Chances ♡ n.h

By 50sFlicker

43.3K 1.1K 226

❝Every once and a while, you've gotta grow up and take chances, London.❞ More

o n e.
t w o.
t h r e e.
f o u r.
f i v e.
s i x.
s e v e n.
e i g h t.
n i n e.
t e n.
e l e v e n.
t w e l v e.
t h i r t e e n.
f o u r t e e n.
f i f t e e n.
s i x t e e n.
s e v e n t e e n.
not an update.
e i g h t e e n.
n i n e t e e n.
t w e n t y.
omg hi
hiya !

t w e n t y - o n e.

1.9K 52 21
By 50sFlicker

August 17th 2015.

I groan as I stand up from my seat. "Can I help you get that?" a guy who was sitting next to me asks. "That'd be lovely!" I smile, I watch him take my carry on bag from the top compartment. "Thank you so much," I smile at the guy. "Welcome, is that an Irish accent I hear?" he asks. I simply nod with a smile throwing my bag over my shoulder and grabbing my phone from my seat. "What brings you to America?" the same guy asks, "I'm going to a concert with friends!"

"London," I hear a voice scream, a very familiar voice might I add. "Cheyenne!" I scream as I run towards her. "Oh my god," I say as I grab her into a hug. "You're back and I'm so glad!" she says into my hair. "It feels good to be back," I say with a yawn. "Where's Renee?" I ask as we walk towards the baggage claims. "She's waiting for us in Ohio," she smiles. "Wait, so she did get the tickets changed?" I squeal. Truth is Niall and I haven't seen each other since the Monday after my graduation. We said we would but we both got very busy. "Yes, we are driving down in a bit!" she says as we get my luggage. "I can't wait, I'm so beyond ready!" I smile.

We roll my luggage out the front door of the airport. "Does Niall know we were planning on coming to a show?" she asks and shake my head letting out a soft laugh. "He doesn't," I smile. I hope it's a nice surprise, I've not been keeping up with all the band stuff.

"So, how is college going for you?" Cheyenne asks, pulling out of the airport. "Stressful, I've had to do so much this weekend! So that I'm on the same pace when I get back from this trip," I chuckle. "How about with you?" I ask as I watch the road in front of me. "It's been hectic that's for sure!" she let's out a laugh. "I've changed my schedule to night classes though," she says with a smile. "I have morning classes which basically suck," I laugh.


"I won't act my age, no I won't act my age," I belt out. We've been singing the entire setlist on the way to Columbus. Cheyenne was very surprised that I have most words memorized which makes me blush. We've been driving for a little over six hours now taking the occasional stop to use the restroom and eat. "How much longer?" Cheyenne asks Siri, who responds with two and a half hours. "It's just now eight, so we should be there at about ten-ish?" I ask with a yawn. "Are you excited?" Cheyenne asks as we pull over at a gas station to fill up the car. "Yeah," I smile, my cheeks heat at the thought of seeing Niall again it's been too long. Niall has no clue but Louis on the other hand knows about us planning to come, he's hopefully been keeping the secret. "Louis knows that we were planning on going to the Columbus show by the way," I say with a smile.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and quickly pull up my texts. "I'm going to text Louis so at least he knows," I smile.

London: Louiiiiiiiiiiiis. I have news!

Louis Tomlinson: London!! What's the news?

London: It's a secret you can't tell Niall, it has to do with the secret before!

Louis Tomlinson: Okay, I got you. What's it?

London: We switched them for cbus. :-)

Louis Tomlinson: Siiiiiiick !! I'll see you tomorrow then? :)

London: Yes! :-)

"Louis officially knows," I say out the window of the car as she finishes pumping the gas. "This is so exciting!" she squeals as she gets back into the car. I nod taking a sip out of my bottle of water that Chey got me at the last stop. I watch as she turns the stereo volume up and another song starts to play. "I feel like if the room was burning you would notice," I say with a chuckle. "Don't mess with the masterpiece," Cheyenne let's out a laugh and then continues to sing the rest of he song.


