|| FFX || sριяα's ωση∂εяℓαη∂...

By HatterReloaded

233 8 3

"I see... It seems she has met strange circumstances as you have, Jecht, though I know not the precise events... More

|| FFX || sριяα's ωση∂εяℓαη∂ || Auron || 01

|| FFX || sριяα's ωση∂εяℓαη∂ || Auron || 02

87 4 2
By HatterReloaded

"For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know." - Suckerpunch

The woman was quick to begin treading water as her body jumped at the shock of suddenly being submersed from the neck down and cold, the shock of it hitting her hard after having been adjusted to her humid and stuffy room. A shaky and shocked yelp left her mouth in the same instance her body and mind absorbed all of this information and sensations, her dark eyes widening.

Above her the stars twinkled in the inky blackness, providing little to no light to see by as the moon seemed to be in its darkened state, hidden from the sun's rays that it would otherwise reflect for all during the night. Only one thought ran through the woman's mind at this;

This is bad...

Treading water was an exhausting activity, anyone who's done it before in their lives could say so, and it wasn't long before her legs and arms were screaming in protest at the constant movement it took to keep her head above water, moving slowly in a single direction.

Waves slapping against the sides of something or other drew her attention what seemed like hours later, though it was truthfully maybe only twenty minutes later at most, causing her mind to kick into overdrive, wondering what was drawing closer. This caused the woman to began jerking her gaze left and right in search of it, mind racing; if it was some sort of wild animal after or something she wouldn't have a chance fighting it off in the water...

Spinning around her eyes finally landed on the thing drawing nearer to her, a large wooden boat. This caught her off guard, where there really such wooden boats around anymore? Then again she was attempting to go about this as if it were dream, even though her chattering teeth and shivering body proved that idea otherwise.

Dream logic would help her keep her calm if she needed it.

A brief moment passed, musings over what would be the best course of action crossing her mind before she acted, lifting a hand high into the air to wave about - not like any would be able to discern what it was - and began to shout loud enough that it was already causing her throat to ache;


She wasn't even sure if anyone would be on deck of the boat to hear her or even be willing to help her up. Hell, maybe they were outlaws and the very kind of people who would only worsen her situation.

Of course, she figured she could worry about that if and when it happened.

So she continued to splash around and generally make as much noise as she could to arouse attention to her plight, and was rather grateful when she spotted movement on deck as it drew closer, the floating vessel slicing through the waves easily and, what seemed to her, rather swiftly.

"Grab hold," a rather calm male's voice resounded as the ship drew close enough to see a trio of people around the railing, one of them tossing down a length of rope that splashed in the water. Moving as fast as she could within the water she grabbed hold of it and allowed the men to hoist her up, her teeth still chattering and body shivering uncontrollably.

"Are you alright, Miss...?" was the first of the questions that arose once she was up on deck, waterlogged and freezing, arms wrapped about herself. She had yet to inspect the threesome that had rescued her from the ocean though she gave a nod in response.

"Y-y-yeah,; the name's Ke-elly," she managed, her words broken by stuttering from the cold that seeped into her still. Kelly glanced up at this point to survey her rescuers before blinking in surprise, catching site of the familiar form of - "High Summoner Braska?"

And indeed it was, the man decked out in what could be described as overly-modest clothing of a deep red coloring styled in a way that reminded Kelly of scales, a strange ornament atop his head as well. Confusion clouded the man’s dark eyes and facial features as he inclined his head politely;

“I do not know about ‘High Summoner’ as of yet, but I am a summoner and my name is Braska.”

While Braska seemed to take this outburst calmly and in stride the two that flanked him, those of his Guardians, had tensed, hands itching to reach for their swords if need be. They had no way of knowing what this waterlogged woman was capable of, appearances weren’t everything, after all.

“Than that must mean...” Kelly broke off eyeing the two Guardians she knew to be Jecht and Auron. Jecht looked the same as she had ever seen him in her gameplay of Final Fantasy X though Auron was that of the younger version, seen in Jecht’s spheres left behind, though that was of no surprise, not if Braska being alive was any indication of what time period she was in in the ‘game.’

“You’re both Jecht and Auron....” she mumbled this part to herself under her breath so that the three could not hear her clearly, though she had pointed at both as she had named them, a clear indicator of what she was possibly talking to herself about.

“May I ask as to just why you were floating in the ocean?” Auron spoke up, a wary look on his face. It was no doubt he took what he did seriously.

“I dunno!” came the easy reply, her teeth having stopped chattering for the most part though it was still apparent she was freezing. Though the grin on her face gave away the fact that she clearly did not care about this. “One moment I’m sitting in my room the next I’m ‘following’ - for lack of a better term - what would class as the White Rabbit in this story and then I find myself in the ocean.”

“Sounds like I’m not the only one who appreciates a little alcohol!” Jecht merely laughed, throwing his head back to do so, his words slurred slightly.

Irritation lined Kelly’s features as she eyed the man with a huff, “Hey! Who said I was drunk? I’m being serious!”

“I see.... It seems she has met strange circumstances as you have, Jecht, though I know not the precise events or means...” Braska calmed, a reassuring smile on his face aimed at Kelly to ease her irritation at the burly man’s insinuations. “If you would, I would like to ask a few questions, Miss Kelly.”

“Sure, why not?” The grin was back, baffling Auron, who rose a brow at the woman’s rather laidback and carefree attitude. Much less her manner of dress was to be desire; some sort of baggy many pocketed pants of a dingy khaki color, a sleeveless black top and some sort of a hat of three or four colors.... She definitely did not dress like the rest of Spira.... She was a sore thumb....

Something told him things were only going to grow more complicated....

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