its a wonderful life [camren]

由 kcxbello

408K 11.5K 5.6K

One winter morning, Lauren Jauregui wakes up to a very unfamilar life. She finds herself married to Camila Ca... 更多

epilogue one
epilogue two
epilogue three
epilogue four
epilogue five
epilogue six


20.5K 580 288
由 kcxbello

For a cold winter's day, the sun was absolutely blinding. Lauren dreaded opening her eyes, but alas a new day was upon her. Perhaps it would be better than the last. All through the night, the night nurse kept waking her up and checking her vitals. She definitely did not sleep well, not to mention the fact that she was somewhat depressed. She couldn't believe that her dream had that big of an effect on her. But it did and knowing that it wasn't real made her hurt, she was aching of her something that was never hers to begin with. She tried desperately to dream of it again; thoughts of Camila's miraculous recovery and the birth of their son were always the last thing she thought of before drifting off. However, she never dreamed of it again. Lauren closed her eyes again as she heard the footsteps walk into the room. She was facing the window on the opposite side of the room so hopefully whoever it was would think she was actually sleeping. She was not in the mood to be poked or prodded, a nurse had just done that thirty minutes ago, surely it was not time for another 'check-up.' Lauren clenched her eyes as the person neared her bed, she could feel whoever it was hovering over her body. Suddenly a hand was gently caressing her face; she couldn't help but jump and quickly open her eyes.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed at the sudden touch.

"Sorry, I thought you were sleeping," Camila bit her lip, nervous that she had been caught.

"I thought you were one of the nurses," Lauren replied as she looked up at her, she was so much smaller than her, she seemed miles away.

"Oh," Camila replied, not really knowing what to say.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren asked, it was still so early, only 7:15 in the morning.

"I just wanted to check on you," Camila responded awkwardly, looking down at the ground. "I'm sorry I scared you; it probably wasn't the best idea."

"No, its ok, thanks for caring" Lauren smiled.

"I'll always care, Lauren ," Camila replied.

Lauren nodded her head. "I know."

"I um...really I should go, you should go back to sleep," Camila said digging her hands in her coat pockets.

"Oh, so soon?" Lauren questioned. Lauren wanted to spend more time with her, she was so happy to see that she wasn't actually dead. She knew she wasn't hers, she had after all made that decision but being around Camila just made her feel better.

"I have to be at the dance studio for rehearsal soon," Camila replied, hoping that she'd ask her to stay because she would in an instant.

Lauren was about to respond when she heard yelling in the hallway. "Anahí, you come back here! No running in the hospital!"

Camila chuckled, it reminded her of her mother. "Sounds like Mom isn't happy," she had been looking through the open door to see who she assumed was a young mother running after her young daughter. She was confused when she turned around to see Lauren crying her eyes out. "Laur..."

"I...I'm s...sorry," Lauren sobbed as she lowered her head in her hands, completely embarrassed but incredibly saddened at what she had just seen.

"What's the matter?" Camila was at her side immediately, she sat on the edge of the bed. She pulled her into her arms and was surprised when she didn't push her away; instead she wrapped her arms around her neck, crying hard into her chest. "Don't cry, pretty girl, don't cry." Lauren's heart stopped at her words, she'd said them to her in her dream right before she died. Her cries became louder as she squeezed her tighter. "What? Lauren, what? You're scaring me. What did I do? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, no, you're perfect," Lauren mumbled against her chest before slowly lifting her head up and seeing her worried brown eyes.

"I didn't mean to upset you," Camila said sincerely as her gentle hands wiped away her fallen tears.

"Its not you, well it is you...I just...I'm so confused," Lauren responded, completely exasperated.

