A New Leaf

By Cupcake_Mon5ster

70.7K 1.9K 490

A fan fiction about Naruto's daughter Saya NOT EDITED More

A Ninja's Word!: Authors Note ;)
Chapter 1: Art
Chapter 2: A Mothers Love
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 5: Off To The Acadamy!!
Chapter 6: Bad Blood
Chapter 7: A Wake Up Call
Chapter 8 : Snow
Chapter 9: A New Look
Chapter 10: How To Be A Lost Puppy
Chapter 11: A Test
Chapter 12: Teams
Chapter 13: Our First Mission!
Chapter 14: Mission part 1: Ren-san and Cuan-kun vs Saskue!
Chapter 15: Mission Part 2: Amy-chan Vs Saskue!
Chapter 16: Mission Part Three: Saya vs Saskue!
Chapter 17: Surpise
Chapter 18: Stupid Overprotective Dads
Chatper 19: A Date?!
Chapter 20: Memory lane
Chapter 21: A New Teacher && A Frantic Saya!
Chapter 22:A Night With Ren
Chapter 23: A Mothers Heart
Chapter 24: Crystal Chakra && The First Amazing Mission
Christmas!!!! XD
Chapter 25: tolerance
Chapter 26: The Plan
Chapter 27: The outside
Chapter 28: Kidnapped
Chapter 29: The Butterfly Queen
Chapter 30: Fresh Trail
Chapter 31: Inner Strength
Chapter 32: Ren To The Rescue
Chapter 33: The End Of Everything
Chapter 34: The Fox
Chapter 35: Goodbye
Chapter 36: Waking Up In Hell
Chapter 37: War
Chapter 38: Final Goodbye
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 50- The End
Authors note

Chapter 4: Time

2.7K 72 10
By Cupcake_Mon5ster

|| P.O.V. Naruto ||

The sound of slurping noodles filled my ears and I smiled down at my daughter.

She was sitting next to me at Ichiraku's ramen eating her favorite bowl of noodles. Her eyes where closed and she was shoving the food into her mouth as if she'd never eaten before. A smile etched into her face.

"she's just like you, isn't she Naruto-San?" one of women who worked there giggled. I grinned and put my hand on Saya's shoulder squeezing lightly.

Saya looked up for half a second her eyes bright and lively. My little girl... Literally Saya was aprouching ten years old, but she was still the size of a six maybe seven year old. Her size often made me cringe at the thought of her being a ninja... She looked so breakable.

Saya turned back to her food and continued to eat. Of course my worries never stopped her from doing what she wanted. She wasn't even suppose to be training yet, and when her mother and I had refused to buy her weapons she had gone off and found her own. She really was the perfect blend of her mother and I. She had Yuki-chan's beauty and my personality... She also had my curse. I stared down into my bowl of ramen and relived that awful and breath-takingly beautiful night...


"NARUTO-KUN" Yuki-chans voice screamed from outside the house. I was out of the house in almost thirty second, scared she was in trouble. Almost nothing could beat my Yuki-chan, but still. I whiped the front door open and stepped out into the light. The suns rays nearly blinded me for a second as I scanned the street looking for her. When I found her I let out a breath I hadn't relized I was holding.

Yuki-chan was running down the sidewalk with Sakura at her heels. Both of them had huge smiles plastered on there faces, they looked ecstatic over something. Knowing my Yuki-chan it was probably some mission she was pumped up about.

Yuki-chan and I had just moved in together. Our lives where perfect! Our relationship was blossoming. Yuki-chan was quickly climbing the ranks of ninja in our village, and I was undergoing training to be the next hokage... Tsunade-Sama wanted to retire soon, and was growing increasingly frustrated by her work. I would be the one of the youngest hokages ever, at only nineteen years old. I couldn't think of any way to make our life better.

"NARUTO-KUN!" as Yuki-chan got closer I noticed the tears streaming down her face.

"Yuki-chan are you-" I couldn't get the rest of my sentance out before she was flying threw the air and landing on top of me.

I fell back onto my back, still holding Yuki-chan tightly against my chest.

"Yuki!!" Sakura yelled, "you need to more careful now!"

"careful?" I question and gave Sakura a look that was supose to say, 'what the hells going on' but I must have just given her a funny look because she ignored it. If there was one thing I knew for certain it was that my Yuki-chan wasn't a carful person. My eyes scanned her body quickly, looking for any injury and finding none.

"Naruto-Kun I'm so happy!" Yuki-chan smiled up at me, her eyes shone in a way I'd never seen them before, pure happiness radiated out of them.

