The Players Secret Little Sis...

By fireworksofdance

38.5K 823 122

Every school has one. The one guy in the school who can have any girl he wants. Half the population loves him... More

The Players Secret Little Sister
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4

chapter 5

3.9K 130 61
By fireworksofdance

Chapter 5 ~

            “I need to go,” I said without looking at Drake. “Jake will be expecting me.” Drake nodded while grabbing his car keys.

            We arrived in front of my house but I continued sitting in the car. “Are you okay?” Drake looked at me worriedly.

“Yeah. I’ll call you later.” I slowly got out of the car and walked to the door. I knew Drake was still waiting in the driving way for me to get safely into the house, yet I could make myself turn around and wave goodbye before I entered the house shutting the door behind me.

            I don’t know what I was expecting to find when I arrived home. Anger, worry, sadness, my brother, or maybe even my parent, all I know is it that when I arrived home I found none of that. What I did find was Lily, sweeping the kitchen floor.

“Hey,” I sighed as I collapsed onto one of the kitchen chairs.

“Well hello Miss I’m-never-going-to come-home-at-night-anymore,” she responded teasingly. So she didn’t know about all the rumors? She would be madder if she did right? I’m surprised my brother did tell her.

“What didn’t your brother tell me?” What how could she have possibly known what I was thinking?

“Did I-,” I started.

“Yup, you said that out loud. Now what didn’t your brother tell me and where have you been? Did you finally decide to move out?”

“Not exactly, but I’m sure Jake would prefer if I did.”

“Why would he ever want you to leave?” she asked shocked. “You two are so close I’ll be surprised if he ever lets you leave.”

            I sighed. Did I really want to tell this story all over again?

            Around an hour later, Lily stared at me with no words. I decided to just tell her the fast version. That somehow my secret had gotten out, all the boys are crazy, and a ton of rumors are spreading. And of course the very important detail, my brother believes ever one of them. Okay so maybe I left out the other very important detail which was Drake but I’d work that in later.

            Lily finally broke out of her state of shock when the door slammed closed. Jake walked into the kitchen and both Lily and I spared a quick glanced at each other.

“Why are you here?” Jake glared at me before quickly looking down at watch, “Well I do suppose that it is still a bit too early for you to be leaving to hit the street corners anyway.” Did he just call me a prostitute?! I was utterly shocked.

Luckily Lily immediately jumped to my defense, “You will not talk to your sister like that. Ever. Do you understand me!?”

“She is not my sister! And boy, am I glad about that!” I gasped as he continued to glare at me. I felt tear start to well up in my eyes. Lily stared at him shocked.

“I can’t believe you said that to her. I don’t care whether you are angry at her or not. She is your sister and always will be; so start treating her like it. You are supposed to protect your little sister at times like this, not make everything worse. Now fix this. I’m going home to phone your parents.” Lily stormed out of the house leaving Jake and I alone.

            Slowly Jake turned to me, “Once Mom and Dad find out how much of a slut who’ve become I’m sure they won’t include you as part of the family either.” With that I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom slamming the door behind me. As soon as the door was closed I slid down the wall sobbing. After sitting there for a few minutes I started to crawl towards my closet. I know how weird that sounds but when I was little there weren’t as many hiding spots in my room as there were in my closet. As I got older I realized how by sitting behind the clothes in my closet I was easily muffled. So from then on whenever I was excruciatingly depressed and needed to cry for a while, I’d go to my closet. After about 5 minutes I heard a soft knocking on my bedroom door. “Madison?” Pause. “Mads it’s me. Can I come in?” Pause. Sigh. “Madison, I’m sorry.” After that I figured he would leave but instead my ears were greeted with the sound of the door softly opening and then clicking shut again. Following that was a quietly muttered, “Shit,” along with some beeping which I supposed was coming from his phone. As I was correct, about a minute later I heard him start speaking.

“Hey I need your help,” Pause.

“I may have completely gone off on Madison and now she’s sobbing.” Jake was quiet for a moment listening to the persons response.

“…In the closet.” I could hear the hesitance in his voice. Suddenly I knew why. I could practically hear Nikki’s voice screaming at Jake and I was a good 10 feet away. “I know I know,” Jake insisted. “But what should I do?!” At this point he sounded desperate. “Fine, okay thanks Nikki,” he said before hanging up the phone.

            I heard his footsteps enter my closet. The plus side to have a large closet was that he didn’t know where in it I was in it. The downer was that I couldn’t move at all without giving my spot away. “Madison,” he sighed. “I know you’re in here.” I could feel him moving, pushing around the clothes. “Please Mads, what I have to tell you is important.” After a couple of minutes he finally separated the clothes that revealed me. “Come on Mads.” He took my hand and carefully led me out of the closet to my bedroom.

