Love at First Flight


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"In rainy summer days, when you lose all hope; you are about to be disheartened and go home, and then right b... Еще

Chapter 1: Stop whoring around like a bloody whore
Chapter 3: Catch it before an intruder steals it away

Chapter 2: Smiles like that should be illegal

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Chapter 2: Smiles like that should be illegal

Old people and planes just shouldn't be put together. They are lovely when they want to be, but I swear they all hate me.

The gorgeous guy beside me had a laughing attack about 5 minutes ago when I told him-or asked him-if he is mute. He has been laughing non-stop since then. And the surprising thing is, none of the old ladies in front of us or beside us are saying anything to him they are all glaring at me. As if I am tickling him or something. They are probably all cougars who want to get with him. Not that I blame them, the guy is breath-taking.

"That was so funny, you are something else," He choked out before sobering up.

"Yeah, I kind of guessed you found it funny," he chuckled lightly.

My cellphone beeped in the pocket of my jeans. I took it out and checked to see that I had two unread texts; one from David and the other one from Hotness next to me was peeking over my shoulder as I was replying to David's "I miss you" text. He really is the sweetest boyfriend. Also, he looks so beautiful. His golden locks and sparkly green eyes all just call out to me and say, "come and screw me," not that I have done it yet. I just hope David is willing to wait more than he already has.

"Would you stop butting in Peeping Tom?" I asked, and of course he had to smile at me. Let me tell you, smiles like that should be illegal. We don't want this plane or any other place to drown because of all of these women. Yuck, you are disgusting Melissa.

I cackled when I saw the word, sent me today. Hotness-I should really ask him what his name is-asked me what was so funny and I smiled. "I have this obsession with learning new words. I want to be very articulate and erudite; knowing plenty of vocabulary words helps me be it and it just feels great."

"I have no idea what erudite means, but that still doesn't answer my question; Why the cackle?"

"I really like that word, I really do." he shot me an amused smile, "I have this app on my phone that sends me a new vocabulary word every day and I use it in a conversation, to know it by heart." He was about to ask, "Why the cackle?" again before I continued, "today's word is apodyopsis." I started laughing again while he felt left out because of course he doesn't know what it means.

"Can you use it in a sentence? You said you use the words you learn in a conversation. So, use it right now, please?" I realized then that this boy-whatever his name is-is just like me. He also has a fire within him that begs him to know things; to learn things. And I like that in a person, a lot. David unfortunately doesn't care about all these things. He even calls the mirror visor in the car "That thing above the steering wheel to block the sun and it has a mirror on it."

"Whenever I watch videos of Jack and Finn Harries I practice my apodyopsis on them to imagine their hot, sexy bodies in my mind's eye." I turned to see his reaction and was pleasantly surprised to see his eyes bugged out and his mouth wide-open. I laughed at his face and leaned back in my seat.

"I don't know who Jack and Finn Harries are, but I am sure the meaning of apodyopsis is imagining someone naked." I patted his head and grinned. He grinned back and finally told me his name is Liam.

"So, why weren't you talking to me before? Why were you just nodding your head and smiling, like a socially awkward person?" he let out a laugh and nudged my arm with his.

"Well, I just didn't know how to talk to a beautiful girl like you." I stared at the blank T.V screen in front of me to hide the splash of red covering my cheeks. I got that dumb habit from my mom. Even now when dad calls her beautiful she blushes like crazy and I unfortunately had to inherit that dumb gene.

After I had my blush under control we talked some more. From what he told me he loves music and literature makes him happy. He likes to read classics and the Picture of Dorian Gray is his favorite. I mentally cheered when he said that, that book is my life and soul, it's my dearest possession. I read it whenever I need to know the reality of the world, and how screwed up it really is.

6 and half hours of the flight went by in the blink of an eye. Talking with Liam was really easy and quite entertaining. Apparently he messed up his plane ride before so instead of landing in Ottawa he landed in California, so, he had to take another plane to get there.

"So, what was that whole deal with the security guard earlier?" I asked, referring to him being chased by that tall, pissed-off looking security guard. He gave me a confused look. I chewed on my gum-a different one than before-for a bit before I asked him again, giving him more details. He still looked very confused and it was confusing me. It just happened 7 hours ago! Surely he can't forget that so soon; or maybe I imagined it all. No, it definitely happened.

