Pixels: Light In The Dark (Po...

By Violet_Sand

645 31 4

Alyss Grey, Valkire Knight, and Bera Green are all locked in a landslide. Alyss was born to naturally hate hy... More

Pixels: Light In The Dark
Chapter 02

Chapter 01

106 9 1
By Violet_Sand

This is the 1st chappy of Pixels.

Pic on side is Alyss Grey.


Chapter 01: Entering The Wolf

Fuji's POV

I was paired up with Eiji in doubles against Kamura and Oishi.

I heard footsteps, but, ignored it, thinking it was Echizen.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

"Hello? Is Kaidoh here?"

When I turned around, a girl stood there. She had long black hair and pale eyes.

Eiji, Oishi, and Kamura stopped.

We walked over to her.

"Hello. Do you happen to know Kaidoh-san?" I asked the girl.

She nodded in a somewhat lazy manner.

"He's my friend. Know where he is? I heard he went to Seigaku, so, I thought I would pay him a visit."

Oishi replyed.

"I see....well, Kaidoh should be here soon. If you want, you could wait for him?"

"Sure." She agreed. I then noticed that she had a tennis bag over her shoulder.

"Hey!! What's your name?" Eiji was his usual happy self.

She turned around, and faced him.

"Alyss Grey."

She then turned back around and went to the court us 4 were previously playing on.

Before she opened up her tennis bag, she looked towards us.

"I'm guessing that since you 4 stand out against the people in blue, you're the regulars, correct?"

We nodded.

She smirked.

"Then, would you mind allowing me to play the strongest player here-"

We looked at Oishi, and before he could say anything...

She finished her sentence,

"-Vice Captian?"

Our heads wipped around to face her, she now stood, a ball in her right hand, and her black and white racket in her left.

Oishi stepped up.

"Of course. Kamura, would you like to?"

Kamura nodded.

He walked to the other side of the court.

I noticed that he left his racket behind again. I smiled, and got his attetion.

"Kamura! You forgot this!"

I then tossed his racket to him, he caught it..and..."


He pointed the racket to Alyss, a girl who we still don't know the skills of.

She smirked.

"Well now...looks like we have a power player on our hands....heh."

"Hey now! Let's start!"

She just kept on smiling.

"Why of course."

She then threw the ball into the air, and hit it. I, just then, noticed that she was a southpaw like Echizen.

"She's a southpaw?"

Oishi just happened to think the same thing that I was.

"Hm..it seems that she's unconforble playing with her left hand though..."

I nodded.

"Yes, that's true..."

Oishi turned to me.

"Could she possibly be right handed and play with her left?"

I looked back to the match before us.

"Maybe...maybe so..."

Then, Kamura was about to use Hyodouku.

Immeatily, me, Oishi, and Eiji were in panic. A girl like Alyss wouldn't be able to return Hyodouku, let alone keep her racket in her hands.

But, she did something that none of us thought was possible.

Alyss's POV

Just when those 3 people started yelling at the dude in front of me not to do the move he was about to, it was already too late.

But..I vanished.

I disappered, and, jumped into the air. Then, right before that powerful hit landed, I went upside down, and backwards in mid-air, and returned it.

Strange thing was, it followed my every move. I thought that was spossed to happen, so, I ignored that. Sadly, I didn't know what to expect next.

Instead of landing, the ball that I return didn't cross the net. It turned, and went right back at me, only faster, and, clearly much more powerful.

I kept hitting it, returning it each time. And each time, it got faster and more powerful.

Soon, I was at my limit, sweating bullets and panting like a dying cat.

That dude over there, dropped his racket and was panicing, the other 3 were frozen in shock. Except for the red haired guy. He was running around looking for somebody.

Then, I missed.

I went to hit it but, I missed and it went around me, and.....it hit me right on my left shoulder blade.

Then, the ball finally fell. But, onto the dude's side.

I screamed.


Then, I collapsed, and passed out.

Kaidoh's POV

Just as I made it to the tennis courts, I saw my old best friend, Alyss Grey, going against Kamura.

My eyes widened, but for many reasons.

1)I thought she hated tennis. 

2)I thought she quit tennis after the accident. 

3)Kamura just used the Hyodouku on her. 

4)The ball was acting weird and it hit her in her shoulder blade.

She then collapsed.

To say I was angry was putting it lightly.

I was furious as hell.

I dropped my stuff over by Oishi, and stomped over to Kamura.

I grabbed Kamura by his collar and held him in arms length.

"How DARE you use Hyodouku on Alyss?! Yes, she may be expextionally strong, but, if she was looking strange while playing with her left hand, do NOT use any powerful move on her!"

Before I could say anymore, I was pulled back by Momoshiro.

His look made me realize that I went too far. I looked down.

"Sorry Kamura-senpai..."

He was silent for a moment, but spoke soon after.

"No..it's okay. Although I didn't know, I must agree with you. She did look rather strange when playing. I couldn't belive she returned my Hyodouku though. But..what was wrong with the ball? Everytime she hit it, it didn't even cross the net."

Inui came out of no where.

"Well, when I checked the ball, it was extreamly heavy."

He then motioned us to follow him.

When we found the ball, surrounding it was a huge dent.

"Kamura, try picking this ball up?"

He looked confused, but nodded.

He couldn't.

Me and Momoshiro helped.

It wouldn't even budge.

Then, Inui cut the ball open.

What was inside, I wasn't expecting it.

There was lead and small, but heavy weights in there.

We were speechless. Most likely thinking, ' "How could a thin girl like Her even lift this ball?" '

We, unfourntually, would never find out.


Oooo....:D XD Alyss got a secret!!

You like?

Well, anyway, sorry.

I will NOT be Uploading on Tornado until this story has just as many parts as Tornado does. Also, I need Tornado to have more comments that are NOT from gaara119 or myself.

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