Surrogate | A.M. |

By Bad_Boy_Hemmo

378K 10.3K 637

A story in which a man, falls for his surrogate mother, whom is carrying a child for him and his gay lover. D... More

Surrogate | A.M. |
1. Little Fishies
2. You Get To Take Care Of Her
3. You Get The Baby In The End
4. Arrivederci
5. You Like Her
6. Oh, Just Tell Him Guastafesta
7. My Pleasure
8. Love Is Pain
9. Bella I'll Call You Back
10. You're So Hot When You're Mad
11. I'm Not That Stupid
12. I Don't Want It To Stop
13. It's A...
14. Oops, Looks Like Your Time's Up.
15. I'm Terrified.
16. CCHD
17. Are You Fucking Kidding Me?
18. How About Yes?
19. Aunt Belly!
20. Did You Piss On It Yet?
21. I Do.
22. I'm Ready.
24. A New Baby?
25. My Nipples Hurt... Its Just Awful
26. She's So Perfect.
27. Who Invited Him?
28. Patience
29. We Can Finally Start Over.
Final Authors Note

23. Ma'am Are You An Illegal?

7.2K 228 21
By Bad_Boy_Hemmo

| A U S T I N   M A H O N E |

I drive Reagan to her moms house, so we can pick up Toby. As she gets out of the truck to go get Toby, I lean my head against the seat with a sigh. Another baby. A wide smile takes place on my face at the thought, but I can't ignore the nervous feeling in my stomach. I don't know why I'm nervous, but for some reason it's just there. 

Reagan comes out of her moms house, Toby attached to her hip, a bag of cheerios in his hand. She walks him to the truck, putting him into his car seat. 

"Hi Daddy" Toby waves, and I grin.

"Hi Bub" 

"Are you hungry?" Reagan asks him, kissing his cheek. He nods, picking up a few cheerios and shoving them in his mouth "Alright, we'll go and get you some food, Daddy and I have something to tell you" 

"Okay Mommy" He nods, and Reagan climbs into the passenger seat.

"Where do you want to eat?" I ask.

"I want tacos" Toby grins "And chicken fingers" He adds with a giggle.

"Don Pablo's it is" I chuckle, I drive to the mall, that had the Don Pablo's right next to it. We walk in and get a table, looking over our menus.

"What do you want to drink?" Reagan asks Toby who is seated in her lap across from me. 

"I want juice" He says.

"Okay, apple, orange or fruit punch?"

"Fruit punch" 

"Okay" She nods, the waitress comes over to us, asking for our drinks.

"I'll take a Root Beer, and he wants a fruit punch" Reagan says, the waitress writing it down

"And you?" She turns to me.

"Dr. Pepper" I answer and she nods, writing it down.

"I'll be back with your drinks, and to take your order" She smiles, turning around and walking away. 

"I want chicken fingers" Toby says, resting his head on his hands "But Mommy, I want tacos"

"I'll get the tacos, and you can have some of mine" She kisses his cheeks, and he nods, smiling up at her. Discretely, I take a picture of the two of them, smiling lightly. The nervousness that was once there about having another kid is completely gone, reassurance easily filling me at how amazing Reagan and I are at parenting. 

"What are you thinking about?" Reagan asks me "You're smiling an awful lot" She winks.

"I just love you two" I shrug, and she grins.

"Well, we both love you just as much" 

"Here are you drinks..." The waitress walks over, sitting our drinks in front of us "Are you guys ready to order?" 

"I am, are you?" Reagan asks, looking over at me.

"Yes" I nod "You first" I chuckle

"Alright, well I want the taco platter, no guac, but a double of salsa" She says "And he wants chicken fingers, with fries right Baby?" She runs her fingers through Toby's hair.

"I want fries" Toby nods, drawing on his kids menu.

"With fries" Reagan chuckles, turning her attention back to the waitress. 

"Okay" The waitress nods, turning her attention to me.

"I'll have the chicken fajitas, no guac, double on rice" I say, and she takes mine and Reagan's menu, walking away.

"Alright, so Daddy and I have something to tell you Baby" Reagan resituates Toby on her lap.

"Are you going to buy me a dragon?" He gasps, and Reagan laughs.

"Close but not quite" I laugh.

"So no dragon?" 

"No dragon" Reagan laughs and Toby huffs, crossing his arms over his chests "Cheer up" Reagan kisses his cheek, Toby sighing dramatically.

"Okay" He draws out.

"Okay so, Daddy and I went to the Doctors this morning, and that's why you were at Mom mom's house" Reagan starts, looking at me for a second "And at the doctors he told Mommy, that you are going to be a big brother" She says, and Toby's mouth forms an 'o' 

"Big brother?" He gasps "Wow" 

"Are you excited?" I ask him and he nods.

