Resident Evil || Hands Held H...

By HatterReloaded

953 7 2

"Fine! You got a deal!" And so, with that single goading their fate was sealed. :: LeonxOc, KrauserxOc Set in... More

Resident Evil || Hands Held High || Leon and Krauser || 01
Resident Evil || Hands Held High || Leon and Krauser || 02

Resident Evil || Hands Held High || Leon and Krauser || 03

218 1 2
By HatterReloaded

Leon sighed as the trio made their way towards the village. They were after one named Javier Hidalgo, a drug lord who had been making dealings on the black market for the very viruses Leon had vowed to help wipe off of the earth after that hellish night in Raccoon City. He had met up with Krauser just awhile ago and had been shocked by the sight of the female beside him.

When asked Krauser had elaborated that she could know something and that she seemed suspicious. This had ended in several tries to interrogate the woman, like now. Though none of these attempts were netting the men any good results....

"How did you get here?" Krauser snarled again, losing his patience with the too-carefree woman. Indeed she had a sashay to her step that seemed much too arrogant in this type of mission they were both on. It left Leon uneasy.

"Nah~, I walked," trilled Blaze easily as she hopped over a large tree root and turned to grin at the two. Krauser's glare intensified at the evasive answer. It was clear she knew she was playing with them and she was making no attempt at hiding this.

"You little-"

Leon interrupted Krauser before he said something rather unprofessional. Whatever Leon had been expecting for a partner, he hadn't expected Krauser to have a bit of a temper. "If you'd excuse me for saying, you did say you were going to answer sincerely, correct?"

Blaze stopped, turning to face the two fully, a carefree smile still in place over her lips. "Ah~, I did. And I sincerely don't wish you to know what you're asking. That's pretty honest of me, right?"

"Listen, kid," Krauser snorts, advancing on Blaze and causing the smile to slip off of her face as she blinked at him curiously. It took guts to face someone of his size when the man was angry, and while she wasn't about to back down it was hard to keep up the smile when he was advancing on her angrily. "if you're not going to answer you'll be tried."

It was here that both men actually believed that they were going to get through to the woman, get some answers. However, it seemed nothing was that easy, at least not with this oddity of a woman.

"Not in the States. Don't care~" and with that lax answer she had spun back around and continued to walk off in the direction they were all heading. This careless attitude was driving on Krauser's nerves quickly and it was noticeable as he stalked after the girl, fists clenched and a scowl in place on his face.

Leon was a little frustrated himself, though he wasn't about to take it out on the woman. That just wasn't in his nature. Instead, he tried a different route;

"If you won't tell us how you got here can you at least tell me what you're planning on doing?"

Blaze glanced back, surprise on her face before she smiled and answered; "I'm searching for someone."

And no matter how hard they tried the two would be unable to gather any more information out of the woman, despite the different approaches and inquiries. She was definitely a stubborn one, and it wasn't helping to improve either of their moods as they made their way to the village where there guide would be to lead them to Javier. When they did reach the village, even Blaze's mood had sobered.

There was a stench in the air that hung thickly amidst the humidity and heat. The silence that was broken only by their footsteps added to the eerie nature of the seemingly deserted village. The only other sound was that of a radio, a broadcast in English informing any listeners that the missing girls count had risen to up over fifty. The array of missing person's posters on the nearest fence didn't help, either, though something about the missing dog poster being mixed in with all of that eased just a fraction of the tension.....

Not by much though.

"It's more than just girls that have gone missing...." Leon noted under his breath, Krauser stepping forward a few paces as he gazed around warily, the stench that hung so thickly in the air sparking memories in him.

Blaze waited unnerved, her heart already beginning to speed up in anticipation of what was to come. The wait was the worst part, she had no doubt that once it started she would adapt quickly. She just hoped Dena was alright....

"This is unnerving," Blaze threw in her own two cents, wishing she had some sort of a weapon to use. Of course wishing didn't do much, not at this point in time, so she was forced to stay in the area between Leon and Krauser.

"Something's wrong.... It smells like a battlefield...." Krauser speaks up solemnly, quietly as if wary of disturbing the silence surrounding them. It was as if something was merely waiting for a sound to send off a riot.... "Like death..."

Shuffling drew the trio's gazes to what seemed to be a shambling and sickly man. He slouched horribly low, his face tilted to the ground as he made his way towards Krauser who's brow quirked at this man's sickly looking skin.

"He looks hurt...." Krauser stepped closer to this man, handgun at his side. "Hey, you ok? What happened here?"

The injured-looking man lifted his head slightly as if to take in Krauser's form, shambling ever closer at that unbearably slow pace.

"Krauser! Look out!" Leon warned, knowing the symptoms and actions already for what they were.

"Move your ass or shoot it!" Blaze ordered simultaneously, a lump in her throat. It was definitely much different witnessing the events of a game first hand rather than through a screen. Though strangely she was still calmer than what most would be knowing what was about to happen.... Krauser had been one of her favorite characters, she even dreaded what would come later in this mission.

"What's the probl-"

A loud yell from the injured man, covered in blood caused the trio to jump, Leon taking aim and squeezing the trigger in a flash, his instincts and abilities gained from Raccoon City honed by further militaristic training. Krauser was forced to jump back away from the hostile man. The gunshot that rang out was deafening, the sound echoing out as if to announce the start of the horror to come.

The zombie's body thudded uselessly to the ground as a spray of blood left the bullet wound. Leon had managed to net a head shot, decimating the brain before the zombie could do anything.

In most other situations a chest shot would suffice, even if you didn't hit the heart, you'd at least hit something more often the not as the head was a smaller to hit target. But Leon knew that such a shot would not have sufficed. A headshot or nothing; anything else and the thing would just get back up again.

"Didn't see that comin'." Krauser mentioned, the lull in silence even eerier than it was before. "So, this is what Umbrella's virus can do, huh?"

"Looks like it," Blaze answered, shuffling closer at a leisurely pace, a curious expression adorning her features and her hands clasped behind her back. Once she was close enough she leaned over to get a closer look at the corpse. "Grisly."

"You're awfully calm about all of this, kid," Krauser snorts, that distrustful gaze aimed at Blaze once again. "Just what do you know?"

"A lot." Again a simple answer given though one that provided no insight as Blaze straightened up and spun around on her heel pointing forward at a small group of zombies she knew was heading their way now from so many playthroughs of Darkside Chronicles. "We have company."

Gunshots began ringing out as Krauser and Leon took initiative before the infected could get close enough, a warning from Leon all that was needed to know that even a simple bite or a scratch from one of them and you would turn as well. The gunshots were deafening but necessary, the zombies becoming merely corpses as blood splattered over the ground.

"We better hurry and find our guide!" Krauser informs. A wise course of action indeed.

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