Single Father (Ziall Horlik)...

By BriannaLynnC98

291K 13.7K 5.7K

It wasn't something he was ever expecting in his life, but it happened. Zayn Malik was a young man that got t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

10.6K 497 265
By BriannaLynnC98

Niall's POV

The project on expanding the shelter lasted about a week of all of us working day and night with the contractors. The shelter had received a huge donation from Liam's church knowing that hundreds of families would need a place to stay. The actual hard work begin the day after me and Zayn's first date. As I worked, I relived the date over and over again because of how wonderful it was. It was the only thing that kept me from feeling my arm muscles ache and the cold winter air hitting me as I worked to build the add on sleeping area. Unfortunately, the week that I spent just thinking about Zayn was all I got.
I hadn't seen him or Laila in a full week and I was almost in physical pain from missing them. I had called Zayn every night when we all got our longest break for dinner. He told me how much he missed me and also that Laila was missing me too. Zayn said she was fussing and there was nothing she needed. That alone made me feel like a horrible person.

"Niall, can you go make sure everyone is in the new area comfortably?" Anne asked me. I nodded and left mopping the dinning room floor to go to the new sleeping quarters we literally just finished today at lunch. I has to stop in the hall to lean against the wall because my head spun for a minute before I continued on.

There were hundreds of people laying on the very cheep cots we had in there, but all of them looked beyond grateful to have that. I smiled and went through each row of beds telling everyone it was going to be lights out soon. The new building was nice because it had better lighting than the other one so we could have a little nightlight on the wall for the kids that were afraid of the dark. It was also exciting that we finished it now because Christmas is in three days.

"Niall!" One of the little kids yelled and came running to me. I picked him up the second he was at my feet and looked at him. I could tell he was freshly washed and had some new clothes on. That alone made me smile because I knew I helped that be possible for him.

"Are you ready to go to bed?" I asked him. He nodded and rest his head on my shoulder. He was about three years old, but I knew he was more mature for his age because of all he's been through in those short years. With kids like him, it's nice when they openly trust me to hold them or play with them because that's what being a child is. It's not about feeling hungry and begin worried if you'll have to sleep in the cold. I took him back to his mum who was trying to get together some nice work clothes for tomorrow.

"I have a job interview tomorrow. Jackson, get in your bed darling." His mum told me. I set Jackson in his bed and ruffled up his hair. I tickled him and covered him up with the blankets before giving him a kiss on the forehead. I sat on the cot next to him and soothingly ran my fingers up and down his back to get him to sleep then looked over at his mum who was watching me with a smile.

"Do you have any children of your own? Or younger siblings?" His mum asked me. I looked at her son and felt my heart break because as much as I wanted to say I have a cute two month old daughter named Laila, I couldn't. Zayn made it clear to me that I was only his boyfriend and not any type of parental figure when we were at the shop and he didn't want to me buy Laila clothes. No one understands how much I love her and how much I wished I could be her dad too. That's not how things work in the real world. You can't just say kids are yours just because you love them and would cut off your right arm if they needed it.

"No, I don't have kids. I just really love them all though." I told the woman. She smiled at me and sat on her cot to get me to look at her. Her deep brown eyes looked at me like there was so much she wanted to say but no words.

"Jackson really loves coming here to see you. When his father died, he always asked me where he was. He never trusted another male enough to just run over and let himself get picked up. Thank you for being there for my family. All of you here are amazing, but it's you that pushed me to getting the job interview I have tomorrow and that helped Jackson be happy again. You're an angel and will make a wonderful husband and father someday soon." She told me. I pulled her in for a hug because there was nothing I could say back to her. As much as I wanted to tell her thank you for those words, I knew I didn't deserve them. This was my job to be here and to work. It was a job I loved because I could help these families. This shelter is about telling people they are able to move on and pick up the pieces of their lives, it's not about having them all feel sorry for themselves because of this.

I left the woman and her now sleeping son and prayed I wouldn't see them here again. I prayed that because I hoped she would get that job and get a house for Jackson then find happiness for herself in whatever form it comes in. I prayed I'd never see them here, but for reasons that make this shelter strive.

"Hey, mate. Why don't you go home and Liam and I will take the night shift? You've been working extremely hard all week." Liam told me. I shook my head and walked past him to go into the kitchen to finish cleaning dishes. I covered a yawn and continued working. Anne walked in and begin placing the dishes in the huge dish washer after I rinsed them.