"London," I hear a squeal which makes me look up from the trunk of Cheyenne's car. "Renee," I squeal, dropping my luggage back in the trunk. I run to my other best friend grabbing her into a hug. "I can't believe you're here," she says into the hug, grabbing me even tighter. "I've missed you both," I say as Cheyenne joins into the hug. "We've missed you," they say at the same time. "C'mon let's get this stuff up to our room," Rey smiles and grabs one of my bags. We all grab bags from the back, we walk through the lobby and I'm in awe. "This had to cost a fortune," I say my mouth is hung wide open. "Nah," Rey says as she presses the elevator button. "The pool is down that hallway," she points to her left, I look to see a long hallway leading to a fogged up door. "It's gorgeous, better than the pictures," Cheyenne says from next to me.

When the elevator finally reaches us, we get in and the excitement starts. "Do any of them know?" Rey asks a wide smile on her face. "Louis," I smile, my heart is beating fast because of the excitement to see them and my girls. "This is going to be so fun," Rey squeals. "I signed up to be an insider," she chuckles, causing me and Chey go become confused. "What's an insider?" Chey asks, her eyebrows furrowed. "It's where an update account tells you where the boys are, so we can like secretly stalk them!" she giggles covering her mouth with her hands. "Don't we have Louis for that?" Cheyenne ask, and Renee's eyes go wide. "Oh...yeah, that slipped my mind!" she chuckles making me laugh. "This way the don't know?" she asks as the elevator doors open. "Oh my god," I hear someone whisper. This pulls me out of my trance and I look up to see a girl maybe a few years younger than myself. "You okay?" I ask the girl who looks like she's about to freak out. "You're London O'Connor, aren't you?" she asks as she takes deep breaths. "Y-yeah?" I say but it comes out as more of a question. "Oh my god, can I like get a photo with you?" she asks, my eyes widen. "S-sure," leaves my lips as I stand next to the young girl. We take a few photos, "can you do us one favour?" I ask, and the girl just looks up with admiration in her eyes. "If you post that on any social media, can you leave out the fact that it was today and that we are in Ohio?" I ask hopeful. "Of course," she smiles, beaming brightly. "Thank you so much, I just hope I can get a photo with Niall tomorrow," she smiles. "You've got this!" I smile, "can I have a hug?" she asks, her cheeks flame a little bit. "Of course," I say and pull her into a hug. "Bye," she smiles and runs down the hallway.

"She was sweet," Renee says as Chey and I follow her down the hallway. "What room are we?" Chey asks from beside me. "Four twelve," Rey says with a smile. Once we make it to the room I let out a sigh followed by flopping onto the couch. "This is so comfy holy s.hit," I say with a laugh, Renee looks over and laughs at me. "I'm hungry," my stomach grumbles as soon as the words leave my mouth. "Me too," they both say in unison. "What's open around here?" I ask with a curious look. "We can go to the lobby and ask!" Rey says, I nod and grab one of the card keys. "Let's go!" I say, waiting for my two best friends. "How's life in England?" Renee asks as we walk down the hallway once more. "It's quite amazing, it's so lovely all but the rain," I chuckle as I press the elevator button. "Things with Niall?" she asks and shake my head. "I'm hoping being here will be a surprise, I miss him so much."

Once in the lobby, Chey asks he clerk where good places to eat around here are. "Would the authentic Mexican food be open?" she asks the man. "I can call for you," he suggest and she eagerly nods. "Thank you," she smiles and turns to us. "You'll be a huge surprise to Niall," Chey says, "he'll be happy to see you!" she winks. "Ma'am, they are open!" the clerk says as he hangs up the phone. "Want to go there?" she asks the two of us, we nod our heads. "Who's car?" Rey asks and pulls her keys out. "Is mine okay?" she wiggles her eyebrows like I'd seen Niall do countless times. "Sure," Chey says and I nod along with her. "How far is it from here?" they ask the clerk, who begins to give us directions.


