
By KamiSusanoo

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[ ShikaTemmy ] When your heart has been abandoned since childhood, and you do what you must to survive throug... More

I. Awakening.
II. Steaming Coals under the Sun.
III. Interlude.
IV. Optimistic.
V. Suicide King
VI. Autumn Leaves
VII. Rickety Intellect
VIII. Shikaku Nara
IX. End of Yesterday
X. Mud
XII. Our Shadow
XIII. Elucidate Love
XIV. Definition of a Nara
Absolute Zero

XI. Denial

545 10 32
By KamiSusanoo

"So who will be the one to tell him?"

"I'll do it. It would be easier since they're closer to my family."

"Yeah. What about the body?"

"Keep it here. We can set up interment plans ourselves. We don't need this to go public."

It was hard on everyone. Ino had not made it through the morning and there was not much to do to help her due to her internal hemorrhage. Plus the lack of proper medical supplies Temari had at her disposal. She knew Ino would not make it unless they had sought proper medical attention for her. The She wrapped her body in a plastic sheet and sent it off to the morgue with Choji and Shikamaru. Choji called Sai with Shikamaru standing a fair distance away to give him space to explain things. By the end of their conversation, Choji had a stained look of commiseration and mumbled,

"He is on his way here."

"I see. I'll stay here with you two to help explain things."

"Thanks. He'll need all the support he can get."

When he had arrived, he frantically began to ask questions. Choji tried his best to answer them to the best of ability and Shikamaru stood off to the side a bit with his own internal conflicts. He leaned against the windowsill with his arms crossed and his head bowed. His eyes were shut as he tried his best to form his thoughts into something that actually made sense. Not once did he ever think of what to do if Choji or Ino died. However, when Sai turned his way and shouted something it snapped him out of his notion as he retorted,


"Tell me exactly what happened. Since Choji is dumber than a fucking sack of rocks."

Shikamaru shot Choji a look of vex and sighed. He slid his hands in his pockets and said,

"Calm down and let me explain."

"I'm listening."

"See, we weren't exactly there. You know how she had been missing the past week or so? Well we found where she was at. Did you never bother to file a report with the police since you basically work for them?"

"I have, but they just gave me odd looks when I tried to and did not except it. I was planning to just take matters into my own hands. Then this..."

"Like I said, we found her near the bank basically broken. Whoever did this to her is - sick."

Sai was visibly experiencing sharp pang and but was keeping it under control with deep breathing. Choji patted his shoulder, but he pulled away and stared into scope.

"She was pregnant with our child. So whoever did this committed double homicide. Shikamaru I need something of you."

He took a deep look into Shikamaru's pupil and with great sternness told him,

"Find who did this. However I want them to be alive. I will handle the rest."

Shikamaru nodded and stood up a bit to extended his hand. They met each other in a shake as Shika promised,

"I will, just give me time."

Sai nodded and asked them both,

"Please. You two can leave. I'll wait for them to finish cleaning the body. I will host a wake for her tomorrow. I'll call you both about the details later today. You and your families are invited."

They both nodded and left without word. Choji stopped him and said,

"We're going to have to tell him the truth."

"Yeah, he will eventually find out, but he has to have an idea by now. He'd be dumber than you if he didn't."

"Psh. We'll figure it out. I need some time to gather my thoughts. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah - "

The two set off in opposite directions as silent as the skies allowed them to be. Shikamaru felt deep in his heart he was responsible for this. How much he could have easily had kept her from going on her 'mission' and kept her home to be safe. She knew the risks but, he should have stopped her. When he arrived home, Temari was reorganizing their coffee table and when he entered, she held a brood look and asked,

"Is everything okay?"

"Is Shikadai here?"

"No, he's at school."

Shikamaru instantly went to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of Vodka he had purchased the day prior. He brought it to his lips and took a long gulp. He brought it into the living room with him, but Temari instantly took it from him. He tried to snatch it back, but she pulled her arm away and said,

"No, I told you about stress drinking. Don't do that to yourself. What happened?"

Great anguish filled his veins as he shot out without tone,

"It's my fault..."

