Our Little Corner

By Azumishtera-chan

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Our Little Corner
How I flunk mid school part 1
High school's assemblage: The Epic Failest!
The traitor knows my name
Friends with benefits

First day [how i flunk my Mid school part 2]

3 0 0
By Azumishtera-chan


              "Hey, David do you know where are my glasses?" I asked at that Monday morning.

            It was one of those significant days I manage to even remember. I found my brother downstairs, cooking up our breakfast (because he is the only one who knows how to cook properly a breakfast); while I was still preparing for whatever luggage I am going to bring for school. My brother look up to me, he was quite busy wrapping my lunch box and the fried milkfish he was frying waft the air, salivating and making my stomach growled from starvation.

           "Check yourself on the mirror" he said, i frowned at him.

          “I am asking where my glasses are."  Restating that question again to form a declarative sentence in case he didn’t hear it or he was just ignoring me again. It’s not that I’m making myself to be nerdy in order to look as if I'm a real genius and cool; my eyesight is just really imbalance. I can't see very well on my right eye, but the doctor said I still have perfect eyesight on the left.  There's just that there would always a glitch that happens to my right. As of right, now i could see in my left eye he is serious.

            "Go! Don't ask questions" he demands and so i give in and there it was, my glasses are resting on the top of my head.

                  I was just a spoiled brat. This something that bother me when i didn't really remember that it was there in top of  my head.

            This is how we start our day( weirdly normal right).

             I hope he can be such a dork, so he'll never matter to everyone that he is so great, that he is being treated royally and loyal by the whole school as if he was their perfect human being.

        Jealous much?

            You would understand how much a person in his shadow could feel, like loneliness, being left alone and be treated as if I am a fly. Yet i don't want to writhe against his grounds without having FBI tracking me all along if i tried to rebel. How would I rebel? Why would I rebel on him?

       I love my brother because if he ship across and whenever i messed up he'll shot up to be with me. I quickly paces up for him, catching up is the best thing to do but no matter how hard that i tried i can’t.

             I can't be like him.

             He is too perfect.

            So perfect it was his flaws.

            In the end I stuck up on the same place I was ever be and much worse. My brother forces me to be at it. (Without him knowing that)

            I seated across the table and eating our breakfast together. Like the most of the head of the families i always watch on the teleseryes, they'll be always seen to have a coffee in their hand while eating and reading newspaper. Currently it is I am seeing in the actions of my brother.

          "Chloe do you have any plans for this week?" he ask out of blue, I stopped stabbing the beef on my plate. I look up to my brother, he had put aside his newspaper and stare at me intently.

           "Um.... I... Don't “I reply, i think he has a date or something? Why would he want me to go?

           "Why?" he ask.

           Seriously, why? I don't want socialize with people at school, they'll only find my weakness and use it against me. 'I should really get underneath the crowd for safety measures. Be a social recluse!

         "I don't like to hang out" i reasoned i don't want to go out. "It’s school day" Saturday and Sunday are our family day which would mean we've got to see Frank and supervise the house so he'll never destroy it. He is our uncle and he only comes home by the weekends due to the similarity of his work with Dad.

          "How about friday?"

          “It’s still a school day so no"

        “but it'll end at sundown" what a nice philosophy, if it was...

         "I know the definition of a day!" i barked back, i don't know why we have a conversation like this one.

         “what will you do then"




              "~_~" beat it bro!

We both stayed silent, because, it means i got to get my freedom of sleeping at those nights. I wonder, is he about to spend his night with his girlfriend? It's been a three months since the  last time saw him going out.

           "How about you? Do you have a date with Megan?" I ask, as he slurped his coffee. He didn't say anything about the two of them lately, I do wonder why.

              "No, we don't" He spoke, I frowned for his explanation.

"How about you? When will the two of you hang out?" I hate when he bounce back the question to me.

             “Megan and I don't do that anymore" I replied.

          "Really, why?" he asked. What the hell she was his girlfriend, he must know about her and she doesn't have this be concern with me. "I thought the two of you are friends?"

           "Like best friends forever, geez no! In fact,... She hates me" I learned the truth of her side when we were on the comfort room, as i was about to get out of the cubicle. She happens not to notice that i was listening to her complaint about me having no fashion sense at all and she's just doing her charity work to me because she's dating my brother. I skip the rest of my physics class on that cubicle contemplating what she just discloses to me. Then after that I stop hanging out with her and I even ignore her for the rest of the school year. 

          She then responded to my ccldness, with her celebratory party of ridding me out her life atlast, and as usual i heard her say it on the CR, again. How pathetic, right? 

                She said that i was so stuck up and I've been dragging my brother down out of his world, the popularity world.

           I get it.

          She's doing him a favor of having to swat me out of their life.

         I knew the one who is complaining because i know how Megan whine if there was something that doesn't coincide with her plans. I clearly memorize her at all, so I know it was her.