"This is the place," I say as I step out of Renee's brand new Range Rover. "I love this car so much," I say. "Me too," she chuckles. We look around the parking lot and there are not many cars. A few black suburbans, "would it not be hilarious if that was the boys?" Rey ask with a chuckle. "No, that would ruin my surprise," I roll my eyes. I pray that it isn't them as we enter the restaurant. "How many?" the woman asks and Renee quickly tells her three. "Booth or a table?" she asks, "booth," I say before the other girls have a chance. We walk by a few tables before we are sat at one next to a window and another group of people. she brings us salsa and chips as we look over our menus. "It all looks so good," I sigh, my eyes are going to be bigger than my stomach. "Someone keeps hitting the back of my booth," Renee hisses quietly. I chuckle, "if they do it again I'll get up and say something," I smile. "I think I'm just going to get two tacos and rice," I shrug. "Oh my god," Rey says quietly. I stand from my seat, pulling my shirt down a little to cover my bum.

"Can you st-" I'm cut off by the person sitting in the booth turning to face me. "Louise, oh my god!" I squeal as she stands up to give me a hug. "It's been ages, how are you darling?" she asks once we pull away from the hug. "I'm good, are you here for the show tomorrow?" I ask, knowing that she'll do the boys hair and makeup. "Yes, are you?" she asks with a gleam of excitement in her eyes. "Mhm, but it's a secret! Louis is the only one that knows," I smile. "Speaking of Louis," she says and grabs the hand behind her. "This is Charlotte! We call her Lottie, she's Louis' sister!" she says. "Hi Lottie!" I smile and she pulls me into a hug. "You're London, Niall's girl, aren't you?" she asks, my eyes go wide. "We are good friends," I smile.

I hear someone clear their throat, I turn to see Cheyenne and Renee. "Oh my god, Louise, Lottie! This is Renee and Cheyenne!" I smile as they both stand. Renee looks like she's going to cry, "Hi," they both say in unison then they bring them into hugs. "Renee is a big fan so she probably knows who you both are!" I chuckle, Renee smacks my arm lightly. "Are you?" they ask, and she shakes her head frantically. "Come sit with us," Lou begs, which we agree taking a seat in the booth. "Mark!" I say as I sit down, "Derby," he smirk, which causes me to roll my eyes. "Manchester United," I roll my eyes again just for him, which we both start to laugh.

"So, Niall doesn't know your coming?" he asks taking a sip out of his glass. I shake my head as well as biting my lip and hope that he won't tell. "I'm not gonna tell 'em," he says as if he read my mind. I release a sigh that I didn't know I was holding back. "Renee is this your first concert of One Direction?" Louise asks and Rey shakes her head, you can tell she's nervous. "Mine too," Cheyenne adds. "So all of you?" Lou ask and we all nod.

Once dinner had ended, we left and went back to the hotel. I told Louise that I would give her a call in the morning, Rey left with photos of her and all the others. Lou made our waiter take a group photo of all of us. "Lets get to sleep, it's nearly midnight," I yawn. My phone chimes from the living room area, I go to retrieve it. Niall's name is across the screen, I quickly swipe to unlock my screen.

Niall Horan: We are playing Columbus tomorrow night , this is making me miss u a lot :(

London: I miss you too cutie :(

Niall Horan: I wish u weren't in LDN.

London: :(

I lock my phone and settle down on the bed, Rey and Chey decided to share one of the beds so that I would have my own. "Goodnight guys," I say and they respond with quiet mumbles. Tomorrow is the day.


August 18th 2015 - Concert day.
7:15 A.M.
12 Hours Before.

"Get up," I hear a voice shaking me out of my deep slumber. "I'm up," I groggily groan and open one eye. "What times it?" I ask, hoping that it isn't the crack of dawn. "Seven fifteen," Rey says making me let out an exasperated groan. "What the f.uck?" I groan and cover my eyes. "The boys get here at two," they both squeal. "I need my beauty sleep," I roll my eyes, turning over in the bed. "Let's swim and eat breakfast while we have time," Rey pleads from beside the bed.

