
By _iiiinfinity_

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Year 2035, the year the world became fully corrupted, violence was everywhere. A war was what started it all... More

Full Summary
Table of Contents
Prologue- The Beginning
Chapter 1- The present
Chapter 2- The Kingdom

Chapter 3- The Outing

66 17 25
By _iiiinfinity_

*I changed Lucifers name to Damien by the way, for my current readers*


Third Person Point of View

Light streamed in the room, making everything seem brighter, lighter and happier. The birds chirped outside the window while the laughter of the children playing is being carried by the wind. Havana stirs in her sleep, moving to stretch in her bed. As soon as she stretched, she instantly recoiled and regretted the decision. Havana feels pain and aches all over because of last nights events. Havana moves her legs to hang over the bed, leaves rustling can be heard.

Havana looks down in disgust, her dress is torn and bloodied, all of her body is bloodied along with splotches of dirt. Havana feels shame in that she ruined the dress, she was quite fond of it. Havana sighs and moves to bathe, at least Damien is nice enough to have brought us back to where we were staying instead of just leaving us stranded in an unknown place.

Havana strips herself from the dress, she picks out the leaves and folds the dress. She places it on the creme colored sink top, in hopes that she could still save the bloodied dress. She enters the shower, scorching hot water pours down on her body. Havana ignores the burning sensation from the water, that's her punishment. Havana punishes herself, she feels disgust, hatred and guilt for herself. She despises the indescribable things she has done, the people she has killed. A lot can happen in a few years, and through all that time she has spent with that monster inside of her, her self-hatred grows.

Havana grabs the nearest shampoo bottle and winces in pain at the movement made. She had scrubbed her body to where it's all red, and bleeding. She scrubbed her body as if it was going to get rid of the sins she has committed. She starts to massage her scalp with her bloodied fingers when all of a sudden she feels the heart drenching familiar pain. Hot tears start to wet her cheeks, Havana let's out a heart breaking cry as waves of pain hit her. It was happening again, she was loosing another part of her humanity, and Damien was oh so eagerly eating away that part of humanity inside of her.   Havana claws at her chest, to her heart to attempt to stop the pain but her attempts fail. She slowly slips to the bottom of the shower, letting out cries for help.

Her blood starts to surround her, Havana looks down at her bloodied mess and her cries come short. She knows no one will come, and she's okay with that. She lays there, letting the water hit her body, faces of the people she has killed flash through her mind. Taunting her, teasing her, slowly her heavy eyelids start to drop. Sleep, darkness comes to embrace her in his evil arms. Before it embraces her, Havana let's out a barley audible slow cry. "Help me." With that her head rolls to the side as her eyelids close and the darkness takes her.


Three days later...

Silence. Nothing could be heard, not the laughter of the kids, not even the birds that were chirping could be heard. Havana laid there with her eyes still closed. She was using her keen senses to check her surroundings, to check if it was safe. She didn't hear a single heartbeat in the room. Her eyelids fluttered open, a wet cloth was laid out on her forehead and a bowl half-full of water next to her. She sat up on the bed and took the cloth of. What the crap? She thought. She didn't remember getting in bed or putting a wet cloth on her forehead.

Loud hurried footsteps could be heard in the corridor outside of Havana's room. Havana leaped to her feet and took the hidden glass shard from its hiding place and placed her self where she would be behind the door once the door opened. Havana stood there ready to strike at the intruder, but what she didn't expect was the force used to open the door. "Oh, I really do hope she likes this soup." A voice said right after the door was slammed open. "Ow, fudging bush trees!" Havana said out loud as the door slammed into her.

The intruder instantly froze in her spot, the tray she was holding dropped to the ground spilling the food she had on it. Havana rubbed her nose and stepped out to see the intruder was Sierra. Sierra screamed and ran out the door. "What the fudge? Is it my appearance?!" Havana said, she huffed and thought what the crap is wrong with her. Havana closed the door and stepped over the spilled food. She then stopped and sniffed. "Oh my devil, that smells so good." Havana muttered, sighing in disappointment of the wasted food.