"I'm glad, Yuki-chan. But what's all this about." I couldn't help but smile, Yuki-chan was just to cute! Her beautiful blonde hair flew everywhere in a crazy, frizzy mess. Her jade green eyes shone like two balls of liquid green fire, and her smile was breathtaking.

Yuki-chan opened her mouth but Sakura quickly covered her lips with her hand.

"no tell him inside! That way he doesn't scare the villagers" Sakura laughted lightly and helped Yuki-chan up then held out her hand to me.

I let her help me up before following Yuki-chan inside.

"tell me what?" I laughted lightly.

"inside Naruto if Yuki has to wait any longer I think she's going to explode." Sakura laughted and pushed me back towards the houses entrance.

"alight, alright..." I mummbled and grinned at Yuki before taking her hand and pulling her lightly behind me into the house.

Once inside we made our way to the dinning room and all sat around the small table that stood in the middle of the room, me and Yuki-chan on one side Sakura on the other.

"ok you two, tell me what's going on now?" I smiled lightly but couriosity was really starting to eat at me.

Yuki-chan suddenly flushed a bright red color and I raised an eyebrow at her, a habit I'd been developing from hanging around Tsunade-Sama so much.

Sakura laughted lightly and looked at me, "remember Naruto this is something we know for one hundred percent is true"

My mind jumped back to Yuki's illness and I looked at her quietly begging her to come out with it.

"I.. Naruto-kun... We're...umm" Yuki-chan struggled to assemble a sentance and I felt nerves flutter around in my stomach, Yuki-chan was always so sure of herself. I'd never seen her like this.

"Naruto-kun... I'm pregnant..."

I barely heard anything else she said after that her words were lost in a sea of emotions. Shock. Disbelief. And then a tsunami of happyness and pure joy.

She... Was pregnant?

"your going to be a Daddie" her voice was quiet.

We were having a baby?

My body grew warm and tingly and I looked down at my Yuki-chan her eyes mirrored my happiness.

In that moment I forgot Sakura sat across the table watching us, I leaned down and kissed my Yuki-chans lips softly, wrapping my arms around her. Yuki-chans lips answered mine almost instantly, excitement radiating off of her like sun shine.

Sakura cleared her throat and we broke apart, both giving her apologetic smiles.

"how do you know for sure?" I asked Sakura suddenly afraid our child wasn't real.

Sakura smiled and held up her hand, which turned green with chakra flow, "I can feel the baby's heart beat"

Yuki-chan let out a sound that was a weird mix between laughter and crying. I hugged her close to me, stroking her hair.

"are you happy Naruto-kun?" Yuki-chans voice was small. She was honestly afraid I wasn't happy about the news!

I looked down at her and smiled nodding, "yes Yuki-chan, I'm extremely happy"

***Time skip**

Mouths passed and Yuki-chan and I grew more excited as the days dragged on. Yuki-chan's stomach grew steadily and niether of us had gone on a mission since learning about the baby. Of course Tsunade-Sama had been all but unwilling to let us stay in the village, she was just as excited as the rest of us, constantly fussing over Yuki-chans diet and sleeping habits.

Word about the pregnancy spred quickly threw out the village and many people brought us gifts. Soon our house was filled to the very top with flowers and cards.

My world was ablaze with happiness and light there wasn't a single point of sadness or pain. It stayed like that for a while.

One night Yuki-chan and I were getting ready for bed when all of a sudden Yuki-chan let out a gasp, her hand instantly at her stomach.

"Naruto-Kun!" Yuki-chan smiled breathlessly, "the baby's kicking! Give me your hand!"

She didn't wait for me to comprehend what she was saying before grabbing my hand and placing it on her swollen stomach. Under my hand was the smallest , tinyest feeling of nudgeing. A grin broke across me face and my body felt warm and light, my heart melting. It was at that moment that I vowed to protect my family in every way I possibly could. I also vowed to raise my child in the most loving and nerturing way I could. I didn't want my baby to grow up knowing the pain Yuki-chan and I had. I wanted our baby to be raised in a loving house with both parents.

That night my hopes of our baby growing up without any real difficulties, or hardships was shattered...

After Yuki-chan and I had gone to sleep my relitivly normal dreams where shattered like glass and I found myself standing infront of the nine tailed fox.

The gates where exactly as I remembered them being, I hadn't been there in a long time...

The giant fox demon opened its blood red eyes and grinned at me.

"Naruto..." it beckoned my name. "it's been a long time since I've seen you"

I nodded and took a step closer, confused by it summoning me here, "has something happened in my sleep?"