I sit up on the side of the bed with a yawn. Stretching my arms out, with another yawn in the mix. My mind flashes to the night I was in Columbus with Niall and a smile finds it's way onto my lips. "You're up," Cheyenne claps her hands together. I stand and make my way over to my suitcase that I had sat in the corner of the room. I walk into the bathroom with my clothes and swim suit in hand. I change quickly, yawning about three hundred times before my clothes were actually on. "Lon, you almost done?" I hear one of the girls say, "yeah!" I yell. I walk out of the bathroom with my hair swept into a ponytail. Not a stitch of makeup on my face, all natural. "You look great without trying," Chey groans and I laugh in return. "Let's go eat," I chuckle as I walk out of the room. I look over into the lobby and that's when it hits me. "I stayed here with Niall," I say louder than I had planned. "What?" Rey gasps, and I nod. It hit me like a ton of bricks the smile wouldn't leave my face, I watched as Renee smirked at me. "How was that?" she asks the smirk still prominent on her face. "It was fun," I chuckled remembering the night at the pool. "Until the end of course," I frown thinking back on it but quickly smash the thought from my head. "Can you believe you are seeing Harry in concert for the first time tonight?" I smirk at her trying to change the subject. She looks as though she may as well just pass out. "I'm excited," she practically pants making Cheyenne and I chuckle. "Wait, who's your favorite again?" I ask Chey who only shrugs, Rey chuckles. "Liam," she says in barely and audible whisper. "Oh my," I say and her cheeks go bright red. "I ship that," I smile. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see that I have a few texts from my office and two from Louis. I look at the ones from my office first telling me about what I'll miss, which is fine by me. I then proceed to check Louis'.

Louis Tomlinson: Niall's in Wisconsin, he'll be the first one to Columbus try not to be at the stadium. I'll let you know when he gets there :)

London: Thank you, Louis. See you soon!

He doesn't text me back as me and the girls make our way down to breakfast. "I'm straving," Chey says from beside me, as if on command her stomach growls causing all of us to laugh. When we get down to the commons area for breakfast there are only a handful of other people, one of which was the girl we met yesterday. "Lets eat!" I say and head straight for the open bar of food. "Someone's hungry," Rey chuckles from beside me as I grab a plate and start to fill it up with bacon. "They have muffins," a squeal leaves my mouth as I place the blueberry muffin on my plate. I then grab a glass filling it up to the brim with orange juice then quickly taking a sip just to let out a satisfied sigh. "You like orange juice?" I hear a male voice beside me, which startles me. "Um, yeah!" I say and turn to look at the face. "Me too," he smiles down at my smaller frame, "I'm Ryan!" he flashes me a pearly white smile. "London," I sit my plate down on the small counter top and then shake his hand. "Lon, c'mon I want to eat, " I hear Renee say and I know she's rolling her eyes. "See you around," Ryan smiles and walks off with a plate in his hand. I pick my plate back up and walk over to the table that the girls had chosen. "This looks so good, lets dig in," I say as I pick my fork up off my napkin. I eat fork fulls of hash-browns, and then some bacon. "So, what are we doing after this?" I ask the table as I take a sip of my orange juice. "We have to swim," Rey says, I look to Cheyenne who is casually eating on her hash-browns. "Then maybe we could go get a look at the stadium?" I ask, hopefully before Niall gets there because I have only seen it in the pitch black of the night. "Lets," they both say at the same time which makes me smile.

I look over at Renee who is almost done with the food on her plate. "You alright?" I ask, she seems like she's off in space. "Excited, nervous, with a little mix of freaking out!" she chuckles as she takes a sip of her pepsi.


9:30 A.M.
10 Hours Before.

After our swim session we decide that this would be a great time to go to the stadium. "Do you know the actual time that the boys will be there?" Rey asks from beside me her eyes beaming with joy. "Niall will be here first, that's all that I know. Louis said he would text me when Niall gets here so that he doesn't see me at the stadium," I shrug my shoulders and walk over to the bed to retrieve my headphones. "We should get going though," I say as I look at the bedside clock with the numbers nine-thirty. "Let me get my keys," Renee says and walks off to find her car keys. I watch Cheyenne who looks beyond happy to be standing in the room with us. "What's up? You look very happy," I smile at my best friend. "I'm very excited," she looks up at me with a smile.