"Are you feeling okay, love?" Anne asked me. I nodded and held on the the sink as my head spun a little. I guess I hadn't been sleeping much this week and have been working allot more than I have been, but this place needed me. I've been feeling these dizzy spells since Wednesday, but figured it was just because I hadn't really eaten that much either. Eating takes up time that could be used helping build and sort through the new stuff we have been getting all week.

"Come take a seat." Anne told me as she pulled me away from the sink. I took a few steps before I felt extremely dizzy once again, but this time everything just went black.

I only faintly heard someone talking to me, but I was confused on where I was. I opened my eyes and saw I was on the black and white tiled floor of the kitchen. Everything seemed too bright so I closed my eyes again to go back into the sleep that seemed to be calling my name, but an image of a blue eyed little girl popped into my head and forced me to open my eyes.

"The paramedics are on their way, Niall. Just stay right there." Harry's voice came through my confusion and told me. I rolled over to my back and moved my arms that felt like they didn't even belong to myself. I watched Harry's step dad Robin run into the kitchen and place a soft pillow under my head then kneel down next to me.

"Zayn." I mumbled. He nodded and reached into my pocket to get my phone out. I closed my eyes again and listened to Robin speak on the phone with my boyfriend about what happened and what hospital to meet us at. I didn't feel like I needed to got to a hospital, but I didn't feel like I could even stand up on my own if I wanted to.

Soon the paramedics arrived and took my vitals before getting me on a gurney to take me to the ambulance. Anne stayed right next to me the whole time while Liam and Harry said they would meet us at the hospital. I was asked multiple questions about things that it took me a while to really remember the answer for. My own name was one of those questions.

Once I got to the hospital, I was checked into a room then had some blood drawn. I was then hooked up to an IV. I was hooked up to a ton of other machines as well, but didn't mind because it felt nice to just be off my feet. Now that I really think about it, I hadn't sat down since Tuesday. I was left alone by the doctors after an hour of all of them just trying to help me and making sure there was nothing seriously wrong with me.

"I'm tired." I told Anne. She told me softly to close my eyes until the doctor comes back in with the results of my blood work. The door opened just as I was about to fall asleep and I heard the doctor explaining to Anne that I was dehydrated and suffering from exhaustion. That honest wasn't anything new to any of us, but it still wasn't something any of these doctors took lightly.

"So we'll keep him here for thirty more minutes then he's free to go home, but we suggest that he's not going to go to work or do anything other than relax. Sometimes when people faint, it's a way of our bodies telling us that we need to take a break. Looking into his files, this is the third time it's happened. Anyway, we have a young man that's ready to rip our heads off if we don't let him back. He also has a baby with him.  Are you fine with two visitors?" The doctor asked me when I opened my eyes. I nodded and smiled at the fact I knew that was Zayn other there.

In less than five minutes, Zayn and Laila came into my hospital room. Anne gave him a hug and told me that she would give us some privacy. Zayn got Laila out of her carrier and pulled a chair closer to my bed. His brown eyes were looking at me like all he wanted to do was cry right now. I reached out to get Laila which Zayn gave her to me right away.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked me seeming to be at a loss for words. Our hands tangled together and I kissed the top of Laila's head.

"I just overworked myself. I missed you guys." I whispered. Zayn smiled then brought my hand up to his lips. He just looked at me like his mind had told him the worst case scenarios of what had happened to me and he was relieved to see I was actually fine.

"We've missed you too. Laila especially. The only way I could get her to stop crying last night was to get one of your shirts I you had left at my flat and put it on that bear you gave her. She knows how you smell I guess because she stopped crying." Zayn said sadly. He looked really worried and really stressed about seemingly everything.

The doctor came in and let me sign all my papers for me to go home. He looked at Laila, who opened her eyes then snuggled into my chest happily. She was still a tiny little thing, but she was getting stronger.

"She loves her daddy, doesn't she?" The doctor asked me. I blushed and looked at Zayn who seemed to become stuck for an answer. That was fine with me because I knew it would hurt more if he said I wasn't her dad than it would if he just didn't say anything.

"Make sure you get allot of rest when you get home. Just do things that will relax you and get some good sleep." The doctor told me before leaving. Zayn kissed my hand a few more times and watched closely as a nurse came to take out all the needles and get me off all those machines. He even mumbled a few times for the nurse not to hurt me. He's such a protective man I don't know how Laila will ever grow up.