Havana then shuffled over to the mirror and she nearly screamed herself. She kept on blinking and rubbing her eyes but it was no use. Her eyes weren't turning back to their original color, they're the vile dark gold color right now. No wonder Sierra screamed and ran when she saw me. Havana sighed and sat down on the bed, great now I have to do extra work and make Sierra believe what she saw was just her imagination. Havana focused hard on an image of Sierra in her head and listened to Sierras heartbeat. It wasn't that hard to find, Havana then willed Sierra to come to her. In the meantime Havana erased what happened a few minutes ago and manipulated Sierras brain to think it was a dream.

Havana didn't like going into people's head and manipulating their memories. For one, she respected their privacy and memories are something to be treasured. Sometimes in order to manipulate them she has to replace a memory or their memory back to a day. It also takes lots of energy to do, and some people are really hard to manipulate.

Havana then put on some fake brown contacts that where in her cloak, quickly cleaned the mess, and laid back down on the bed. Sierra came in still under the control of Havana, and sat down on the stool next to the bed. Havana gave her the wet cloth and she closed her eyes. With a final snap of Havana's fingers, Havana was out of Sierras head. While Sierra continued as if nothing happened and continued to put the wet cloth on Havana, happily humming a tune. Havana mentally rolled her eyes and put on her acting skills. She fluttered her eyelids open and turned to look at Sierra.

"Oh, you're awake!" Sierra said. Sierra then got up and ran out the room. Really? This again? What is it again? Havana thought annoyed, she hastily sat up and went into the bathroom. She ignored the flashes of memories and quickly showered. She stepped out and wrapped a fluffy towel around her. She brushed off the fact that she didn't have any clothes to change into and brushed her teeth. After she was done and was about to open the door, she heard two hearts beating in the room. Great people are here.

She stepped out and pretended she was surprise. "When did y'all get here?" She questioned, tilting her head a bit to the side. "Sierra, leave us." King Frañcis deep voice said, signaling Sierra towards the door. Sierra bowed and hurried out the door, her foot steps echoing and until they couldn't be heard by King Frañcis thus when he began to speak.

"Sit, I have some questions to ask you." They both ignored the fact that Havana is wearing nothing but a towel, and she without a care went to sit at the edge of the bed. They sat quietly there analyzing each other's features for a while. She's beautiful, she might come to some use for me. King Frañcis thought, his eyes practically undressing her. He's just like the other guys, look at him. Eyeing me as if I'm his to eye, his perverted self. My perfect type to manipulate. This is going to be easy. Havana thought, mentally Damien chuckle evilly at Havana's thoughts. Damien loved it when Havana thinks like he thinks, it means he is getting more control over her.

"What happened?" Finally King Frañcis spoke, breaking the silence that had long settled between them. "What do you mean?" Havana said with innocence, and naiveness. "I'm talking about what happened that made you be out for three days." King Frañcis said gruffly, and shocked at how innocent she sounded. He thought that she, with looks like that would be well aware of how much control she could have over men like him. She must be one of the naive, unaware of their beauty type of girls. Perfect for a good lay for me. King Frañcis was one to judge quickly and comes to conclusion rather quickly too. A trait that can be more of a foe over a friend when it comes to Havana.

"Oh, well I don't really know. I guess I was just exhausted, and very hungry since I didn't eat at dinner. I went into the shower to get rid of the nauseating, dizzy feeling I was getting. I stepped in the shower but I ended up slipping and hit my head on the wall." Havana lied without a single trace of hesitation.

King Frañcis nodded, he believed her lie. "Why didn't you eat?" He questioned, not remembering what happened the day she came to dinner. Havana was shocked upon hearing what he asked, did he seriously not remember his perverted soldiers?

Havana composed herself and spoke. "I wasn't comfortable with one of your soldiers, he was bothering me to say the least." Hoping he'll get the hint at what she was hinting at.

"Ah, I see." King Frañcis replied with, nodding his head along although he clearly did not know what she meant. He still could not remember what his solider did to her.

Silence fell upon them again as Havana looked outside the window. It's quite beautiful out there today, no annoying laughter and chirping like last. Come to think of it Havana realized that she didn't really mind the laughter or chirping right now. Then a sickening thought came into mind that made it hard to hide the horror she felt. Damien must be satisfied, and full. He probably went out on a killing spree.