I was frustrated with his behavior that went from charming to totally confusing. When the plane landed he hurriedly grabbed his hand-carry and after giving me a handshake-not a hug but a damn handshake-he left. But not before I caught a glimpse of his pinky finger which was adored with a bronze ring carved with "Lee♥M"; just like the one I am wearing on my ring finger.

I pulled Mehak's hair to wake her up and she cried, very loudly. Seriously, she is too overdramatic; I didn't tug on it that hard. That's what he said.

The whole walk from the plane to the airport's parking lot Mehak complained because I didn't wake her up to eat. I ran back inside and got her a muffin so she'd stop talking. She gave me a hug and asked me how the plane ride was.

When I got done telling her every single thing that happened she was ready to start jumping up and down like an idiot. Well, if she would have done that I am sure I would have joined in. "God Melissa what if that hot guy is our Liam?" she exclaimed in delight. Well, it'd be great if he is.

A gargantuan white board with the words "Melissa Anderson!" was awaiting our arrival when we got back to the parking lot. When we reached there the guy holding the board lowered it down and I got to see Curt. I couldn't believe how much he hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same. For an old man he is still pretty attractive; the crowd of women checking him out can definitely confirm that. He enveloped Mehak and me into a gigantic hug without waiting for us to tell me who we are. I laughed against his chest and said hi to him. After introducing him to Mehak and just as a formality asking him if she could stay with us, we stayed around and chatted.

5 minutes later we were still standing and chatting and I was getting impatient to go home, or his home. "Hey Mr. Henderson..." I started "Call me Curt" he interrupted. "Okay Curt why are we not leaving the airport? I am kind of sick of looking at all these people crying like they'll never see each other again." He laughed in response and told me we are waiting for Liam to get here. I was hoping to see him here, good thing he's coming, from what I think the guy in the airplane might be the same Liam as the one who is my supposed childhood friend.

Call Me Maybe started jamming on out of nowhere and Curt got a little red as he picked up his phone. What from I could gather from his one-sided conversation was that he wasn't happy with what the person on the other end was saying. Now, whoever knows me is aware of the fact that I absolutely love mystery, and my favorite part is solving them. Nothing can stay hidden from me; I am a crazy, psycho detective. I don't stop looking until I find things. So, to find out what has Curt in such a bad mood I started with a safe topic. "We are not waiting for Liam anymore?" I asked as he started shoving our luggage in the trunk of his Ford truck.

He sighed. Sighing is not good...I think. "He left already. I can't believe this, why would he do that he just got here but instead of going home with his father he decided to take the cab." Well, that answered all of my questions. See? I am a great detective.

"Maybe he had to see someone, like a girlfriend or something, you know?" he snorted out a laugh, but didn't say anything else. The rest of the ride was filled with Mehak asking him questions about how he met Alexis and what kind of a marriage they have. To me these questions seem a little bit too personal, but of course Mehak doesn't have a filter.

As we started pulling up into the parking lot of his beautiful ranch house, he beeped the horn once and out came a beautiful brunette. He hurriedly got out of the car and she hugged him like she hasn't seen him in months. Why am I surrounded by such happily married couples? First my parents who are still so much in love that I sometimes gag when I see them giving each other "the look". But most of the time I am envious I think and also very, very happy for them.

Alexis pulled apart for him and quickly engulfed me into a bone-crushing hug. She was soft, but boy is she strong. After attacking me she proceeded to attack Mehak who was just as enthusiastic with the hug. My best friend is the strangest human being on earth.

By the time we made it inside the house Mehak and Alexis were well acquainted. Alexis quickly showed us the guest bedroom we will be staying in and then she left. I threw my duffel bag wherever the toss of my hand took it and plopped down on the bed, face down. A minute later I was gasping for breath because Mehak was on top of me and refusing to move. I scratch her thigh which was against mine and she finally moved away.

"This room is so nice! Alexis and Curt are so cute and so nice. And where the hell is Liam by the way. He left before us, he should be home already." A knock on the door interrupted her rant and a husky voice said, "Dinner is ready, just come downstairs to the living room when you're ready." Mehak's eyes were like soccer balls when she realized it must be Liam, but she didn't rush to get to him like I thought she would.