"Look you don't have to feel sorry for me, you want to be with Brad, and I understand. I've accepted it and. I'm trying to move on with my life," Camila replied, hoping that she would believe her. The truth was that she wasn't over Lauren and probably wouldn't be for a long time. She fell in love with her soon after she moved back to Miami. They spent so much time together and Camila fell more and more in love with her. She confessed her feelings to her not too long ago, only to be turned down. It was the boldest thing she'd ever done and of course it bit her in the ass. She should have known that Lauren didn't feel the same way, she had been seeing Brad since he had moved home.

"Brad? Brad is a damn idiot," Lauren sighed. "And I don't want to be with him."

"What?" Camila asked, she was shocked. Lauren was always going on and on about how wonderful Brad was, even though they all knew that basically he was a jerk and she deserved so much better than him.

"I was wrong," Lauren said looking into her breathtakingly beautiful brown eyes. "You...its you! And I know that I don't deserve you especially after all that I've put you through."

"Laur..." Camila began but was soon stopped by Lauren's soft delicate finger on her lips.

"Please just let me say this. If I don't, I don't think that I'll ever have the courage to say it again...ever. I can't hide my feelings anymore, I can't deny them. They're there and they've always been there. I can't believe I'm saying this right now... but I've recently learned that you don't know how much time you're going to have and life is such a precious gift. And I've been wasting mine and I've seen what I'm missing out on. And...and I don't want to miss out anymore. There's so much that I want in life, but most important I want to get married, have babies and grow old with the woman I love...with you." Lauren bit her lip in nervous anticipation as she looked to Camila. Maybe she shouldn't have included the part about getting married and especially the part about having her babies...that was coming on a little strong.

"I...I don't know what to say," Camila ran a hand through her hair, it was a good think she was sitting down because she was awfully dizzy.

"I'm so sorry that I just bombarded all of that on you. God, I'm such an idiot, I'm sorry," Lauren replied, she just wanted her to leave if she was going to reject her, that way she wouldn't have to hold back any more tears that were threatening to spill at any moment.

"Lauren," Camila began, trying hard to think of her next words.

"You should just go; you're going to be late for..." This time it was Camila's finger stopping her quick lips.

"Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much?" a smirk was appearing on her face.

"Wha..." Before Lauren couldn't even finish a word, Camila's soft plump lips were upon hers and soon they were engaging in the most wonderful and sweet kiss that either had ever experienced. So filled with love and longing, that neither of them wanted to break away. But the need for air became too great, so reluctantly; both pulled away slowly, eyes still connected and foreheads touching.

"You've made me one happy woman, Lauren Jauregui," Camila smiled as she laced their hands together.

"I have?" Lauren questioned, still floating down from cloud nine. "You mean I didn't scare you away?"

Camila shook her head. "Never. I was willing to wait forever for you."

"I don't deserve you," Lauren cried, hoping that the tears wouldn't fall; she'd already made a complete fool out of herself earlier.

"No, you deserve better but I hope that you'll settle for me," Camila smiled. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"I've never been surer in my entire life," Lauren replied with a confident smile.

"What changed your mind?" Camila wasn't so sure she should ask, she thought maybe she should have just been happy that Lauren wanted to be with her.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Lauren chuckled to herself.

"Try me," Camila said, kissing both of her hands. "You can tell me anything."

"I know," Lauren smiled, knowing that it was the truth. "I don't know if you're ready for it, if I didn't scare you away before this probably will."

"Trust me, little ole you couldn't possibly do anything to scare me," Camila giggled.

"It's a long story, maybe you should get comfortable," Lauren smiled, patting the space next to her.

"Are you asking me get in bed with you?" Camila raised her eyebrows knowingly. "At least take me out to dinner first," she joked.

Lauren couldn't help but giggle as Camila lay down with her, wrapping her arms around her pulling her body close to hers. "I can't believe this, that it could be this easy."

"You make everything easy," Camila replied, kissing her softly on the head.

"You're such a dork," Lauren smiled happily, still not quite believing this was happening, praying that this wasn't a dream. "This is really happening?"

"Why do you doubt this?" Camila asked.

