How To Love A Bad Boy

By IziKing

1.6M 49.6K 22.9K

"I told you Colton. I don't like bad boys." "All I need is seven days Janey, I can make you fall in love with... More

The Next Friday

How To Love A Bad Boy

543K 6.9K 3.1K
By IziKing

Colton's POV

The party was over, and as the last of the partygoers left the house, I went downstairs to Jason's basement, where the circle was.

The circle was just a group of people who stayed after most people to play truth or dare, and these games always got really intense.

It's the only reason I come to most parties, because the fifteen people in the circle, are the only ones who don't make me want to hang myself when I'm with them.

I walked down to the basement and I joined the people who had already started playing.

I sat down, leaning against the wall as I took another swig of my beer.

"Truth." Marie said to Jason after I sat down.

Marie had bright red hair that was really frizzy, and she was one of the only girls in this school that didn't constantly throw herself at me, which is part of the reason we're friends.

Jason leaned over and told Adam something, and they both chuckled.

"Okay." Jason said, turning back to Marie. "Have you ever had sex with a girl?"

Marie rolled her eyes and pursed her lips, thinking for a second. "Yes." She finally said.

"You have?" Her boyfriend, Randy asked.

Marie shrugged. "I might've been a little drunk."

"Care to elaborate?" Jason asked.

She shook her head, smirking. "I already answered your question."

He gave her puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

She gave him the finger. "No! And if anyone else asks me, I won't answer."

"Fuck." He hissed.

"Okay," Marie turned to Scott, another one of the guys in the circle. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Scott said automatically.

Marie smiled at him deviously. "I dare you, to put this on." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a bright purple thong.

Everyone in the circle started to laugh as Scott's face turned red, but we all knew he would do it.

He never chickened out.

"Oh, and, you have to wear it for the rest of the night. Without your pants."

Scott groaned as Marie threw him the thong, he got up and walked over to the bathroom to change.

"I hope that's not your only pair of underwear?" Lisa, another one of the girls asked.

Marie smirked. "Who knows..."

A buzz flew around the circle as the guys talked, but everything came silent as Scott walked back in wearing nothing but a t-shirt, and a bright purple thong.

"I see Victoria Secret is open today?" Adam teased.

Scott flipped him the finger, sitting down and glaring at Marie, who was obviously enjoying the show.

"Happy?" He asked.

Marie nodded. "Nice legs."

Scott rolled his eyes, then looked around the circle, and his eyes landed on me.

"Colton! Truth or dare?"

I sighed. "Dare."

Scott thought about it for a second as I took another sip of my beer, not phased at all.

Everything I've ever gotten hasn't been a challenge, so I'm never scared about these.

Scott's eyes widened as he looked up at me, almost making me nervous.


"Colton Steel," He said, feeling confident about himself. "I dare you to make a gi-wait, do you know a girl named Janey Paxton?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, she's the one with light brown hair, small girl, great body."

'And sweet ass' I said to myself.

Like seriously it's like she sat in a pile of sugar or something. That sweet.

Scott nodded, smiling. "That's the one."

"But she's very-"

"Innocent?" Scott tried. "A prude?"

"And kinda nerdy." Adam interjected.

"Ooh, and quiet." Jason said.

Scott nodded. "Yeah, she seems cool, so I dare make her fall in love with you."

The entire circle went quiet.

"What the fuck? You're joking man?" I asked.

He shook his head, smiling. "Are you up for it?"

Everyone looked at me, not saying a word.

I stood up slowly, looking around the circle for a second, then I picked up my beer, and walked out of the basement.

Going into his parlor, I sat on the couch, breathing heavily.

Janey Paxton?

Of all the girls in the world he could've asked me to do this, it has to be her?

They don't know everything that I do, they don't realize why this is such a big deal...

Janey Paxton is the one girl that I'm not confident about.

It wouldn't be so bad, having her fall in love with me...

And they didn't say that I have to fall in love with her as well.

If I back out, they'll never let me forget this, but I think I could make her fall in love with me, it shouldn't be too hard, right?

Fuck it.

I'll to it.

I took a big sip of my beer, and got up, walking back down to the basement, when I got down there, everyone turned to look at me.

"So, what'll it be?" Scott asked.

I smirked. "I guess it's time to turn on the charm."

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Scott said. "You have one week."


Janey's POV

*the rest of the book will also be in Janey's POV.

I picked up my backpack and went downstairs into the kitchen where my parents were sitting at the table, eating together, and there was another spot set for me.