After I was done taking a shower I put on my basketball shorts-a gift from daddy-and a loose cotton shirt over my sports bra. I am currently putting on mascara on my eyelashes and they are just not cooperating. Unlike most girls, my eyelashes are long, thanks to my dad's awesome genes, but the only problem is, I can never put on mascara without it being all clumpy and gross. So, of course the end result of my putting on mascara was clumped up eyelashes. I sighed and closed my right eye and started dabbing some more mascara on it. I let it stay for about thirty seconds so it'd be dry and won't get all over my eyelid.

Oh my god. I am an idiot! I stupidly forgot to open my eyes a little so it wouldn't get glued together and now it's glued shut! I glued my eyes together with mascara! I am never going to be able to see with my right eye again, I am so stupid. Navigating from my left eye I opened up drawers to see if there is any makeup remover there. Knowing my luck, there won't be. And after I completely checked all drawers, there wasn't. Panicking I ran out of the door to check other bathrooms.

Without checking to see if there's anyone inside I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks. In front of me would be a Greek God's definition of beauty. The tan muscled back and little ridges and grooves on it was probably the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Oh and the biceps, holy crap, that's what dreams are made of, which makes no sense but I can't think coherently right now. He was oblivious to my apodyopsis of him and I was grateful for that. I quickly and stealthily closed the door and then knocked on it. He said, "Come in" and I barged in. He did not look surprised to see me which was weird but now that I could see his face I was both shocked and relieved. As Mehak was guessing he is the same guy from the plane which is really unlikely to happen but it did.

"Um well I needed makeup removing lotion because as you can see my right eye is glued shut." He looked at my eye and started laughing. He reached into the drawer on his right and gave me the lotion all the while laughing his bum off. I bumped my hip with his to move him out of my way.

He was singing like a crack head the whole time I was taking off the mascara. He even got me to sing with him a few times. When I was done he put on a shirt-unfortunately-and led me to the dining room.

Alexis and Curt were arguing about something and Mehak was thoroughly enjoying it. "I was the reason why they got together!" Alexis exclaimed. When she noticed us she smiled and introduced us to each other. Or well she introduced Mehak to Liam since I have already met him. Mehak smiled when she shook his hand, but there wasn't even an ounce of interest in her eyes. I don't know why but Mehak only likes non-white guys. She has never liked a Caucasian guy nor she ever will I think. If she doesn't find Liam hot, she won't find any white guy hot.

"So what were you guys arguing about?" Liam asked, making Alexis look accusingly at her husband.

"Your mom thinks that she is the reason why Melissa's parents got together." She kept glaring at him as he explained to us that my dad fake-dated Alexis to make my mom jealous. After Alexis and dad dated for a month my mom finally told dad that she is in love with him. Well it seems to me that it was because of Alexis, but Curt seems to disagree.

Their argument was never-ending which led me to do the only thing I could think of: calling dad. His phone rang a few times on the loud-speaker of my phone before his voice replaced it. "Melissa! You never called after landing. Mariah was so worried about you. She worries about everything though, so, I suppose there's nothing to worry about."

Dad blabbered for a full five minutes before Alexis interrupted him. "That's real nice Mark, but tell them how it was because of me that you and Mariah got together." The line was dead for a moment before dad said, "I am sorry to say that Alexis, but no it wasn't because of you." Curt gave me a high-five as Alexis frowned. "She told me she loves me because of something else, but you did help somewhat, and I really appreciate it, seriously." Alexis smiled and we all took turns saying goodbye before hanging up.

"I am just glad they got together, he was absolutely crazy about her for about 6 years." Liam gasped and I smiled in agreement. Dad and mom were best friends who loved each other, but never had the nerve to tell each other that. Because of some unusual circumstances-I still don't know what they are-they got together and they are still very happily married.

"I am done talking about Mark and Mariah's romance. When is Myles getting here?" Curt asked.

"As soon as possible," I replied.'d you like it!? I wrote this in like an hour i swear ideas keep coming in i am really excited for this story! anyways this isn't proof read. I hope you guys liked it. Please vote and comment if you did your comments always make my day

© 2013 lifeless_soul. All Rights Reserved

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