"I was out for three days, am I correct?" Havana had turned her head so fast to King Frañcis that she was surprised she didn't get whiplash. "Yes now if you can excuse me I have other matters to take care off, but we will continue this talk. We have more important matters to discuss." King Frañcis got up and stopped in his tracks, he noticed Havana's lingering look out the window.

"Get dressed and have Sierra lead you to our gardens, I feel like that's a good place to have our little talk, don't you think?" King Frañcis suggested and with that he left without waiting for a response from her. He started to head to his office where on his way he saw Sierra. "Head to Havana's chambers dress her, and lead her to the gardens. Take two guards with her, we must keep a close eye on her. If you see Zachary, tell him his áss better be in my office before I'm in there." Once again he left without hearing her response, he could care less about his servants. He's surprised he still remembered Sierras name.

"Hello miss, I'm here to dress you." Sierra said once she got to Havana's chambers, she did not see Zachary on her way there. Havana turned her head towards Sierra and let out a small smile. "Tis alright, I can dress myself." Havana left no room to argue, she's quite surprised she isn't in a dungeon or something. "Yes alright, but I will still help you." Sierra headed towards a door in the room and guessed Havana's size.

"Sierra, can I ask you something?" Havana wanted to confirm if they're were any recent killings. "Go ahead Ma'am." Sierra said as she searched through the closet. "While I was out, have there been any recent killings?"

"Well, I don't know. I don't get out much and the other servants don't really like me." Sierra said nonchalantly, she didn't pay much attention as to why Havana was asking a question like that.

"Here, I think this will fit you nicely." Sierra said, she thought it was perfect for a nice garden walk and would look gorgeous on Havana. It was a floor-length, light pink color, almost like a soft champagne pink. It had a deep v-line cut with several flowers coving the top of the dress. Sierra sewed the dress around Havana's dress tighter to make her waist stand out some more and the bottom of the dress vines of flowers decorated it. It was perfect for the walk in the garden.

Havana viewed her self in the mirror and admired the dress. "Doesn't it look like a bridal dress?" Havana questioned, for her she thought it was a bit too much for just a walk in the garden.

"Nonsense, why waste a perfectly beautiful dress. No one here is getting married anytime soon anymore, and who says its just to get married in? Shoot, if I had a wedding dress as they call it I would wear whenever and for whatever occasion I want. It looks beautiful on you so now go. Two guards are going with you, for um protection." Sierra rambled on with, so what if it looks a bit like a wedding dress to some people, who cares?

Havana noticed Sierras hesitation at the end but decided to brush it off. Havana's hair was kept down and she put on her cloak, she ignored Sierras protests as too wearing it and walked out. Outside her room she found two rude guards who just walked her out to the gardens without a word. Havana however did not mind the silence, she was observing and memorizing all that she say. She even noticed some things that could reveal secret passages. I'll have to check those out later on tonight.

As Havana went outside to the garden, she was quite surprised how familiar it looked. As if she has already been there, Havana then snarled in disgust. Damien probably visited the gardens. Although she wasn't surprised, in the gardens there was a maze, a beautiful rose maze. It was truly a beauty to see, the view was amazing. Bright colors where everywhere, it was decorated beautifully, many different flowers adorned the garden. Havana felt happiness, true happiness to be in the gardens.

However, her happiness died down a bit when she saw King Frañcis coming towards them. "You look beautiful, come." Frañcis said and lead her into the maze. He signaled the guards to stand in the front of the maze. They walked in silence for a while, going deeper into the maze before King Frañcis stopped and sat at a cement bench. The bench was under a old willow tree that's been there for centuries, near a waterfall could be heard. In front of the bench there was a small pond, where many fishes and lily pads decorated it. Everything was so peaceful and perfect, that was until King Frañcis opening his mouth ruining the moment for Havana.

"Can I ask you something?"

Oh, how tempted Havana wanted to kill him right there and then. Couldn't he see how much she was enjoying the quietness. She had to resist the strong sensation to start strangling him, and the strong sensation to say no. She settled with imaging her strangling him, she resisted from laughing and turned to him. She breathed in deeply and got ready to respond to him.


Oh, how I love cliff hangers, don't you? Picture of Havana's dress down below. Enjoy! Comment, vote, and share. Loves to all!

Edited: -

Total without authors notes: 8,909/70,000
Total word count: 9,184/70,000

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