They didn't say anything to each other, my dad was reading the newspaper, and my mom was staring intently at her plate.

I felt a pang at my heart as I watched them.

I don't know what happened to them. That spark they used to have and you could tell that they were so completely in love.

It's gone now, and they just stay with each other and act like their life is perfect to maintain the image they have as the perfect Paxtons.

I have to watch them loathe each other everyday, and act as if nothing's wrong and it pains me, but there's nothing I can do about it.

I sat down, putting down my backpack as I picked up my fork and knife and started eating my pancakes.

"How was your night darling?" My mom asked in a strained voice.

I looked up at her and sighed. "It was fine." I muttered.

"You slept well?"

"Cecilia, she just said it was fine, give it a break." My dad muttered.

My mom clenched her jaw, turning her eyes to my dad. "I don't seem to remember you being part of the conversation, Jack."

When she said his name, she pronounced each syllable as if it burned her tongue to say it.

"Funny, because you're all I seem to have heard in the conversation." He retorted.

"I'm gonna go now." I said, standing up and picking up my backpack.

"Have a nice day at school Janey!" My mom called.

My day would be better if my parents could have a civilized conversation that oesn't end in a stupid argument.

"Thanks mom, bye dad!" I called, walking out the door.


When I got to school people started staring at me and I immediately got self conscious.

Is my zipper open?

Do I have bed head?

Is my shirt see through?

All these bad scenarios raced through my head, because nobody ever even gives me a second glance.

I'm Janey Paxton, the nerd with no friends.

I rounded the corner to where my locker was and then I realized why everybody was looking at me.

Leaning against my locker, was the Greek God of a man, Colton Steel.

When I saw him, my brain went into overdrive.

What do I do?

Should I still go to it?

Oh my God.

I quickly turned around, hoping he didn't see me.

I started walking away as fast as I could, almost rounding the corner and escaping him, but to no avail.

"Janey, hold up!"

I froze.

He said my name so chilled as if we were old friends.

He caught up to me. "Hi Janey." He said, giving me a smile.

I looked up at him slowly, not saying anything.

"You look hot today."  He complimented me.


Did Colton Steel just call me hot?

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yeah, there is one thing you can do..." He trailed off.

"What is it?"

"Give me a week." He finally said.


"A week?" I asked.

He nodded. "One week and I can make you fall in love with me."

"First of all, you can't. And what the hell?"

He rolled his eyes. "Come on Janey." He pressed.

"No." I repeated.

He cursed under his breath and ran a hand through his hair messing it up in the sexiest way...

Oh God.

I can't be having those thoughts.

 "Colton, you should know that I am not interested in bad boys." I informed him. "Or complete strangers." I muttered under my breath.

"We're not complete strangers..." He said.

"Yeah, sure."

He nodded slowly. "Well fine, then don't think of me as stranger."

"You've never talked to me before!" I exclaimed.

"I'm talking to you now."

"'re a bad boy, and I don't like bad boys."

He rolled his eyes. "Think of me as misunderstood then."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Misunderstood?"

He nodded. "Just like you are, we're both just misunderstood people. I think you're fun and interesting beneath this act you put up."

I shook my head. "I'm not going to do this because you find me fun and interesting." I said.

He winked at me. "You're beautiful too."

Do not blush Janey!

"I told you Colton, I don't like bad boys."

"All I need is seven days Janey, I can make you fall in love with me in a week."

"And if you don't?" I asked.

He looked me over, busting out his million dollar smirk. "I will."

Cocky too.


"But what if you don't?" I asked again.

"Then...I'll do whatever you ask me to do, whatever you want."

Hmm...That could be interesting.

"Anything?" I asked.

He paused for a minute but he finally nodded slowly.

"I hope you know that if I don't fall in love with you, you'll effectively become 'my bitch'"?"

Colton smirked. "Except that you will. So do we have a deal?"

I'm a very logical person, so being approached by somebody I've never talked to before and being asked to falling love with them, I probably wouldn't say yes, but for some reason, I can't help myself. Something about Colton is not letting me reject him, and before I can help it, I find myself saying yes to him.


He raised his eyebrows. "Really?"

I nodded. "I'll do it. But all you get is seven days, got it?"

His face broke out into a smirk.

 "You have no idea what you just got yourself into." He told me.

And little did I know how right he was.

I had absolutely no idea what I got myself into.


please vote and leave comments of what you think so far! and keep in mind that this book is a week long so there's no way it's not going to be cliche.

Zee xx

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