Enigma (Dipper x Reader)

By fxller

340K 10K 22.4K

Y/N L/N has lived in Gravity Falls her whole life. She thought she was the only one who knew about the strang... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

10.8K 356 458
By fxller

Guess who's back, back again... Well it's not Slim Shady, but I'm here! I finally finished my exams which means I'm back to writing stories again! So, because you all probably know Stan and Ford's back story, I'm going to be skipping that episode for this chapter.

In fact, this chapter doesn't have an episode to go along with it. The next few chapters will be fillers. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


Y/N's POV:

The author of the journals. He's really here, sitting in the basement of the Mystery Shack. After the whole fiasco with the portal, the two Stans explained everything to us. It turned out, the Stan who emerged from the portal was Stanford Pines. The Stan we all know and love was actually Stanley Pines. I still get confused just thinking about it, but I should be able to catch on eventually.

It's been almost a week since Stanford came back. Despite my questions, he almost always ignored me, only answering to Dipper. Speaking of Dipper, even he's been pretty quiet around me too. He shuts out nearly everyone, even Mabel, just to get time with Ford.

So naturally, I took time away from work and sat on the roof, a Pitt Cola in hand. Suddenly, I heard a voice from the ground.

"Y/N! We're gonna use your skateboard for an experiment! Thanks!" Dipper waved to me from below. Beside him was Stanford, who had a notepad in his six-fingered hand as he quickly scribbled notes. I dropped my can off the roof in shock. No, no, no, not my skateboard! Anything but my skateboard!

I quickly fled down the roof, but it was too late - they had already gone off into the forest. I scowled and ran off, without knowing where they were headed towards. Unfortunately, I was running too fast and tripped, falling down a dirt slope. I roughly landed in a patch of strange flowers.

The flowers looked somewhat like carnations, only, they had transparent petals and bright, blue stems. The veins on their blue leaves pulsed as they glowed brightly. These were definitely some abnormal flowers, yet they were so... Oddly pretty.

"Y/N?" I heard a voice behind me. I hastily got up and turned to face Dipper. "I thought I heard something here." He said.

I pursed my lips. "Hey, Dip. Do you know what these flowers are?"

He bent down to get a good look at them. "Hm... I've never seen anything like these before. Maybe Ford will know?" Soon enough, we had both collected a few of the flowers, and carefully placed them in Dipper's knapsack.

"Speaking of Ford... Where is he?" I pondered. I then remembered why I had come here in the first place and scowled. "And where is my skateboard?!"

Dipper had a nervous expression on his face. "Uh... Well, you see... It, uh..." Before he could finish his sentence, Stanford came running towards us.

"There you are, Dipper! I've been looking for you!" He said. "Unfortunately, the experiment was rather unsuccessful and the subject had completely disintegrated."


"Well... Apparently it... Disintegrated?" Dipper fiddled with his thumbs.

"It - WHAT?!"

"I- I'm sorry! W-We were just-"


"Y/N, I-I'll get you a new one! I promise!"

"DIPPER JUST SHUT UP!" I clenched my fists and grit my teeth. "I DON'T WANT A NEW ONE! AND RIGHT NOW, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU!!" I shot him a glare, and ran off, away from the forest.


Once again, my mom had to work the late shift, leaving me to be home alone. I didn't mind, as long as she brought back pie. I layed on the bed, staring at the ceiling while listening to old records of Elvis. Yes I still have a record player. Sue me.

That skateboard was given to me by Bill Cipher, years ago. It was the first symbol of our friendship, as well as one of our last. Now its gone, and I have nothing left of him except for this stupid necklace - another bad memory. There was a ring at my door, taking me away from my thoughts. I opened it to find none other, than Dipper Pines.

"Y/N-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Go away." I say coldly, before slamming the door. He rings the doorbell again and I open the door.

"Look, you don't need to be mad..." He says cautiously.

"You're kidding me, right?! Dipper, you straight up ignored me for the past week, spent more time with Ford than your own sister, utterly destroyed my most prized possession, and you don't want me to be mad?!"

"I didn't mean it like that!" Dipper shut up for a bit. "I wanted to say... Y/N... I'm really, really sorry. I... I just came here to tell you that... Those flowers we found in the woods? Ford told me what they really were and I think you should know. If you want, you can just come to the Mystery Shack. If not... I understand." He gave a weak smile and began to head off.

"Dipper, wait." I sighed. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. Is it cool if I go with you to the Shack?"

He smiled and nodded. I quickly pulled on a sweater and headed off with Dipper, who had his arm around my shoulder as we walked.


Dipper had brought me down to Ford's lab, in the basement.

"Good, the two of you are here." Stanford said. "I did some research on those flowers and found something incredible!" He paused before picking up a strange looking gun. "This here, is a device built by my old co-worker, Fiddleford. When used, it wipes the memory of a target."

"I've been trying to find the source of what powers this device and thanks to you two, I finally have the answer. Those flowers you found are called lunus caryophyllus, or moon flowers. They're very rare and only bloom under a full moon. The petals are quite useless, but the stems, however, are the key to this device. They contain a neon fluid which allows for memory-altering properties."

I was speechless. This was just... Incredible!

"So that means I can make you forget about your skateboard?" Dipper smirked and I playfully punched his arm.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, Y/N, Dipper and I must get back to work." Stanford paused, looking at the memory gun for a moment before placing it back down.

"Y/N... I'm sorry, I really wish that I could hang out with you and Mabel more it's just... He's the author! I've been waiting all summer to ask him questions!" Dipper looked at the ground, sheepishly.

I sighed. "Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. You and Ford have fun." I lied quickly, faking a smile.

"Thanks. I-I'll make it up to you- I promise!" He smiled and returned to Stanford. I left the basement to find Mabel and Wendy who were managing the gift shop.

"Ooh! Y/N!" Mabel grinned. "Me and Wendy were just about to go watch Ducktective, wanna join?"


"Oh, please? I have Mabel Juice and popcorn!"

I shrugged. "Yeah why not." Mabel smiled as we went into the living room.


Okay and that's all for now! So a lot of people have been bashing me for not using the dialogue directly from the show and I just want to clarify that this is because if I were to put the entire script in, chapters would be way to long. Generally, I like to keep chapters around 1000-2000 words, and in some cases, I'll have to remove or shorten dialogue in order to reach that limit. Anyways, I hope you guys understand! Love ya! ❤️💛💚💙💜

And remember...


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