
By Clueless_as_ever

1.1K 75 21

"No that's not how you play the game!" I yelled at Danny. I watched as he scampered away to go hide. The blu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5


749 23 6
By Clueless_as_ever


"You meet one person, and your whole life changes."

Going to stay with my aunt was not an option for me. I mean there was a choice, but the other was a choice that I didn't want to make. It was either I went to stay with family or I went into foster care. I know what foster care is like, and that was something that I didn't want to relive so I chose family.

I currently was sat in the back of a black truck on my way to Aunt Krissy's house. It had been years since I seen her. The last time I had seen her I was five or six, and at the time that was when my mother was clean. Now she's dead.

I watched the last of the blurred trees and city homes past by before we stopped at a decent town home. Kids lounged outside, either on their porch, or trying to steal a ball from another kid. My eyes traveled back to the buildings. A drowsy green roof sat atop each town home. One window put into each white bricked up wall sat right next to the front door, and on the other side of the door sat a tiny doorbell.

Maybe they were trying to make it more civilized?

It wouldn't matter anyway. They could try as hard as they want, but until they fixed up the cracked sidewalks, and the barely there grass, this place would forever be far from civilized. But I mean hey, I can't really complain now can I? I've had far worse.

"Alright, not to worry." I looked over at Lissa. She's my social worker in all of this.

"I've already done my research about this place," she assured me, " and it is relatively quiet. The buildings are just old." I watched as she tucked a blond curl, that had escaped the ponytail holder, behind her ear. She turned to look at me and I silently nodded my head, I didn't really care though. It was better than the last place I had stayed at.

"Okay, good. Now lets go meet your aunt," she said before taking hold of the handle on her door.

"I've already met her." I mumbled.

"Right." she nodded her head, before stepping out. I followed, stepping out onto the cracked pavement. I watched a few heads turn when we stepped out the car. I could feel their eyes roam my body, assessing me, trying to figure out who I was. I kept walking though, following Lissa up the few steps that led up to the door. She knocked twice before the door opened revealing a boy that looked to be around the age of 17. The same age as me.

"Alyssa!" A smile lit up his face, revealing a set of straight white teeth. I stared at him for a while, trying to figure out who he was. A tiny light bulb lit up in my head.

"Daniel?" I asked a bit uneasy.

With in seconds his arms were wrapped around my thin body. I smiled into his shoulder while returning the hug.

"Daniel," I could feel some of the tension in my shoulders, that I hadn't even realized I had, leave my body. I felt a deep rumble vibrate through his body, before he pulled away.

"For a second there, I thought you didn't remember me." I took in his appearance. Broad shoulders sat atop his body, a thin shirt hugged his torso, letting the female species know that he worked out. Loose fitted jean hung loosely at his hips, and a pair of muscled arms poked out the sides of his shirt.

My eyes returned back to his face. Grassy green eyes sat at the top of his face, and a straight lightly freckled nose led down to his cupid bow lips. Slightly bushy eyebrows sat on top of his forehead. A mound of chocolate curls sat atop his head, almost like a canopy. I can say that that would be about the only thing that still looked the same about him. He had grown up so much over the years.

"For a second there, I didn't," I let out a soft chuckle.

"I know I've gotten so handsome over the years." He smirked down at me. He had also gotten taller.

"Whatever," I said with an eye roll.

"You've got freckles now." I smiled up at him.

"Angle kisses!" he corrected while rubbing his nose.

"I'd hate to break up the family reunion, but I really do have to speak with Krissy." Lisa interrupted.

"Oh right mum's in the kitchen cooking," he said while throwing a thumb over his shoulder. I followed him into the apartment, and instantly was hit with the smell of apple pie. I smiled, I love apple pie. A plush lavender couch sat in the middle of the living with scarlet red pillows sat on each side of the couch.Two matching chairs sat on either side of the couch. A glass table was sat in front of the couch, and in front of that sat a big flat screen. It looked like a... home.

"We remembered it was your favorite." Daniel spoke breaking my train of thought.


He flashed a smile before responding with, "The pie."

"Oh yeah, right." I nodded my head

He quickly turned around before yelling, "Maaaa!"

An annoyed "What!" responded before Krissy came through a door frame on the left side of the living room, which I'm assuming to be the kitchen.

