Broken Home

By allthagirl

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Chapter One

Chapter Two

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By allthagirl

{The Ramirez house, Thursday, August 27 2015, 5:30 a.m.}

Luis's P.O.V.

I was 7 when my mom had died and my dad had started his Record Label. It also means I was 7 when he started going on business trips. Granted my grandmother was still alive, the only time she checked on us was when she felt like it. I had to grow up fast. I had no choice. While my dad was gone I had to take care of my 6 year old sister, Amiera, and my few months old baby sister, Kylie. Looking back from where we were to where we are now I guess I did a decent job. I mean, we're not dead.

I wake up suddenly. I shut my alarm off, walk over to my bureau and grab a black shirt and a fresh pair of black pants. I get dressed and put on deodorant and axe. I walk over to my display of snapbacks. I stand there for a moment and reach for my snapback that has the word reckless on the front. I put it on and walk into Kylie's room.

I walk over to her bed and turn on her side lamp. "Wake up princess, its time to get ready for school."

Kylie: *rubs eyes and slowly opens them* "why does school have to be so early?"

Luis: "I don't know maybe you should ask the head of the school board about that one. Come on go get changed and then come downstairs. I'll make you some breakfast."

Kylie: "Luis?"

Luis: "Yes princess?"

Kylie: "Can you pick out my outfit for me?"

I walk over to her closet and see a whole bunch of shirts to choose from. I scratch the back of my head. How do girls do this every morning? I look and see a black shirt and a red and black flannel. I take both off of the hangers, "Heads up!" I throw the shirts to Kylie as she catches it from her bed. I walk over to her dresser and search through all of her pants. Why do girls have so much clothes! I take out a pair of black jeans and close the drawer. "Now you can get ready."

Kylie: *smiles* "Thank you big brother."

I walk out of her room and close the door behind me I walk down the hall towards Amiera's room. "You up?" I ask while banging on her door.

Amiera: "Yes Luis."

I walk towards the center of the hall and walk down the stairs into the kitchen. I take out a bowl from the cabinet and a box of cornflakes. I pour a small amount into the bowl and leave it on the counter, not adding milk just yet. I walk over to the fridge and take out bread, ham, cheese and mayo. I start to make Kylie's lunch. Kylie walks into the kitchen and sits down in her chair. I walk over to the fridge and pull out the milk and pour it in her cereal. I hand her a spoon and she started eating like an animal. I finished making her sandwich and stick it in a plastic bag. Then putting it in a lunch box. Amiera walks into the kitchen. I look up.

Luis: "New outfit?"

Amiera: "Got it yesterday." As she walks over to Kylie and starts braiding Kylie's hair.

Luis: "Any plans after school?"

Amiera: "I might go over Jelena's. You?"

Luis: "Football practice first meeting of the year."

Amiera: "Okay captain."

Luis: "Kylie, your going over Ryley's(next door neighbor) after school."

Kylie: "But I don't like her. She smells weird."

Amiera and I laugh.

Luis: "Would you rather sit on the bleachers and watch my football practice?"

Amiera: "I don't think thats a good idea."

Luis: "why's that?"

Amiera: "You want your 9 year old sister to sit in the bleachers and watch as a whole bunch of cheerleaders shake their asses in front of all of you."

Kylie: "What does that mean?"

Luis: "It means that your going over Ryley's after school."

Kylie: *sighs* "you owe me."

Luis: "How about I take you on an icecream date when I pick you up."

Kylie: "Can I get anything that I want on it?"

Luis: "You're the princess and princesses get whats best." I look at the time and notice that it's 7. "Alright ladies, let's move out."

I grab my phone off of my charger. Looking at my messages. I sigh and stuff my phone in my pocket. We walk outside as the sun is rising. We all get in my black matte dodge charger and take off.

As we arrive to Kylie's school I get out of my car and open the door for Kylie as she gets out. I get to her level and she gives me a kiss on my cheek. "I'll see you when I pick you up, okay? I love you."

Kylie: "I love you too."

I watch her walk all the way into the school before I drive off taking Amiera to school which is just around the block. As we reach the parking lot, I park leaving my car running.

Amiera: "You coming?"

Luis: "No, I have other plans."

Amiera: "Alright. Be safe." She opens up the car door slightly and then closes it again. "Luis?"

Luis: "Yes?"

Amiera: "Why Julianna?"

Luis: "Amiera.. We're not talking about this right now."

Amiera: "Next time, think about what she put me through in the past."

Luis: "She changed."

Amiera: "It doesn't seem like it."

Luis: "Aight, I'll talk to her about leaving you girls alone. Now get inside. You're making me late."

Amiera: *groans* "fine."

