I'm Nothing Without You. Boyx...

By CupycakesGoRawr

81.3K 1.8K 738

(SEQUEL TO IRRESISTIBLE <3) They've made it through there little bumps in the road now they finally live toge... More

I'm Nothing Without You. Boyxboy
Uno! <3
Drei (:

Zwei (:

13K 388 128
By CupycakesGoRawr

Dedicated to LizAtTheDisco! You guys should check out her boyxboy stories! Absolutely uh mayzing! ( : she also made the cover for my new boyxboy story, that I'm working on! 

Hey hey you you! I don't like your girlfriendddd <3 :D I've gotta pocket gotta pocket full of sunshine! :D Alright I love that you guys are liking the sequel so far! Thought I'd upload! Cause you all deserve it! I didnt have any free time last weekend, only a little bit of it =] I feel horrible for not uploading or anything, I used to upload like everyday D:~ ENJOY! ~

My eye's slowly opened from my deep slumber half expecting to see Oliver but realization hit me, he's at work. I frown, what the heck am I suppose to do while he's at work today?!

Yeah, the funny thing is that I lived here in Florida my whole entire life and he ends up with a job! Totally not fair, right? It took him a freaking week to find one, he must have some secret  ninja powers or something. Yes ninja powers, they do exist! How do I know? Well look at Oliver, he's living proof!

I sit up slowly and stretch my arms above my head, letting out a yawn, when I stand up I catch a glimpse of a piece of paper on the dresser next to our bed, our bed. I could get used to that.

Picking it up I saw that it was a note, awww he left me a note,


I hope you had a lovely night, I had one of hell a night with you by my side. If you were wondering if that's a good thing then yes it is. I was so happy being able to fall asleep with you in our new home. By the way, I left you some breakfest in the microwave and a newspaper on the island, just in case you needed it to look for your job. Hope you have a wonderful day, see you around 5.

Love you tons, 


Awww, I could get used to random notes before he goes to work everyday. I felt my cheeks feel a little warm and my insides feel warm, he sure knows how to keep a man happy.

Putting the note back on my dresser I head straight for the microwave, food time! I skip all the way to the microwave and press the 30 second button.  Waiting patiently for the thirty seconds to go by, I grab the newspaper from the island and flip through a couple pages real quickly, until the microwave goes off.

Once it goes off I throw the newspaper back on the island and turn toward the microwave pressing the open button. I take out my breakfest and just as I'm about to sit down my doorbell rings. 

"Seriously? Must they always come when I'm about to devour my delicious food?" 

Groaning I head toward the door and open it, "Yes?" What's he doing here?

"Hey Cedric." Drake says.

"Oh hello, whats up?"

"Is Oliver around?"

"Oh no, he's at work."

"Great," great? What? "May I come in?"

Uhhh, Oliver doesn't want me alone with him, what should I do? "That's okay, I'll take a step outside." I'm a genius! Taking a step outside of my house, I close the door behind me.

"Well, okay. So Tara and I were wondering if you guys wanted to come out to dinner with us tonight?" 


"Yeah, we want to get to know you two!"

"Oh well I can't make any decisions without Oliver. So I'll call him real quick. Just a sec." I open my door and close the door behind me and head toward the phone dialing Oliver's number.

"Hey baby!" He chirps happily.

"Why hello there! You seem like you are in a fine mood."

"Well who wouldnt be? I have you to look forward to seeing later tonight."

Awww my heart soared at those words, "Oh yeah about tonight."

"Hm? What about it?"

"Well Tara and Drake invited us to dinner tonight."

I heard silence for a second, "Is Drake there with you?"

"No he's outside."

"Ahh okay. Well, sure we can go out to dinner with them. But, doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Yay! I'll tell him! I love you." I say rather quickly.

"I-I love you too, Cedric."

"Bye darling!" 

"Oh uh bye."

I hung up the phone and rushed toward the door, yay we can all be friends!

Oliver's POV! YAYYYY! ( Very Short)

I stared at my phone for a few second's before placing it down on my desk. I kept trying to push the thoughts of Cedric with that Drake kid out of my head but they kept rushing back. I know that kid is up to something. Cedric is just to uh whats the word? Blind? Yeah blind.

But, he did seem pretty happy about being able to have dinner with them, he hung up in such a rush. Did he really want to be friends with him?

 Maybe I'm just being an overly posessive boyfriend. What I don't understand is why I am so jealous of this Drake kid, we've only known him for like a day and yet the way I saw him look at Cedric, it was like he wanted to eat him, it was enough to make me burn with jealousy.

What's that kid up to? Wanting to take us to dinner? Isn't that a bit too nice? He's deffinitely up to something, but what? 

I rub my temple, I just hope it doesn't harm Cedric in any way.


Cedric's POV

We pulled up to the restaurant in silence, I could tell he was dreading it. What was it about Drake that got Oliver so upset? Maybe even jealous? But why would he be jealous? He knows I love him. Drake on the other hand is just being friendly, they just have to put aside their differences and then they can be best of friends. 

When Oliver got home from work we showered, yes we showered, together. Hehe, but yeah we showered and got ready to go. He wouldn't stop talking though, about work about everything. It was just so cute. Now, all of a sudden he's quiet. 


"Yeah?" He said while staring at the building, hands still on the steering wheel.

"You know I love you, right?"

He turns his head my way, "Of course, baby. I love you too." One of his hands drop from the steering wheel and he grabs my chin with it ever so gently and lightly pulls me to his lips, kissing me softly. He pulls away looking deeply into my eyes, which I swear I got lost in them for the little moment that we were gazing into each others eyes. "Let's get this over with."