My mind instantly shot to Yuki-chan and the baby...

The great fox laughted and shook its head, amused by my confusion.

"no, I'm here to share with you a glimps a the future"

I felt Dout wash threw my body, the nine tailed fox had never been kind to me, and it wasn't like it to be doing this.

"don't worry, host" the fox grinned again, "I'm showing you this strictly for my own benifit"

I nodded once and help out my hand. One of the foxes tailed reached threw the bars and touched my palm.

I'm that moment I saw hundreds of images flash before my eyes, but two stuck out the most.

The first was of a tiny little baby girl. She layed silant in a pink blanket, a small tuff of blonde hair on her head. The baby's eyes where closed and it's breathing was weak. Her small face twisted in pain.

The second was of a small girl who looked almost exactly like Yuki-chan. Her hair tied up in the same two pigtails. The only difference was her size, and her eyes. Her eyes where the frightening red-orange color of the nine tailed fox.

"that's right naruto" the fox breathed," your daughter will die at birth. Your pathetic paretners body was to weak to deliver the proper care the baby needed, but you can save her..." the fox waited for me to met his eyes. I could feel the desperation seeded deep inside them.

"how?" I prompted

"you let me put a child of my own inside the baby..."

The foxes answer surpised me. He wanted a child? And he expected me to put my child threw the hell I'd been threw growing up? My daughter....

I knew the life he was expecting me to force my baby into. I knew the pain and torment and rejection a life like that was filled with.

"you'll let her die?" the tailed beasts questioned.

Another picture obstructed my vision and I felt my heart drop in my chest. I saw a lively little three or four year old girl sitting on my shoulders. Her fingers wound into my hair as I walked around with her. She looked so much like my Yuki-chan! But I was there to in her features. In the roundness of her face, and her hair was closer to my shade the Yuki-chans. I listened to her laugh and voice as she talk about nothing. And her smile... It was exactly like mine.

"you won't save her?" the fox asked again and I watched with horror as the picture dissolved into ash.

I felt my heart squeeze and tears sting my eyes. I couldnt begin to describe the feeling that coresed threw my veins... It was like an awful mixture of every possable pain there was. It burned as it spread threw my body.

"damn you..." I growled.

"and image what your pathetic partner would do when her one and only child dies in her arms shortly after birth..." The fox continued.

Only he didn't leave it to my imagionation he showed me in painful detail the devistation on Yuki-chans face... The pain that would never fade from either of us

"stop" I pleaded quietly. I couldn't take it! It burned so bad!

"you can save her..." the fox taunted, a grin turning up his lips.

More images flashed across my mind. Each one of the same bubbly little girl. I watched her life unfold before my eyes.I say the joy she brought me and Yuki-chan and the love that filled out hearts.

"alright..." I whispered heartbroken.

"what was that host?" the fox baited. He was toying with me now. He found my helplessness entertaining.

"save her you damn fox! I don't care how just save my daughter!" I screamed. Anger boiled all around me as my hatred for the demon inside me grew.

"very well. Your daughter will host a my own child... Untill we meet again, Host"

And with that the tailed fox faded away and I was back in my bedroom, Yuki-chan cuddled safely into my side.

Only I was still burning... I always would be.

The next morning I told Yuki-chan what I'd seen, and she to quickly opted for saving our baby's life.

//End Of Flash Back//

I looked back at Saya. She was on her third bowl of rama. I wondered quietly how she managed to stay so small and skinny with all she ate.

Saya looked up at me her green eyes sparkling, a small giggle escaped her lips.

I met her eyes and smiled back, knowing somewhere deep in those ocean green eyes, slept a monster waiting to distroy my daughter... Just as the ninetails had done to me...


Hay Guys!!

So what did you think about Narutos little chapter? I can honestly say it was my favorite to write :) I hope you guys liked it to

Please leave a comment on what you thought of the ninetailed fox.. I wasn't sure what he would say I hope what I wrote was ok


So as always Yuki's character belongs to the fabulous Brooke Simmons. If you like this story you should really read hers !!

Vote- if you want to read more chapters. I'm going to ask for three votes on this chapter before I update again :p

Comment- if you found an editing issue and you want me to fix it or you have a little something to say ^_^ PLEASEEEE COMMENTTTT PLEASEEEEEE I beg you!!

Fan- if you like or love my stuff and you want a mention in the next chapter

Add to your libery- if you want a Saya, Firefly, or Naruto hug!!! For all those who have added all ready here are your hugs


Saya*super hugs*


Alright guys thanks for reading and untill next time!! <3

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