I put my car into reverse, back up out of my spot, and drive outvof the school parking lot, around the block and onto the highway, driving to Los Angeles. I never drove to LA before so hopefully my GPS will take me to the right place.

I drive for thirty minutes and then I get off the highway. I drive down a road, I see a big billboard. I look to my left and see a huge building. I turn left and park in an empty parking space. "You have arrived to your destination." I mocked. I turn off my car and get out of my car. I close the door and lock it as I walk closer to the building.

I walk inside to the building and walk to the front desk. I see a lady who is at least in her late 30's.

Lady: "Who are you?"

Luis: "Luis Ramirez."

Lady: "You're late. Besides shouldn't you be in school?"

Luis: "I took the day off to talk to my dad if you would kindly talk to him about letting me see him."

Lady: "He has a strict policy about not letting anyone late to their appointment if they are late. If your not willing to get here on time then you're not serious about getting signed to this label."

Luis: "I'm not here to be signed. My dad? He owns this place. If you don't let me go see him then I'm going to make him fire you."

Lady: "Mr.Ramirez is your father?"

Luis: "Uh yeah."

Lady: *gets better posture and straightens out her blaser* "I didn't know he had any children. You got an ID?"

Luis: *I start to take out my ID. I hear my dads voice creeping up close to me*

Mr.Ramirez: "Surprise to see you here."

Luis: "You told me to come alone. So I'm here."

Lady: "I didn't know he was your kid."

Mr.Ramirez: "I know babycakes."

Luis: "Babyca-"

Mr.Ramirez: "Luis we'll talk about this in my office. I'll be right up. Dolton if you don't mind showing him the way."

A butler came speed walking fast up to the front desk. "Yes sir, Mr.Ramirez if you don't mind coming with me."

The butler and I started to walk up to my dad's office.

Dolton: "I didn't even know Mr.Ramirez had children."

Luis: "Well your looking at one."

Dolton: "Him and Mrs.West are splendid together."

Luis: "They're dating?"

Dolton: "They're engaged."

My face started to turn red with anger. "They're getting married?"

Dolton: "They been together since this whole place was built."

Luis: "You know what? I think I can find the rest of the way myself."

Dolton: "You sure Mr.Ramirez?"

Luis: "Names Luis."

Dolton: "Sorry sir. Office room 221. Its right around the corner and down the hall."

Luis: "Thanks."

I storm off fast enough for him to say another word. I walk down the hall after turning right and walk into my dad's office as he's sitting in his swivel chair.

Luis: *angry* "Is that what you called me here for? To find out that you had an affair with mom? To find out your engaged with that lady? Did you ever have any business trips or was that all a lie so you could fuck her behind our backs."

Mr.Ramirez: "Yes son. All of that is true. However I called you here because I need a favor."

{Riverside High School, 10:01 a.m.}

Bryan's P.O.V.

I sit in the office as my rough looking father is in the principals office. I look around the office and see a poster. I read 'Varsity football tryouts, today. Meet in locker rooms after school with gear'. I look up and see a lady sitting at the desk infront of me.

Bryan: "If my dad signs all those papers today does that mean I could go to the football tryouts?"

Lady: "Your interested huh?"

Bryan: "I was a team captain at my old school in Miami."

Lady: "Let me tell you, this school hasn't been defeated in four years thanks to Luis he's been keeping those boys focused. You'd be surprised."

Bryan: "Luis Ramirez?"

Lady: "He so good you heard about him from Miami."

Bryan: "You thought. I was on the towns football team since first grade and he was on my team until I moved."

Lady: "How long ago did you move to Florida?"

Bryan: "I left here in 6th grade, stayed in Miami for 6 years and now I'm back."

Lady: "Spending your senior year here?"

Bryan: "Yes ma'am."

My dad walks out out of the principal's office and looks at me I stand up. "You're able to start today once you pick out your classes."

Bryan: "You're being serious?"

Principal: *has a British accent "You won't be starting any mischief here Rodriguez. Am I correct?"

Bryan: "Yes ma'am."

Principal: "Alright Rodriguez, come into my office and we'll set up your schedule. Mr.Rodriguez, thank you for your time."

My dad walks out of the office without saying goodbye. I look at my principal with a straight face.

Principal: "let's go in my office."

I go into her office and make up my schedule. Once we finished it was my lunch time. I went into the cafe and bought a chicken patty, french fries and a water. I look around for Luis and an open seat. Luis was nowhere to be found. Once I finish looking around, a girl in a cheerleader uniform walks up to me. "You're pretty cute, why don't you sit at my table."

Bryan: "No that's fine." I see a whole bunch of guys sitting at a round table with a seat open. "Do you guys mind that I sit here?"

Boy: "Why not. You new?"

Bryan: "I guess you could say that." I start eating my food and having a conversation in the middle of bites.

