He Took Me Home

By SchenkNumber4

22.4K 469 112

Abigail Malkin was born in Canada but was adopted and raised into a Russian family. But when she turns eighte... More

He Took Me Home
Meeting The Boys
Watch Little One Run
What the Fuck Are You Doing?
Work It Out
Even The Field
I'm Doing This For You
I Won't Lose You
How Could You?
Important Message!!!
Don't Wake Me Up
Stay High

It All Comes Back Eventually

1.6K 31 4
By SchenkNumber4

It has been four weeks since the day Axel told me he was in. He will be an NHL hockey player when I'm done. One that will go down in history and his jersey will be in the Hockey Hall of Fame. He will be what hockey needed. He is what hockey needed.

Every day I would pick him up at five Am and we would head to the penguin's training centre. Each and every day I would push him to the absolute limit until his sweat was mixed with blood. I needed to shape him into the hockey player he must be to make it onto the Penguins. When we went onto the rink, he would skate his heart out, every day getting faster, stronger. Axel was becoming a hockey machine, he was on a healthy diet plan,  and he was also on a strict sleeping schedule.

Emaline was always with him now. His dad couldn't take her as much so she'd always accompany us to the rink and training centre. She'd watch her daddy sweat and every few minutes she would toddle over and hand him a cold water bottle, saying, "Drink Daddy," with a pouty face until he had had a healthy mouthful at which point she would smile and return to her seat, watching him lift weights, run on the treadmill, and do various other excercises.

She never made a fuss and I think having her there helped. Axel worked very, very hard when Emaline was there because it reminded him of the reason he was doing all this. To get Emaline out of that house, out of that neighborhood, out of that life. He wanted to give his little girl everything. And that made the sweat, the pain, and the struggle worth it.

He'd been working extremely hard and today was the day I was going to suprise him.

I took him and Emaline to the rink at five, just like any other day and told him to stretch in the dressing room and meet me on the ice. I laced up my skates but wore only my wind suit. Usuallly I'd be wearing full equiptment but today was different. Axel has earned today's reward, he's almost ready. There's just one more thing he needs to do before he can pursue his dreams and be in the NHL.

Emaline sat beside me on the bench, her little legs dangling off the side as she swung them from side to side playfully giggling. I looked over at her smiling. "Emaline would you like to go for a skate today?" I asked her and she looked up at me, nodding excitedly at me. I knew Axel would be a bit longer getting ready so I helped her put her skates, helmet, and gloves on. I handed her her little wooden stick and I took her free hand and helped her onto the king size ice surface with the Penguins emblum in the centre.

She began to wiggle her legs in an attempt to skate. I placed my hands under her arms to hold her up as her strides got a little more sure and constant. We began going a bit quicker and eventually I strode behind her and released my grip on her. She didn't waver in her strides. she bent over to gain her own sense of balance and her strides became longer, more confident. She reminded me so much of Axel in the way she skated.

It's no wonder because she'd watched him skate day after day, she definately will be one hell of a player. I could hear her sweet giggles as she turned her body to round the net. She was slightly pumping her arms and bending her knees a bit. Eventually she rounded again and headed straight for me. When she was just about to hit me, I hoisted her into my arms and threw her up into the air, catching her as she squealed in delight. 

"Again! Again!" she laughed and I threw her up once more but she was snatched out of mid-air before I could catch her.

A pang of panic shot through me as I heard her surprised squeal, but it quickly melted into a content laugh. "Daddy you scared me!" she said with a slightly pouty face, though she couldn't supress the smile.

He laid his big forhead on her's and whispered, "I'm sorry my darling," quietly and kissed her nose lightly before setting her on the ground.

She looked up at him with admiration, love, and happiness in her tiny, innocent eyes and then said, "Daddy, get to work! You don't smell enough yet!"

He chuckled and she skated her way off the ice and onto the bench where she sat, ready to watch her dad practice for a good couple of hours. Axel turned to me, "So Coach," he grinned, "What's going on today? Why aren't you suited up yet?"

I smiled at him, "Because I won't be running your practice today,"

He raised an enquiring eyebrow at me and I laughed, I turned my head to the side.

"Geno! Come on out here!" I yelled and returned my attention back to Axel's frozen expression.

"Geno?" he whispered, thinking hard, "You don't mean...?" we both looked over as my 6'3, 200 pound hulk of a brother stepped onto the ice, suited up and ready to go.

I smiled at Axel, "But how?" he asked me.

I shrugged, "Axel... I haven't been completely honest with you." I clenched my jaw.

"What do you mean?" he asked, staring at me curiously.

