My Master Also My Mate

Door Envyxthexplague

457K 5.7K 415

Book 1 in the Blood Series (Under construction and editing) Prologue The full moon lurked over a town called... Meer

Prologue/Chapter 1
The Tension Builds
Blood Fuels the Beast
What now?
Chapter Three
Damn him!
It Can't Be!
Bloody Hunter
Bloody Lies
Chapter Four
Aida Saved Me
Can't Live Without Her
Getting My Mate Back
Surprises From a Heartless Alpha
Death and Dinner
One and Only

Chapter Two

25.7K 386 18
Door Envyxthexplague

My heart sank deeply my stomach felt like it was going to be sick. I haven't heard of these plans before, nor have heard any talk about this. Why were they now coming up now? Just last night Zya was frantically searching the maps looking for his mate. I saw in the corner of my eye Zya's best friend and Beta, Aida. Aida was the only one that knows my secret. He thinks it was so stupid of me to do this yet he never told Zya about it. He has told me multiple times to tell him and that I was only being cruel to Zya. He had a point that it was cruel to watch him suffer this way yet at the same time I don't want him to suffer from knowing the truth about me. 

Aida was the only one I trusted in talking to since Zya stopped all connections to Vitali. Vitali was the person that I felt more relaxed and safe with. Vitali was an old allied pack of Zya's from the past till one day it all changed. Vitali had that type of demeanor around him as if he could calm me down quickly. I mean Vitali had warned me of the outcomes if Zya ever found out about me. He had warned me that it could mean death to me and Zya's position as Alpha questioned deeply. Aida noticed me in distress as my body was just beginning to shake. He quickly saw the pain in my face as his eyes widen fully. Aida frantically says to Zya. 

"Zya may I borrow your slave, Plague, for a few? I need her advice on some things my mate is going through at the moment, you know woman stuff."

My eyes widen into huge saucers, I couldn't believe he would say something so stupid like that. Was he trying to grab his full attention on this? Zya glanced at me with those gorgeous electric glowing blue eyes making me look away from him trying to hide my eyes from showing him my true emotions. Lately, my wolf has been trying to communicate with him through our eyes. She hated that I wasn't telling him.

Zya then replied. "Of course Aida, go. I must talk about the mating with Amaya, that's in two days."

My eyes widen in hurt towards the floor while my breathing completely stopped, making my chest tighten. My wolf clawed at me screaming in my head 'Oh fuck no. They are not going through with that shit!' Yet in my own sanctuary of my own mind, it is only two more days now, and my pain will finally be over. I couldn't breathe anymore as I looked frantically around the room this couldn't be happening, my wolf was trying to control me and scream 'I'm your mate, not her!' Aida quickly noticed me panicking and grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me out of the room with a cheap fake smile. I noticed Zya watched me with a confused and dark face but then Amaya quickly hit his chest seeing that he wasn't listening to her anymore. Which made him look at her quickly making her beam with happiness. 

She was getting all the attention she could get and it was a good thing she did because I swear my wolf would have told him. Once we get into the safety of the pack living room Aida was staring at me bewildered. I hated when he stared at me like that, but I myself was still trying to calm down from the news I had just heard. I was taking short, quick breaths and I was now having a panic attack. I rubbed my arms up and down frantically trying to soothe myself. God, why must I go through this, why couldn't it be easy for me? I cursed my parents hatefully, for giving me up so easily to that horrible disgusting trader. If I ever knew who those horrible people are I would kill them in an instant. What they did was absolutely unforgivable in my eyes. Finally, Aida grabs my shoulders shaking me a bit to get my full attention. He whispered lowly in a caring yet strict voice. 

"What the fuck are you doing Plague? You almost got yourself into a bad situation that I know you're trying to avoid. Even though I really do wish you would just tell him Plague, for your own good. I fear this little secret of yours is slowly killing you. You haven't been yourself lately."

