A night to remember (Pearlnet)

By AliceHunterBlueBird

580 28 10

Amethyst convinces Pearl to go to the "best party ever" but she only accepts because certain person is going... More

Soda taste

580 28 10
By AliceHunterBlueBird

"I told you Amethyst I don't want to go"

"Oh come on"


Pearl left her backpack on the table.

"It's Friday and we have no classes tomorrow"

"You know I don't like parties"

"Yeah right, but this is the best party ever, you have to go"

"Let me think about it" she took a glass of water and turned to Amethyst "Nope" she said with a fake smile.

Amethyst rolled her eyes and saw her friend leave the room "Garnet is going to be there"

Pearl stopped suddenly and turned around "she is?"

Amethyst had a big grin on her face "so now you are interested, I must say I am not surprised at all"

Pearl blushed "I-It's not that" she cleared her throat "is just that she never goes to this kind of things"

"Well yeah but not because she is a nerd like you" Amethyst chuckled when Pearl made an angry face "but because she has no time"

"I know" she leaned on the wall "I don't see her so often" she paused for a sip of water "and she is my roommate!"

"Well now she has time and she's going to go the party~" Amethyst said glancing at Pearl "so what you say?"

Pearl thought about it for a second "Alright I'll go" she sighed.

"Cool!" Amethyst hugged Pearl.

"Ok calm down" she said pushing Amethyst away "first I have to finish my homework"

"What? It's Friday! Who does homework on a Friday"

"Well I don't like to leave things to last minute like someone else"

"Yeah sure" Amethyst smiled and turned around "see ya at the party nerd!"

Pearl was going to say something but Amethyst was already gone.

"Well I will get to see her at the party" she said leaving the kitchen and walking to her room.

"Pearl where are you?!" Amethyst had to yell because the music in the background was too loud.

"Calm down Amethyst I'm on my way" Said the girl applying lipstick.

"You better be! See ya!"

"Ok bye"

Pearl put her cellphone inside the pocket of her skirt.

"Thanks for skirts with pockets"

She didn't know what to wear to the party so she chose a skirt that stopped half way her thighs and a blue crop top that Amethyst gave her for her birthday and she had never used until now, is not like she didn't like it but she felt awkward wearing it and now it didn't feel different.

"I guess I will feel more comfortable if I wear a jacket"
Once she was done she left the apartment.

The music was loud, people dancing, talking, and kissing.
Pearl blushed and walked fast towards the bar.

"A glass of water please"

She tried to spot her friend in the crowd, but it was impossible.

After a while she gave up and took out her phone, hopping her friend would hear her cellphone.

But before she even unblock her cellphone a voice called her name not so far away.

"Hey Pierogi so you are finally here"

"Yeah homework took a little bit more time than I expected" Pearl noticed that Amethyst was not alone.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, this is Peridot" Amethyst put her arm in the other girl's shoulder "she's a nerd just like you"

"Hey!" said both in unison.
Amethyst just laughed at the reaction of the girls.

"Nice to meet you Peridot" said Pearl with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too" responded the other with an awkward smile.


"What?" Pearl asked confused.

"You are drinking water?"

"Yeah what is wrong with it?"

Amethyst rolled her eyes and ordered a drink to the bartender.

"Here" she said offering it to Pearl.

"No thanks you know I hate the taste of alcohol"

"Well is your lucky day because this doesn't taste like alcohol" said the other smirking.

Pearl wasn't sure if she could believe her friend.

"Don't worry Pearl, I don't like the taste of alcohol neither but this drink tastes just like soda" said Peridot with the same drink in her hands.

Pearl still had doubts but decided to give it a chance.

She took one sip and realized they were right; it didn't taste like alcohol at all.

Amethyst was happy when she saw Pearl's face.

"Now you believe me?"

"You were right" answered Pearl.

The three of them talked for a while when suddenly Amethyst went silent.



That's when Amethyst realized that they were playing 'five more hours'.

"Oh my stars that's my favorite song!" said Amethyst with stars in her eyes "Come on let's go dance"
"No thanks" said Pearl taking another sip of her drink.

"What?! But you love that song too!" Amethyst was upset.

"I just don't feel like dancing right now, I promise I'll go later"

"Ooooh" Amethyst realized the real reason why her friend didn't want to dance "You are waiting for her"

"What?" Pearl blushed "T-That's not it!"