I took a deep breath, "I am from Russia, like I told you, but-" I paused, trying to think what to say, "...but my last name is not McLellan. It's Malkin." I stared at his gobsmacked expression. "I didn't want you to treat me different and I was afraid if you knew then you would." I took another deep breath, "Evgeni Malkin is my big brother," I smiled at him.

He laughed and my head shot up, it was my turn to be confused, I thought he'd be mad that I lied to him.

When he was done laughing he finally spoke, "Abby, I'm not mad at you for lieing, I get why you did it, It's cool. And for everything you've done for me, I don't have the right to be mad at you." he smiled and then glanced over at Geno who was talking to a giggling Emaline.

I smiled, Geno always had a soft spot for the little ones. Mama said it started when they brought me home.

"This is just amazing that you did this," Axel said, smiling at me. I nodded and motioned for him to fallow as I skated over to a wildly grinning Geno.

"Geno," I said calmly, gaining his attention from the giggly little girl, " This is Axel Levy," I said and nodded toward Axel. His face became more stern but not intimidating. It told me he was sizing up the boy beside me.

"Dis the boy you speaking of?" Geno asked me, I nodded and he turned back to Axel, "Good to meet you, I'm Geno," he said politly putting his hand out for Axel to shake.

Axel smiled, "It's a complete honour to meet you Mr. Malkin,"

Geno shook his head, "No, just Geno," he said with a smile and a chuckle.

Axel seemed frozen so I nudged him, "Wow," I giggled, "You're on first name basis already, well done Axel." I smiled at him as he tried to shake himself from the trance he was in.

Geno slipped his glove back on and smiled, "So? We here to practice, no?" he asked and I laughed nodding to Axel.

"Go to it boys."

I'm glad I'd been pushing so hard for the last little while because Geno was really pushing him, "Faster! Harder! Dig in! Let's go!" he'd yell and Axel listened and complied to every command. Geno didn't change his expression but I knew he was impressed by his play. I'm glad Axel was really giving it his all today because Geno wasn't the only one watching.

Geno let him stop for a water break and then he brought a puck out to centre ice. Axel stared at him, waiting for instructions. "Alright," Geno said, "Take the puck," he said smiply, though everyone knew it would not be that simple. It was actually a venomous command. Geno may be a bulky guy, but he has good hands, and he uses them, constantly.

Axel nodded his head and skate toward Geno, knowing full well the deek-out that was coming. He knew he would have to get used to Geno's strategy before he could take the puck. They skated around quickly, agressively, Axel came close to talking the puck a few times but Geno used his famous braun moves and recovered the puck every time. After a couple minutes, which seemed like hours, Axel was skating full bore with Geno and once again tried tying up his stick. Over and over he tried going after the stick, in different ways but still same result.

Geno stopped, "No! Think different strategy! Your stick not your only weapon! Use different!" he yelled and then continued to skate. He passed along the bourds and that's when Axel skate along with him. He wound up and then slammed Geno into the bourds hard, wrapping up his stick in the process and kicking the puck from Geno's reach. He then skated, picking up the puck and taking control of it.

"Good! Very good!" Geno said with a smile. Axel was learning alot here with Geno, I'm glad I decided to ask him to help me out. I knew alot about hockey, but only Geno could give him the real, full-on experience. And Axel was spectacular. After four hours on the ice, Geno and Axel skated over to the bourds.

I craddled and soundly napping Emaline in my arms, she'd passed out over an hour ago. Her hair sprawled around her face. She never could stay awake for too long at these practices. Axel came over and watched her sound, angelic face quietly. He smiled and I whispered to him, "Axel, there's someone here who'd like to talk to you," I nodded toward the other end of the bench.

The two men standing there came over. They offered him a smile and a handshake that he took immediatly. "Hello, my name is Ray Shero, I'm the Executive President and General Manager of the Pittsburgh Penguins," The first man said,

"And I'm Dan Bylsma, Head Coach of the Penguins, I must say son, I'm impressed by your play. What's your name?"

"Axel Levy sir, and I appreciate that sir." His expression was calm but I knew Axel well enough to know he was freaking out on the inside like I knew I would be.

"Well Axel, this morning we both recieved an annonymous call giving us details of the practice this morning," said Ray, his eyes wandering to me and I lowered my head and smirked, "It detailed a young hockey player that we simply couldn't pass up," he chuckled, "And I'm happy to say it was right,"

Axel's chest was moving deeply and I bit my lip trying not to laugh at his obvious excitement.

Dan cut in, "Mr. Levy, we'd like to personally invite you to a Penguin's practice tommorrow night to see you in action with our boys as a sort of try-out." he said, smiling, "If you play like you did tonight for the next few, you'll be on the Penguins within two weeks. Will we see you there son?" he asked Axel.

