I'm right here

By Expre33oDepre330

2.4K 105 21

The team and the flash find out that Wally is abused by his father. One shot More

Dick's turn

Untitled Part 1

1.2K 62 13
By Expre33oDepre330

All is calm at Mount Olympus. (Ha it's never calm there) most of the team are gone on missions so it's just Robin, Artimes, and M'gann.

recognize kid flash 02

Everyone expects wally to come speeding into the room but he doesn't. He's limping and has a big bruise on his cheek.

A look of realization crosses Robin's face as he yells, "Dammit Wally you lied to me"

Wally just smiles weakly and falls into Robin's arms. Artimes and M'gann  are frozen solid with shock. "I-I d-didn't want to worry you" he laughed.

Robin takes off his sunglasses not caring about his secret identity. he carefully lifts Wally's body with ease "jeez dude do you even eat"

Artimes's mouth hangs a open and she whispers to M'gann "He eats every time he's at Mount Olympus." Robin seems infuriated but quietly asks "does he feed you Wally?"

Robin sets Wally down on the couch and asks again but more desperately this time "does he feed you Wally and please don't lie" Wally just stares at the ground and Robin mutters "I knew it" he pulled out his cell phone and calls a number. "Hey Roy its Wally priority 1" he closes his phone and looks at Artimes and M'gann sympathetically "I'm sorry guys it personal stuff." they just stare, to shocked to do anything.

An angry Roy storms into the room and over to Wally. "YOU WENT BACK??????!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU"

Wally just looks up in fear scaring the girls more. they have never saw him afraid and now here he is terrified. M'gann yelps feeling all his fear. "Roy please your scaring him" she pleads. Roy's glare softens and he pulls his hand through his hair. Wally opens his mouth to say something but his phone goes off. "It's him isn't it" Robin said quietly. "Answer it." Roy says taking Wally's hand. Wally looks at it in fear but then puts it on speaker and answered. "y-y-yes s-sir?" he stutters really bad.


"y-yes sir"

"And pick be up some beer on your way here"

"b-but I'm not-"


Robin takes the phone and closes it. Wally pales considerably and shakes violently but says nothing. Artimes seems to finally get what's going on. Artimes, being the daughter of sportsmaster, has experience with abuse. She never in a million years thought that the annoying kid with a smile always on his face was being abused at home.

"Do you hate me?" Wally asks still shaking with fear. "Wally why would we hate you?" Roy asks sighing.

"Because here I am, a superhero, and I can't even stand up to my own father."

"Wally..." Robin can't find his words so he wraps his arms around Wally's small skinny form. Wally sobs into his shoulder. "I-I know I shouldn't have gone back but he threatened to hurt uncle Barry. And yes I know he's a superhero but I was so stupid and I told uncle Barry I hated him. Why would I do that I'm so stupid and and worthle-" Roy cuts him off by yelling "Wally don't you Dare finish that sentence you are not worthless. That's just some crap your father told you to keep you in line and you know it" Wally seemed surprised but then he sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I know" he whispered. "C-Can I.... Can I call Uncle Barry" Wally peers up at his two friends and they give him a sad smile. "Of course Wally. You don't have to ask" Robin says. Wally dials the number and hears a "hello?"
"Hi uncle Barry"
"Is everything ok Wally? You sound hurt."
"I have something to confess. Could you please come to the watch tower(?)"
"Of course kiddo I'll be there in a sec"
Wally closes the phone and hears

Recognized. Flash 01

Wally is practically shaking with fear. Flash sees Wally and zooms over to him pulling off his cowl. "Oh my god Wally what happened?"  Wally takes a deep breath and says "Daddy hits me uncle Barry" Barry's eyes widened and he threw his arms around Wally. Wally sobbed into Barry's shoulder while Barry whispered soothing words into his hair. "I'm sorry I said I hated you. I didn't mean it. "
Wally sobbed harder as Barry said "I know kiddo. I know"

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