Once Renee finds her car keys we walk out of the room and down to the car. She instantly plugs her phone into the aux cord and begins to play the set list. "Clouuuuds," we all yell out at the same time. It's only about a ten minute drive to the stadium from our hotel, it's no time before we are pulling into the parking lot.  We are one of the only cars in the parking lot, "the buses are over there!" Cheyenne points to a fenced in lot. "I bet that's the band," Renee says as we pull into a parking space right next to them. "You're probably right," I smile as I step out of the car pulling my sunglasses on.

Once out of the car I see a few people. Maybe ten people, maybe a few more I didn't have time to count. "It's huge," I say, my eyes widen. It's a lot bigger looking in the midst of the day, "it is!" Renee says from beside Chey. I glance to on of the gates where a few girls and guys are gathered. "What's going on?" I hear Renee ask someone in the small crowd. "Harry is here, they are moving us out!" The girl says in a high pitched tone. "Is it just Harry?" I ask, hoping that Niall isn't here yet. "Yes," the girl smiles and runs off towards the busses area. We walk towards the busses ourselves, the gates around them are locked. "How many busses do four guys need?" I ask with a small chuckle. "Sixteen, I guess!" Cheyenne says with a chuckle.

In that moment screams erupt around us, I watch as Renee snaps her head around. I look around not seeing anyone that looks familiar. "Oh my god," Renee breathes out. "Who is it?" I ask, I really don't see anyone I know. "That guy is Harry's dad, Des!" She says as we walk a bit closer to where Des is standing.

10:00 A.M.
9 Hours Before.

"We have nine hours," Renee says as we sit cross legged on the ground in front of the main gate. "Have you heard from Mr. Tommo?" They both ask at the same time, I look down at my iPhone laying in my lap. "I haven't checked my phone since we got here," I chuckle slowly lifting it out of my lap. "Speaking of the devil," I say as my phone buzzes in my hand.

Louis Tomlinson: Niall will be there shortly. He's just landed at Port Columbus, if you are at the stadium, leave haha. See ya soon !

London: Okay, we will get. Can't wait to see you.

1:00 P.M.
6 Hours Before.

It had been three hours since we had been at the stadium. We were now sat at O'Charley's across from our hotel and ten minutes from Niall. We found out that Niall is at the stadium, Renee had found out that two out of four had made it and the other two are on there way. I groaned, I'm one to always want to be there early to get in early but of course I couldn't this time. "Maybe you should text one of them and ask for a pass," Renee says, as if she was just reading my mind. "That's a good idea," I say and grab my phone from the tabletop.

London: Tommo. Do you think there would be a way to get passes for the three of us?

Louis Tomlinson: Of course. I'll bring them to you. Just tell me your hotel !

London: Embassy suites. :)

I lay my phone down on the tabletop once again. "So?" Renee asks with a smile. I simply nod my head as I take a sip of my water. We order our food after awhile, Renee and Cheyenne sit and fangirl over Harry and Liam. My phone buzzes on the table and all three of us stop to look at who it's from.

Niall Horan: I really really miss you.

London: F.uck. I miss you too.

Little does he know, my face holds a prominent smile. "At least you get to see him tonight," Renee nudges me.

3:30 P.M.
4 Hours Before.

Louis Tomlinson: I'm on my way to your hotel, did you know that's the hotel we are staying in ? Holy s.hit. It's destined that you and Niall see each other tonight ! Okay I'm shutting up now :)

London: We just got back to our room! We are in 412.

I put my phone back into my pocket, I throw myself onto the bed. "Louis is on his way," I yell out to the other two girls who are starting to get ready for the concert. "Oh my god," Renee squeals, I don't think she's quite over the fact that I'm friends with them yet. "He's at Port Columbus," she adds to her squeals. "He'll be here probably in about ten minutes," Cheyenne hold up her phone with the GPS on the screen. I groan and stand up from the bed, I walk over the the mini fridge and grab my Pepsi from last night. I chug it down, my nerves about see Niall have increased majorly but I try and shake it off. I look at myself in the mirror outside the bathroom with a smile, I'll change before the show.