Axel smiled and nodded, "I'd be honoured sir," he said, accepting the envelope the men had handed him there.

"Seven o'clock practice, be there for dryland at five. Have a good day," Dan said and the two men turned and walked toward the exit. Axel and I watched them exit and then I turned my attention back to Axel.

His chest was heaving in and out like he was having trouble breathing. His eyes where fixed on some far off distant point and his face was frozen in shock.

"Axel," I whispered carefully, "You did it," I smiled.



Axel came out of the dressing room, his hair wet and drooping from his shower, he still looked so dazed, like he didn't believe any of this was real. I suppose it did all seem kind-of like a fairy tale story. He stopped in front of Geno and I and his eyes went to Emaline, she was still sleeping with her head resting on Geno's shoulder, her little fist gripping his shirt. A little drop of drool dripped from her mouth onto his shirt. Geno held her like she would fall to peices if he held her too firmly, like she was so precious. It made me smile to no end.

"I'll finally be able to get her out, to get her somewhere safe." he said, his voice hopeful and happy as he stared at his sleeping child.

I laid my hand on his shoulder and nodded smiling, "Done for the day Axel, take her home and get some rest. You have a big day tommorrow." I said to him quietly, he nodded.

Geno refused to let Emaline go until he absolutely had to, placing her sleeping form gingerly into the car seat in the back of my truck. I told Axel to take it home, that I'd go home with Evgeni. He nodded and drove off home. I smiled at the retreating figure of the vehicle.

"He's going to be spectacular," I said lightly in Russian, I could tell speaking English all day really wore on Geno.

Geno nodded, "He will be a great addition to the team. And to the league."

I nodded. Geno saw the same thing in Axel that I did. The symbol of what hockey really was, of everything pure and redeeming about the sport. Axel had it all and he was about to become a Penguin. I was so happy this went so well. I myself felt stronger from our training sessions. I trained along side Axel so that he wouldn't feel like he was the only one working and I lost quite a bit of weight at first and then the muscle started to pack on. My body was beggining to bulk up in muscle and you could clearly see the outline of my abs and muscles in my arms and legs, even without flexing. My colorbone was visible and I had less fat on my thighs, though I doubt because I had hockey legs that I would ever have an actual gap there.

I was happier. Everything here seemed to be getting better. I was happier and it was all thanks to Axel. I felt a special connection to him, and it felt just as strong if not more- as my connection to Geno. We had alot in common and I respected and admired Axel for his combination of fatherly-love-and-maturity to a childlike nature he carried happily. You could tell day by day that Emaline was his everything. She made him stronger as a person. I love them both very much.

When I went home I chatted with Geno for a while before I sent him off to bed. He seemed tired and it was late. I sat down on the couch, very tired indeed but my mind was restless and I knew I would never be able to sleep, even if I didn go to bed. So here I am, watching a Highlight of the Night Segment on tv.  It featured some good plays, hits, fights, and the drama hockey seems to unfold as of late. 

I sighed and changed the chanel. It flicked to a randam channel. The show was called Swamp People. I think this was Discovery Chanel. I shrugged and watched the Cajun madmen fight over who's gator was bigger and who was making who's dinner. It was somewhat entertaining until the commercials came on and I quickly became bored.

I was about to change the chanel when a commercial came on advertising a website that was called GettingInTouch.com. It explained how you can simply type in your name and it will give you a list and family tree of the ansestry and relatives as well as information on how to contact those people.  My interest was piqued to say the least. Maybe I could find out more about my mother and father. 

I picked up the phone and dialed a few numbers, listening patiently as the phone rang. It took about six rings before someone picked up.




"Yes Mama it's me, I'm so sorry I haven't been calling as often but I needed to help a friend of mine and I've been exhausted."

"That is alright my child! Quite alright! I'm just happy you called. How have you been? Find any boys you like over there?" she said excitedly.

I wrapped the phone cord around my finger, "I have made a few very good friends Mama. I am very happy here, but I was wondering if you could tell me something?"

"Anything for my baby girl," she said softly, I could tell she was smiling by her voice.

"Mama, what was my birth name?" 

Pause. Silence. 

"Mama?" I whispered.

I started to hear something on the other end of the phone. Snivels and soft sobs. 

"Mama? What is the matter? Why are you crying? Please Mama, tell me what's wrong," I said softly but rather urgently. There was a tug on my heart as I heard my Mama's pain over the phone. 

"You- you're not going to leave me forever, are you? I know you want to find your birth parents but I want to be sure you remember where you where raised. Where you came from- and who you came from..." She cried.