Boy: "Call me Martinez."

Bryan: "Names Bryan."

Martinez starts rambling off names introducing the men at the table. I space out and look to my left as a hot girl walks into the cafe. I try to look away but all I could do was admire her beauty. Martinez puts his hand on my shoulder. "Isn't she bad?"

Bryan: "I don't know if I would say bad, I mean she hot."

Martinez: "That's what we mean by bad my dude. But that's my girl."

Bryan: "My bad."

Martinez: "It's fine, you didn't know."

Bryan: "You guys on the football team?"

Martinez: "I am, their not."

Bryan nods, "looks like I'll see you on the field." I finish my tray.

Martinez's girl and her friend walked over to the table. His girlfriend sat on his lap. His girlfriend looked at me, "You new?"

Bryan: "I guess you could say that."

Juliet: "My names Juliet."

Bryan: "Names Bryan."

Juliet: *smiles widely* "Bryan as in Bryan Rodriguez?"

Bryan: "Yes ma'am."

Martinez: "You two know each other?"

Juliet hops off Martinez's lap and hugs me very tightly. "I missed you! When's you come back?"

Bryan: "Few days ago. My dads job got moved."

Juliet: "How is he?"

Bryan: "He's pretty good."

The bell rings signaling lunch is over. I get up from my seat and look at my phone to figure out where I'm going next.

Juliet: "Catch up later? You, Jason and I can go out to eat or something after practice."

Bryan: *lies* "Can't I have to go home and finish unpacking."

Juliet: "Oh, okay I'll see you tomorrow."

I walk away from the cafe and walk towards the science hallway take a left and walk up the stairs to the English wing, taking a right down the hall, my class was the first class to the left. I took a seat in the far left corner.

Juliet kept running through my head. My parents in first grade were friends with her parents when they were in school. Which means I was friends with Juliet since she was born considering she's my sister, Jelena's age. However my sister and her didn't get along. I haven't even talked to my sister or mother since my parents got divorced. Days later I left with my dad and moved to Miami as Jelena and my mom stayed in Cali. I hope they didn't move awa-

My thoughts got interrupted by the teacher talking. I look around the room and see nobody I recognized. I turn to the board and listen to the teacher talk. I start to fall asleep and nobody decides to wake my up until the bell rings. "The school day is over Rodriguez." I opened my eyes and looked up at the teacher. I stand up and grab my things, push in the chair and run to practice.

When I got on the field I saw everyone in their workout outfits. A man came over to me. I guess he was the coach. "You lost?"

Bryan: "No, I'm here to join the team. However, it's my first day and I didn't bring my football gear."

Coach: "Well your lucky we have extra clean clothes in the locker room." *breaks eye contact and looks around* "Martinez!"

Martinez runs over to the coach.

Martinez: *looks at me* "What's up Rodriguez?" *gives me dabs, then looks at coach* "Yes coach?"

Coach: "Can you show him to the locker room? He needs some football gear. Also, do you happen to know where Ramirez is?"

Martinez: "No sir, he didn't show up to class today."

Coach: "That's unlike him."

Martinez: "Well technically he has a family to raise, something probably came up."

Coach: "Will you get ahold of him and see if everything's okay?"

Martinez: "Yes sir."

Coach: "Now get that boy some clothes."

Martinez: "On it. Come on Rodriguez let's get you suited up."

Martinez and I run off the field and into the locker rooms.

{Luis's P.O.V.}

I arrive in the school's parking lot 20 minutes late into practice. I grab my backpack full of my football gear and run into the school, running past the cafeteria, taking a left then a right once I got to the corner, ran up 6 steps and into the men's locker room and into the captain and co-captain's locker room.

Once I get changed I run out of the emergency exit which leads to the outside back parking lot. I run on the side of the lot and through the opening of the gate, down a cemented steep hill and onto the field. I sprint over to Coach Young, "sorry for being late."

Coach Young nods, "We have a new member to the team, number 22, Rodriguez. Former captain of the Miami Stingrays."

Luis: "They any good?"

Coach Young: "Three years undefeated."

Luis: "Alright then."

Coach Young: "Get on the field Ramirez."

I start to run onto the field, but then coach calls me back over.

Coach Young: "Ramirez!"

I run back over to him, "Yes coach?"

Coach Young: "How's your family holding up?"

Luis: *Shrugs* "has its moments, just like any family."

Coach Young: "If there's anything I can do let me know and I'll try my best."

Luis: "Thanks coach."

Coach Young: "Now if you want to win the game next Friday, better get your team together."

I run up to the rest of the players. The coach blows his whistle. The whole team gathers in the center of the field. I look at all the players on the team.

Luis: "What's up Martinez?"

