The New Age: Kylo Ren Star Wa...

By alekseixx

773K 18.2K 10.7K

WARNING::: This story has strong R rated language, sexual scenes, and violence. Reader discretion is advised ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: not an update
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 17

18.5K 470 265
By alekseixx

    "Everything in this room is edible. Even I'm edible. But, that would be called canibalism. It is looked down upon in most societies."

-Tim Burton, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Song ^above^ is called: Roundtable Rival, by Lindsey Stirling.

Warning: this is kind of an emotional chapter, and could trigger something, read with caution, (and a smile).


It was late in the night, General SUX (that took awhile to come up with.) was talking to me about the attack on Kamino's capital, that would take place the day after tomorrow.

"You take half of Division seven, on the east-side of the capital. While Drakon takes the west side with the other half."

I shook my head, "Me and Cora can take one half, while division seven takes the other."

His pale, ghastly face glared at me, "Two people, against the entire fleet of Kamino's troopers? That's hardly possible. You and Drakon would be, captured, if not killed."

I shook my head, "I work better with Lord Drakon."

Oh  for fücks sakes, why did I just sat that.

He raised an orange brow, "Wh-"

A scream shot through my ears, it was piercing, and desperate. I heard the pain, and the sadness corse through the antagonizing, and distant sound.

My stance froze...Cora.

I was turning to leave, when Huxy stopped me, "Where are yo-"

I left.

I think she was having a nightmare. It was so...emotional, that I felt it through the only verbal connection that we have. I'm not supposed to feel her limited emotions, I have too many of them myself.

I was there in seconds, I carefully opened the door, and I cringed at her state.

Her slim figure was knotted in the sheets, her face was flushed, her dark brows, were knitted together with a frown.

She was shivering.

I hated how much I wanted to go over there, and comfort the girl.

I don't feel things for other people, I don't care about other people, I kill...I don't feel.

It's a fact.

Yet now as much as I wished that I could just forget about her, leave this child alone.

I couldn't.

She looked so...innocent almost. She looked as though she couldn't hurt a fly...when I know she could probably brutally murder millions of flies, without thinking otherwise.

She let out a strained whimper, as she unconsciously buried her face in her sleeve.

With all of my dignity shredded away by this tiny girl, I walked over to her.

Pressing my palm to her freezing cold arms, I felt everything.

She doesn't know how to show her feelings, she's burning in confusion, and with every breath of smoke she takes...she's burning more into an abyss of fear, pain, anger, sadness...and so much more.

I feel the kind of pain, that you feel in your heart. The kind of emotional pain, that hurts. I knew what she was feeling.

I shook my head.

I think...for the first time in my life...I knew, I was drowning, and I wasn't thinking of saving myself.

Cora was the ocean, and I was letting her drown me.


I feel so worthless, and useless. I feel everything around me screaming, and I can't seem to help myself.

I feel something inside of me dying.

I was deteriorating, and I felt like these wounds...the wounds that had left me so vulnerable to these alien feelings. I felt like these wounds, weren't closing, they were only getting bigger, doubling in size every time I breathe.

I breathed a million times over.

My walls were crumbling, the dust of the aftermath choking me, killing me. The walls that were supposed to keep me alive, were only killing me. Murdering me.

I suddenly felt a cold hand on my arm, and I shot up. My eyes searching, until I found dark ones.

Dark ones that showed so much anger, so much pain, and rage.

I saw so many feelings, but only then, I realized that his, were a reflection of my own.

"I...feel so much." I choked.

His dark expression softened, he sat on the bed, by my side.

His hand stayed on my arm.

I wasn't crying, but I was sobbing.

The tears filled me up, drowning my heart, and I could only hope that they killed it. I could only hope that my own tears, drowned my heart to death.

That my own pain, and anger burned it, using my blood as oil, and fuel.

I want to kill my heart.

Maybe then...I wouldn't feel so much.

I was too busy begging my heart to die, that I hadn't noticed Kylo cautiously, pulling me to him, pulling me over him, until he cradled me.

"W-what are you-"

He shook his head, "Shut the fuck up, for a second." He said, but it wasn't his usual harsh tone, It was soft.

He has a strange way of...comforting me.

      Everything in me, told me to hurt him, for even touching me...but I didn't.

No Lightsaber could fight this battle.
No training could make me stronger than this.
No pain could muffle this feeling.
No amount of blood could drown this.
No force-light-or-dark...could save me.

I was being consumed.

I didn't fight.

I just let go, and I gave in.

A single tear fell from my eyes, and landed on my bare leg.

It burned it's way through every layer of skin I had, it scarred every bone, and every nerve.

It burned though every shield...and every burier I had.

I pressed my face, into the cold of his chest.

That much like mine.

He was cold blooded, the frost of his heart, melting with the icecaps of my own.

This...enemy of mine. Held me.

"Why don't yo-"

"Just shut up, and let me hold you." He muttered.

And I did.

I let this cold blooded killer such as myself, hold me.

I let the cold cloud over me as I gave in, letting the cold embers sink into my everything.

Cold mixed with cold, and it's numb.

I let him hold me as numb took over, and as I gave in, the blood from every opened wound seeped into my heart.

Those wounds would never close.

As I wrapped my arms around him, I let the darkness consume me.

I'm numb, vulnerable, angry, pained...but I'm not alone.


Her shields are down, what's gonna happen? *wink wink*


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