"Oh Mama! Don't worry! I love you so much and of course I'll never forget you! You are my Mama and that will never ever change! I just want to learn a little more about myself is all," I say soothing her.

She just whimpered on the line and I could hear her taking calming breaths on the other side. "I-I love you more than anything my beautiful daughter," she whispered between her weeping.

"Mama, it's alright. With Evgeni here with me, I have a little piece of home with me always. No one will ever replace you!" I laugh lightly, "Besides, no one I know can make pirozhki  like my Mama," I say , "Thought your pelmeni leaves something to be desired," I say jokingly reffering to the time she burnt them on my birthday.

I could hear her laughing on the other end and I couldn't help but smile. I can just imagine how she looked right now. My Mama had the most beautiful smile and it was well pronounced when she laugh. Papa told me it was one of the biggest reasons he fell in love with her. He told me she was so beautiful when he saw the smile on her face the day they joined in marriage. I'd heard the story a hundred times before but it never gets old. Tales of true love never fall into disrepair.

"It was Kailum." She whispered quietly.

"What?" I said, snapping back to my thoughts..

"Your birth name. It was Abigail Briar Kailum."

"Thank you so much Mama!"

"I love you my little one," she said softly.

"I love you too Mama, I'll call you soon and we can chat longer but I know I'm keeping you right now. Goodnight Mama,"

"Goodnight Little One, I love you too," she said softly.

We both hung up and I went to my brother's computer. I pressed the power button and when the screen came to life I pressed on Google Chrome and then typed in GettingInTouch.com, pressing enter. I watched the screen load the website and I looked through the page. I went to the Search Name bar and typed in Abigail  Briar Kailum. 


And there it was.


Abigail Briar Kailum, born October 19th, 1994 in Guelph Ontario. 

Current Age: 18 years.

Sex: Female.

Hometown (1994): Mount Forest, Ontario.

Current: Unknown.

Parents: Maria Andrew Kailum (Mother) and Jameson 'Jaime' Alexander Rodrick Kailum 

Siblings: (Quadruplet) Sister and two brothers (Unknown names)

I froze.

I have siblings. I'm a quadruplet. And my mother's name is Maria. Such a beautiful name. I suddenly began imagining her face. Her scent, her voice. I wanted to know everything about this woman who gave birth to me. The woman who also gave birth to my two siblings as well as myself.  I imagined her to be radiantly beautiful, with a smooth, calming voice. Gorgeous sea blue eyes and fire red hair, though I'm not sure why.

And what about my father? Jameson 'Jaime' Alexander Rodrick Kailum. I imagined a strapping man. Dark hair and graying bits, with slight amound of stubble and eyes green like mine. A working man, the type who's support his family with every ounce of strength he had. The type who'd give up the clothes on his back for the people he loves. The type people respect.  The type people love.

My twin siblings would look like me. The boys would have fire red hair like our mom, but green eyes like me and our father. The girl would have flowing raven black hair that reached her mid back. She'd have my mother's icey blue eyes and pale complexion. Both my siblings are gorgeous. My siblings are perfect. Loving, protective and strong of heart. Perfect smiles and welcoming personalities.

I started to feel myself fall in love with my parents. With my family. The family I never had. I wanted to know more about them. 

I went back to the search bar and searched up my mother's name, clicking enter.

Maria Andrew Kailum, born January 6th, 1978 in Montreal, Quebec.

Current Age: 35 years

Sex: Female

Hometown (1978): Montreal, Quebec

Current Address: 2741 Cochraine Memorial Street, Plumville, Ontario

Parents: Emanuelle Elise Laurrent (Mother) and Maximillion Frederic Laurrent (Father)

Siblings: None

Children: Daughter Abigail Briar Kailum, Daughter (Unknown Name) and Sons (2) (Unknown Name)

Spouse/Partner: Jameson 'Jaime' Alexander Rodrick Kailum (Father of children)

I took a few breaths before clicking on another tab. It opened and I searched my mother's current address, if I could find where she lives then maybe I could find her, and find out about my siblings, my father, and maybe the reason I was put up for adoption. 

I typed in the adress and clicked on the first link I could find. When the screan loaded. I sucked in a breath.


This can't be.

The site boasted the exact address I'd typed in. I clicked refresh over and over again. Trying to make it go away. Trying to make it load the right page. But back it came. Over and over again, there it was. Staring me in the eye, slapping me in the face with the truth. Tears rushed to my eyes and I let out silent convulsions as they slid down my face. 


This site was for a local community park. 

But not just any park. 

A cemetery. 

Gasp!!!! I know I'm evil for making you wait so damn long for this but seriously guys, I've been plotting ahahahaha evil smirk and cackle.

Lemme know what you think?




Love you guys!

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