I giggle softly as I climb out of the car Oliver following suit, "You act like its the end of the world." 

"It is." He stated.

I look over at him, he had a straight face on, "Awww. You look so cute-..." I wasn't even able to finish my sentence when Drake appears out of no where and interrupts out conversation...ruuude.

"Hey guys! Its been a while!" Drake says excitedly.

"Yeah, cause you know three hours is such a long time." Oliver says sarcasticlly.

"Oliver!" I say trying to surpress a giggle. 

"You know that was funny. I can tell your trying to control yourself from laughing." He says while smiling.


"Uh, guys?" Drake mumbles quietly.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Well Tara is waiting for us inside and I don't want to have her waiting for us." 

"Oh right! Let's go." I grab Oliver's hand and we follow Drake inside.

He squeezes my hand, "I can't believe I used to not want to do this in public." Oliver whispers while leaning down to my ear. 

I felt my heart jump happily. "I know right? I'm so glad you still aren't like that." 

"Me too," He says while bringing my hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss there. "I love you."

He just all of a sudden got so sweet, I felt my cheeks get a bit warm, " and I love you, Oliver."

He smiles against my hand and then drops our intertwined hands away from his mouth. "Let's get some food in our tummy's."

"Now you're talking." 

He chuckles, "You and your food."

"Well yeah, I love my food."

"Not more than I, I hope."

"Pshh no. I love you way more than food."

"You better."

"I'm sorry to interrupt your little...ahh. Talk. But, here's the table." Drake mumbles, while motioning around at the table.

"Oh yes, yay. Hey Tara!" I wave with my free hand.

She laughs, "Hello there, how are you?"

"I'm great." 

"And you Oliver?"


"Well take a seat." Drake says while he takes a seat right next to Tara.

"Will do." I sit down right across from Drake while Oliver takes the seat next to me, we still had our hands clasped together. 

"I know we had just become neighbors I just thought it would be lovely that we sat down and got to know one another." Tara says.

"That's fine." I smile at her reassuringly. 

"Good, so where you guys from?" She asks.

"Would you guys like to order something to drink?" our waitress interrupted.

"Yes. I'd like a sweet tea." I said

"I'd like the same." Oliver murmered.

I squeeze his hand he responds with a squeeze back. 

"Anyway, as I was saying, where are you guys from?" Tara questions us. I didn't even hear them order there drinks. How horrible of me, I let out a small laugh.

"Oh I'm originally from Florida." I say

"And I'm from Cali." 

"Oh wow!" She gasps. "That's amazing, you're a long way from home."

"Yeah, but I'm with Cedric so that's all that matters."


"What? Oh someone's cheeks are a bit rosey, is somebody blushing?" He teases.

"Oliver! You meanie." I say while covering my face.

He laughs. "You are so adorable."

"You guys are so cute together." Tara smiles at us.

"Thanks!" I say happily.

"Yeah, you guys are so cute!" Drake says. 

Whoa, where did he come from?! I had forgotten he was here. How rude of me.

"Thanks. " Oliver says. 

"How did you guys meet?!" Drake questions. What should we say to that?

"Ummm, through family members." Oliver, you are a life saver!


I opened my menu, forgetting that we are at a place to eat, I look at the cover of the menu now just finally realizing we are at Applebees. Yummy.

I'm so slow, I scan over the menu quickly and decide that I'll get the Bacon Cheddar Cheeseburger. Man, that looks so goood.


I look up from my menu, "Ah yes?"

"We've been calling your name for the past three minutes." Drake chuckles out.

"Oh, I knew that." Whoops.

"You were mesmorized by the food, weren't you Ced?" Oliver laughs out.

I look from side to side. "Me? Mesmorized by food? Never. Pshhh."

He pokes my tummy, "You lie."

"I do not! Cedric never lies!" I smirk

"There's another lie."

The waitress walks up to our table, "Here's your drinks, are you guys ready to order?" She says while placing our drinks in front of us.

"Heck yes!" I say, "I want the Bacon Cheddar Cheeseburger." once everybody ordered there food we went back to talking about everything.

Drake and I even held a few conversations, Oliver squeezed my hand a few times, I didn't know why. I assumed it was cause he was bored or something. He was talking to Tara though, which was fine. He's gay anyway.

Drake and I had a few things in common, like music, favorite foods. We ordered the same thing. 

We were eating our meals when Drake said, "so Cedric, we should totally hang out tomorrow, while Oliver's at work."I felt Oliver tense next to me.

"Oh I can't I have to go job searching."

"Well I can help." He smiled.

"T-thats okay."

"He's really good at those kinds of things." Tara says.

"Oh ummm."

I hear Oliver take a deep breath, "You should, it would be fun. You obviously have become pretty good friends, go ahead."

"Really?" I smile at him.

"Of course." He smiles back.

"Maybe I should."

"You should." Tara says excitedly.

"Okay, that's fine." I say to Drake.

"Oh thats wonderful! Its great to have you as a friend. I can help you find a great job!" He says happily.

"You bet!"


I know I ended it there, but its 9 and I need to get ready for bed and what not (: I'll be uploading more to it tomorrow, most likely. (: I don't like this upload becuase I think its rushed and its boring but its whatever >;| I can't wait until I get to the part I want to write <3 Which I cant tell you that part but it'll be in the next 10 uploads D: DEPRESSION. Oh well Its longer than normal, I think its like 3 pages or so. Oh well. D: I'm sorry it sucked and what not, I might even go through this and fix it. 

Ugh I'm really disappointed with this. .___. 

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