I quickly shook my head no, looking Aida straight in the eyes. I just couldn't do that to him. I've heard him speak of his imagination mate, gorgeous than anything alive, very strong with an honorable family that is well talked about, among the pack. I did have a family that was very powerful and people loved them but as soon as they had a daughter, me, instead of a son they quickly sold me to a trader. They had told everyone that they had a miscarriage and some told them that they lost their baby boy and a nurse stole him from them. The traders had a hard time trying to train me to become a slave. 

Ever since then I had trust issues and I would never let anyone come near me. They had to get the strongest man there to even faze me or just to bathe me, but I was too strong for them most of the time. The day the trader was about to kill me, he came into my life, he was my savior, and my mate was also my master for nine years now. For some reason, he wanted me and bought me for a full-price slave actually a little more than a normal-priced slave. I remember those gorgeous electric glowing blue eyes as they connected to mine. My wolf was screaming Mate! Mate! Mate! Of course, he didn't know that I was his mate, yet I was way too ashamed to say anything at that time. Aida shook me a bit as he stared at me questioningly. I then replied. 

"I can't do that to him, Aida, as much as I love him he needs someone who will give him the good reputation that he deserves. I want him happy, but my wolf doesn't agree with me and it's harder to keep her under control now... Ever since that sudden announcement, god that awful announcement of them... Mating."

Every time they had sex I could feel my wolf clawing inside me.... then the intense pain that would conquer my body. Aida grumbles to himself as he runs his fingers through his thick brown hair. Aida sighed heavily while looking at me deep in my eyes with that brotherly love. Aida replied with frustration 

"Why not just tell him you never know his reactions..."

I started laughing a fake laugh while I pulled myself out of Aida's grip, he hadn't seen his reaction, the facial reaction that he had made when Rayne had called me out in front of him. It was full of disgust and bitterness, a look of rejection, and... If he knew he would surely call me crazy. That look... He would have rejected me in an instant and then... Hopefully, at that point kill me.

I then said "I do know Aida... He couldn't accept it, I saw his reaction to that thought."

Aida raises an eyebrow obviously confused, wondering how I had seen his reaction to news like that. All of a sudden I heard his voice making me jump out of my skin. His deep chocolate voice said, making my body go rigid and a chill sweeping through my body.

"Who can't accept what?"

My eyes widen as I slowly look towards the door, seeing my master walking into the living room. I bowed quickly, I glanced at Aida bow and look at me urging me to tell him the truth, to tell him of my darkest secret. Zya was staring me down with those all-knowing eyes. I swallowed the lump that was stuck in my throat.

I softly lie by saying, "It's not important, my master... It was about Rayne."

I had to cover it up I couldn't let him find out who and what I really was talking about. Aida glares at me while shaking his head in disappointment. Zya gave me a questionable look while Aida quickly excused himself from the room, leaving me in a bad situation. My mind was fighting with itself, should I just tell him? It was getting more difficult to keep all these emotions in.

I then say changing the conversation. "Did you need anything Master?"

Zya studied me closely as if examining me and my behavior. This was new for him, he never really studied my reactions or me, to be honest. He began to walk over to the couch and sat down on the black velvet sofa roughly. A sigh escaped his lips heavily while he closed his eyes just for a moment. He looked absolutely exhausted and worn down. Dark bags hung under his eyes. He laid his head back on the back of the couch, obviously, in dire need of relaxation, it made me want to comfort him. I look at his face seeing his eyes closed as my eyes started to wander and rake over his body. Zya then spoke softly 

"I need my shoulders rubbed... Would you be willing to Plague?"

My eyes widen in complete fear as I looked at him. He never asked me to touch him not even did I accidentally touch him. His eyes were still closed while I looked at his scarred eye. It was from one of the wars that he had earned his title as Alpha of our pack. I had gotten the guts to ask him one night and he told me stories upon stories. He had actually opened up to me that night. I quickly begin to say getting out of it, thank god I had blood all over me. I had replied 

"I don't want to get blood on you, Master... I'll go fetch Jay or would you prefer Emee?"