              I know it shouldn't bother me now as it used to be in mid school but i can't deal with fact that I am losing it when it comes to other people. They are becoming so tiresome to continue and nurture them so that they won't leave. In fact i dreaded the thought at first when he suddenly get himself a girlfriend, but I know I have to let him go.

             Megan is right! Taking care of me often drags him down and preventing him to have fun by himself. Much as i know to my own desire is to make him happy, even if i have to conjure the fact that he'll enjoy his youth without thinking of me in his way.

            "We broke up" He said he blinked and he said nothing about it much. It doesn't even shocked me actually, though i know they are bounded to split from the start but i didn't try to tell my opinion from their relationship. So i continue to shove my food down to my mouth as he was about to get our plates to wash and go to school.

            Megan and David has been a couple before, but for some reasons. My brother added more priorities in his student life, he had lesser time to party and mingle with other kids around our area. In which he had lesser time to spend with his girlfriend or take her to the parties they used to hang out.

            He got busy being a school President, an athlete, and sadly a parent to his derange weird younger sister( he won't just leave me alone).

           So Megan uses me to get to him and there were perks on how she saw so nice with me. She literally helps a nerd like me to "step out of my shell".

          Through her I change my sloppy wide rim glasses to a funky one and tone my hair a bit to fit my style in improving how I look. Despite that i have destroyed my savings for the clothes and make over, well, i have to admit it was really worth it.

           Even my uncle said that, I am really pretty grown up as a normal teenager and thanks to Megan, she shows the beauty I hid against the baggy clothes, I wore before.

              My brother is surely shocked towards my change but he didn't say anything against it. When he does we broke into a fight, and suffered so much aftermath like ignoring each other's presence or him cleaning out my bedroom.

                Megan has become my fairy godmother and David dates her for it and then they become on. Their sparks more flag for the both of them becomes so "IN" couple of the school. Megan clearly enjoyed their show, but deep inside I never felt so much unhappy about this situation we got into. He barely enjoys everything and be at Megan's whim to the fact he is sacrificing our Family weekend days to be at every party Megan is at. To do every duty he has to do as her boyfriend.

                Much more, I’ve got to suffer the annoying presence of my uncle in our house. Fortunately for that I have his best friend Max,(she's a girl) we've been together for so long as I have remembered speaking. I could always see how inseparable the two had, until Megan comes to the picture and me as their tag along.

              Sadly, Max has to fly out, in order to fit in her brain with much more intellectual crowd at some university in another country, leaving David and I, here so lonely without her. Terribly lonely! It's like your mom leaving you to work in abroad.

                In their parties, however, I got to meet Ellen and her gang. I don't want to write how I suck up things up for the both of us.

                Yet, it’s a nightmare.

                 I ruined their fun and this is my entire fault. My first and last Party is such an Epic fail.

                Anyway after that night, things started to change around me.

              I got to be recognizing by the A-crowd which composes with Ellen Blackwood and her clones. They started to destroy me for having a bad rumor (that i never knew I could think of doing that, really...)

               According to them, I was hanging out with an ultimate bad boy after school, we would go to some pub and tries to sleep with everyone in there.

                For some reasons, except my brother they actually believe in that, and so much as I tried to tell everyone; I didn't do the things i was being accused of, the more they actually believe and judges me as a slut.

             Ellen even created evidence of my upbringing as a whore and prostitute and yet i didn't know who was the other guy whom they allegedly say i was with.  I tried to explain in one picture I was actually there.However no one listens to me, the teacher has just leaves the fact to be at it, since  I am awarded as the salutatorian at the end of the school year. Records like this would absolutely be wasted but they cannot adhere the fact every honorary student gives a little bit of rebelling. (Can even somebody believe that?) Megan begins to ignore my whole existence after that.

                How could I give a damn about them, when poeple here really are rebellious and they can not be contained. Much to my annoyance, the whole reason of how i got mistaken as slut on the picture is because of Frank when he got so much drunk that night and started a ruckus in there. Beating up the local militia into a pulp and yelling something in there that i don't know. David arrives at last on the scene and pays for the damages, after I got uncle Frank home sleeps at the garage. 

             David and I made up our fight that night of the rumour's starting to be so spiral it got out of our control. He actually stands up for me and beats every mugger and our classmates who are harrassing me as a slut.

              This is all Ellen's fault while I am was being branded as a whore, she was out there sitting herself as a virgin above of every pinnacle of pureness. Much to my dismay the crowd is blind to know who is the real whore between the two of us.

            I get to know why she's doing this to me, I know it beacuse it was me who caught her up doing threesome with some on her room at tha party. i didn't reveal to everyone it's because she got me first and has done damage to me, that it got to be the fact that i didn't believe by everyone and sends me the message I was bitching her off in hopes I would only evading the twisted lies out of me.

             They didn't know what i saw at that party, as for me,it really gross me out. So much this how i Flunk my social degree in Mid school.

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