"It's not - "

"It is! I have always been at least three steps ahead of the NKR. I know that it was they who did this. I allowed her to go out and become captured and - that done to her. I should have told her not to go especially after what my father told her at Shikadai's party - ."

He paused for a moment and his eyes widened as he came to a sudden realization and added,

"It all makes sense now. They knew she'd be there. Why am I so - "


She placed her hand on his shoulder and felt his body shake in rage under her palm. She looked of for a moment trying to figure out how to properly form her words ad could only come out with,

"None of us knew this would happen. Even if you knew this would happen, what makes you think telling her not to go would honestly stop her from going?"

"I would have stopped her."

"But you wouldn't. You and I both know how dedicated to taking down the corrupt government and a simple 'Don't go' would not have stopped her."

"Then I would have made a compromise. They listen to everything I tell them and - "

"But did you make a compromise? Stop making excuses and accept the fact that it was no ones fault. It is unfortunate that it went that far, but no one sees captivity coming, or else they wouldn't go out and participate in wars in the first place."

He stood back for a moment and crossed his arms. He sighed to himself and nodded,

"I suppose you are right."

"I know I am - "

"I just need time to myself for a bit. If you don't mind."

She nodded and went to him and placed her hands over his forearms and told him,

"We'll be okay Shika ~ I promise you it was not your fault, and here - I found this on her. I - have seen this during my time in the NKR but very rarely and never knew what it was exactly. Only creeps wore them. Maybe it could help you all find out who did it?"

She handed him the bloodstained pendant and he took an empty gaze at it. He had never seen it before, but told her,

"I will find out who did it. Is that all you know on it?"

"Like I said, I have seen it, but very rarely. When I did see it, it would be the types who wear huge trench coats and face paint. It was almost cult-like."

He took a compact grip on it and nodded,

"Thank you."

She took a step away with a heavy heart and nodded,

"Yeah. That's why I'm here."

In this brief moment, she had remembered everything Gaara had told her. Maybe it was best she tell Shikamaru about the impending problem. It already got Ino killed and what is Shikamaru was next... She took a deep breath and countered,

"I am going to go out for a bit. I need to pick up some food for dinner late. Would you like me to get you anything?"

"Eh, I think I'll be fine."

"Okay, Haruka will be with me and Shikamaru - "


"Be safe. I - you may also think you guys growing popularity may have been a reason she was targeted like that?"

He stood back for a moment and shrugged,

"It's always a possibility. Why do you ask?"

"I just think how well known you three are. It makes you all easy targets and I just want you to be safe."

Her words remained pure with every note and Shikamaru listened fully. He had never thought of himself as being particularly in danger, but anything can happen. Look what happened to Ino,

"I'll be fine Temari."

"I'm just saying because you never know - "

"I'll be fine. I promise. The only person I believe would kill me is you."

He joked before pulling her into a deep embrace and letting his fingers frolic through her hair. She giggled under his hold and replied,

"That is true. Just don't get yourself into trouble Shikamaru."

He let go of her and said,

"I'll be in the office room when you get back."

"Don't worry. I won't be gone long. When I come back, maybe we can take our minds off of this hmm?"

Her teeth sunk into her lower lip as she gave a trifle wink. Shikamaru laughed and started up the stair case and muttered,

"Or I can make you wait."

"And I will force myself onto you."

She shouted up the stairs toward him. He went into their office and shut the door behind him. He quickly signed onto their computer and looked at the symbol once more.

'Triangle in a circle... I'm not familiar with any cults who use this piece.'

He typed the description into the search engine and read over the upcoming results. He mentally winced at reading some practices cults did and picked up the telephone. He instinctively dialed nine numbers and waited for a response. Until, someone picked up on the other line and answered,




"What is this - Jashin? Temari told me there are members of this group in the NKR?"

His father remained silent for a few moments. He let out a sigh and asked,

"There is only one actually. He has made up his own cult within the NKR, he has a few followers but none take it as serious as he does. What makes you ask about it?"

"I know you know what happened to Ino."

Shikamaru's voice turned gelid and his entire attitude shifted. Shikamku quickly replied,

"I did - "

"So you indeed knew she would be there then."

