
By billiejayy

430K 12.4K 3.8K

This story is about....well you'll have to read it to find out. Happy reading!(NOT A FAN-FICTION) If you're n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Part 1
Chapter 34 Part 2
Chapter 35 Final Part

Chapter 9

11.5K 376 67
By billiejayy

YOOOOOO!!!!! I got 1k reads!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you guys so freakin much!!!! I reached my goal!!!! As a thanks for the 1k I have decided to publish 2 chapters this week!!Thank you guys so much again!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💕💕VOTE VOTE VOTE!!

Nelly's POV

Grayson's mom calls us down for dinner and I start getting nervous. I slowly sit up and just sit there. Why am I so nervous? Grayson walks to the door, then turns around when he notices I'm not following him."Cmon babe you'll be fine I promise." He saids grabbing my hands. I nod and we walk down to the dining room hand in hand. As soon as I walk in his mother immediately pulls me into a hug, then pulls back and say,"How are you dear! Grayson's told me so much about you. You look even more lovely in person." I immediately relax my nerves and smile warmly at her then say,"I'm good and thank you Ms. Dolan." She saids,"Oh your welcome sweetie. And just call me Melina ( why not?)." I nod and Grayson pulls out my seat for me and he sits on his seat next to me. They start digging in when his mom asks,"So Nelly, how is Grayson treating you?" I say,"He's been treating me pretty good. He's such a gentleman all the time, and he's extra sweet to me," I say pinching his cheek making him make a face and blush. I continue,"And he respects me, and I respect him." I finish looking at him lovingly. She saids,"That's just wonderful! Good to know I raised him right.", while laughing we all join in and I start digging in and lemme tell you, this was some good risotto! I say,"Mmm uhh my God this is so good..." Melina smiles at me and cheers to herself, while Grayson shifts in his chair uncomfortably, so I whisper to him,"What's wrong?" And he saids,"You have to stop moaning like that for my sake and yours." I blush deeply understanding what he meant. I say back,"Sorry." And we continue to eat with lots of laughter and conversation. Once they are done eating Melina saids,"You kids go have fun I'll get this." Ethan immediately stands up and leaves. Grayson was about to walk out to when he stops once hers me say,"Oh I'll help you with this.", I say while getting up and grabbing me and Grayson's plate. She starts protesting and I say,"I insist. You just made me the best meal and I'm not gonna just let you clean all this by yourself. That would be crazy." She laughs then saids, with a big smile,"Okay then dear." Grayson kisses my cheek then whispers in my ear,"Just come up stairs when your done baby." I nod and he heads up stairs.

As me and Melina wash dishes I tell her about how I feel about Grayson. "-And I know I love him it's just I-I don't want  him to think it's too soon." She saids,"Don't hold your feelings back sweetie. Let him know how you feel. I know for a fact he feels the same way. I've seen the way he looks at you, and I can tell he loves you. Just don't hold back your feelings for him. He might even say it before you." By now we are done with the dishes and I say,"Thank you for this talk Melina. I will definitely not hold back my feelings anymore." She smiles and we hug then I head up to Grayson's room.

When I walk in, I see he took off his sweat shirt and is just laying there watching tv. God is testing me. I crawl unto the bed and cuddle with him until my mom texts me telling me to come home. I tell Grayson this and he looks a little sad at first but then he smiles and I say bye to his mom and Ethan before we walk to the car and pull off. The whole ride there we were just talking about any and everything.

Once he pulled up to my house he walks me to my door and I was about to unlock the door, when he grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. I immediately respond back and put my arms around his neck. Then he breaks the kiss and saids,"Jump" I do as he said and he wraps my legs around his waist, then pushes me up against the wall and brushes his lips back on mine making more electricity flow threw us. He starts rubbing up and down my thighs, and I pull him in closer for a deeper kiss and by now both of us are fighting for dominance which he wins of course. Then we pull away and he saids,"I love you so much Nelly.." I start smiling really big  and say," I love you too Grayson." He smiles and put me down gently then grabs my hips, pulling me closer, and saids,"I love you more princess." Then he crashed his lips against mine again while trying to grab my butt making me giggle and pull his hands away and say,"That's enough booty grabbing for today." He groans then saids,"Fine.. Have a goodnight baby girl," peck" I hope you sleep well," peck" and dream pleasant dreams." I nod and say,"I hope you do too baby." With that I hug him and unlock the door, I was about to open it when Grayson saids,"Can we hang out tomorrow?" Awe. I say,"I have church tomorrow remember? And you know how far it its." He saids, with a frown, "Oh yeah. I forgot. So that means you'll be out all day.." I say," Yeah, but I'll call you when I get home okay?" He nods and smiles then say,"Okay babe. See you later and tell your mom I said hi." I nod then walk into the house and look out the window and watch him pull off. I miss him already...

Once I tell my mom how my day went and finish talking on the phone with my dad and Tino, I change into my night clothes, twist my hair, and pick out and outfit for tomorrow. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light..

The next day....