Zya grumbled his eyebrows knitting together as his body slunk down into the couch more. It was as if he was disappointed or was waiting for something to happen. He softly said losing his strict voice. 

"No, that is alright Plague, I'm just...  I hate to mate with this whore, but it looks like I have no other choice do I?"

Damn, he had to bring this conversation up, it made my heart ache so much pain. My fingers were trembling in nervousness. My body wanted me to just fucking tell him. 

I sadly say. "Master... We could look for your mate out in town..."

Zya immediately interrupted me with an angry fierce tone. Making me cringe at his tone

"No, I'm finished searching for her! I-i just can't do it anymore, Plague... Plus I know all the girls here in town and 300 miles away, none are my mate... I have a feeling she's always so close to me but... I never can find her."

I looked down, I feel so horrible... Maybe I should just tell him. My wolf then said 'Fucking finally! Tell him, tell him now before that whore can take him away from us forever!' My eyes slowly looked to Zya seeing that he was watching me intently, not looking at my eyes but rather looking me up and down examining my body. My heart fluttered, I had to tell him, he needed to know. I mean yes he might reject me and I'll live with the rejection or he would kill me instantly. I took a deep breath, I needed to get this out in the open. I needed a real answer to the war inside my head. I opened my mouth finally getting the guts to come out clean it was time for him to know.

I finally started getting words out of my mouth "Master, I'm..."

Zya looked at me full-on for the first time tonight, his gorgeous eyes capturing mine making the whole world disappear. My heart was beating quickly while Zya was waiting patiently for what I had to say. Time had frozen as my eyes were locked onto his, it was a do-or-die moment or well literally a do-and-die moment. It was just like when I was at the trader's the bond coursing through me making me feel like I wasn't even in reality. I opened my mouth to finish the rest of what I was going to say. But all of a sudden her voice rang through the room screaming out loudly. I was so startled and snapped back into the reality of this world.


Amaya walked in half-naked in only an ugly mustard green corset that wasn't done and tied properly for her, it was way too small. It made her A cup into a B which she probably liked. Yet, for it to just hang there on her thin twig-like body didn't look too good. Her dull brownish blond hair snuggled into her neck and unkempt manner. Her brown eyes looked up at me in disgust finally seeing that I was in there as well. I noticed her skirt was a dark greenish color not truly matching her corset and was way too small for her bony hips and thighs. I shook with disgust, I was now extremely disturbed by the scene before me, I truly wanted to go and bleach my eyes out after seeing that. How can all the men that have sex with her find her attractive?

Zya then hissed out. "Go put clothes on, Amaya."

Amaya frowns deeply at him as she began to whine. "But Zyzy I thought you would like it..."

Zya sat up glaring harshly at her with so much anger. My heart was racing, as I watched the scene fold out in front of me. Would he get mad at me like that? I just couldn't go through the rejection, could I? He was disgusted by her walking around like the tramp that she was. Yet, how was his anger going to play out when he found out that his mate was a low-life slave? A slave that knows nothing else but to serve someone. I didn't even know how to socialize correctly. Zya snarls out hatefully. 

"How dare you walk around in just that for all to see, if you're to become my mate you will not walk around with barely anything on! People need to respect you and as the Luna of this pack, you must be respected and honorable."

Amaya's face was priceless, she wasn't used to the rejection obviously. Yet, there was my answer though. I wasn't going to be respected by anyone I was a slave, after all, as well there is nothing honorable about a slave. Zya looked at me again now ignoring her completely. I just couldn't do it now, especially in front of the one person that would gossip to the whole pack in two minutes tops.

Zya says a bit hopeful. "What were you saying Plague?"

Zya looked at me ignoring the hateful glare that Amaya was giving him at the moment. Amaya snapped her brown beady eyes towards me as she waited for me to speak; hating the fact that I had Zya's full attention now. What really hurt me was that he was still going on with his plans with Amaya. I mean how could I compete with her, I mean I do not look very attractive, especially with my worn-down uniform. At that moment I decided to back away from my courage on telling him.