"I just took a guess she would and luckily I was right."

"Lucky? Do you know what they did to her?"

"I do. I ordered it."

Shikamaru's heart turned to molten iron and his hand clamped tightly on the phone. His eyes had an intense vexation as he murmured,


His father held a devious chuckle and replied in a pulpy tone,

"It is simple. I guess you aren't as smart as I originally thought Shikamaru. Ino is a big face to your 'Resistance'. So we let her be an example of what will happen to any of your other followers if they oppose the NKR. I strictly gave orders for her to be left alive just long enough for you and that fat friend of yours to see her perish. I can only imagine what discourteous comment she let out as she drew out her last breath. Ah, priceless - "

At that moment, Shikamaru slammed the phone against the line. It was clear top Shikamaru what his father had become. This 'Man' he had once known as his father died many years ago. What was here now was an abomination to the Nara family. Something molded and influenced to be a puppet of the NKR. He looked at the necklace once more then slid it into his pocket. He still had dried blood on his hands and wrists and took a long shower. He had not heard Temari come home and when she stepped through the door. She had called his name, but received no response. She figured he had gone to sleep and left once again to go and pick up Shikadai from school with Haruka. The entire walk toward the schoolyard held a different atmosphere. The news already spread quickly of what happened to Ino and the city seemed much more quiet and less busy. She waited outside the school for Shikadai and as usual, he exited the school with a bored expression on his face. Temari smiled as he approached and asked,

"How was school dear?"

"Boring as always. When will school get challenging?"

Temari laughed as she placed her hand on his dome. Gently she began to rub i and said,

"With time. Just be patient."


He retorted with a raspberry hue over his cheeks. She had brought him home that day and when they arrived, Shikamaru had not left their room at all. Even after she called up for him to get dinner, he disregarded her message. Shikadai sat silently at the table with Haruka panting next to him. He gave his mother a concerned look and asked,

"Are you two okay?"

She turned to him as she finished putting her steamed vegetables on her plate and shook her head,

"It has nothing to do between him and I. You see something happened to Ino yesterday."

"She died."

Temari was taken back from his answer to her statement and asked,

"How did you know?"

She had made careful preparations in the morning to have cleaned up any trace of blood or smell of it in their home. She did not want her son to in fact know someone died in their home, let alone let him see her mutilated body,

"A few of our instructors mentioned it today."

"I thought they weren't allowed to talk about that in school?"

"They aren't, but they do it anyways. As long as none of their superiors find out, they'll do what they like."

"I see. What else did they tell you about it?"

"Her viewing is tomorrow."

Temari looked off for a moment and shuttered at the idea. She began to nibble at her veggies and rice awhile Shikadai watched her shift in attitude. He began to scarf down his meal and asked,

"Will you be going to it?"

"I don't think so. Your father may though. This entire ordeal has been hard on him."

"Do you think it's a good idea? Like having a public viewing for a criminal like this?"

She froze for a moment and whispered,

"No. I don't agree with this call at all. That is what I am afraid of."

Shikadai gave her a saddened frown. His eyes matched hers as he asked,

"You don't think dad will be safe? Do you not believe he can protect himself - "

"No. I am not saying that at all. It's just - anything can happen Shikadai. Your father is a strong man and I will never deny that. You know how I get Shikadai. You both hate when I worry, but you both know I can't help myself."

"It does get annoying mom. We will be okay."

She giggled as she stood up and took their plates to the sink. Shikadai stood next to her as she continued,

"I do it because I love you guys."

Shikadai smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. She pressed his cheek slightly against her rib cage and said,

"It's fine mom. We love you too."

She nodded with a smirk of delight and thought,

'I know.'

He let go of her and told her,

"I will be in my room if you need me. Tomorrow after school, I may go out with some friends to the park, is that fine?"

"Of course. If I don't see you again tonight, Goodnight Shikadai."

He began his dash up the stairs and shouted back,

"Goodnight Ma!"