We are now on our way to Mc Donald's for a pit stop. I am soo hungry. Our church is literally in the deep, deep south so it takes us for ever to get back home. I miss Grayson so freakin much..

As soon as we get to Micky D's, I quickly get out of the car and head in there. As in waiting in line to order my phone starts ringing... I look at the name and it saids..GRAYSON!!

I immediately pick it up and say,"Hey Gray!" He laughs a little, at my excitement then saids,"Hey princess. Are you at home yet? I miss you.." I say,"Sadly I'm not," I start pouting a little,"But I miss you too da- *clears throat really hard* I-I mean baby." He burst out laughing making me even more embarrassed so I say,"I'm about to hand up." He immediately stops laughing and say," NOO! Don't hang up! Haha but we will talk about that later baby girl. Trust an believe that," I sigh,"But anyways what are you doing right now?" I say,"Waiting in line at Mc Donald's. Hold on real quick." The guy at the cash register smiles at me, waiting for me to order. I say,"Can I have 1 kids meal cheeseburger, for a boy, with a Sprite. Annd 4 Mc doubles, with 2 large fries. Annd..2 ice lemonades large. Oh and add 1 small vanilla ice cream in a cup please." He smiles and saids,"Haha Okayy mam your total is $21.46." I grab my wallet and pay him. Gee that was a lot. I step to the side and wait for my order. "So yeah I'm at McDonalds." He saids,"Haha okay. What all did you get?" I say,"Food." I don't want too tell him what I ordered. He saids,"Specifically." I say,"Food that you eat." I could tell he was getting annoyed with me. I start laughing an say,"Babe I gotta go. I can't carry all this stuff with one hand okay? I'll call you later." He says,"Okay bye baby." I hang up then grab the food and head to the car. See my mom didn't wanna get out cause she had on a tight pencil skirt she thought she could fit, but when she put it on at church it just showed all her goodies if you know what I mean. All day at church my aunties kept smacking it and talking about it. It was so funny.

Once all of us have our food we dig in then pull off!

2 hours later....

It is now night time and as soon as get in the house I feel like passing out but I can't so I just quickly walk upstairs and take off all my clothes and take a hot shower.. Once I'm done with that I change into some night shorts with an over sized t-shirt, then wrap my hair up and say my prayers then go straight to sleep......

In the morning....

I surprisingly wake up to my alarm clock on my phone. I walk to the bathroom and do my hygiene then change into green army print skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and a green cardigan. I then put on a gold chain necklace along with my brown timberlands.

We were basically rushing out of the house, because my mom woke up late. Right now I'm making Michael's lunch for my mom. They finally come down stairs and I give Michael his lunch then we rushed to the car and pulled off.

Once we get to my school I tell my mom bye then walk in. Since I'm late I have to get a late slip from that snobby lady at the front desk. She hates me.

As I'm about to sign the slip lady looks at me and saids,"What are you doing?" I say back,"Not to be rude but, what does it look like?" She frowns and saids,"Who do you think your talking to?" I finish signing the slip and snatch it off the clip board and say,"Once again what does it look like. I'm obviously talking to you? So please stop with the dumb questions. I know you hate me and I hate you too so are we done playing the question game?" With that I walk to my class leaving her looking surprised, she knew. My period needs to calm down though. Once I grab my stuff from my locker I head to class. I really don't want to go in there, all eyes will be on me, and I hate attention. I breathe in and out then grab the handle and walk in and to my desk next to bae.

I hug him while sitting down, taking in his cologne. He hugs me back tight then pulls away an pecks my lips. I say,"I'm sorry I didn't call you back yesterday. I was just really tired. We got home at 12." He grabs my hand and saids,"It's fine Nel. I knew you were gonna be tired." I nod and he kisses my forehead, then we continue with class.

Once my English class is over I head to my Math class, and sadly Grayson isn't in it. Once I walk in I put my stuff down and remember that Andrew is also in this class, so I look around the class for him and finally find him and walk up to him and say,"Hey Andrew!" He looks at me and smiles then saids , while hugging me,"Hey Nelly, what's up. How are you?" I hug back then pull back saying,"I'm good, you?" He saids," I'm great now," he smirks. I lift my eyebrow but keep my smile," how was your week?" I smile thinking about the time I spent with Gray. I say,"It was great!" He laughs then says,"Why was it so great?" I say,"Well me and Grayson spent the whole entire weekend together! And he took me on a great date and asked me to be his girlfriend!" His smile falls when I said, Grayson asked me to be his girlfriend, but he quickly replaced it with a small smile. I say,"How was your week?" He saids,"It was good. Not as good as yours though," we both laugh and he continues,"But it was good." I smile and the teacher comes in an I go back to my seat, then class begins!

After school...