I then say with a tinge of sadness. "As I was saying... I need to go wash up, Master. The blood is drying up..."

For some reason, he looked at me as if he knew I was lying but nodded his head anyways. That was a sign saying he excused me to leave. I quickly rush out feeling Zya's eyes on me still as I ran all the way to my room. I was almost there as tears had finally conquered my face. I had suddenly slammed right into a chest making me wipe my face quickly. I didn't want anyone to know that I was weak around here. I looked up to realize it was only Aida. Aida glared down, but soon realized it was me as well so he softened his emotion.

I then say gently. "I -I- I almost told him, Aida... I was about to but..."

Aida's eyes widen as he quickly held me against his body in a brotherly hug he hushed me. All I did was just kept on crying into his chest. I was a bit surprised that he was letting me show so many emotions to him as well as hugging me back in a comforting way. Aida rubbed my back gently. He then says in my ear. 

"Go wash up, I'll go tell Emee that she will take your duties tonight. Go rest and collect yourself, I don't want my little sister doing something she will regret."

I slowly stopped crying pushing Aida away from me as I frowned looking at him. He just called me his little sister. Aida has never called me his sister and as well as he was very nice to me compared to everyone else. Aida hated me at first when he came with Zya to get another slave. He would remind me every day that he didn't trust me and that he thought I was trying to get at Zya. But as soon as he found out about me being Zya's mate and soon got to know me he began to care for me.

Aida smiles softly and said. "Go, before I change my mind"

Aida chuckled deeply as I smile slightly and walked into my room and took a shower and went straight to bed. All of this chaos was draining the life out of me, slowly and painfully.


I stood in front of Zya feeling small and weak as he looked down at me with his harsh Alpha gaze. He was awaiting for me to speak to him and he seemed like he was getting annoyed every second I kept him waiting. I bit my lip as I softly say

"Zya I'm y-y-your mate"

A minute passed as the realization, of what had come out of my mouth was finally reaching Zya's thoughts as fury and pure hate filled his eyes as while as disgust. His body became rigid and tense as he stared down at me in disgust. Zya then says in a hateful disgusted tone.

"Impossible why would I, powerful pure blood be mated to an ugly, worthless, pathetic poor slave like you? You speak lies you think you can fool me by saying that you are my mate at the time when I'm most desperate. How pathetic."

Zya towered over me glaring down as he hissed out

"I love Sanju, she's the heir to a powerful wealthy family she's perfect in the eyes of the pack why would I trade her for a stupid and ugly slave like you?"

Tears swept down my face while I grabbed Zya's hand making him feel our connection to each other. While I begged and pleaded with him. Zya then snarls lowly

"I reject you, Plague... you are disgusting and filth to my pack..."

~End of dream~

I sat up quickly as my alarm went off signaling me to get ready to go out and do as my Master says. I got dressed in my rags which were called clothing to me as I brushed my straight black hair that went down to my butt and pulled it up into a ponytail to keep it from catching on something. I sighed, looking at the tattooed makeup on my stupid face. This day was going to be a brutal one... my dead eyes stared back at me in the mirror. Aida was right I wasn't myself and I could even see it in the lifeless sight of my eyes. My old growled darkly at me in my head. I sighed heavily while walking out as I searched for my Master. I had found him in his office looking at papers and studying them with half interest. I knocked lightly as he looked up.

Zya then spoke in his normal alpha voice. "Ah, Plague the person I need at the moment... What happened yesterday night?"

Yes, I was his night slave, Emee had him in the afternoon and Jay had him in the mornings. Emee looked up at me smiling softly as her long blond hair was tightly tied up in a gorgeous bun, I had envied her looks all the time even though she was a slave, she looked absolutely gorgeous. Yet, something was off with her that I could never really pinpoint what it was. She got up bowing to Zya signaling her shift was over.

Emee spoke respectfully. "I will see you tomorrow afternoon, sir."

Zya nods his head dismissing her all the while he still staring at me. As if waiting patiently for my answer. I awaited for Emee to exit the room. I then replied in a monotone dead voice. 