"Suuure" Amethyst winked at her friend "Let's go Peridot" she said grabbing the others hand and running towards the dance floor.

"Whoa! Amethyst!"

Pearl was left in the bar.

Peridot was dancing with Amethyst when she realized her bottle was empty.

"Hey Ame I think I'll go for another drink"

"Wait I don't think that's a good idea"


"It might not taste like alcohol but it has it and not just a little bit"

"Oh, shouldn't we tell Pearl?"

"Nah she's smart she will realize"

"If you say so"

After a while the girl was still in the same place she was since she got to the party, but now surrounded of some bottles of that drink Amethyst gave her. She was laughing while the bartender was flirting with her.

But when she looked at her side she saw her.

Garnet was finally here.

Pearl left the bartender talking alone and in a flash she was in front of Garnet.


"Oh hello Pearl" Garnet smiled at her roommate "What a surprise to see you here"

"Yeah Amethyst talked me into it" Pearl was dizzy "And now you have me here!" she said lifting her arms in the air.

Garnet had to grab when she almost fell on the floor "Pearl are you ok? You seem a little bit..." she couldn't finish talking when Pearl put a finger on her lips.

Pearl looked around and realized they were playing the song 'Blame' "That's my favorite song in the whole world"


"Let's go dance" said Pearl with her eyes wide open.

Pearl might be thin and delicate, but sure she was strong if she could drag Garnet all the way to the dance floor without effort.

Garnet couldn't take her eyes off Pearl.

The few time she saw her dance it was ballet when she practiced at their apartment and the way she danced back then was nothing like the way she was dancing now.

Pearl was feeling the rhythm and let her body go with it, no steps, no rules.

Garnet couldn't help to notice that Pearl was getting closer and closer every time and...

Pearl opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" She tried to sit up on the bed but her head was pounding hard "Why does my head hurts so much?"

"Maybe because you drank too much" said Garnet entering the room with a glass of water in her hand.

"What?" Pearl sat on the bed despite the headache.

"So you don't remember last night" said the other sitting on the bed with her.

"Of course I do, I was at a party that Amethyst made me go and..." she couldn't remember anything else "Damn it"

Garnet chuckled "here take this" she said offering her a pill and the glass of water "for the headache"

"Thank you" Pearl took a sip of water with the pill and took her time to see where she was.

Her eyes went wide and her face blushed when she realized where she was.

"W-why am I in your room?"

"Well when you passed out at the party I brought you to the apartment, but your door was locked and you wouldn't wake up so I left you in my room"

"I passed out?!" Pearl asked worried.

Garnet only nodded "After you kiss me you..."

"AFTER I WHAT?!" Pearl was blushing like she has never before.

"Uh yes you kiss me"

Pearl covered her face with the sheets and started sobbing.

"P-Pearl it's ok" Garnet wasn't sure what to say "we... we can act like this never happened if you feel bad about it"

"Is not that" the other said under the sheets.

"It is not?"


"Then why are you crying?"

"Because..." Pearl put the sheets down and looked away "Because I can't remember my first kiss"

Garnet's eyes went wide "It was your first kiss?"

Pearl nodded.

They both went silent for a few minutes.

Garnet was the first to talk "If you want we can do it again"

"What?!" Pearl turned around to face the other.

"Maybe that way you will remember" said the other calmly.

Pearl looked down with a huge blush in her face 'is she really asking me to kiss her? Should I?'

When she looked up again Garnet was a few inches away from her.

She closed her eyes and leaned forward.

The kiss started softly, but it didn't take so long for it to be more intense.

Pearl's arms surrounded Garnet's neck and Garnet's hands were now on the other's waist.

The need of breathing made then pull apart.

Pearl hid her face in the other's neck and Garnet chuckled.


"You still taste like soda"

Pearl blushed. Now that she remembered most of the night she knew that the drink Amethyst gave her had more alcohol than what she thought and that it was not her best idea to drink so many.


"Yeah I know" Garnet said hugging the other "She told me after she took a photo of us kissing"

"Wait what?!" Pearl looked up at Garnet with worried eyes.

The other girl kissed her forehead with a smile "Don't worry I made her delete the photo before she could post it anywhere" What Garnet didn't tell her was that although Amethyst didn't post it anywhere she made her sent it to her. But for now it would be her little secret.

Pearl sighed relived and rested her head on the other's chest "Thank you"

They both stayed like that for the rest of the morning.

Thinking that going to that party wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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