I'm Not For Sale *Draco/OC/Fr...

By Hannah1094

2.2K 103 4

Lucy finds her life turned upside down when a set of redheaded twins save her on the train to Hogwarts. As th... More

So It Begins
Take A Hint
It Burns!
Stand Up
In Your Faces Mates!
The Yule Ball
As I'll Ever Be
I'm So Dead
What About the Feast?
From Fred's Mind
Are You Enrolling Sir?
I'm Eating, Obviously
The Last Day
Eye Bleach
It's Raining Bodies
Knock Down Drag Out
I'm Too Good Looking to Die
To the Library!
That Sounds Terrible
I Bet It's a Box
Well Then, That's That
You're Yelling
Wizards and Airplanes
New York
Take Me Back
Pubs and Broomsticks
Sweet Revenge
Part 2
Part 3?

Christmas at the Weasleys'

60 3 0
By Hannah1094

    Lucy steps out in the kitchen of a warm and cozy feeling home with framed pictures of redheaded children throughout the years adorning the walls. The sound of running footsteps and laughter draws her gaze to a doorway where the twins rush through while a small explosion sounds from behind them. They freeze as they notice her out of the corner of their eyes and turn to her.
"Lucy? What are you doing here?"
"I hope I'm not intruding, I just needed to get out of Hogwarts for a little while." She responds, feeling stupid for showing up.
"You're not intruding." Fred replies. "Hey Mum! Lucy is here!" He calls out.
"You're bleeding. A lot. What happened?" George says, looking at her suspiciously.
She reaches up and feels her hair sticking on the back of her head, most likely from Malfoy dragging her by it earlier, then notices a stinging sensation on her cheek where blood had trickled down and dried.
"Oh, I fell down the stairs. Nothing big."
They both stare at her silently, not believing her but before they can question her, a red haired woman bustles in while wiping her hands on an apron tied to her waist.
"Hello Dearie. You must be Lucy. I'm Molly Weasley." She crushes Lucy in a hug before she can respond.
"Hello Mrs. Weasley. I'm sorry to arrive unannounced I-"
"It's no problem Dearie. Oh my, you're bleeding. Let me fix that for you." She pulls her wand out and uses a spell to heal Lucy's face and head. "You're staying for dinner, correct?"
Lucy opens her mouth to politely decline, but Molly insists, hurrying from the room, leaving her with the boys. Without another word, Fred lifts her over his shoulders and they walk off with her up to their room.
"You do realize this is considered kidnapping, correct?"
"Of course! We wouldn't have done it if it was the right thing to do!"
She sighs and allows him to carry her, seeing no way around it. Fred sits her down on his bed before joining George on his.
"So, tell us what happened at your house and Hogwarts." They command casually.
"Stuff." She replies.
The boys sigh. "Please Lucy, you have to open up to us sometime."
"It's a very long story and I don't know how you'll react. I don't want to ruin everything."
"It won't ruin anything Lucy, we promise. We just want to understand you better. We won't judge you." The look Fred gives her makes her cave.
"Where do you want me to start?"
"The beginning."
"My last name isn't really Addams. I was abandoned on the streets as a small child, then adopted by Annabella and Theodore, which is why I don't call them by name. My house elf Lolli told me my last name was Binx. I was taken in under the conditions that they would have tutors raise me to adopt certain traits, like cooking, manners, different dancing style, arithmacy, things of that nature. Things that would make me a perfect wife in the future and at any point before my seventeenth birthday they would arrange a marriage with the son of a wealthy pureblood family, earning them better reputations and more wealth. They called me home that day, because they found a suitor..."
She trails off, fiddling with the hem of her shirt sleeves.
"Who is it?" Fred asks quietly.
"Malfoy... That's what he wanted at the dance. He wanted to taunt me because he knew before I did."
"You're engaged... to Malfoy?" Fred's voice sounds defeated and slightly broken.
"Unacceptable. End the engagement. We refuse." George says definitively.
"I can't. I owe everything to Annabella and Theodore. They raised me and gave me anything I wanted or needed. Without them I'd be dead. I have to go through with it, for them. No matter how much I don't want to."
"Find some other way to repay them. Don't marry him."
"I'm trying to find another way. As of now, I'm stuck being engaged to him. I have until the day of graduation to figure it out because the wedding is the day after."
"Anyway, off that topic, what happened at Hogwarts?" George asks.
"Well, I came back and threw a temper tantrum in the common room since no one was there, and broke everything. Had to magically fix it all... But Malfoy had apparently stayed behind to taunt me further, and told me to be quiet. I yelled back and forth with him before hitting him with the bat-bogey hex and running upstairs. I stayed up there until today, when I snuck down for breakfast. He came down shortly after I got my presents from the owls, thank you by the way, and before I had the chance to eat. He tried to get me to eat with him and eventually I caved because he threatened to write to my family about my insubordination. He was being rude to me so I poured my orange juice on him and hiding upstairs again. I snuck down for the feast but he caught me by my hair and threw me to the ground. He said he wanted to work on my obedience since no one would be back for three days. We exchanged spells until I hit him with one that sent him flying. I ran to Dumbledore's office and almost lied to him before feeling bad. I told him I needed to leave for a while and that your mother said I was welcome. I'm allowed to stay for the day or until the return from break, but I'm going back this evening."
The boys sit silently for a few minutes, letting everything sink in. George gets up and leaves the room after Fred nudges him slightly. Lucy glances up and raises an eyebrow in question.
"Why did you let me kiss you if you knew you were going to be engaged?" He asks, sounding angry.
"You knew that nothing would be able to happen with us, why did you let it happen?"
"I was stupid for trusting you."
"Why aren't you defending yourself!? Say something!" He shouts suddenly, causing her to jump.
"I've been trying Fred, you wouldn't let me speak. I let you kiss me because I wanted to hope that maybe he was wrong, that I wouldn't have to be married to him. You can trust me, Fred. I'm sorry for not opening up to you before but I didn't expect it to happen since I'm fifteen already. I didn't want to hurt you." She explains, swallowing the lump in her throat.
"You hid something major from me all year. You didn't expect it to hurt me? I'm sure that's the truth. I should never have trusted a Slytherin." He stands and crosses the room, turning away from her.
"I'm sorry Fred." She stands, her hand reaching out to him.
With a sharp pain in her chest, she drops her hand and slips out of the room. George is in the hall, waiting for them, expecting it to be happy. He's taken aback by her tear-stained face and reaches out to stop her, but she shakes her head and glides past him. She makes her way unnoticed through the house and finds the front door. She wanders out into the snow and down the sidewalk, lost but uncaring.

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