Martinez: "Should be asking you the same thing."

Luis: "We'll talk after." I look around the circle of my teammates. "I just wanted to tell everyone tryouts for positions are tomorrow after school, if you think you deserve a higher rank, work hard. If you don't show up, you'll be judged on your performance from last season. In my eyes, I believe all of you have improved within a year. I encourage all of you to be on the field tomorrow by 2:40, 10 minutes after school ends with all of your equipment. Be prepared for competition. All we want if for you to take it seriously, try your best, and work hard."

Coach puts his hand on my shoulder, and I stop speaking letting him speak.

Coach Young: "Also, votes for co-captain are after the first home game of the season, next Friday. Until then, Martinez is still the co-captain."

Luis: "Alright guys, if we want to win, let's get back to practice. However, I want to play with some roles. As some of you realized we have a new teammate in our family. Rodriguez, coach had told me you used to be a captain back at your old school. I want you to be quarterback. I'll be left tackle. Martinez, wide receiver. Cruz, running back. The rest of you choose a role and follow through. Coach!"

Coach Young runs over to us, "yes Ramirez?"

Luis: "Where's JV at?"

Coach Young: "Should be coming soo-"

We get interrupted when a whole bunch of football players run onto the field. We all turn and wait. I walk forward and talk to the captain of JV.

Luis: "Your men will wear the red pinnies over there on the steps. Once your teams all settled you guys can join us on the field for some scrimmage."

JV Captain: "Alright sounds good."

We break away and his team walks over to get pinnies as we wait in the center field.


Football practice ends and we start to walk up to the locker room. I start to take off my helmet. Rodriguez runs up beside me. "Luis!"

Luis: "What's up Rodriguez?"

Bryan: "It's me, Bryan."

I snap my head to the left and look at him. Memories flood my head and I get super happy. "Dude! I miss you! When did you move back?"

Bryan: "A few days ago."

Luis: "You should've stopped by my place."

Bryan: "I didn't want to intrude."

Luis: "You wouldn't intrude shit."

We walk into the locker room and get changed into our regular clothes. Few seconds later Martinez joins me in our separate room.

Martinez looks at me, "Why didn't you show up at school today?"

Luis: "Dad called me, I had to drive all the way to LA to find out he's engaged and after 9 years he never really had much business meetings, all the others were him, his fiancé and condoms."

Martinez: "Damn bro, your sisters know?"

Luis: "No. They can't find out."

Martinez: "Why not?"

Luis: "I'm being blackmailed."

Martinez: "Dude, what do you mean?"

Luis: "My dad's making me join the runners."

Martinez: "Dude don't you could get kicked off the team or killed."

Luis: "I have no choice."

Martinez: "Yes you do."

Luis: "No I don't."

Martinez: "And why is what?"

My eyes start to water, I take a seat on the bench. Orlando Cruz and Bryan come over to Jason and my locker room and check on why we were taking too long. I look at them and lean forward putting my face in the palm of my hands, "Kylie has a rare disease. She needs specific medication to keep her living. If I don't recuit members to join the gang with me, then he won't keep buying the medicine to keep my Kylie live."

Bryan: *scratches his head* "The runners?"

Luis: "Yes."

Bryan: "What if I told you I know someone who could get you in there."

I look at Bryan. I stand up grasping my football bag. "Let's bring this outside." Cruz, Rodriguez, Martinez and I all walk outside and stand by my car. I throw my bag in the back seat of my car and shut the door. "Who could get me in there and how?"

Bryan: "My dad runs it."

Luis: "What the fuck dude your dad owns a gang?"

Bryan: "Why you think they called the runners?"

Luis: "I don't care dude. Can you just get me in there?"

Martinez: "Me too."

Cruz: "Me also."

Luis: "I can't let you guys be part of this you guys could get kicked off the team."

Bryan: "We're not letting you do this alone."

Martinez: "Its a risk we're going to take."

I look at Bryan who stands there with his arm crossed.

Bryan: "I'll talk to my dad first thing tonight."

Luis: "Thank you Bry." I give dabs to the boys, "aight I gotta get rollin' I have to pick up Kylie from our weird neighbors."

The boys nod their heads give dabs to each other before splitting up. I put my car in reverse, back up out of the parking space, put my gear in drive and speed to my neighbors house. Once I got there I saw Kylie sitting on the lawn with a doll laying next to her. I died laughing she looked so mad. I beeped the horn at her and she quickly put her backpack on and ran towards my car. I opened the passenger door as she got in, she closed the door and buckled up.

I look at her, "you looked happy spending time with Ryley."

She shot me dirty look, "I had to play with her stupid dolls."

I laughed, "now you can get all the icecream you desire."

I turn on my directional and drive off towards the ice cream shop.

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