"My wolf was acting weird lately so I went to sleep, Master. I am sorry for leaving you so suddenly and without your permission, master."

Zya nods his head while looking back down at a pile of papers as he spoke still writing. 

"I do hope you are feeling better, I need you to go pay Marcus a little visit. I can not go at this time. He has spoken up in the meeting today challenging my title... Don't kill him but teach him a lesson. I have a lot to do at the moment, with the mating tomorrow and everything else that seems to now being piled up."

My jaw clenched, why did he have to remind me every day about that goddamn mating? I held in my snarl as my wolf raged inside my body cursing at me to the high heavens. I nodded my head respectfully.

I replied mono-toned "Yes master as you wish."

I walked out of the Pack mansion and changed into my wolf form and ran to Marcus's house. Marcus had a gorgeous cottage house, it was well built with a very comfortable feeling about it. It was absolutely homey, like what I had dreamed many times if my life was normal. He wasn't home but knowing him he will be back soon from the clubs. I sat in a chair trying to look as hot as I could. I wanted to have a bit of fun with this one. 

His house was little but very comfortable, I wondered what it would be like to live like a normal wolf in my house. I couldn't help but daydream about having little ones running around the house as I chase them around. Play games and teach them to control and tame their beasts. Half an hour later the door opens slamming into the wall as a drunk Marcus walks in and turns on the light seeing me sitting there. Marcus got a huge grin as he closed the door behind him stumbling a bit.

He slurred out. "Now wha is thissss... I didn't knowa it wos me birfday alweady."

God, he was way too drunk at this point... He needed to sober up quickly so I could teach him a lesson and I knew the perfect way to sober him up. I stood up walking slowly and seductively while grabbing him by the collar. I kissed him roughly pulling him through the house into his bathroom as he giggled like an idiot. If only he knew what my true intentions were. I pulled away and turned on the water filling the tub and getting it ice-cold. Marcus then grabs my waist.

He slurred out "Naughty girl... We shower..." He hiccuped ""

Yes, he was so drunk he couldn't put words in order. I grinned evilly grabbing Marcus by his jacket flipping him over into the tub and shoving his head in the ice-cold water. I held the thrashing Marcus underwater with one hand and with the other hand I turned the water off. Marcus kept thrashing around making huge fits of water splash up and out of the tub. I finally pulled him up as he gasped out.

Marcus growled out. "Fucking damn whore... I'll kill you."

I chuckled deeply, I thought eh he was still a bit drunk even though I could have made him remember at this stage. I shoved him back in as he thrashed around once again making me a bit annoyed and pissed that I was getting wet with his stupid thrashing. He was getting me wet and I didn't like to get wet. I yanked him out throwing him down the hall into the living room again. He smashed hard into the wall making a long sliver of a crack into his wall.

He growled heavily and yelled. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

I glared at Marcus was he that stupid to not realize who I was? I mean he has seen me multiple times with Zya in meetings.

I then said. "My name is Plague... Alpha Zya has sent me here to straighten you out."

Marcus started to laugh manically as he said. "A stupid pathetic slave trying to threaten me... How cute, go back and tell Zya he can fuck himself and send a real fighter not a fucking weak slave."

I narrowed my eyes hatefully as I hissed out. "I see you under-estimate me like everyone else... What a shame I can't kill you."

I grabbed my knife from my bra that held my C-sized breast comfortably even with a nine-inch knife in it. I twirled it around and stabbed his leg earning a scream from his lips as he kicked me back but I quickly moved so I could push off the wall throwing myself back at him. I twirled so I could slam into him making some bones snap under my feet. I stood up and I slammed him into the floor breaking his nicely old oak floor, they shatter from underneath him from the force, as if it was just glass. Marcus started to cough up blood as I stepped on his pride in joy.

I hissed out lowly. "Now, do not ever disrespect the alpha, and don't ever, EVER under-estimate me again, got it?"