There is a knock at the door which jolts all three of us, I walk over to the door and check through the peephole. I see Louis' small frame looking down at the ground. I quickly unlock the door knowing all to well that their are fans in this very hotel. "Louis," I say as I open the door. He quickly walks in the door and pulls me into a hug, I look over to see Renee peaking her head out of the bathroom door. "London, you look stunning as usual," he smiles and grabs me into yet another hug. "It's been forever, I've missed you!" He says with a huge grin showing off his pearly whites. "I've missed you too," I say as we pull apart from one another.

5:00 P.M.
2 Hours Before.

"Well, I have to get to the stadium for sound check, here's your passes! Come down at six thirty," Louis says and stands from the couch where he was sitting next to Renee. "Thank you for these," I smile as he hands me the passes. "They'll give you unlimited access," he smirks at Renee who is smiling in pure bliss. "I'll see you guys at eight," he winks and pulls me into a hug. He walks out the door, he left his bags with us which makes Renee jump off the couch and grab it. "I wonder what he has in it," she says shaking it, it doesn't make a sound. "His clothes?" Cheyenne and I question, making Renee laugh. "Open it if you want," I shrug, I'm sure he doesn't have anything to hide. She unzips the bag, seeing a bunch of Adidas stuff laying inside the bag. "You should wear one of his shirts," she says to me. I take out one that says Skate Tough. I grab it and hold it up seeing if it would fit. I snap a photo of it, and send it to Louis.

London: [picture] can I wear this?

Louis Tomlinson: It will look great on you ! Just raid my bag, why don't ya? ;) The others can wear anything too haha

London: Thank you Lou!!

He doesn't text back, I walk back to the bedroom and put the shirt down. I grab my pair of high waisted shorts, and my vans. My hair is already straight from earlier so I walk to the bathroom to touch up my makeup. "He told me you all could wear something in his bag too," I yell out to the girls. I hear Renee squeal which makes me let out a laugh as I touch up my eyes. Once I'm finished I walk into the bedroom again quickly changing into my outfit and smiling at how cute my outfit looks. "You should wear these," Renee barges through the door wearing one of Louis Adidas shirts. "They'd look cute and no one would see who you actually are," she smiles handing me a pair of sunglasses.

6:00 P.M.
Gates Now Open.
1 Hour Before.

"Icona Pop is on for an hour," Renee says as we stand in line. "This is so tenuous," I groan, Cheyenne shakes her head agreeing with me. "You've been awfully quiet," I say and nudge her shoulder. "I'm excited, I can't wait to see Liam in person," she says and her cheeks flare. I smirk at her and run my hands through my hair, we are about five people from the front of the line. We've been standing here since about five forty-five, with the okay of Louis. The line is moving slower than I thought was humanly possible, the girl in front of us has been rambling on about Niall and how she thinks they'll end up together. "You okay?" Renee asks from beside me, I nod. Truth be told I'm a bit jealous. Her sign sticks out to me, "Niall I'm ready for my birthday spankings!" (A/N: the girl standing in front of me at OTRA COLUMBUS had this but it said Harry) I groan as I read it.

She turns around the face me, looking me up and down. She rolls her eyes and then sticks her hand out, "Hi, I'm Jennifer." She smiles as I shake her hand. "London," I smile, a genuine smile. She looks at me again and her face fills with one of shock. "London, as in Niall's friend London?" She asks, I nod. "Don't post it on social media it's a surprise for Nialler, you see?" Cheyenne says with a smirk. Jennifer only shakes her head with a fake smile.

Icona Pop
15 Minutes until The Boys.

I watch Icona Pop as they sing a song about girlfriends. I can't help but get jittery, my mind is on Niall. He doesn't know I'm here and I can't wait to see his reaction. Louis and I have made a plan to tell him right before they come on stage. "How many songs do they have left?" I ask Renee who is currently bouncing up and down. "Like two," Cheyenne giggles in response. They continue to giggle and laugh while I sit and let my anxiety rise to its max. I keep checking my phone every few minutes, looking to see if I have texts from Louis and checking my battery percentage.