"I'm gonna teach them how to play with dragons" He giggles. 

"I don't know where he gets his love for dragons from. It's not me" I chuckle at Reagan as Toby begins to draw on his kids menu again.

"Guilty" She raises her hand "I was obsessed when I was his age" She giggles.


"Who's that?" Reagan asks when someone knocks on the door. We had just put Toby to bed, and we were about to start a movie, I being in the kitchen to make popcorn.

"I don't know Babe, I can't see through walls and shit" I tease.

"You mean to tell me I'm not married to a super hero" She fakes a gasp "I vote you answer it" She walks into the kitchen, kissing my shoulder "I'm the pregnant one" She winks.

"So I see we're using pregnancy already" I chuckle, walking to open the door. My eyes widen when police lights fill my eyes, an officer standing in front of me.

"Good evening, are you Austin Mahone?"

"Yeah, that's me" I nod.

"Alright, well we had a complaint about the physical health of your son, and we'd like to know if we can see him" He says, looking down at the pad of paper in his hand.

"May I ask what you mean by physical health?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"We've received word saying that your son is being physically abused" He clarifies, and I nearly choke on my spit.

"That's not true" 

"Then you wouldn't mind if we could see him" 

"I guess not" I shrug, opening the door to let him in. I lead them upstairs, Reagan looking at me with wide eyes. I open the door to Toby's room, thankful that he hasn't fallen asleep yet.

"Bub, come here" I say, holding out my arms, picking him up.

"What is going on?" Reagan asks, walking into the room.

"Ma'am, please. This doesn't concern you" The officer says, Reagan letting out a scoff.

"Il vaffanculo non è che è mio figlio cazzo si sta cercando di vedere voi stronzo sporca" Reagan mutters, the officers looking at her in confusion.

"Reagan Baby, not now" I say.

"Che cosa vuol dire ora?" She scoffs "Questi uomini sono nella nostra casa

"Ma'am are you an illegal? I feel the need to ask, considering you obviously don't speak English" The officer sneers.

"I can fucking speak English" Reagan retorts "I'm an American citizen" She rolls her eyes "Now why are you here?" 

"Once again, this doesn't concern you"

"This does concern her, considering this is her son as well" 

"All I need is to ask your son a few questions, leave him with me" 

"No, he's four, he can't answer your questions" Reagan yells, Toby burying his face into my neck, arms wrapped tightly around me.

"It's okay Bub" I whisper, rubbing his back.

"Why are they being mean to Mommy?" He asks, sniffing quietly.

"Hey, hey look at me" I whisper, and he pulls his face from my neck. I wipe the small tears that are falling, kissing his forehead "Everything is going to be alright" I nod "I love you" 

"I love you Daddy" 

"Can we please not do this right now, my son is scared, and tired and neither of us have time for this" I sigh "Can you just tell me who made the complaint?"

"What complaint?" Reagan asks.

"Apparently we abuse Toby" I roll my eyes, Reagan opens her mouth, and I know she's going to yell, so I grab her hand, pulling her into my side "Shh"

"It was an Ashton Reed" 

"Jesus Christ" I huff.

"He obviously made up that lie. He's been trying to take Toby from us for the longest time" Reagan huffs "You can look at him, he has no marks, and he never has. Not from us at least. We'd never hurt him, he's our little baby" 

"Of course ma'am. We're sorry about this, we'll make sure to call Ashton. I apologize for this" He gives us a warm smile, Reagan walking them out. 

"Daddy, can I lay with you guys?" Toby asks with a small pout.

"Yeah, sure" I nod. I walk over to mine and Reagan's room, laying Toby on the bed "Stay here, I'll be right back" 

I run down the steps, to Reagan, turning off the TV before I reach her "He's gone too far" Reagan grits.

"I know, but he should get in trouble for lying" I shrug "But uh, Toby wants to lay with us tonight, so we may have to rain check on the movie"

"That's fine" She smiles. We both walk up to our room, Reagan climbing in on her side, and I climb in on mine, my arms wrapping around the both of them.

"Goodnight" I whisper, kissing Reagan softly on the lips, and then kissing Toby's forehead.



1. Il vaffanculo non è che è mio figlio cazzo si sta cercando di vedere voi stronzo sporca- The fuck it isn't that's my son you dirty asshole
2. Che cosa vuol dire ora?- What do you mean not now?
3. Questi uomini sono nella nostra casa- These men are in our house

Toby's cute.

I love you all


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