A Lot Of Anime Characters x R...

By animes0702

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Hello there! I realized that there are too many good german fanfictions in the internet so i decided to try m... More

Your not alone anymore! Gouenji Shuuya x Reader
Fubuki Shirou x Reader

Sesshomaru x Reader

415 10 0
By animes0702

This is another story i found on www.testedich.de soooo I tried my best to translate it into english. I apologize for bad spelling or wrong grammar.

About the you in the story:

You're a youkai. You're 350 years old (at the beginning 18 years) On your forehead is a fire red star. You fight with a katana and your transformation. You've grew up in a big castle with your parents. Inu no Taishou is an old friend of your father.




"Where are you going, (F/N)"

Your mother asked you.

"I want to walk outside of the castle"

You wanted to go to the human village. But you can't go to near to it because the humans were afraid of you even though you would never hurt them. Actually you and your parents would take care of demons that wanted to hurt the people of the village. But they didn't know this.

"Just don't be gone for to long. You know that somebody will visit us soon!"

Your father said who now stood right next to your mother.

"Yes... Yes, I know"

You said and fast left the castle befor your parents could change their opinion. You sat on a tree and looked at children that were playing on a field near to the forest. They sure were sweet and so carefree. They were the reason why you loved to go to the village. If I needn't go back home I would sit here and watch them all day long (doesn't sound strange at all...) You sighed. You didn't even knew who would visit you but you still needed to be there. You arrived at the castle.

"Your back! Now go and change your clothes and then come to me and your father"

Your mother said as she spotted you. After you changed your clothes you came into the big hall where your parents were waiting for you.

"(F/N) you remember Inu no Taisho, his wife and their son, right?"

My fatheer asked. I nodded and smiled at Inu no Taishou and his wife. But you gave Sesshomaru just a cold stare. You hated him and that was based on reciprocity.

"Since everyone is here we can make our announcement"

Your father started

"Inu no Taisho and me are now friends since like forever so we decided to solidify our friendship"

You gave your father a confused look. What did he meant by that?

"We tought about this one for a long time now"

Inu no Taisho was the one who spoke now

"We decided that the best way to do that is through a wedding. That's why our chilfren will marry in 3 days."


You screamed

"There's no way that I'm going to marry in the near future!"

"(F/N) please calm down!"

Your mother said. But you didn't wanted to calm down.

"But everything is already arranged"

Said Inu no Kami

"Why should I marry a girl that likes humans?"

Sesshomaru asked

"That's just ridiculous!"

With those words he turned around and left the room. You also turned around and left the hall to go to your room. You still couldn't believe that your parents wanted you to marry that idiot Sesshomaru. And they even knew that you hated him!

"(F/N)! It's for the best and you know that!"

Your mother said

"Sesshomaru might be cold and harsh but he has a high sozial position and our families were friends since centuries!"

Your father added


You screamed. Normally you're very calm but after hearing something like that you couldn't be as calm as always.

"That's enough!"

The loud voice of your father let you wince. He never talked to you in such a harsh tone.

"You're going to marry Sesshomaru in 3 days and you can't change that fact!"

In the evening you were laying in your bed and starred at the ceiling and thought about a way to escape this stupid wedding.

'There's only one way to escape being the wife of that idiot....... I need to run away..... I don't want to leave the castle..... Mother and father were always nice but I don't want to marry the Human-Hating-Idiot Sesshomaru'

In the middle of the night you started to look for the things you really wanted to take with you. Then you grabbed your katana and left the castle as quiet as possible.

You're traveling for a century now. You avoid battles. You and Sesshomaru once crossed pathes. You starred at eachother for a moment and then you turned around and fled. One day you heard someone saying the Inu no Taisho died. You were shocked and wanted to know what happend. An old woman told you:

"The great Youkai Inu no Taisho has fallen in love with an human princess. They got a son together. But Inu no Taisho died while fighting a powerful demon. But I heard that the princess and the little boy are safe. I think the name of the halfdemon was Inuyasha....... But why do you want to know all of that?"

"I'm just curious..."

You said, thanked the woman and walked into the forest. The story confused you.

'So Inu no Taisho has fallen in love with an human and has a child with her.... But what is with Inu no Kami and Sesshomaru? I think I know how Sesshomaru reacted to it. But I don't care about him he's an idiot he deserves something like that!'

You decided that you wanted to go to the village where the princess and the little halfdemon lived. After some time you found the village where they lived. It was pretty easy to know which one Inu no Taishos lover was after all was she the only one which child had two dog ears.

'He's cute!'

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

You turned around and saw a man

"Are you talking to me?"

"A demon!"

The man behind you screamed and ran away. Even though he was now pretty far away you could still hear him screaming


You couldn't stop yourself from grining. It was so easy to scare humans! You walked away because you didn't wanted to scare even more humans.