Louis Tomlinson: Get ready !!!!

I quickly take a photo of the stage and pull up my texts with Niall, I send the photo.

London: [picture attached] can't wait. X

I glance down at the text: Read 8:01. Before he has time to reply they are running onto the stage, I look at Niall. His face holds a smug smile, he tries not to smile as he pays attention to his hands on his guitar. "Niall looks so happy," someone behind me squeals. I can't help smiling either as I watch him intently as if we are the only to people standing here, cliché I know. I get up from my seat and start to bounce around with Cheyenne and Renee.

Clouds ends and Niall sets his guitar down, walking to B-Stage with along with Liam. "How are you tonight, Columbus?" Liam says putting his arm around Niall. There are a lot of screams, Liam chuckles into his microphone. Harry comes up behind Niall whispering something into his ear, Niall's face goes red. Louis just smirks proudly, he knows where we are sitting. "Niall here can't find his girlfriend," Liam chuckles and my eyes go wide. "She's not me girlfriend," Niall chuckles.

"London, where are you?" Liam smirks, they show his smirk on the jumbo screens. I watch as Niall pulls his phone out, the crowd goes insane. He hold his phone up, the camera tries to zoom in on it but Niall shields it from them. "What are you up too?" Louis asks walking over near Niall to peer at his phone. Niall begins walking across the stage, looking at his phone as a guide. I pull out my phone to text the little s.hit.

London: A little to your right!

I watch as Niall receives the text message. His face lights up like a kid on Christmas. The boys are following him around and joking around to him as he follows every text I send. His face lightly up every time he gets one. "God, she's being a difficult one!" Louis says with a laugh.

What feels like forever later Niall finally navigates his way to my row, he still hasn't spotted us. "Oh my god," Renee says with a laugh. We all chuckle as Niall looks up and down the rows, waving at a few people. "Oh my god, Niall. I love you!" Some girl beside me yells. His eyes lock onto her then he looks at me. I swear he looked as though he has just received the best gift a kid could get. He motions for me, I walk to the end of our row with a smile plastered to my face. Niall's on the other hand was bright red, when I reach him I can't help but shed a small tear. He jumps down from the stage from behind the barrier her grabs me into a hug. "I've missed you so much," he whispers into my ear making me blush bright pink.

"I've missed you more," I say as I wrap my arms tighter around his neck.

Before I even know what's happening Niall's lips are on mine and I'm kissing him back. I groan when he pulls away, the evidence of my lipstick is stained on his lips. "We will continue this later," he smiles.

"Thank you guys for coming!" Harry says as Best Song Ever ends. I hear both of my best friends tears and sniffles subsiding. "We have one announcement left," Liam says, before they look down to the ground. You can hear a bunch of people whispering, asking what's going on. Everyone is confused, Renee and Cheyenne grab onto my arms. It seems like everything goes in slow motion as the words come out of Liam's mouth. Like the world stopped for a minute.

"We have decided that we should go on an eighteen month break," the gasps were unreal, the cries. The stadium filled with hundred thousand people falls silent. "We love you guys so much, we will be back. I promise," Louis says with a smile. They run off stage, everyone begins to break down. As everyone packs up to leave I get up, grabbing my merchandise bag. My phone buzzes with a text.

Niall Horan: Come to the busses baby girl.

My face turns bright red, the smile will not leave my face.

Once we get out of the stadium we rush to the busses, there are around fifty girls crowding them. Someone spots us and motions for us, I realize that its Mark. "Renee and Cheyenne if you'll come with me," he says and points for me to go to the other bus at the end of the line. There are a few fans at the gate, who smile and wave at me as I climb the steps up the bus. "Niall?" I ask as I see the bus seems to be empty.

Niall comes out from the back of the bus in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. "Hi babe," he smiles and grabs me in a hug. "What's with this break?" I ask, my heart is sad.

"We all had to have a reason, mine was you! You took so many chances with me. I've never felt the way I do before. London, I adore you so much. I want to try us out during the break, can you give me that?" His face is hopeful, the only thing I can think to do is pull him into a kiss.



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