She finished washing their dishes and finished up drying off the plates and counters. She filled Haruka's food and water bowls and disappeared up the stairs. She slowly crept into their room and found Shikamaru laying in the bed with the television Silent. He laid facing away from the odor and when she mounted the bed, she knelt next to him and asked,

"Shikamaru, what is wrong."

He groaned and shrugged her off. She sighed and climbed onto him and straddled his waist. She shook him again and said,

"I will not leave you alone until you tell me what is wrong. Shikamaru let me help you - "

"What was wrong with you yesterday? You told me to remind you when we got home, but I just remembered."

She paused and scratched her head. She looked away for a moment and said,

"Well Gaara just told me about how popular you guys have become."

"I am very aware of how many people know about us, what does that have to do - "

"I feel like you don't Shikamaru. If you did, then you'd realize this is potentially very dangerous. How much 'Fame' you three had gotten could have indeed been a reason for her demise."

"It was."

His voice remained cold and emotionless. Her eyebrows furrowed as she asked,

"What do you mean?"

"They - knew she would be there the entire time. Basically, everyone in the city knows who us three are and my - father. Wanted to make an example through her."

"Your father did this?"

"He ordered it. I assume some Jashin fellow did this to her. That's what he was hinting at."

She sighed and placed her hands on his cheeks. She indeed wanted to help mend his hurt, but knew she was powerless in this particular instance. She instead repeated her earlier question and asked,

"So, what is wrong? I want to just hear you out."

He was hesitant to answer, but knew she would not let it go and told her,

"Well, besides the fact Ino's death was my - it was an accident. I have realizes an ugly truth about my father. He is not the man I once claimed as my dad. He's changed."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, besides the fact he ordered Ino to be tortured? When I was younger he was a complete pacifist. However, once I talked to him this morning, I heard - something in his voice. He is no longer my father. He is he NKR's. I don't know what they did to him, but he has changed. It has just been hard for me to accept is all?"

His hate for his father grew with time. Temari was afraid for Shikamaru and that he would allow this entire thing to get to his head.

"What will you do now? I don't want you to make any rash - "

"I am prepared to do what I need to do."

Her eyes widened a bit as she was not sure if she read exactly what he was saying. She gripped onto his thin shirt and asked,

"You mean ?"

"If it comes down to it. I will do what should have stayed as reality - "


She placed her index finger over his lips to shush him. Indeed she understood his anger all too well, but it may be controlling him now.

"No one, and I mean no one can strike down their parents. I would give anything to get mine back. We will find an alternative alright? Just, calm down please."

His eyes fell away from hers. He did not want to continue the conversation and tried to stray from it,

"So we're having a Viewing for Ino tomorrow."

"I've heard. Is it all day?"

"It starts at noon and goes until around dinner time. I'll probably be there the entire time. If you'd like, you can come."

"Eh. I don't feel I should be there. Plus I have to work tomorrow."

He laughed as he saw through her excuse and shrugged,

"No worries. I don't want to do this anymore than you do. I just feel a duty to. I doubt a lot will come."

"Thanks Shikamaru. Now if I may take your mind off of what is stressing you - "

Her index and middle finger did a walking motion up his breast. He quickly shook his head and muttered,

"Not tonight Temari. I wouldn't be able to focus - "

"Then let me do all the work."

"No. Please."

The look in his eyes was true and held no signs of persuasion. She nodded and let her palms fall to his sternum and retorted.


"But - maybe tomorrow after all of this is behind us."

"Well I'll be here waiting for you, Baka."

She teased him before sliding off of the side of him. Shikamaru had not gotten much sleep that night and spent most of his time pacing in their living room. His hands never left his plaid pockets and his eyes not once opened to observe his surroundings. Only his thoughts occupied his time. Haruka would occasionally stray by him and observe him. He ignored her company and she would eventually fall asleep near him unless there was a sound that startled her back into consciousness.

When morning came about, Shikamaru greeted Shikadai at the door before he left. His young silhouette disappeared down the street through the drizzle of rain that occupied the airspace. Shikamaru sat on their porch, and observed the world around him. Haruka followed him out and sat under his legs and occasionally shook from a stray raindrop that would penetrate her coat. Temari had exited their home soon after and spotted the two on their porch swing. Her head bowed to the side a bit as she asked,

"You're up early. Everything okay?"

