Oh hey Alexa." We had heard a voice coming from behind us, we turned our heads up as we saw Michael with his little friends causing me too glare.

"Hey..." Alexa had replied awkwardly, darting her eyes and him then too I, but I knew that deep inside she was happy. Even though she hated that time at the party, it didn't really bother me if she still liked him.

✿ ✿ ✿

7th period.

As we all headed to our seats, I ended up taking a seat in the back like I always do.

As soon as I began to take out my binder and school work. I knew someone took a seat next to me.

"It sucks having a shitty family doesn't it?"

The voice said, the voice that I hate listening to. His words made me so angry. Ashton.

I turned as he was smirking at me slouching on the chair next to mine, making himself comfortable.

"You're talking about your family right?" I said, with my eyebrows raised, as his smirk faded away, appearing onto my face.

But as the teacher walked in, he gave me this death glare all day making me actually scared.

I swear, Ashton scares me all the time. So next time I tell him something, I should be careful of what I say.

"You shouldn't have said that." Ashton whispers as I slowly turned to him, as he grabbed my work and began copying it. I rolled my eyes at his stupid remark.

As the bell began to rang, I quickly shoved my things into my bag, as Ashton popped up right next to me.

"I hope you have a nice day." Ashton smirks throwing my pencil back at me as I scowled.





Hey guys so that was chapter 7, yeah it wasn't very entertaining YET but I PROMISE you that in the chapters coming up Calum will come out and its gonna get more better and funner :)

Sorry for the grammer mistakes btw

Ily guys xx

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