It has been over 3 centuries since you left your parents. You saw Inuyasha during those years but you never showed yourself to him. You once saw him with a miko whose name was Kikyo. Since you saw the two of them pretty often together you thought that they were in love with eachother. But when you heard that Kikyo nailed him on a tree and put him to sleep you discarded that thought. You also heard the Sesshomaru was fighting against the Pantherdemons. For a moment you cought yourself thinking about helping him but you decided that it wouldn't be necessary after all he is the so powerful Sesshomaru and you still hated him. Fifty years later you heard the Inuyasha was woken up through a girl named Kagome and that strange jewel (A/N sorry i forgot the name of it i'm so sorry....T.T). You were never intersted in the jewel so you didn't cared that much about it. Meanwhile you also found a companion. She is a horselike demon. Her name is (C/N). Her fur is as white as the snow while her mane and her tail are in a bright yellow. Her eyes are bright blue.

"(F/N) should we rest here?"

(C/N) asked

"Sure why not?"

You answered. Suddenly you smelled something that you hadn't smell in quite a while. You ran to where the smell came from and yes, between the trees you saw Inuyasha with a strange dressed girl, a demonhunter, a demoncat, a monk and a foxdemonchild.

"Can you smell Naraku, Inuyasha?"

The monk asked


Inuyasha replied and grabed his sword. You realized that it was Tessaiga(?)

"But I smell something else"

He jumped towards your hideout and attacked you with his sword so you needed to dodge his attack.

"Hey watch out what your attacking with Tessaiga(?)!"

You said. The whole groupe looked at you with a confused look

"Who are you and why do you know Tessaiga(?)?"

Inuyasha asked

"My name is (F/N) and I know Tessaiga(?) from before you owned it, I mean when your father owned it"

You answered. The girl with the strange clothes stood now next to Inuyasha

"You knew Inuyashas father?"

She asked.

"Yes my father was an old friend of him"

"I see..... my name is Kagome!"

The girl said

"My name is Sango and that is Kirara my Demoncat"

The demonhunter now said. The little foxdemon climbed up on Inuyashas shoulder and introduce himself

"My name is Shippo!"

Now the monk stepped to you

"My name is Miroku. Would you like to bare my children?"

He said while taking your hands

"NO! Are you okay?"

"Don't mind it. He's always doing that"

Inuyasha said. You heard Sango growl.

"You're a Dogdemon,right?"

She asked


In that moment (C/N) came. She was looking for you.

"Who is that?"

Inuyasha said, ready to attack her at anytime

"Don't worry she's my friend. Her name is (C/N)"

You said. Suddenly a ball made out of light flew towards you, stopped, disappeard and left a Sesshomaru behind that was coldly looking at you

"Sesshomaru! What are you doing here?"

A clearly enraged Inuyasha said. But Sesshomaru just ignored him and walked towards me

"I never tought that I would meet you together with them, (F/N). It's been a while since we last met, right?"

"I think it would have been better if I would have never met you again!"

You hissed

"(F/N) you know Sesshomaru?"

"Unfortunately, yes. But I'll tell you later!"

Now Inuyasha had enough of being ignored so he attacked Sesshomaru. They fought for 20 minutes and then Sesshomaru disappeared.

"What's going on between Sesshomaru and you, (F/N)?"

Shippo asked. You sighed and told them the whole story. After that they were quiet for about 5 minutes.

"Have you visited your parents after that?"

Kagome suddenly asked.

"No, I think I was too angry. But maybe I'll go and visit them tomorrow....."

The next morning you're on your way to your familys castle. When you arrived at the castle you suddenly became nervous.

"Is that really you (F/N)?"

"Yes, mother it's really me!"

You said and hugged your mother. You were reliefed that she hugged you back.

"What's going on?"

You heard your father voice


He said obviously surprised. suddenly he became really angry.

"What the heck are you thinking?!"

He said and slapped you

"Do you have any idea how worried we were?"

"I'm sorry, I think I've done that without thinking twice about it....."

You said abashed

"Darling calm down! She said that she's sorry!"

Your mother said while trying to protect you. You spended some days at the castle. Your parents wanted to know what you've done in the past centuries.

"Do you really want to go, (F/N)?"

Your mother asked after a week

"Yes there's someone that I need to thank"

"But come and visit us again!"

Your father said


I left the castle. (C/N) waited for me.

"And how was it?"

"Great! I think I'm not angry anymore! I need to thank Kagome. Thanks to her i got to talk to my parents again"

I took some days to find Kagome and the others. When you found them they were fighting against a woman with black hair whose weapon was apparently a fan. Normally you don't interupt the fights of others but you decided to make an exception.

"Come (C/N). Let's help them!"

You grabbed your katana and safed Shippo from some demons


"Don't interfere our fight!"

The black haired woman said and attacked you. You dodged her attacks with ease.

"Kagura, what are you doing?"

A voice said and suddenly a man with red eyes and long black hair

"Looks like you found a new companion, Inuyasha. And she's beautiful!"

He said in a disgusting tone

"I hate people like you!"