"Of course. Just - a long night."

She dropped her work bag next to her and sat on his lap with a look of concern in her teal eye and asked,

"Awe Shika ~ Are you sure there's nothing you need to talk about?"

"I'm fine Temari. Please."

She nodded with a tired sigh. She met his lips for a brief moment and mumbled,

"I love you, I'll see you after work today."

"I love you too Temari. Stay safe."

She picked up her bag and held her Umbrella above her head as she began down the street. Choji had called him close to noon and asked,

"Shika. You coming today?"

"Yeah - "

"Head down soon. We will be making early preparations for anyone who decides to come."

He hung up the phone and quickly began to put on semi-formal clothing. He went into his closet and put on a hooded sweatshirt and found his black lock box at the bottom of the closet. He opened it where his 44. caliber magnum laid with a box of ammunition.

'You never know what could happen.'

Once he arrived to the park, he stood mute with his Umbrella held high over his dome alongside Choji. Her casket laid under a large hammock where Sai and a few others he had hired to help finish her final appearance. The two men's eyes never left her stillborn casket and Choji broke the silence first saying,

"Hell of a day huh? Sucks it had to rain this day out of any other."

"Yeah, how many do you think will show up today?"

"Hard to say. I know her parents will be here. Of course us and Sai. Not sure who else."

"I guess we shall find out."

The two walked toward Sai who stood over her open casket. They had cleaned her up well. The bruising on her face had almost completely vanished over the sizable amount of makeup. Sai's soft spoken words held strong over the visible wounded aura he gave off as he told them,

"I know everything. About her, about you two. I don't hold any resentment against any of the three of you. You guys do - she died for what you three believe in. It's one of the risks of going against government. I - can't forgive what they have done to her. Despite the fact I have sworn loyalty to them, this. I was never aware they would go to these heights to deal with anything. You both and I know what leading a violent rebellion against the NKR will get you. You cannot deny it. Demise was inevitable for you three."

Shikamaru and Choji both placed their hands on his shoulder. Sai sighed and turned around to look at the two behind him,

"You two. Need to finish what you've started."

His eyes fanned out behind him to the group of people coming from parallel walkways into the open field,

"You three. Have done great things for these impoverished people. They look at you three as their light. Lead them to paradise. Please."

The two nodded to him and looked behind them and saw a moderate sized group of people forming in front of the hammock. Shikamaru and Choji sidestepped from the casket and allowed the strangers to view her body. Shikamaru stood a bit off and leaned toward Choji and asked,

"Who - are these people?"

"I'm not sure. Possibly followers? Paying their respects for her for everything we've done for them."

"Hm, that would make sense."

Indeed it would. Since Shikamaru had jumped aboard, he had managed to organize ways to grab heavy public favor. Ranging from setting up soup kitchens for the homeless to doing public speeches for those spiritually broken. It was three hours into the wake her casket had turned into a garden of flowers and candles. The rain had subsided and as the final people came, people stood back conversing in a loud roar. Shikamaru and Choji never left their place and occasionally shook the hand of an occasional passer. Shikamaru told Choji,

"Hey, we need to say something to them."

"No. I have no words right now. This is - "

Shikamaru stood in front of the hammock and toward the crowd. He began to call out,

"Hey - Listen - Everyone ! "

The noise of the people was too great and when he looked back to Choji, he could do nothing but shrug. Shikamaru sighed and reached onto the interior pocket of his sweatshirt and held his revolver in hand. He pointed it high to the firmament and let off a single shot that caused a cry from nesting birds. A stroke of silence overcame the crowd as Shikamaru continued,

"Hey! People, what the fuck is wrong with all of you? This is a wake. Not a social gathering. We are here to pay our last respects for one of the most influential people in this district and possible the entire country. She sacrificed herself for not only you and I, but the freedom of everyone around you. We are all brothers and sisters here. We have no reason to cry, become broken or even sweat this. She will be missed dearly. I do not deny that. She had a baby in her womb that will never see the beautiful face of this Planet but we will NOT fall short. We will continue our push against the NKR and drive them out of our land! We demand democracy, freedom!"

