Book 3: Memories & Journal En...

By Strawbana

8.4K 175 27

Lucy had fallen ill the last time we saw Fairy Tail. The Fairy Tail Guild was told their friend wouldn't wake... More

The Beginning
The Meeting
Little sky Dragon
Light and Shadow
The Dying Lights
Little FLower
Little Star
The Secret Meetings
Time Goes By
A taken heart
Nothing Lasts Forever
Book is Out!!!
Magic With In
Half Way There
Is This Love?
Tears Under the Stars
That One Moment
A New Journey
The Truth Of Me
Smiling Pain
Another Little One's Smile
Love Is The Power To Light
A Story of Hell
Waking Up
The Final Book!!
The End and Beginning!

Welcome Back!!

374 9 0
By Strawbana

"Come one kids!!!' Layla called to her children who were messing around the court yard. They were leaving in a few minutes. "Coming Mommy!!" Lucy called as she and her brothers ran towards their mother. 

"Mommy?" Lucy asked. Layla looked down at her little child. "Yes my dear?" She asked sweetly. Lucy played with her fingers. "Can I tell Lisanna and Levy that I'm a dragon princess yet?" She asked shyly. Layla shook her head saying no.

Lucy looked down. She really wanted to tell her friends. She promised not to keep any secrets from them. "It's okay my dear. Soon you'll be able too I promise." Layla said to her as she picked up Lucy, and held her on her hip.

"Ready my dear?" Jude asked, as took Layla's hand. "Ready! Come on children!" Layla called and they all walked through the portal Aki the Space Dragon created.

"Bye Bye!!" Lucy called to her friends. Natsu and Gajeel waved good bye. They weren't allowed in the human world, just yet. 

The next second they appeared in front of the Guild called Fairy Tail. Lucy jumped out of her mother's arms and ran towards the doors.

She pushed the doors open hard, making a loud bang!! Everyone look at her, "We're back!!!" Lucy cheered as her family appeared behind her.

"Lu-chan/Lucy!!!" Levy and Lisanna said running towards their friend, giving her a big bar hug. "Laxus!!!" Mira yelled throwing herself onto Laxus. She blushed 50 shades of when she realized what she did. 

Laxus sat there laughing at her as she quickly stood up crossing her arms. "Yo Zeref!!" A little girl with brown hair yelled as she walked over. "Hey Cana!!" Zeref cheered. They'd been friends since like forever. 

 "Hello My children!!!" Master called from the top of the stairs. "Gramps!!" Laxus yelled, as she gave his grandfather a hug along with Lucy and Zeref.

"Welcome home!!" Master yelled.  The guild broke out into cheers. The guild has beer flowing like a river. Lucy, Lisanna, and Levy caught up on what was going on. Zeref and Cana talked about different card games.

Yes Zeref liked card games.

Mira and Laxus were going at it, while elfman sat with Evergreen, Bixlow, and Freed. They were the same age as Laxus and Mira. Well except for Evergreen and Elfman.

"So Lucy, do you like anyone??" Lisanna said with a smirk. Lucy blushed hard. "W-what no!! I don't like anyone! Why would you ask that?" Lucy stuttered. Levy snickered. 

Lucy pouted and crossed her arms. "Oh!! Lucy I just read this great book called 'The Stay Sky' It was really good you should read it sometime!!" Levy cheered. Lucy smiled with glee at the thought of a new book to read. 

The girls talked more about other things like clothes, books, magic, and so much more.

"So my dear, when will you allow the children to get their guild mark?" Master asked Layla. On the back Layla's left hand was a little fairy tail mark in gold. "Oh I'm thinking about on the night the cherry blossom tree turns rainbow colored. When they're turn 13" Layla replied.

The master smiled with glee, "Wonderful idea Layla!!" Jude smiled at his beloved wife. The children had now started a game of tag. "You're it!!"  Lucy yelled, as she touched Lisanna on the shoulder and running away. 

"Haha!!" Lisanna laughed as she went after Cana. Cana laughed with joy. The adults looked at the children. They were very please at how all of them were playing together. 

After hours at beginning at the guild Layla said it was time for them to go to their Inn. Laxus, Zeref, and Lucy said good bye saying they'd be back tomorrow. 

"Yeppie!!" Lucy cheered as she bounced on her bed in the Inn. Laxus was sitting on his bed across from hers, while Zeref made his way onto the bed and jumped with his sister. They held hands as the jumped up and down. 

The children were sleeping in one room, while the parents were in another. "Come on Laxus!! Jump with us!!" Zeref cheered. Laxus rolled his eyes, and bounced with his siblings. 

"So Laxus did you ahev fun with Mira-chan?" Lucy chirped as a smirk formed on her lips. Laxus blushed for just half a second and looked away, "N-no!!" He stuttered.

Zeref laughed at his older brother. "Hey shut it!!" Laxus snapped still red in the face. Lucy, and Zeref fell on the bed laughing like crazy. Laxus huffed. 

"Children?" Layla said coming in seeing the scene. She smiled with glee, seeing her children having fun. "It's time for bed." Jude said behind her. The kids raced to get into their Pjs. 

Then Jude and Layla kissed each one on the forehead. "Good night." Layla whispered as she turned off the light, and closed the door. "Night!!" The children cheered at once. Soon each one fell a sleep peacefully.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Lucy yelled as she pounded her little fist on Laxus' back. Zeref was a wake and smiling at his siblings. "Go away!!" Laxus growled. Lucy of course being the five year old that she is, didn't stop.

