Book 3: Memories & Journal En...

By Strawbana

8.4K 175 27

Lucy had fallen ill the last time we saw Fairy Tail. The Fairy Tail Guild was told their friend wouldn't wake... More

The Beginning
Welcome Back!!
The Meeting
Light and Shadow
The Dying Lights
Little FLower
Little Star
The Secret Meetings
Time Goes By
A taken heart
Nothing Lasts Forever
Book is Out!!!
Magic With In
Half Way There
Is This Love?
Tears Under the Stars
That One Moment
A New Journey
The Truth Of Me
Smiling Pain
Another Little One's Smile
Love Is The Power To Light
A Story of Hell
Waking Up
The Final Book!!
The End and Beginning!

Little sky Dragon

276 4 1
By Strawbana

Lucy sat patiently with her brothers, and parents outside the door, that led to Grandine's room. They could here screams of pain. Grandine was giving birth, and it was taking awhile. Lucy sat there swing her little legs, wanting to see the new born baby, that'd call sister.

'Mommy? How much longer?" Lucy asked her mother. Layla smiled, "Soon my dear, very soon." She replied taking her daughter hand in her own. "I can't wait to have a new playmate!" Lucy cheered.Her family smiled, at the little one.

Then they saw Natsu and Gajeel coming up the stairs. Lucy jumped off the chair, and ran towards them. "Are ready to have a new playmate?" Lucy chirped as she finally made it to them. "Yeah!! I can't wait to have someone else to fight with." Natsu yelled, punching his fists into an imaginary person. 

Lucy giggled, while Gajeel huffed. "I'm just glad that you'll have someone else to play dress up with." Gajeel said.

Lucy made them on acation dress up in her dresses and walk around the Castle. Natsu smiled, that his best friend would have someone else to play with. They made their way back over to the chairs. The children began talking.

Soon Igneel and Metalicana made their way up the stairs. "Has she given birth yet?" Igneel asked. Lucy's mother shook her head. "The doctors said it should be soon." She replied. 

Both men sighed. They didn't want to miss their friend's giving birth. They thought of her as a little sister. 

When the parents were younger, they used to be very good friends. But, something happened as everything fell apart. Ingeel, Grandeeny, Metalican, Weisslogia, Skiadrum, Celist, and Aki all stayed very close.

Aki and Celist didn't have children. They were unable to have them. There was something wrong with their bodies, that won't allow it. So they thought of all the kids as their own, and yet more like an aunt. 

Then soon after they heard foot steps up the stairs. Weisslogia and Skiadrum appeared at the top of the stairs, with their wives. Both young women's tummies were big and round. They planned to give birth in a month.

"How is she?" Lukana asked, as she woddled her way down the hall to the doors. Layla got up to greet her friend. "She's doing just fine. They say she should give birth anytime now." Jude replied.

Layla helped Lukana down into the chair, and then she helped Sara into her's. "How are the babies?!" Lucy asked as she poked Lukana's tummy. "He's doing just fine. They say he should becoming out in a month." She chirped.

Lucy's eyes widen with glee. "Yeah!!" She squealed. "Oh how's Mir? Any day now?" Sara asked Layla, as she took a seat in what was Lucy's. "Yes, she says that the baby is kicking a lot and should be any day now." She replied.

The women's eyes showed happiness for their friend. "Mommy, what about Hisui's Mommy?" Zeref asked. 

Layla looked down at her son. "Well, Luna said she is very close to having her child as well. When she does we'll go visit." Layla replied. The kids eyes shown with glee. They were having five new friends. 

"Hope she does well, I mean I'm really happy for her." Igneel said, as more screaming came form the birthing room. 

Soon, after the screaming stopped, and a nurse came out. "She made it, the baby is very healthy and well. My Lady is resting now. You may come back later." She said and bowed. 

The children looked down disappointed to not see their new friend and sister. 

"Awww!!" Lucy wined. She wanted to see the baby right after it was born. "It's okay my dear, we'll see them tomorrow. Grandine's been through a lot in one day. Why not make her some sweets?" Layla asked.

"Yeah!!" They yelled, as they ran down the stairs, and to the castle to make sweets. They parents stood at the door of Grandine's room. "I'm so happy for her. " Sara said as she rubbed her round stomach.

The men smiled. They were happy too. 

"Kids! Calm down!! She's sleeping!!" Sara whispered yelled to Laxus, Zeref, Natsu, Gajeel, and Lucy. They were on their way to see little Wendy. The children were so happy. They couldn't wait to have fun with the little child.

"They'll never grow up." Layla said as she walked with her dear friends, to her dearest friend Grandine. Aki and Celist were there with them. They wanted to see their friend's child too. "Mommy!! Hurry up!!" Lucy called as she slowly opened the door to relieve Grandine holding a little bundle. 

"Shhh" She said indicating the baby was sleeping. The children tip toed  their way to the bed. "Would like to see her?" Grandine whispered. They kids nodded their heads. She leaned down to show them a little girl with a tuff if dark blue hair. 

She had bright rosy cheeks, small little lips, and a cute chubby body. "She's pretty!!" Lucy whispered yelled, as she pared over the tiny child. Grandine smiled at the young child. Natsu and Gajeel leaned over to see the baby too.

"Tiny."Was the first think Gajeel said when he got to see the little one. "It's fat." Natsu said as he poked the babies plump cheeks. Lucy hit him on the head. "You don't say those kinds of things Natsu!" Lucy whispered yelled. 

Natsu rubbed his head, "Okay sorry." He said. Grandine laughed. "When can she play with us?" Lucy asked taking hold of the one of the child's plump tiny hands. "In a year or so, don't worry." Grandine said.

Lucy, Gajeel, Natsu, Laxus, and Rogue all smiled. "What's tiny's name?" Gajeel asked. Grandine looked at him very confused, "Tiny?" She asked. "That my nickname for this little one." Gajeel replied pointing to the little child. 

"Oh, well her name is Wendy Marvall." Grandine said, smiling. The kids smiled as they took in the child's new name. "I think she's very beautiful Grandine." Layla said looking down at the child. "Thank you Layla." She replied.

The men were in the back, they were going to wait till all of the kids had left. Aki, Lukana, Sara, and celist looked down on the child. "Oh Grandine, she's the most prettiest child I've ever seen." Lukana said stoking the Wendy's cheeks. 

"Thank you Lukana, and soon you'll have one of your own." Grandine said pointing to the large bump, Lukana had. "Thank you. Any day now they say." She replied. 

"I hope you don't mind I'm feeling very tired, I think I 'll rest. Aki could you take Wendy to her cradle?" Grandine asked, Aki nodded and took Wendy, and placed her down in the blue and white cradle, with gold stars. 

Grandine, layed down on her pillow feeling her eyes grow heavy. "Thank you, now I think I'll take a little nap." She said.

"Okay, come along children." Celist said pushing the children out the door, flowed by all the parents. "Sleep well." The men said together, as the door closed. Grandine's eyes closed as she lay in the dark dreaming of the future.

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