"Because I've wanted this for so long that I can't help but think this isn't real," Lauren told her as she leaned her head into her chest.

"Its real," Camila kissed her again. "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

"You promise?" Lauren asked, because she honestly didn't think that she would be able to take it, if they didn't work out.

"I promise. I'll never leave you, Lauren."

Lauren nodded; she knew she was telling the truth. She had never once lied to her and she knew that she would never start. "So do you really want to know what happened?"

"If you want to me to know," Camila stated. "But if you're not ready, I understand. I'm just happy that we're finally together."

"I am too," Lauren replied. "But I've wanted to talk about this since yesterday but I didn't think that anyone else would really understand. Here goes nothing: I had the most incredibly real dream ever." Lauren recounted her entire dream to Camila, every little minute that she remembered... Waking up pregnant, finding out about Anahí and Emmi, tree shopping and decorating, Dinah, Normani and Ally visiting - together!, the party and the end.

"Wow," Camila let out a deep breath, it was a lot to comprehend. Lauren had been talking for almost an hour and she had heard so much, it was a lot to take in. "I...died?" That was something she had trouble dealing with herself.

"It was absolutely horrible," Lauren replied, a tear falling down her cheek. The picture of Camila's lifeless body present once again, an image that she had fought so hard to forget.

"I can't believe you had to go through that baby," Camila squeezed her closer. "I'm sorry."

Lauren closed her eyes, falling back against her warm chest. "It's alright."

"It was a good dream, besides my death," Camila laughed softly, trying to lighten the heavy mood in the room.

"That's not funny," Lauren stated in all seriousness.

"I'm sorry, it kind of freaked me out too," Camila said as she stroked her hair gently, actually it freaked her out a lot but she didn't want her to know.

Lauren nodded, "It felt so real, you know?"

Camila nodded her head too, "Yeah, I know but like I said I'm never leaving you."

"I know, but..."

"No buts it's just you and me," Camila smiled. "And apparently Anahí and Emmi too."

Lauren smiled happily. "You mean it?"

"Nothing would make me happier than to make babies with you."

Lauren was about to respond when her nurse came in, perfect timing.

"Good morning," Fannie smiled at the young couple in bed together.

"Hi," Lauren smiled, not caring what Fannie thought of the girl laying in bed with her.

"Sorry to interrupt," Fannie smiled. "But Lauren your doctor has ordered an MRI for you. Transport will be up soon." With that Fannie grinned and walked out, wait until she told all the nurses pop stars Camila Cabello and her patient Lauren Jauregui were laying in each other's arms.

"I guess that's my cue to head out," Camila stated. "I'm going to be late for rehearsal."

"Ok...yeah I guess so," Lauren smiled sadly.

"As soon as I'm done I'll come right back," Camila kissed her cheek.

Lauren nodded. "I'll be waiting."

"You won't be waiting long; I'm never leaving your side. We've got so much time to make up for."

"Yeah we do," she grinned as Camila swung her legs off the bed.

"Maybe we can practice making babies," Camila grinned as she stood up, she knew that Lauren was about to die.

"Camz!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Was that a little much?" Camila giggled as she leaned over her.

Lauren shook her head, "Nope, I just don't think that we should practice in the hospital."

Camila laughed, "You're right, what was I thinking," she leaned down and gave her a light kiss on the lips. "I don't want to go."

"Go," Lauren couldn't help but grin. "I'll be stuck in this bed all day but you can have your spot back later."

"Promise?" Camila grinned.

"Promise." And as Camila walked out of the room, Lauren couldn't help but smile. For once in her life, everything was going her way. After her MRI, Lauren decided that she really needed to know when she was going to get released; she had tons of baby making practice to do. Lauren Jauregui's dreams were all coming true thanks to one Camila Cabello.


So in a way the story is over - but there are still chapters left because I wrote an epilogue and it's way too long for one chapter lol. There are six more left.


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