"Ally's here." I smiled at the childhood nickname he had given me. I remember when we use to argue over what my name was, and the day he gave it to me. I still remember the last day I had ever been called that.

"No that's not how you play the game!" I yelled at Danny. I watched as he scampered away to go hide. The blue shirt blurring as he ran into the forest. I followed him trying to get him to stop.

"Come back! You have to tag me first, you idiot!" I yelled in outrage.

"Fine, Ally. Your it!" I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and watched him run deeper into the woods.

"That's not my name!" I yelled while chasing after him.

"Alyssa!" I heard my mother's voice call. I ignored her and kept running after Danny. Pretty soon her voice was just a faint whisper in the woods. I hadn't realized how far I had run until I couldn't find my way back. Large thriving trees stood everywhere around me. My trail had been erased by the soft wind that traveled through the forest floor. I could feel the soft breeze kiss my ankles as stood trying to figure out which way I had come in.

That's when I seen it.

A tall figure stood under the broad leafy shadows that the trees provided, but as soon as I seen it, it was gone within a second. I could feel myself began to tremble, and like a feather brushing my neck, I felt the breath of my name tickle my neck.


I screamed.

It was the same figure I had seen last before my mother died.


"So you've gotten older over the years." Danny teases.

"Whatever, you're older than me." I scoff. I follow him up the carpeted steps, my hands traveling up the wooden banister as I move.

"By a month!" he replies. Family pictures were set up on the walls, following the slope of the steps. As we passed I look at one of the pictures that showed Dannie perched on the lap of his Dad. He wore a button down sky blue shirt that was tucked into his navy blue shorts, and over his shirt he wore a navy blue blazer. He also had the cutest little bow tie wrapped around his tiny neck. He was meant to be matching his father. They wanted the picture to say like father like son.

He looked a lot like his father too. Both of them had the untamed chocolate curls that sat at the top of their heads, and they both had those vibrant green eyes. God, those green eyes. They were beautiful. I had once wished I had green eyes like them. Instead I had inherited the dull gray eyes that my mother had. Daniel looked even more like his father now with his chiseled jaw line. He was three in that picture, and his Dad was just in the early stages of Cancer. His cancer had escalated quickly, and he had died just a little after Danny's 5th birthday.

"You never came to the funeral." Danny stood at the top of the stairs watching me look at the picture.

"Well cousin Danny," I sighed, "I never really had the choice, now did I?" I climbed the rest of the steps, and he gave me a sad look before continuing down the hall.

"This is the room your sleeping in," He stopped in front of an empty room. There was nothing in there but an empty bed with no sheets yet, and an empty dresser that sat to the left of it.

"We didn't want to paint it or anything," He explained, " which is why there's nothing in there. We're taking you out today to go buy some stuff for your room." I nodded my head before taking a step into the room. It was small, but big enough for just me. The room had a faint smell of vanilla. Something that reminded me of hugging Aunt Krissy when I was little. A faint smile crossed my lips as I thought about the hugs she use to give me.

"It's nice." I smiled, while looking over at Danny.

"Great," he said while slapping his hands together, "The bathroom is right across the hall, and my room is at the end of this hallway." he pointed in the directions of each as he spoke.

"Well now that that's settled," a sly smile began to form on his face, "Let's go!" he said before turning and making a mad dash out the door.

"Wait!" I yelled while following him.

"Where are we going?" I asked while following him. He ran down the dimly lit hallway, bumping into walls while trying to keep his balance. A laugh bubbled up out of him as he banged into the wall trying not to trip over his own two feet.

"Hey!" Krissy's voice echoed through the house. He was always clumsy. It felt just like old times when I would have to chase after him. I laughed when he turned around and stuck his tongue out at me. Once we were down the steps, and back into the spacious living room, Danny stopped and let me catch up to him.

"You always were a slow runner." he teased.

"And you always were so clumsy." I huffed.

Krissy stepped out of the kitchen at that moment with Lissa hot on her heels. Krissy's chestnut hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail. Some of the strands, the ones that were to short to be pulled back, sat in front of her oval shaped face. She huffed in annoyance before pulling them out of her face, but they only fell back down into her face again. A big smile lit up her face when she looked at me, before traveling over to Danny where it soon turned into a stern look. I let out a low chuckle, and Danny gave me a playful shove before turning back to look at his mom.