A few sirens could be heard coming toward the park as shouts of agreement and cheers came from the crowd. As cruisers arrived and officers came running toward the crowd, the people began to throw rocks and bricks at the men and women. However, Shikamaru raised his hand as he began to walk through the crowd and shouted,

"Stop! Do not use force at this moment. Let us be civil."

A path was created for him and Choji through the crowd as a voice spoke up and said,

"Ha! Well done. You sure do know how to calm your pets."

Shikamaru instantly recognized the voice and his clutch on the grip of the gun tightened tenfold. When the two met halfway through the crowd, he had two guards behind him. Shikamaru's eyes twitched at the sight of the man as he soft spoke,

"Why are you here? You and your 'soldiers' have done enough to this woman."

"We have no intent on crashin' this party of yours. We had reports of gunshots in the area and came to - "

"It was me. Do you want to arrest me father?"

"I have many reasons to."

The two had a momentary stare down and soon, a male stepped out from the crowd and said,

"If you want to arrest Shikamaru, you will have to go through me."

The guards behind Shikaku aimed their guns toward the man and soon, another bystander spoke up and said,

"Me too!"

"And me!"

The crowd began to shout toward the group of officials and the men behind his father were in a haze on who to shoot at. Shikamaru sighed and aimed his revolver to the sky one more time and shot once again. It drew silence once again and grabbed the attention of the guards. Shikaku remained motionless and gave off a subtle laugh. His eyes met Shikamaru's once again as a malicious look took his expression and his lips turned to a savage grin.

Shikadai sat immobile on their couch staring at the ceiling and fiddled with a piece of black chalk. Waiting for dinnertime to come so he could leave his home. When the doorbell rang, he sprung to his feet and ran toward the door. When he opened it, he stood back a bit confused,

"Hm, Hello?"

Three men stood in the doorway. Two behind him looked like generic NKR soldiers and the middle had strange black tattoos. His hair was a winter grey and he had a purple tint of corruption. He gave Shikadai a duress smile and said,

"Hello! Are either of your parents' home?"

"Maybe. Why?"

"Well your grandfather sent us to come and get you! How does that sound?"

"Why didn't he just come himself?"

Shikadai was not easily convinced this man was a fellow of truth and the man turned and whispered to one of the soldiers,

"Why don't we just take him?"

"Uhm. Sir, remember do this as clean as possible."

"Ah, right - right. What was it he said..? Ah - If you come with us, you'll be able to sleep the entire time you're there! After you speak to your grandfather!"

Shikadai already read three ways this could go. Two of the outcomes he did not like, but he had alternatives for them. He shrugged it off and said,

"Alright. Let me just grab my shoes."

He shut the door halfway to get to the closet behind the door. He began to look through the shoes and began to trace on the floor a few words. When he stood back up, he looked out the door again and said,

"Let's hurry this up. I have sleep to attend to."

Choji shook Sai's hand once more and said,

"Thank you again. Let us know when the funeral is."

"I will. You two have a goodnight."

As the pair left, Shikamaru had an itchy feeling trailing his spine. Choji spoke out,

"Hey, I guess I will see you in a few days?"

"Ye - Yeah."

"Hey, don't worry man. We will win this. For her."

He patted Shikamaru's back before leaving his side. As Shikamaru entered his home, Temari sat with a horrified look on her face as she sat on the couch. When he approached and looked toward her, he asked,

"What's wrong?"

She silently looked at him then pointed to the closet door. He looked toward it and quickly opened the door. It looked normal as he gave her a confused look and asked,

"What - "

"D - Down."

Her voice was weak and dried. His eyes trailed down the walls to read the words on the floor. His heart stopped at the sight and his breath halted. Temari now stood next to him and by the silence she gave, he knew what was going to come next. Temari Sabaku Nara is going to raise hell.


'This strange man with a lot of tattoos and a weird necklace wants to take me to grandpa. I will be back soon! He says we will be at his office for a bit.'

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