You said. (C/N) attacked him with a thunderbolt from her mane. Inuyasha also attacked him with Tessaiga(?) and Kagome shot an arrow at him. The man then escaped.

"Who the heck was that and what did he wanted from you?"

You asked.

"His name is Naraku. He is the nastiest demon that exists"

Inuyasha explains. They also told you about the other things he already had done.

"Anyways why did you came back, (F/N)?"

Kagome wanted to know

"I wanted to thank you. Because of you I got to talk to my parents again"

"No need to thank me!"

"I need to thank you after all you safed me from those demons!"

Shippo now said. (C/N) appeared behind you

"We should go, (F/N)"

She said

"Okay. See you!"

You and (C/N) walked into the forest. Suddenly you heared a scream. It was the scream of an humangirl

"Let's go and look what happened!"

Between the trees you saw a little girl who got attacked by an huge demon. Near the girl lied a frog demon that you've seen somewhere before. He's hurt and can't move. The demon jumped towards the girl but you suddenly jumped in front of the girl


You said to the girl. The girl noddd and ran into some bushes. The fight with the demon didn't took too much time. After you killed the demon the girl came out of her hideout.

"You saved me!"

She said and smiled. You wanted to reply something but suddenly you smelled something that you didn't wanted to smell


You growled without turning around

"What are you doing here,(F/N)?"

Sesshomaru said coldly

"She saved me"

The little girl said

"Rin is right. She really saved her"

The frog demon said while trying to stand up

"Sesshomaru since when do you keep humans aroud you? I thought you hated them"

You asked scornful

"That's none of your business!"

You just shrugged your shoulders.

'He can do whatever he wants. I don't care'

Suddenly a thunder was heard. You looked up it started to rain. It was a thunderstorm. You and the others were seeking refuge in an hut. You looked at Sesshomaru without anyone noticing.

'Why did in never noticed how hot he actually is?'

"Are you okay?"

(C/N) asked me

"Yes I'm okay"

You said and fast turned your head away from him. As fast as the thunderstorm came it disappeared again. A sudden buzz let you listen up. You saw alot of Narakus insects.

"Naraku, what are you doing here?"

Sesshomaru said with his sword in his hand. A black cloud appeared and Naraku walked out of it.Rin was hiding behind Jaken.

"If it isn't the beautiful woman who was with Inuyasha"

He said in a disgusting tone

"Why are you with those loosers? Come with me in my castle and then we can have fun together!"

"Who the heck do you think you are?! As if I would go with you! You're below my level!"

"Then I'll force you to do so!"

He said and attacked you. You took your katana and parried his attacks.


You suddenly heard Rin scream. Kagura was holding her

"Leave her alone! Or you're going to get in trouble!"

"Then come with me!"

"I didn't meant that you're going to get in trouble with me"

You grinned. In the same moment Naraku started to scream due to Sesshomarus sword. You jumped towards Kagura and took Rin away from her.


Naraku screamed and disappeared

"What a nuisance......"

You mumbled. Rin hugged you.

"You saved me again!"

She said and you smiled at her.

"What's going on between Naraku and you?"

You turned around surprised by his question. You saw anger in his golden eyes and surprised you even more.

"Nothing, really! I don't even like that guy!"

"Hey (F/N)!"

You heard Inuyashas voice

"I smelled Naraku. Was he here?"

"Yes, he was here. But as you can see he isn't here anymore"

"Say, Kagome you needed to go back into your time because you're going to write an important test, right?"

Sango said. Kagome nodded and then they left. The others also had something to do so you and (C/N) were alone again. Through the next days alot happend. Kagura and Kanna the two descendants of Naraku died. Kikyo the miko also died. Sangos brother Kohaku joins Sesshomaru. Naraku tried to kiddnap you pretty often but you either hurted him much so he needed to retreat or you just ran away from him. On day you saw Naraku hunting Kohaku. You transformed into your demonform stopped him.

"Who are you and why are you stopping me?"

Without a word you attacked him. After some time he fled. You smelled Sesshomaru. He was in his demonform, too. You knew that he knew that this is you. You two started fighting.While your fight you two were going farer and farer away from his companions. Sesshomaru and you were fighting even when you turned into your humanforms. None of you wanted to give up. At some point you both were two weak to keep fighting so you sat alongsides eachother.

"Your a good fighter...."

Sesshomaru said

"Same goes for you...."

For a while you both said nothing. Suddenly Sesshomaru grabbed your chin and brought your face near to his until your lips touched. At first it was a gentle kiss but it grew passionater as longer as it lasted. Then you two had some nice hours.


After Naraku got killed you and Sesshomaru decided to marry. Your parents were happy that you decided to do so. Sesshomarus mother was also at the wedding. Inuyasha and his friends, too. Sesshomaru didn't wanted them to come. But you insisted that they were allowed to come so Sesshomaru gave up and invited them, too. At the wedding you were already pregnant and six months you gave birth to twins.





2810 words!!!!!!!!!!!! How the f°ck did I wrote that much!?

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