            He sat on the end of my bed with a sigh. “I’m sorry I’ve been so mean to you. I was just angry at other people and took it out on you.”

I looked at him confused. “What happened?”

“You know how I said you weren’t my sister?” He looked down as he said this almost as if he was ashamed.


“Well for one I didn’t mean it. And you should have known that. You’ve been my sister since the day you were born, even before the accident.”


“But that’s not the point. The point is that some other kids have started to realize that we aren’t actually related too. I-I don’t know I guess because of the whole last name thing. Anyway, there have been some other rumors too, ones much worse, that I worked hard to quickly end.” He quickly continued seeing the confusion in my eyes. “People were commenting on how close we were, and how we weren’t actually related and based on my history with girls….” My eyes went wide when I saw where he was going with this.

“Oh. My. God. No. People don’t actually.” I stopped myself there not being able to continue.

“Yes.” He paused, “Some people actually believed that we were having sex.”

No. No. No no no no no no no! This couldn’t be happening! Seeing the panicked look on my face Jake quickly comforted me.

“Don’t worry. I fixed it. That’s why I was such a douche.” I looked at him confused. “Well I just start at the beginning. The first day the secret came out was kind of hilarious for the guys and me. How everyone was making such a big deal out of nothing… it was just pathetic. Sure there were a few rumors here and there but that was to be expected. We figured it would all blow over fast like ‘oh they’re related cool now let’s move on’. But sadly that didn’t happen. And suddenly there were these other rumors, ones about me and you together. I completely freaked. One, it was just disgusting. And two, I could risk ruining either of our reputations. I mean come on who wants to be with a guy who was fucking his little sister?!” At this I rolled my eyes. Only he would think of that. “Sorry,” he muttered. “So anyway, I pretty much had to ignore all the other she slept with me rumors to end this one. By the time I had finally ended it, it seemed like most of the others had as well except the few football player ones. Those ones people had deem realistic so they became true. By the time I tried to stop them it was too late.”

“It’s okay,” I said touching Jake’s arm which he immediately pulled away.

“No it’s not! I had to go around all day acting completely normal while all these boys were talking about the ‘things they’d wished they could do to you’. I was so closed to beating all of their asses but I couldn’t risk getting in trouble because of football.” I nodded. “So I was so happy to come home and see you and see how you were doing and actually not have to be fake happy anymore but to my surprise you weren’t even there, Mom and Dad were. So I had to keep on smiling for another couple hours. Oh and I had turned off my phone beforehand so I wouldn’t have to see all the posts about you. When Mom and Dad finally left I was so happy that I called you to see if you wanted to hang out or do whatever as long it would make you happy after that day but you said you were with a friend. I really didn’t mind that though I figured they could comfort you better than I could so I decided to go to a party.” I looked at him confused.

“I thought-.”

 “I lied to you the next day,” he interpreted me. “I actually did end up going; I just left after 30 minutes because all the talk was about you. Later, when you didn’t come home, I had a lot of time to think. I thought about everything. How I’ve been such a bad role model. How you were always gone at night when I was… um… busy. And then I started to think about who could be comforting you at that moment, what if it was a boy? I immediately called Nikki and Sara but neither of them had seen OR heard from you. I was freaking out by the time you got home Madison. You can be so naïve. Any guy could have told you he was there for you and you would have believed him, gone with him. He could have done something to you. After our fight that morning I got so drunk. I don’t even remember that party. I was planning on apologizing to you but you kept avoiding me. And then the picture of that girl claiming to be you came out. I knew right away that it wasn’t you. You are waaaayy to short.” He said ruffling my hair while I glared at him. He laughed as he continued, “But then the whole she gave Herps to Hepps thing came out and I was madder at him than you when I sent that message. And on top of that I found out you had a boyfriend you didn’t tell me about as well, which led me to the second text.”

I blushed, “Yeah sorry about that.”

“It’s okay. I should be the one apologizing to you; well I am the one apologizing. But anyway I should also be thanking him. He was there for you the entire time I wasn’t, wasn’t he?” I nodded. “Well then I like him… as long as his clothes stay on his body from now on,” he said winking. I mumbled something incoherent while blushing crimson and Jake just nodded smirking. “Surreee. Anyway again I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. And I love you!”

“I love you too Jake,” I said laughing.

“Now go to sleep.” I nodded and he gave me a big bear hug. “And preferably in your own bed for a change.” With that Jake left my room, but not before making me blush a bright red again. I was then left alone to think about Drake. Ahh Drake, I really liked Drake. Holy shit I still really need to talk to Drake! How could I have forgotten… again!


awww poor jake was just trying to help his sister. sorry i know that this whole chapter was practically one conversation but i didnt like them always arguing so i made them make up! I am the master now! anyway check out this new story i just read called sing to me by sparks_fly1998 i think its amazing. :)  okay so any way hope you liked it byee!

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