"What was that noise?" she asked while looking at Danny.

"Ally ran into the wall," Danny replied.

With my eyebrows knit together I turned and yelled at Danny, " I did not!" He kept a straight face as he looked at his mother.

"That was Danny!" I turned to see a look of amusement on both Krissy's and Lissa's face.

"Well whatever it was," Lissa started, " Can you two just keep it mellow until I finish talking to your Aunt about this situation?" she asked while only looking at me.

"But it wasn't -"

"No problem." Danny cut me off. "Hey mom, I'm gonna go take Ally to get some stuff for her room, and take her to meet some of my friends."

"Wait, but I'm not dressed to go meet people," I protested. " I look like a bum."

"You look fine, Ally," Krissy addressed me.

"Calm down, Ally. My friends are chill, " he started, " They don't care about what you're wearing, and there's nothing wrong with what you're wearing." I looked down at the dingy white tank top I wore along with the shredded skinny jeans. Inky ringlets of hair cascaded down my back almost touching my waist. It had been a while since I had gotten my hair cut, and right now it could use a trim. The faded black of my converse let everyone know that I had been wearing these for a while. I'd say that I looked like a bum.

"Just be back by nine." Krissy instructed. " I made dinner tonight and the food will not be going to waste," she said firmly.

Ten minutes later we were in the parking lot of the city's mall looking for a parking space. Teens were littered everywhere outside of the entrance and some crowded around different cars. Others, like Danny and I, were looking for a parking space. This place seem pretty crowded probably because it's a Friday, but even then it seemed too crowded.

"Why are there so many people here?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you that today their having this massive sale on some one time shoes." he responded.

"What's so special about them?" I asked.

"I don't know or really care much. I just know that they're limited." he said while pulling into a parking space.

"Why'd you park so far back?" I whined.

"Do you see any closer parking spaces?" he asked while unbuckling the seat belt. I just huffed in response.

"Exactly, now get out." he said while opening his car door. As I stepped out of the car I couldn't help noticed how packed it was. I could barely open the car door. There were vehicles parked everywhere including in the handicaps. I looked around a bit more until my eyes stopped on a pair of guys who were stood out beside a car. One waved furiously in my direction with a huge smile on his face.

"Ummm, Danny, " I called.

"Yeah?" he pressed a button on his car key and the car gave a loud beep, letting us know that it was locked.

"I think that guy is waving at you." I pointed in the direction of the waving boy.

"Don't point," he snatched my hand out of the air, "That's rude!" He looked in the direction of the waving boy, before he let out a low chuckle. " I swear that boy is an idiot, come on." Danny said while grabbing a hold of my wrist.

"Jonathan, you idiot, " We walked across the parking lot to the group of teens.

"What did I do now?" he replied while holding his hands up in surrender. His muddy hair danced with the wind as he stood there with an innocent look on his face. He had an healthy milky complexion, and this goofy look that seem to just rest on his face. I smiled at his innocent look.

"Well it's obvious you're scaring the girl." a low melodic voice sounded. I turned my head to the source. A scowl was present on his face. His face had a clean cut look. Giving off the impression that he had just shaved and did not miss one hair. In his slightly slanted shaped eyes sat a pair of cold blue irises. His nose had a perfect curve to. Making it point up a bit before it dipped down and went into his full pink lips. The wind stirred a bit harder, blowing some of the chocolate waves that sat atop his head into his eyes. This boy was absolutely beautiful.

"He didn't scare me." the words slipped out of my mouth without my control.

"Whatever, lets just go inside." I took in the rest of his body as he walked past me. He wore a loose shirt that fell perfectly on to his toned body, and a pair of low fitted black jeans. He wore a pair of navy vans on his feet. He had really big feet, but you know what that say about a man that has big feet.

"Are you coming, Alyssa?" Danny asked. I looked up to see that the others had started walking while I stayed behind checking out...

Wow, I don't even know his name.


So I know I still have other stories on here that I have not updated, but I can't really think of what to do next for those. I didn't really have a plot line for those when I started it. I just started writing those. I dreamed about this one and so I felt I needed to write it down. I have a plot line for this one and plan to probably make it a series. I just hope you guys give this one a chance.

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