She just kept doing it more and more. Laxus was starting to have tick marks appear on his head. Lucy laughed at her older brother. "Wake up!! Wake up!! Wake up!!" She cheered, as she kept hitting her brothers.

Zeref by now was laughing like crazy seeing his Lucy act so weird. "Fine I'm up!!" Laxus yelled as he sat up, and flung Lucy off the bed. She landed on her butt about a foot away from the bed. She started to laugh at her brothers bed head.

'Hey stop laughing!!" Laxus roared, Zeref was laughing along side Lucy. "Why you little!!" Laxus yelled, as he jumped out of bed. Lucy and Zeref began running out the bed room, laughing and screaming. 

"Get back here!!" Laxus yelled after them. "Catch us if you can!!!" Zeref yelled, as he and Lucy ran into the living room where their parents were having coffee. "Kids be careful!!" Layla called, as they race around the coach and chairs.

"Okay!!" Lucy chirped as she ran around. Laxus turned around and caught Lucy as she made her way around the coach. "Go ya!!" He yelled. He then began tickling her. "Stop it Laxus-nee!!!" She cried, with glee. 

"I'll save you Lucy!!" Zeref called playfully, as he jumped on Laxus, tackling him to the ground. "Hey stop!!" Laxus yelled, as Lucy joined her brother, and they started tickling Laxus. They all laughed as they played around.

"Children!! Get dressed we're going to the guild soon." Layla said, as she began getting her things together. "Okay!!" They yelled, as they raced off to get dressed.

A few minutes later they came out dressed and ready. Lucy wore a pink sundress with her red sandles. Laxus wore a yellow short sleeved shirt with brown shorts and tennis shoes. And Zeref wore a navy blue short sleeved shirt, with shorts, and tennis shoes.

"Come on kids!!" Lude yelled, to his children. "Coming!!" They yelled, as they raced out the door and headed towards the guild. "Daddy!? Cna I get on your shoulders?" Lucy asked. "Why of course princess!" Jude replied happily.

He squawked down, and Lucy climbed on. 'Yeah!!" Lucy cheered, as her father held onto her legs. "So mom, what are we going to do at the guild today?" Zeref asked his mother. Layla looked down at her son. 

"Well, we were thinking of seeing the cherry blossom tree that turns rainbow colored, once a year, with the whole guild. And before that having a Fairy Tail Picnic!!" Layla replied with a big smile.

"Yeah!!" They kids yelled, as the walked into the guild. Lucy was set down and she ran right towards Levy and Lisanna. Natsu and Gajeel would've loved this, Lucy thought.

Zeref was again talking to Cana. And Laxus battled Mira again. The adults and Teenagers helped out with setting up the picnic. They planed on having a bingo challenge. They set up blankets of different colors.

Five large Tables full food, cooked by Layla and her friend Mary. They'd been best friends ever since, Layla got her guild mark at the age of 9. They made cookies, cakes, pies, Ice cream, sandwiches, pizza's, Turkeys, and so much more.

People would've thought they'd be preparing to serve the whole town. But, no Fairy Tail just eats a lot. "Okay come on everybody!! The picnic is ready!!" Layla cheered. Everyone ran outside to see it wonderfully set up. 

Lucy, Lisanna, Levy, Mira, Laxus, Elfman, Cana, Evergreen, Bixlow, Freed, adn Zeref all stat at a large pink blanket. They girls ate lots of sweets, as did the boys. The boys played Magic wars. This was were they would fight with their magic, and the last one standing would win.

It was stupid but fun. The girls talked about clothes, shoes, magic they wanted to learn, and lots more. "Hey Lucy, hows the Heartfilla Mansion? Is it just as fun as before?" Cana asked chowing down on some cake. 

"Oh yes! Quite! In fact mommy told me you guys can come by next summer!! And stay all Summer!!" Lucy cheered with glee. The girl squealed. They had been there before. It was really fun. With all the secret hallways and doors. Who wouldn't have fun?

"Okay everyone gather around!! It's time for Bingo!!" Layla called, as she stood by a large ball machine. Everyone got their cards ready to win. "B2!" She called.

Yeses, 'Oh I so go this' whispers formed in the group. 

After hours of playing finally someone yelled bingo, or more like some people did. "Bingo!!!!" Zeref, Elfman, and Freed yelled. "Congrats, boys you get this super rare plant that enhances your magic abilities, for 48 hours!!" Layla cheered has she handed each of the boys, a bright green plant.

"Awesome!! Now I'll defiantly beat Mira!!" Laxus cheered with glee. Everyone laughed as they watch Mira, and Laxus go at. In the end Mira won, but that was only because she said she'd give Laxus a kiss.

Then the sun began to set, and the tree started to change colors. "It's starting!!" Elfman yelled. Everyone gathered at the edge of the beach, watching the sun set. "Five.....Four....Three....Two....One....Zero!!!!!" All of Fairy Tail, then turned around to see the tree glowing and changing colors.

"Let's get this party started!!!!" Yelled Mira, as she went over to the Music box Lagrama, and snacked it hard. Music began playing loudly, and everyone danced to the beat.

Everyone was having the time of their lives. 

 Natsu and Gajeel would've loved this, Lucy thought as she danced along side her friends. Not careing about the future. Just the Present.

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