I asked Grayson to take me to the dealership my dad said to go to, to get the car. So right now we just pulled into the dealership and are heading to the door. He opens the door for me and we walk to the counter. I ask,"Hi I'm here to pick up a car my dad purchased from here." He smiles then saids,"Okay, what is his name? And I need his full name?" I say,"Trevor Michael Simmons." He nods then types it on the computer, then saids,"Okay right this way." Once he opened up the garage all I could do was gawk over the car. It was so hot. Once I'm out of my trance, I quickly go to the car and run my hands over the hood and the sides. This is my favorite car. Well one of them at least. I love cars. I ask him for the keys and he gladly gives them to me, but saids,"Before you drive it I need your signature here, here, and here." I quickly sign it, while reading over every part, then Grayson saids,"You ready?" I nod excitingly, making him chuckle. He  saids,"I'll see you later baby-" I cut him off saying,"You can come with me. Besides, I want you to meet my dad and brother." He gulps then saids,"Okay sure" He opens my door for me, I thank him and he gets in on the passengers side. I tell him,"You better buckle up, cause your in for a ride." He laughs then puts his seat belt on. I start the car and pull off fast. Grayson saids,"Hey! Be careful it's still a rental." I say,"Yeah and it's on my time. So I'm gonna drive this baby til it's best existent while I have it." He chuckles while shaking his head. Let the ride began...

By now I'm pretty sure Grayson regrets letting me drive. The whole ride was fast. I was having the time of my life! He kept on complaining about how I 'needed to slow down, and stop swerving'. We pull into a parking spot and get out. Grayson grabs my hand and we head into the airport. He saids,"Why did you have to drive so reckless?" I say,"Did you die though?" He playfully glares at me, making me chuckle. We start walking around looking for my dad and Tino, which is taking forever so I pull out my phone about to call them when Grayson saids,"Is that them right there?" pointing to them. I gasp then nod and say,"DADDY! TINO!!" and start running towards them. They turn around and smile really big at me with open arms, which I immediately jump in. I start crying tears of joy, and so does my dad, and Tino. I pull away and just smile and my dad saids,"I missed you so much baby girl." I smile even bigger then say,"I missed you too dad." I then go to my brother and squeeze him tight in a hug making him chuckle and say,"Can I breathe a little." I release him then say,"Sorry I just missed you so much!" He saids,"Anche you mei sei mancata ( I missed you too)" he hugs me one more time then I say,"I want you guys to meet someone who's very important to me." I turn around and grab Grayson's hand say,"This is my boyfriend Grayson." Their smiles start to drop.. Oh boy...

Grayson sticks out his hand and,speaks up then saids,"Hi Mr. Simmons and Valentino. It's nice to meet you guys. Nelly has told me a lot about you guys." They both just continue to glare at him making me a little mad, so I pull them to the side and say,"Please be nice. Grayson means so much to me and all I want is for my 2 favorite men to like him. Please." My dad saids,"Nelly what if he's like Peter.. Or what if you get hurt again, and shut everyone out like you did the last time. Nelly we can't have that again." I say,"Dad I promise he's not like that. Please just give him a chance. You too Tino." They think about it for a while then say,"Alright" and we walk back over to Grayson and they shake his hand and say,"Nice to meet you too." I smile then say,"Welp, now that we're a big happy family, let's go surprise mom!" They all chuckle and Grayson grabs my hand and Tino puts his arm around my shoulder and we head to the car.

Once we get in, Grayson saids,"You guys might wanna buckle up fast because your 'in for a ride'." I start cracking up then start the car and turn on the radio and we're off...

I pull into our driveway and park. I look in the back seat for my purse and catch my dad and brothers shocked faces making me chuckle and say,"Did you guys enjoy the ride?" My dad speaks up first,"Can I see your license miss?" I laugh and say,"Sure and just to let you know, it's real." He chuckles and we get out the car and head to the front door. I unlock it and we walk in. From the kitchen my mom saids,"It's about time you got back Nelly." I say,"I was out with Grayson for a while, but can you come here for me please?" She saids, while walking out of the kitchen still in her work clothes,"Nelly why didn't you j-" she just stands there shocked and so does my dad. He's practically drooling over her. He speaks first saying,"Hey baby." She starts smiling big and tears start streaming down her face, same with my dad. Then he goes to her and picks her up,"I missed you so much Trevor." He saids,"I missed you more Kelly." They start kissing each other, basically forgetting we're in the room so I say,"Um you guys.. Can y'all maybe not do that right now. Tino is also here ma." My dad immediately puts her down and she rushes over to my brother and starts kissing his cheeks, then hug him and say,"I missed you too baby." I chuckle and he glares at me making me laugh even more.

Later on that day....

Me and Grayson are just chilling in my room watching tv with the door opened, as my dad instructed. I ask him,"Gray can you stay for dinner, please?" He looks at me and saids,"Sure princess." I smile and kiss his lips, making him sit me on top of him, pulling me in for a deeper kiss. I immediately pull back and say,"What if my parents or Tino come up here and assume things? I'll get in so much trouble." He starts rubbing my back and says,"Your brother is out with Michael bonding, and I'm pretty sure your parents are quite occupied with each other right now, so you have nothing to worry about baby girl." I nod and He saids,"How about we go somewhere?"...........


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!🎉🎉 Next one comin soon✏️ PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS THINK!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!

Any idea of where you think they're going????😏

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