I ended up going home with Zayn and Laila. It was close to midnight, so Zayn just took Laila to her crib then drug me into the bathroom. He started running a bath, adding some bubbles and lighting some candles. I giggled and sat on the closed toilet seat to watch him.

"You're going to wash off and relax and not work anymore until after the New Year. Laila and I will take care of you." He told me. I nodded but we both came to an awkward moment when we realized I needed to get naked. I blushed and looked down at myself, knowing how I look naked and knowing it's not a pretty sight. I have a chubby stomach, fuzzy chest that doesn't have defined pecks at all and my private parts have never been shaved or waxed or whatever in my life because I thought no one would see them ever. I also have weird girly hips I would get made fun of for in school and a bum that isn't a muscular guy one, but one that's squishy.

Zayn kneeled in front of me and kissed my lips softly. His eyes met mine, but I was still thinking of what he would think if he saw my naked body. He slowly reached forward and picked my shirt up, but I bat his hands way just when he could see my tummy.

"I'm not, uh... I'm not sure if you should see me. I'm kind of, well, fat and hairy." I whispered to him. My cheeks flushed because that was the most embarrassing thing that had ever come out of my mouth.

"I'll be the judge of that." Was all Zayn said. He slipped off my shirt and looked over my chest and stomach. He leaned forward and kissed just over my heart and shook his head.

"I'll think you're gorgeous. Let's continue." Zayn whispered to me. I stood up slowly and weakly. I closed my eyes while Zayn unbuttoned my jeans and slipped those off with my underwear. My arms were wrapped around his neck and I buried my face into his neck too.

"I still think you're beautiful. Why have you been hiding your body from me?" Zayn whispered. His hands gently rested on the curve of my hip. I opened my eyes and smiled because he wasn't commenting about anything.

He helped me into the nice bubble bath then slipped off his own shirt. I blushed and pulled my legs up to my chest to hide my face as he stripped down and got in with me. I finally looked up when he was pulling me so I was between his legs. My back was pressed against his chest and his arms were holding me tightly.

"Do you want to have Christmas with me and Louis' family? I know your family is coming in town and stuff, but I want you to share Laila's first Christmas with me." Zayn whispered to me after a few minutes of us both just relaxing. I turned to look at him and smiled so he knew that offer ment so much to me.

"We can just blend our families together. If Louis' family doesn't mind that, that is." I said. Zayn laughed and kissed my lips. He was going to pull back, but I felt beyond happy and just wanted to kiss him more. My hand held him in place and our lips moved together slowly. Zayn pulled me so I was as close to him as possible, but with that I also felt his own private parts. That made me move and stop kissing him. He understood that it was weird for me, but kind of forced that away when he pulled me back closer to him.

Both of us stayed in the bath until all the bubbles were gone and I was almost asleep in Zayn's arms. Kissed my temple to wake me up enough so I could sit up for him to moved out from behind me. He let the water drain and got his boxers on then picked me up out of the bathtub with a towel. He carried my exhausted body down the hall into his bedroom, but covered my nakedness right away once he walked into his bedroom where Laila's crib was.

I was laid on the bed and Zayn gave me some of his boxers to barrow. I slipped those on and a jumper of his his also let me barrow. Both of us curled together in bed, our sleepy eyes looking at each other with the deepest emotions I've ever seen.

"I'll take care of you. Just get some sleep and eat some good food in the morning and drink allot of water. I don't want to ever get another call saying you're in the hospital. Never ever again, babe." Zayn whispered to me. I nodded in answer to him and let my eyes close.

I fell into a weird sleep that I wasn't dreaming about anything, but I still felt like I was aware of the world around me. When Laila started crying to be fed, I woke up too and watched Zayn get out of bed to tend her. I sat up and slowly climbed out of the bed.

"Niall, what's wrong?" Zayn asked me in a worried tone. He came over to me as if to make sure I was truly awake.

"I'm getting some water. I'm okay." I whispered to him. I walked into the kitchen and filled myself a glass of water. After drinking it, I set it on the counter but a stack of opened envelopes caught my eye. Each and every single one of those said that a payment was over due or that there was a late fee now attached to it. But the one that made my heart sink was the one that was from the landlord saying Zayn needed to be out of this flat in two days.

A/N: well that happened! I'm going to do some homework now then maybe write another chapter!!!! What is something that makes you happy when you're sad?!?!?!? Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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