Marcus nods quickly as I yanked my knife out of his leg earning myself a deep moan in pain. I grinned to myself as I wiped my blade on his shirt cleaning it off before putting it back in its secret holder. I kissed his cheek. I whispered. 

"I had fun Marcus let's do this again sometime soon."

I returned to the pack house and I walked straight to Zya's office. I wondered what else he had in store for me today. I really hoped that I could kill someone today, my blood lust was high today. I walked straight up the marble stairs and into his office, just to find him hovering over Amaya's body that was on top of his desk. Amaya was shirtless and was about to pull Zya's shirt off with his face almost buried in her breasts. My eyes widen in complete horror while Zya's head pops up looking back with a nasty glare. His eyes snapped towards me as our eyes connected instantly. I gasped as I felt my wolf tearing at me from the inside wanting to rip Amaya's head right off.

I then say through clenched teeth. "I am so sorry Master, I should have knocked."

Before he could reply to me, I quickly exited the room hearing Zya yell out my name but I ignored him. Why would he want to talk to me especially when he is halfway into her pants? I quickly ran to the kitchen and started to wash my hands harshly. I had to distract myself from this god-awful scene I just saw. My bones were aching wanting to change into my wolf. I never let her take very much control over me I knew she would tell Zya in a heartbeat that I was his mate. I sighed heavily getting a bit calm and turned around just to see Aida leaning on the kitchen counter getting comfortable.

Aida then asks me very knowingly. "You walked in on them, huh?"

I growled darkly to myself as well as him and replied angrily. 

"I do not want to talk about it Aida, you know how I feel, I want to rip everything on her to shreds, why do you always have to ask?"

Aida shrugs his shoulder as I started to prep things for dinner. He then replies

"I'm just wanting to see how much you can really take... I thought you would have told him by now. Yet your stubborn ass won't tell him the truth."

I snarled darkly at him making him raise an eyebrow at me. My tactics never worked on him. Aida sat on the edge of the bar stool and watched me work. My wolf was snarling at me wanting to tear both Zya and Amaya for going through this... Mating.

Aida then asks. "So, plague what's on the agenda for dinner?"

I sighed heavily and said. "Steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and peas."

Then like yesterday his chocolate voice filled the air making me shiver with fear and excitement.

He said "My favorite... Aida, may I talk to Plague alone?"

Aida looked at me as I looked back at him pleading with him not to leave with my eyes but he had to do as the alpha told him to. If not that would be a sign of disrespect towards the Alpha.

Aida then said to me. "Make mine rare, you know how I like my steak."

Aida walked out as I quickly busied myself in the kitchen so I wouldn't have to look at Zya. If my eyes connected with his I would completely lose it, I mean just thinking about his name at the moment makes me see Amaya on top of my mate. Zya leaned on the island as he watched me carefully it seemed like he was studying me closely. It was a good five minutes of silence till he broke it.

"I'm sorry you walked in on me and..."

I quickly interrupted not wanting to really talk about this. 

"It is fine Master I'm not surprised, I just have to get used to things like that...." 

I paused at everything I was doing as I stared at the meat cooking on the stove when I should have been mixing the gravy up. 

"You know since your mating tomorrow and all."

Zya nods his head still studying my face as I watched him from a sideways glance he seemed more disappointed in this than I was. I sadly stared at the mouth-watering steak on the plate in my hands.

He then said. "Tomorrow... I have to ask something from you, Plague. I want you to stay in the room across from mine if I need you or something goes wrong."

I quickly froze in my spot in front of the stove. Damn, this wasn't good... He expected me to fucking stay in the room across his, to listen to my mate fuck some girl that I hated with a passion as well as mark her. I mean it was extremely hard for me not to have ripped that whore into shreds just a few seconds ago, how was I going to survive a night of extreme pain and hearing that? He would definitely hear me crying from the bond being broken between us. But as the good slave that I was, I nodded my head slowly coming back to reality saying very quietly and strained as I began to move again.

Again, I pushed all emotions out as I say "As you wish master Zya"

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